Re: [deal.II] fixing one component of solution to the same value

2017-04-20 Thread RAJAT ARORA
Hello Daniel,

Thank you so much for pointing this out. I have been stuck here for a long 
time and could not figure out. 

I understood that the sparsity pattern class was some how failing to know 
that space needs to be allocated for coupling with *the_dof even though it 
was not locally relevant dof.*
But again, I was under the impression that since the constraintMatrix 
object is passed to it, it should now which dofs are coupled and which are 

I tried to understand whether they work on the same index set by looking at 
the source code of ConstraintMatrix::add_entries_local_to_global to 
generate sparsity pattern.

Here is a suggestion, that I think might be helpful in debugging such 

When constraint matrix object was initialized only with locally relevant 
dofs and had no knowledge of *the_dof, *an assert was triggered which 
helped me understand the error.
By looking at the source code where the assert was triggered, I was able to 
add *the_dof* to the locally relevant IndexSet  to initialize constraint 

I think  it would be much more clear if such an Assert / Assert Throw is 
 placed somewhere in the Sparsity pattern class. This way one can make sure 
that error is not coming while assembling (doing cell->get_dof_indices()) 
or from any other source. More over, if such an issue arises, the error 
will be reported right away while generating sparsity pattern.

For example: Such an assert is triggered if two constraints are merged when 
they are initialized with different index sets.
So, should the index sets of two objects -- constraints and sparsity 
pattern -- not be compared when making a sparsity pattern?

I again would like to thank you for pointing out the error. I really 
appreciate your help.

On Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 9:16:57 AM UTC-4, Daniel Arndt wrote:
> Rajat,
> It seems that I confused lines and did not express in the code what I 
> wrote above:
> You have to add that additional index also when initializing the sparsity 
> pattern, i.e.
>   std::cout << " constraints printed " <   DynamicSparsityPattern dsp (locally_relevant_dofs);
> should become
>   std::cout << " constraints printed " <   locally_relevant_dofs.add_index(the_dof);
>   DynamicSparsityPattern dsp (locally_relevant_dofs);
> Best,
> Daniel

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Re: [deal.II] fixing one component of solution to the same value

2017-04-20 Thread Daniel Arndt

It seems that I confused lines and did not express in the code what I wrote 
You have to add that additional index also when initializing the sparsity 
pattern, i.e.
  std::cout << " constraints printed " 

Re: [deal.II] fixing one component of solution to the same value

2017-04-20 Thread RAJAT ARORA
Hello Daniel,

Thanks for the reply. 

I am actually doing what you suggested. Please look at the updated code 
that I had posted earlier and works with deal.ii 8.5. 
These lines are already there in the code. Surprisingly, such an error is 
still showing up. I am not sure what is still causing this weird behavior 

 IndexSet locally_relevant_dofs2 = locally_relevant_dofs; 

I am attaching the code again for your perusal.

On Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 5:37:46 AM UTC-4, Daniel Arndt wrote:
> Rajat,
> What is happening here is that you try to create constraints that include 
> DoFs that are not element of the IndexSet you provided to the 
> DynamicSparsityPattern object.
> Therefore, all the entries for your "fixed" DoF are ignored if it is not 
> already part of the locally relevant DoFs.
> Have a look at the discussion in "The LaplaceProblem class; 
> LaplaceProblem::setup_system" in step-40 [1].
> You can solve your issue by changing
>   IndexSet locally_relevant_dofs2 = locally_relevant_dofs;  
>   constraint_temp.reinit(locally_relevant_dofs2);
> to
>   IndexSet locally_relevant_dofs2 = locally_relevant_dofs;
>   locally_relevant_dofs2.add_index(the_dof);
>   constraint_temp.reinit(locally_relevant_dofs2);
> Best,
> Daniel
> [1]

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#ifndef COMMON_H
#define COMMON_H



#define USE_PETSC_LA

namespace LA
using namespace dealii::LinearAlgebraPETSc;
using namespace dealii::LinearAlgebraTrilinos;






#include "common.h"
using namespace dealii;

class BugFinder
	parallel::distributed::Triangulation triangulation;
	FESystem fe; // 3 dofs per node
	DoFHandler dof_handler;
	IndexSet locally_relevant_dofs;
	IndexSet locally_owned_dofs;
	LA::MPI::Vector system_rhs;
	LA::MPI::SparseMatrix system_matrix;
	ConstraintMatrix constraints;
	std::vector b_c_codes;
	~BugFinder() {
	void apply_constraints();
	void assemble_system();
	void output_data();

void BugFinder::assemble_system()
	unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe.dofs_per_cell;
	typename DoFHandler::active_cell_iterator
	cell = dof_handler.begin_active(),
	endc = dof_handler.end();

	FullMatrix   cell_matrix (dofs_per_cell, dofs_per_cell);

	Vector cell_rhs(dofs_per_cell);

	std::vector local_dof_indices(dofs_per_cell);

	system_matrix = 0;
	system_rhs = 0;

	for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
		if (cell->is_locally_owned())
			for (int i = 0; i < dofs_per_cell; ++i)
cell_rhs[i] = std::rand();
for (int j = 0; j < dofs_per_cell; ++j)
	cell_matrix[i][j] = std::rand();
			cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
			constraints.distribute_local_to_global (cell_matrix,

	system_matrix.compress (VectorOperation::add);

void BugFinder::output_data()
	std::cout << "output_data ... " ;

	std::string name = "grid";
	DataOut data_out;
	data_out.attach_dof_handler (dof_handler);

	Vector subdomain (triangulation.n_active_cells());

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < subdomain.size(); ++i)
		subdomain(i) = triangulation.locally_owned_subdomain();
		//std::cout<<"subdomain("< filenames;
		for (unsigned int i = 0;
		i < Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			filenames.push_back (name +
			 "." +
			 Utilities::int_to_string (i) +

		std::ofstream master_output ((filename + ".pvtu").c_str());
		data_out.write_pvtu_record (master_output, filenames);

	std::cout << " ends" << std::endl;

void BugFinder::apply_constraints() // fix all the z components on the +z face to 

Re: [deal.II] fixing one component of solution to the same value

2017-04-20 Thread Daniel Arndt

What is happening here is that you try to create constraints that include 
DoFs that are not element of the IndexSet you provided to the 
DynamicSparsityPattern object.
Therefore, all the entries for your "fixed" DoF are ignored if it is not 
already part of the locally relevant DoFs.
Have a look at the discussion in "The LaplaceProblem class; 
LaplaceProblem::setup_system" in step-40 [1].

You can solve your issue by changing
  IndexSet locally_relevant_dofs2 = locally_relevant_dofs;  
  IndexSet locally_relevant_dofs2 = locally_relevant_dofs;



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Re: [deal.II] fixing one component of solution to the same value

2017-04-17 Thread RAJAT ARORA

Hello Professor,

I am now using deal.ii 8.5 and I am attaching the updated code. 

The error message still remains the same.

On Monday, April 17, 2017 at 4:43:35 PM UTC-4, RAJAT ARORA wrote:
> Hello Professor,
> I have created a test case to show this wierd behaviour (bug ? ). Running 
> with 3 or more processors give this error.
> I have used some techniques that I actually learned from you and the other 
> group members to come with a small working example and demonstrate this 
> error.
> I created a mesh which is of 64 elements with 4 elements in each X, Y, and 
> Z direction.
> Then, I just apply the constraints that every dof on the +z face is 
> constrained to a unique dof on the +z face. No other constraints are 
> applied.
> I just try to assemble the system using a random cell_matrix and cell_rhs. 
> The code gives the error below. 
> *Dofs number correspond to running code with 4 processors.*
> I think this is a bug because, for this mesh, dof number 225 is coupled to 
> a dof on +z face which in turn is constrained to the unique_dof (374). 
> This means that there is actually a coupling between dofs 225 and 374. 
> But the sparsity pattern object does not allocate space for this new 
> coupling (374, 225).
> I am attaching the small working example showing this behavior. Kindly let 
> me know if there is something wrong 
> that I am doing.
> [2]PETSC ERROR: Argument out of range
> [2]PETSC ERROR: Inserting a new nonzero at global row/column (374, 225) 
> into matrix
> [2]PETSC ERROR: See 
> for trouble shooting.
> [2]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.6.4, Apr, 12, 2016 
> [2]PETSC ERROR: ./fdm on a arch-linux2-c-debug named rajat by rajat Mon 
> Apr 17 16:26:23 2017
> [2]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --with-shared-libraries=1 --with-x=0 
> --with-mpi=1 --download-hypre=1 --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ 
> --with-fc=gfortran --download-fblaslapack --download-f2cblaslapack 
> --download-mpich --download-mumps --download-scalapack --download-parmetis 
> --download-metis
> [2]PETSC ERROR: #1 MatSetValues_MPIAIJ() line 613 in 
> /home/rajat/Documents/Code-Libraries/petsc/petsc-3.6.4/src/mat/impls/aij/mpi/mpiaij.c
> [2]PETSC ERROR: #2 MatAssemblyEnd_MPIAIJ() line 731 in 
> /home/rajat/Documents/Code-Libraries/petsc/petsc-3.6.4/src/mat/impls/aij/mpi/mpiaij.c
> [2]PETSC ERROR: #3 MatAssemblyEnd() line 5110 in 
> /home/rajat/Documents/Code-Libraries/petsc/petsc-3.6.4/src/mat/interface/matrix.c
> terminate called after throwing an instance of 
> 'dealii::PETScWrappers::MatrixBase::ExcPETScError'
>   what():  
> An error occurred in line <263> of file 
> in function
> void 
> dealii::PETScWrappers::MatrixBase::compress(dealii::VectorOperation::values)
> The violated condition was: 
> ierr == 0
> The name and call sequence of the exception was:
> ExcPETScError(ierr)
> Additional Information: 
> An error with error number 63 occurred while calling a PETSc function
> On Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 7:09:17 PM UTC-4, Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
>> On 04/12/2017 05:03 PM, RAJAT ARORA wrote: 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > I am not sure why such an error is occurring. This shows that sparsity 
>> pattern 
>> > was generated that such a position (2249, 6) will not be filled, so no 
>> space 
>> > was allocated while declaring the 
>> > Petsc sparse matrix. However, constraints.distribute() function is 
>> trying to 
>> > put data in that position. 
>> > 
>> > Moreover, the dof 6 and the dof 2249 donot belong to the same element. 
>> And the 
>> > dof 6 is for the x component and dof 2249 is for z component. 
>> > 
>> > Can you please guide me as to what is wrong and how should I proceed? 
>> Is this something that happens already with one processor? Either way, 
>> you 
>> will need to debug why constraints.distribute() tries to write into this 
>> entry. For this, you ought to look at what DoF indices you have on the 
>> cell 
>> where this happens, whether one of those has index 6, what constraints 
>> exist 
>> on DoF 6, etc. 
>> Also relevant is: do you have *additional* constraints? Hanging nodes? 
>> Did you 
>> take all of those constraints into account when you built the sparsity 
>> pattern? When you build the local matrix, are all DoF indices you use 
>> only 
>> from the current cell? Etc. 
>> Best 
>>   W. 
>> -- 
>> Wolfgang Bangerth  email: 
>> www: 

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For mailing list/forum options, see
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"deal.II Us

Re: [deal.II] fixing one component of solution to the same value

2017-04-17 Thread RAJAT ARORA

Hello Professor,

I have created a test case to show this wierd behaviour (bug ? ). Running 
with 3 or more processors give this error.

I have used some techniques that I actually learned from you and the other 
group members to come with a small working example and demonstrate this 

I created a mesh which is of 64 elements with 4 elements in each X, Y, and 
Z direction.

Then, I just apply the constraints that every dof on the +z face is 
constrained to a unique dof on the +z face. No other constraints are 

I just try to assemble the system using a random cell_matrix and cell_rhs. 

The code gives the error below. 

*Dofs number correspond to running code with 4 processors.*

I think this is a bug because, for this mesh, dof number 225 is coupled to 
a dof on +z face which in turn is constrained to the unique_dof (374). This 
means that there is actually a coupling between dofs 225 and 374. But the 
sparsity pattern object does not allocate space for this new coupling (374, 

I am attaching the small working example showing this behavior. Kindly let 
me know if there is something wrong 
that I am doing.

[2]PETSC ERROR: Argument out of range
[2]PETSC ERROR: Inserting a new nonzero at global row/column (374, 225) 
into matrix
[2]PETSC ERROR: See for 
trouble shooting.
[2]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.6.4, Apr, 12, 2016 
[2]PETSC ERROR: ./fdm on a arch-linux2-c-debug named rajat by rajat Mon Apr 
17 16:26:23 2017
[2]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --with-shared-libraries=1 --with-x=0 
--with-mpi=1 --download-hypre=1 --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ 
--with-fc=gfortran --download-fblaslapack --download-f2cblaslapack 
--download-mpich --download-mumps --download-scalapack --download-parmetis 
[2]PETSC ERROR: #1 MatSetValues_MPIAIJ() line 613 in 
[2]PETSC ERROR: #2 MatAssemblyEnd_MPIAIJ() line 731 in 
[2]PETSC ERROR: #3 MatAssemblyEnd() line 5110 in 
terminate called after throwing an instance of 

An error occurred in line <263> of file 

in function
The violated condition was: 
ierr == 0
The name and call sequence of the exception was:
Additional Information: 
An error with error number 63 occurred while calling a PETSc function

On Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 7:09:17 PM UTC-4, Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
> On 04/12/2017 05:03 PM, RAJAT ARORA wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > I am not sure why such an error is occurring. This shows that sparsity 
> pattern 
> > was generated that such a position (2249, 6) will not be filled, so no 
> space 
> > was allocated while declaring the 
> > Petsc sparse matrix. However, constraints.distribute() function is 
> trying to 
> > put data in that position. 
> > 
> > Moreover, the dof 6 and the dof 2249 donot belong to the same element. 
> And the 
> > dof 6 is for the x component and dof 2249 is for z component. 
> > 
> > Can you please guide me as to what is wrong and how should I proceed? 
> Is this something that happens already with one processor? Either way, you 
> will need to debug why constraints.distribute() tries to write into this 
> entry. For this, you ought to look at what DoF indices you have on the 
> cell 
> where this happens, whether one of those has index 6, what constraints 
> exist 
> on DoF 6, etc. 
> Also relevant is: do you have *additional* constraints? Hanging nodes? Did 
> you 
> take all of those constraints into account when you built the sparsity 
> pattern? When you build the local matrix, are all DoF indices you use only 
> from the current cell? Etc. 
> Best 
>   W. 
> -- 
> Wolfgang Bangerth  email: 
> www: 

The deal.II project is located at
For mailing list/forum options, see
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#ifndef COMMON_H
#define COMMON_H



#define USE_PETSC_LA

namespace LA
using namespace dealii::LinearAlgeb

Re: [deal.II] fixing one component of solution to the same value

2017-04-12 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth

On 04/12/2017 05:03 PM, RAJAT ARORA wrote:

I am not sure why such an error is occurring. This shows that sparsity pattern
was generated that such a position (2249, 6) will not be filled, so no space
was allocated while declaring the
Petsc sparse matrix. However, constraints.distribute() function is trying to
put data in that position.

Moreover, the dof 6 and the dof 2249 donot belong to the same element. And the
dof 6 is for the x component and dof 2249 is for z component.

Can you please guide me as to what is wrong and how should I proceed?

Is this something that happens already with one processor? Either way, you 
will need to debug why constraints.distribute() tries to write into this 
entry. For this, you ought to look at what DoF indices you have on the cell 
where this happens, whether one of those has index 6, what constraints exist 
on DoF 6, etc.

Also relevant is: do you have *additional* constraints? Hanging nodes? Did you 
take all of those constraints into account when you built the sparsity 
pattern? When you build the local matrix, are all DoF indices you use only 
from the current cell? Etc.



Wolfgang Bangerth  email:

The deal.II project is located at
For mailing list/forum options, see
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Re: [deal.II] fixing one component of solution to the same value

2017-04-12 Thread RAJAT ARORA
Hello Professor,

I did what you suggested above. However, I am facing a problem.

Just to repeat, I want to constraint all dofs on the z surface to  a single 
dof (named as *the_dof = 2249*)
 I apply the constraints the following way.

ComponentMask cm(dim, false);
cm.set(2, true); // z component
IndexSet selected_dofs;

std::set< types::boundary_id > boundary_ids;

DoFTools::extract_boundary_dofs (dof_handler, cm, selected_dofs, 

std::vector index_vector;
selected_dofs.fill_index_vector(index_vector); // I am using deal 

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < index_vector.size(); ++i)
if (index_vector[i] == the_dof) // dont constrain to itself

constraints.add_entry(index_vector[i], the_dof, 1.0);


DynamicSparsityPattern dsp (locally_relevant_dofs);

DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern (dof_handler, dsp, constraints, false);

SparsityTools::distribute_sparsity_pattern (dsp,

system_matrix.reinit (locally_owned_dofs,

// Then go to assemble system.

[3]PETSC ERROR: - Error Message 
[3]PETSC ERROR: Argument out of range
[3]PETSC ERROR: Inserting a new nonzero at global row/column (2249, 6) into 
[3]PETSC ERROR: See for 
trouble shooting.
[3]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.6.4, Apr, 12, 2016 
[3]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --with-shared-libraries=1 --with-x=0 
--with-mpi=1 --download-hypre=1 --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ 
--with-fc=gfortran --download-fblaslapack --download-f2cblaslapack 
--download-mpich --download-mumps --download-scalapack --download-parmetis 
[3]PETSC ERROR: #1 MatSetValues_MPIAIJ() line 613 in 
[3]PETSC ERROR: #2 MatAssemblyEnd_MPIAIJ() line 731 in 
[3]PETSC ERROR: #3 MatAssemblyEnd() line 5110 in 

I am not sure why such an error is occurring. This shows that sparsity 
pattern was generated that such a position (2249, 6) will not be filled, so 
no space was allocated while declaring the 
Petsc sparse matrix. However, constraints.distribute() function is trying 
to put data in that position.

Moreover, the dof 6 and the dof 2249 donot belong to the same element. And 
the dof 6 is for the x component and dof 2249 is for z component.

Can you please guide me as to what is wrong and how should I proceed?


On Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 2:20:58 PM UTC-4, RAJAT ARORA wrote:
> Thanks Professor.
> On Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 3:35:42 PM UTC-4, Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
>> > I am using deal.ii to solve a 3D solid mechanics problem which uses 
>> > p::d::triangulation. 
>> > 
>> > I am solving equilibrium equations to solve for the displacement in the 
>> domain. 
>> > The domain of the problem is a cylinder with the z-axis aligned along 
>> the axis 
>> > of the cylinder. 
>> > 
>> > To avoid the warping, I want constraints such that 
>> > displacement in the z direction is same for all nodes on the +z 
>> surface. 
>> Choose one degree of freedom for the vertical displacement on one 
>> processor 
>> (say, it is u_42), and then on all other processors you want to go 
>> through all 
>> vertical displacements at the boundary in question and set 
>>u_i = u_42 
>> This is a straightforward constraint to add to the ConstraintMatrix 
>> class. 
>> Take a look at step-11 to see how constraints are added. 
>> Best 
>>   W. 
>> -- 
>> Wolfgang Bangerth  email: 
>> www: 

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Re: [deal.II] fixing one component of solution to the same value

2017-03-23 Thread RAJAT ARORA
Thanks Professor.

On Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 3:35:42 PM UTC-4, Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
> > I am using deal.ii to solve a 3D solid mechanics problem which uses 
> > p::d::triangulation. 
> > 
> > I am solving equilibrium equations to solve for the displacement in the 
> domain. 
> > The domain of the problem is a cylinder with the z-axis aligned along 
> the axis 
> > of the cylinder. 
> > 
> > To avoid the warping, I want constraints such that 
> > displacement in the z direction is same for all nodes on the +z surface. 
> Choose one degree of freedom for the vertical displacement on one 
> processor 
> (say, it is u_42), and then on all other processors you want to go through 
> all 
> vertical displacements at the boundary in question and set 
>u_i = u_42 
> This is a straightforward constraint to add to the ConstraintMatrix class. 
> Take a look at step-11 to see how constraints are added. 
> Best 
>   W. 
> -- 
> Wolfgang Bangerth  email: 
> www: 

The deal.II project is located at
For mailing list/forum options, see
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Re: [deal.II] fixing one component of solution to the same value

2017-03-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth

I am using deal.ii to solve a 3D solid mechanics problem which uses

I am solving equilibrium equations to solve for the displacement in the domain.
The domain of the problem is a cylinder with the z-axis aligned along the axis
of the cylinder.

To avoid the warping, I want constraints such that
displacement in the z direction is same for all nodes on the +z surface.

Choose one degree of freedom for the vertical displacement on one processor 
(say, it is u_42), and then on all other processors you want to go through all 
vertical displacements at the boundary in question and set

  u_i = u_42
This is a straightforward constraint to add to the ConstraintMatrix class. 
Take a look at step-11 to see how constraints are added.



Wolfgang Bangerth  email:

The deal.II project is located at
For mailing list/forum options, see
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[deal.II] fixing one component of solution to the same value

2017-03-14 Thread RAJAT ARORA
Hello all,

I am using deal.ii to solve a 3D solid mechanics problem which uses 

I am solving equilibrium equations to solve for the displacement in the 
The domain of the problem is a cylinder with the z-axis aligned along the 
axis of the cylinder. 

To avoid the warping, I want constraints such that
displacement in the z direction is same for all nodes on the +z surface.

How can I apply such a constraint?


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