[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----TEXAS, FLA., OHIO, COLO., CALIF., USA

2015-08-12 Thread Rick Halperin

Aug. 12


please see (and sign): 

Dallas DA Susan Hawk

Dallas DA, Susan Hawk , reopen the Darlie Routier case.

Dear Madam District Attorney, we the signees , kindly request that you open the 
Darlie Routier case. She has been on DR since 1997 for something she did not 
do. She did not kill her sons; Damon and Devon and there is plenty evidence to 
back that up. Some of it is dealt with , but still there is a lot to be done. 
At the time of the investigation chaos ruled. Items in the home were touched 
and moved improperly so that many of the pictures did give the wrong ideas, 
evidence was mishandled. If you look at the time frame in which it is suggested 
the crime was staged, and compare with the 911 call, you will see it does not 
add up. There was no time for staging. Pictures of Darlie proves she could not 
have done it herself. There are many things and DNA tests that still need to be 
done. Madam, please look into the case. It has been too long and it is high 
time the whole truth came out. It is time for the real killer to face justice. 
Darlie and her family deserve that much, so does the entire state of Texas.

Thank you for your attention!

(source: EW/RH)


Man accused of killing son, 7 others: 'I'm only human'

In a jailhouse interview, the man being held without bond for allegedly 
murdering a family of eight inside their north Harris County, Texas, home, 
repeatedly said, I'm only human.

Advised not to talk about the night his ex-girlfriend, her husband and 6 
children - including his own son - were tied up and killed, David Conley did 
admit to being in the home.

Conley, 48, is charged with capital murder in the case.

13 years ago, Conley could have been in prison for life after being charged 
with felony retaliation against Valerie Jackson - his on-again, off-again 
girlfriend who he is now accused of killing.

Because of 2 previous felony convictions, Conley could have received 25 years 
to life if convicted on that third felony. However, Devon Anderson, the current 
Harris County district attorney who oversaw the court handling of the case as a 
prosecutor, signed off on a five-year plea deal for Conley.

Her office said Jackson forced the prosecution's hand in how it handled the 

Basically what happened to that case is what happens with so many domestic 
violence cases: The victim recanted her story, said Jeff McShan with the 
Harris County District Attorney's Office.

McShan said not only did Jackson say on several occasions that the incident 
never happened, she blamed it on an ex-boyfriend. But because of Conley's long, 
violent history, including domestic violence against Jackson, McShan said 
prosecutors pursued the case for months.

We went all the way up to the trial date hoping she would tell the truth about 
what happened, show up for court, but we couldn't even locate her, McShan 

Complicating things even further were Jackson's open warrants from Wisconsin 
for theft and bail jumping, along with previous convictions, including 3 for 
prostitution in 2001 and 1 for trespass in 1995.

Conley served 5 years.

During his jailhouse interview, Conley said he had been living with Jackson for 
some time, and that her husband was out of the picture. But he said, the 2 
started having problems, so he moved out. That's when Jackson's husband moved 
back in.

Conley said he was in shock when he found out.

Conley said his son Nathaniel had become a problem child. He described his 
13-year-old son as disrespectful, saying Jackson wouldn't all him to discipline 
the boy.

He admitted he was at a breaking point, and admitted he was in the home the 
night of the murders.

When asked whether he had a gun, Conley said he wasn't allowed to own any.

Asked whether his son was in a better place, without admitting anything, Conley 
altered a scripture from the Bible.

Thou shall honor your mother and father or your days are short, he said.

At the end of Conley's interview, he broke down crying. He said he prays all 
the time and is sad so many people are dead.

Anderson's office has another chance to put Conley away for good, but this time 
they could ask for the death penalty.

On Monday, Anderson said it could be three or four months before that decision 
is made.

Conley's next court appearance is Sept. 15.

(source: KHOU TV news)


Man accused in 2013 Metro PCS slaying is scheduled to go on trial in May 2016

A trial date has been set for the man accused of the 2013 execution-like 
killing of 20-year-old phone store manager Shelby Farah, but the trial will not 
take place for almost a year.

Circuit Judge Tatiana Salvador scheduled May 2, 2016, for James Xavier Rhodes, 
who is facing a potential death sentence. 

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide

2015-08-12 Thread Rick Halperin

Aug. 12


RAJIV GANDHI ASSASSINATION CASESC reserves verdict on states' power to 
remit jail terms

A 5-bench Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court on Wednesday reserved its 
verdict on state government's power to remit sentences - a question that arose 
after the Central Government challenged Tamil Nadu's act of remitting sentences 
of 7 people convicted in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv 
Gandhi to set them free.

The question of the state's power to remit sentences, one of crucial questions 
pertaining authority of the state while dealing with sentences, will lay to 
rest constitutional questions that have long gone unanswered.

The bench, which is composed of Chief Justice HL Dattu, Justices FMI Kalifulla, 
Pinaki Chandra Ghosh, Abhay Manohar Sapre and UU Lalit, has been listening to 
arguments over the case for the past 11 days.

In February 2014, the Supreme Court had stayed the state government's decision 
to release three convicts for their role in Gandhi's assassination on May 21, 
1991, in Sriperumbudur - Murugan, Santhan and Arivu - whose death sentences 
were commuted to life terms. All 3 are currently lodged in the Central Prison, 

It had also stayed the release of the other convicts - Nalini, Robert Pious, 
Jayakumar and Ravichandran, all of whom are undergoing life terms for their 
part in the assassination - citing procedural lapses on part of the state 

Of the 7 convicts, V Sriharan alias Murugan, Santhan, Robert Pious and Jaya 
Kumar were Sri Lankan nationals while Ravichandran, Arivu, and the female 
convict, Nalini, are Indians.

The Central Government, then under the UPA regime, had opposed Tamil Nadu 
government's decision on the ground that the state government was not 
authorised to take such decisions.

An issue of such a nature has been raised for the 1st time in this Court, 
which has wide ramification in determining the scope of application of power of 
remission by the executives, both the Centre and the State. Accordingly, we 
refer this matter to the Constitution Bench to decide the issue pertaining to 
whether once power of remission under Article 72(by the President) or 161 (by 
Governor) or by this Court exercising Constitutional power under Article 32 is 
exercised, is there any scope for further consideration for remission by the 
executive, the apex court had said while referring the matter to the 
Constitution bench.

For one thing, the Bench will also decide whether life imprisonment would mean 
jail for life or if a convict has a right to claim remission and whether there 
should be a special category of sentences for cases in which death penalty 
could be substituted with life imprisonment or imprisonment for a term for more 
than 14 years and could be beyond the power of remission.

For another, it will also settle the question of who, between the central and 
the state government, has authority over remission - a power enlisted in 
concurrent list of Seventh Schedule of the Constitution.

It had said the Constitution bench would decide whether the sentence of a 
prisoner, whose death penalty has been commuted to life, could be remitted by 
the government.

The bench would also decide whether life imprisonment meant jail term for rest 
of the life or a convict has a right to claim remission, it had said.

Last month, the Supreme Court had dismissed a curative petition file by the 
Central Government against commutation of death penalty into life imprisonment 
of 3 convicts in the case, granting a fresh lease of life to them.

(source: tribuneindia.com)


Schapelle Corby made it harder to save Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran

Schapelle Corby's attitude towards Indonesia had made it very difficult for 
Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran to win support at the highest levels of the 
Indonesian government in their bid to avoid the firing squad.

Former Indonesian constitutional court chief justice Jimly Asshiddiqie, who was 
a key player in the anti-death penalty lobby in Jakarta in the lead-up to the 
executions on April 29, said the push for Chan and Sukumaran to die had come 
from Indonesian President Joko Widodo personally.

In an unprecedented insight into the inner workings of the Indonesian 
government, Professor Jimly also confirmed to Fairfax Media that Indonesian 
Vice-President Jusuf Kalla had been part of a small group pushing back, 
ultimately unsuccessfully, against the executions.

But he said several issues, including the Corby family's reaction to her 
clemency, granted in 2012, and her release on parole in 2014, were among the 
key negatives in the campaign.

[Former president] SBY [Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono] once gave clemency to Corby, 
and ... she still spoke very badly about Indonesia. She never showed her 
thanks, or expressed any thanks to Indonesia, Professor Jimly said. This 
created a very bad impression among the Indonesian public.


[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----TEXAS

2015-08-12 Thread Rick Halperin

Aug. 12


Texas executes man who struck and killed police lieutenant with SUV during 2009 

Texas inmate Daniel Lee Lopez, 27, got his wish Wednesday when he was executed 
for striking and killing a police lieutenant with an SUV during a chase more 
than 6 years ago.

The lethal injection was carried out after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected 
appeals from his attorneys, who disregarded Lopez's desire to die and disagreed 
with lower court rulings that found Lopez was competent to make that decision.

I hope this execution helps my family and also the victim's family, said 
Lopez, who spoke quietly and quickly. This was never meant to be, sure beyond 
my power. I can only walk the path before me and make the best of it. I'm sorry 
for putting you all through this. I am sorry. I love you. I am ready. May we 
all go to heaven.

As the drugs took effect, he took 2 deep breaths, then 2 shallower breaths. 
Then all movement stopped.

The roar of revving motorcycles on the street outside the Huntsville prison, 
from a group of bikers supporting police, could be heard as Lopez spoke, along 
with rumbles of intermittent thunder.

He was pronounced dead at 6:31 p.m. CDT - 15 minutes after the lethal dose 

Lopez's obvious and severe mental illness was responsible for him wanting to 
use the legal system for suicide, illustrating his well-documented history of 
irrational behavior and suicidal tendencies, attorney David Dow, who 
represented Lopez, had told the high court. Dow also argued the March 2009 
crime was not a capital murder because Lopez didn't intend to kill Corpus 
Christi Lt. Stuart Alexander.

The officer's widow, Vicky Alexander, and four friends who were witnesses with 
her prayed in the chamber before a physician pronounced Lopez dead. At the same 
time, some people selected by Lopez as witnesses sang Amazing Grace from an 
adjacent room.

This has nothing to do with revenge, Vicky Alexander said afterward, and 
after hugging more than a dozen police officers who stood at attention as she 
departed the prison. This has to do with the law. And when you break the law, 
there's punishment for what you do. He broke the ultimate law, and he had to 
pay the ultimate price, as my husband did.

She said as a nurse of 25 years, it was totally against my grain to see 
something like this.

But it's justice for my husband. It is the law. It's part of the system he 
believed in and worked for, and society has to have rules to maintain peace.

Stuart Alexander, 47, was standing in a grassy area on the side of a highway 
where he had put spike strips when he was struck by the SUV Lopez was fleeing 

Lopez, who also wrote letters to a federal judge and pleaded for his execution 
to move forward, said last week from death row that a Supreme Court reprieve 
would be disappointing.

I've accepted my fate, he said. I'm just ready to move on.

Nueces County District Attorney Mark Skurka said Lopez showed no regard for 
human life when he fought with an officer during a traffic stop, then sped 
away, evading pursuing officers and striking Alexander, who had been on the 
police force for 20 years. Even when he finally was cornered by police cars, 
Lopez tried ramming his SUV to escape and didn't stop until he was shot.

He had no moral scruples, no nothing. It was always about Daniel Lopez, and 
it's still about Daniel Lopez, Skurka said Tuesday. He's a bad, bad guy.

Lopez was properly examined by a psychologist, testified at a federal court 
hearing about his desire to drop appeals and was found to have no mental 
defects, state attorneys said in opposing delays to the punishment.

Deputies found a dozen packets of cocaine and a small scale in a false 
compartment in the console of the SUV.

Records showed Lopez was on probation at the time after pleading guilty to 
indecency with a child in Galveston County and was a registered sex offender. 
He had other arrests for assault.

Testimony at his trial showed he had at least 5 children by 3 women, and a 6th 
was born while he was jailed for Alexander's death. Court records show Lopez 
had sex with girls as young as 14 and had a history of assaults and other 
trouble while in school, where he was a 10th-grade dropout.

Lopez becomes the 10 condemned inmate to be put ot death this year in Texas and 
the 528th overall since Texas resumed capital punishment on December 7, 1982.

Lopez becomes the 19th condemned inmate to be put to death this year in the USA 
and the 1413th overall since the nation resumed executions on January 17, 1977.

(sources: Associated press  Rick Halperin)


Executions under Greg Abbott, Jan. 21, 2015-present10 Executions in Texas: 
Dec. 7, 1982present-528

Abbott#scheduled execution date-nameTx. #

11-August 26Bernardo Tercero--529

12-September 29-Perry 

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide

2015-08-12 Thread Rick Halperin

Aug. 12


France Should Bring Back Death Penalty for Terrorism - French Lawmaker

France has to reinstate death penalty for terrorism in order to protect itself 
from the Islamic State (ISIL) militant group, Member of the European Parliament 
Jean-Luc Schaffhauser told Sputnik on Wednesday.

France has seen several major terrorist attacks by Islamists, since the 
beginning of the year, including the deadly January shootings in Paris and a 
failed attack on a gas factory near the city of Lyon in June.

France has to protect itself from ISIL and has to take some tough decisions 
like deprivation of the citizenship of the French jihadists, eviction of their 
families, allow no return to France to jihadists, and if they do, we have to 
bring them to justice and restore death penalty for terrorism, the lawmaker 

Capital punishment was abolished in France in 1981.

The IS is an extremist militant group that has occupied large areas of Iraq and 
Syria. The militants are known for numerous human rights atrocities, as well as 
for recruiting foreign fighters mainly through the social networks.

According to various estimates, 20,000 to 30,000 foreign fighters have joined 
ISIL ranks. The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation has 
reported that some 1,200 are French nationals, the largest number among EU 

The deepening migration crisis in France originates from the country's colonial 
past, Jean-Luc Schaffhauser said.

For France, it [immigration] is the old problem because we haven't well 
managed the end of colonialism and the development of post-colonial countries 
that were ... more advanced when we administrated them, Schaffhauser said.

Migrants from the African countries are of particular concern for France, the 
lawmaker added.

As long as we won't create a real and solid development program in Africa, 
this [immigration crisis] will continue, he stressed.

The EU member countries have been confronted with a large-scale migrant crisis 
recently with tens of thousands of refugees risking a journey through the 
Mediterranean to flee violence in North Africa and the Middle East.

The situation in the northern French port of Calais has been in the spotlight 
in recent weeks with crowds of undocumented migrants attempting to enter the 
United Kingdom through the Channel Tunnel.

(source: sputniknews.com)

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[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide

2015-08-12 Thread Rick Halperin

Aug. 12


A Prisoner Hanged in the Prison of Isfahan

Hossein Bozorgnejad, prisoner who was sentenced to death on charges of drug 
trafficking, was hanged in Isfahan prison.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), 
the death sentence against Hossein Bozorgnejad, 27, native of Shiraz, was 
executed in Isfahan prison on Sunday 9th August.

According to a friend of him, Hossein Bozorgnejad had been transferred to 
solitary confinement in the prison of Isfahan since Thursday 6th August, and 
also he had his last visit with his family.

2 Death Row Political Prisoners Transferred to Solitary Confinements

Sirvan Nazhavi and Ali Ahmad Soleiman, two Kurdish political prisoners, who has 
been sentenced to death, were transferred to solitary confinements in Tabriz 

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), 
Ali Ahmad Soleiman was transferred to the solitary confinement since 4 days ago 
and Sirvan Nazhavi other political prisoner was transferred to the solitary 
confinement in Tabriz prison, on Saturday 8th August.

Hossein Nazhavi, Sirvan's brother in an interview with HRANA's reporter 
confirmed his brother's transfer to solitary confinement and added: Sirvan had 
no contact with us, but yesterday at 3 pm which was his last call and his 
friends reported that he has been transferred to solitary confinement, some of 
them said about the possibility of implementing his sentence.

He said Sirvan Nazhavi's case had a stop order of execution and judicial 
authorities have not had any contact with them, and also they have not been 
called for the last visit.

Sirvan Nazhavi was arrested in the city of Karaj on 5th July 2011, and was 
sentenced to death on charged of Waging war on God through membership in 
PJAK. This verdict was issued by Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court in 
Mahabad, presided by Judge Javadikia, on 11th April 2012. This political 
prisoner was sentenced to death while he had no appointed lawyer, and his death 
sentence was finalized and confirmed by Branch 31 of the Supreme Court and 
communicated to his lawyer.

Ali Ahmad Soleiman is also a citizen of Iraq who has been alleged with 
connection with PJAK and murder of 2 members of the Iranian Revolutionary 
Guards, and was sentenced to imprisonment and Retaliation.

(source for both: Human Rights Activists News Agency)

NORTH KOREAexecution

North Korea executes vice premier for discontent with leader: Yonhap

North Korea's vice premier was executed by firing squad this year after showing 
discontent with the policies of the country's leader Kim Jong Un, a South 
Korean media report said on Wednesday.

Yonhap News Agency cited an unnamed source as saying that the 63-year-old Choe 
Yong Gon, a former delegate for North-South cooperation, was executed, marking 
another death of a senior official in a series of high-level purges since Kim 
Jong Un took charge in late 2011.

The Yonhap report said Choe had expressed disagreement with Kim's forestry 
policies in May and had shown poor work performance. It provided no further 

South Korea's Unification Ministry, which handles the country's ties with North 
Korea, said in a text message received by Reuters that Choe had not been 
spotted in public for about eight months, and that it was closely monitoring 
the situation.

South Korea's National Intelligence Service declined to comment on the report 
to Reuters.

The South Korean spy agency told lawmakers in May that North Korea had executed 
its defense chief by putting him in front of an anti-aircraft gun at a firing 

Choe was appointed vice-premier last year, North Korea's state-run KCNA news 
agency reported previously.

Yonhap said the source also said the reclusive state had publicly executed a 
senior Workers' Party official in September.

Choe had worked on inter-Korean affairs in 2000s, leading the North's 
delegation in joint economic cooperation committees with South Korea between 
2003 and 2005.

He attended the 2004 opening ceremony of the Kaesong Industrial Complex, a 
factory park jointly run with Seoul that is the last remaining joint project of 
the 2 countries.

(source: Reuters)


Death sentences spark pro-Gaddafi protests

The death penalty verdicts passed on Saif al-Islam Gaddafi and eight regime-era 
officials by the Tripoli Appeals Court at the end of July have sparked a 
backlash of protests across Libya, showing that the green flag of Muammar 
Gaddafi's 42-year rule is more than just a historic artefact.

The largest demonstration was held in the southern town of Sabha on 7 August, 
where residents reported many hundred protesters taking to the streets in 1 
district. The protest, described as peaceful by local resident Mohamed, was 
dispersed after security personnel opened fire, he said, killing at least 4 
people and injuring many more.

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide

2015-08-12 Thread Rick Halperin

Aug. 12


Court sentences drug dealer to death

The Makassar District Court sentenced on Monday a drug dealer, Amiruddin alias 
Aco, 37, to death for possessing 921 grams of crystal methamphetamine and 4,208 
ecstasy pills.

Presiding judge Ibrahim Palino said the court found no mitigating factors in 
the case of the defendant, who had earlier been sentenced to 20 years by the 
East Kalimantan District Court for another drug case.

The defendant was proved guilty of drug abuse, selling and distributing drugs. 
So, the defendant was sentenced to death, Ibrahim said. Before getting 
arrested in Makassar, he said, the defendant was apprehended 3 times and 
sentenced by the East Kalimantan District Court, but Aco escaped from the 
Balikpapan penitentiary.

The presiding judge also revealed that the East Kalimantan office of the Law 
and Human Rights Ministry had earlier recommended the court give a heavy 
sentence against the defendant.

After the court session, the defendant's lawyer Muhammad Yunus said he would 
discuss further legal steps with his client.

Personally, I would suggest he appeal, but I have not discussed the verdict 
with my client, Yunus said.

The verdict was the same as the sentence demanded by the prosecutors on July 

The aggravating factor is the defendant was sentenced 4 times in drug cases 
and, in the last verdict, he escaped, prosecutor Zulkarnaen A Lopa said as he 
read the sentence demand, adding that the demand for a death sentence was a 
first for the Makassar Prosecutor's Office.

Police arrested Amiruddin on Jan. 17, this year in a hotel in Makassar. The 
police found the meth and pills after searching his rented house and a 
relative's house in the city. Police earlier apprehended Michael Wibisono, 32, 
who was carrying 7 grams of crystal meth, in a raid on Jl. Botolempangan. The 
arrest of Wibisono lead to Aco.

The verdict against Aco adds to the list of people convicted to death for drug 
cases. The Medan District Court sentenced Amrih Prayoga to death in June this 
year for possessing 25 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 30,000 ecstasy 

In January, Indonesia executed 6 inmates convicted of drug trafficking charges, 
namely Ang Kin Soei (who was Dutch), Daniel Enemuo (Nigerian), Marco Archer 
Cardoso Moreira (Brazilian), Namaona Denis (Nigerian), Rani Andriani alias 
Melisia Aprilia (Indonesian) and Tran Thi Bich Hanh (Vietnamese).

New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) has criticized the application of the 
death penalty for inmates convicted of drug trafficking charges, saying that it 
was intolerable as international human rights law has limited the use of the 
death penalty to only the most serious crimes, typically crimes resulting in 
death or grievous bodily harm.

(source: Jakarta Post)


SR10 million raised to secure pardon for man on death row

An amount of SR10 million in donations has been raised to try and convince the 
family of a murder victim to pardon the death sentence handed down to the 
murderer in 2011, Makkah daily reported.

The money was raised by Islah Charitable Committee, which aims to encourage 
sagacity and forgiveness in society.

We focus on murder cases and people sentenced to the death sentence for 
violating personal rights, said committee member Badr Al-Harby.

Thanks to the donations of 2 prominent figures in the Saudi sports industry, 
the committee was able to gather a total of SR10 million which will be used to 
pay blood money if the family agrees to forgive the murderer and save him from 

The 2 philanthropists each donated SR5 million to the cause, according to 

We need the adult relatives of the victim to give their statement of 
forgiveness, he said.

The committee has contacted them and they have been very welcoming. Their lack 
of resistance to the idea is a good and hopeful sign for us.

The judge in the case said in order to drop all charges completely the victim's 
underage daughter is required to sign a statement of forgiveness, which will 
happen only after she becomes an adult.

But Al-Harby said the current donations would buy the committee time.

In another case, Islah Charitable Committee continuing contacts with the family 
of an Arab dentist in Makkah who was killed by one of his patients in 2011.

A man in his 50s was convicted of premeditated murder and he was sentenced to 

In Islamic law applied in the Kingdom, anyone convicted of culpable homicide 
will face the death penalty unless the victim's heirs choose to accept blood 
money and forgo retribution. As for a person convicted of manslaughter, only 
blood money is paid.

(source: Saudi Gazette)


Egypt to try Brotherhood chief for 2013 Cairo clashes

Egypt on Tuesday referred Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie to trial for 
staging a protest at a Cairo square where several police and hundreds of 
Islamist protesters were killed in 

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----TEXAS, CONN., N.C., GA., LA., OHIO, OKLA., NEB., COLO., CALIF.

2015-08-12 Thread Rick Halperin

Aug. 12

TEXASstay of impending execution//impending (volunteer) execution

Texas Inmate Set to Die for Killing His Mother Gets Reprieve

A 54-year-old East Texas man set to die this week for his mother's slaying more 
than 11 years ago has won a reprieve from Texas' highest criminal court.

Tracy Beatty had been scheduled for lethal injection Thursday evening for the 
death of 62-year-old Carolyn Click in November 2003. Beatty recently had been 

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, in a brief order Tuesday, stopped the 
execution pending further orders from the court. It gave no timetable.

Click's body was found buried near her trailer home outside Tyler in Smith 
County. By then, Beatty already was in jail on auto theft and weapons charges.

His attorneys argued Beatty had deficient legal help at his 2004 trial and 
during early appeals and that prosecutors used improper testimony at his trial.


Texas inmate who dropped appeals headed to execution

Texas inmate Daniel Lee Lopez has been trying to speed up his execution since 
being sent to death row 5 years ago for striking and killing a police 
lieutenant with an SUV during a chase.

On Wednesday, he's hoping to get his wish.

The 27-year-old prisoner is set to die in Huntsville after getting court 
approval to drop his appeals. A second inmate scheduled to be executed this 
week in Texas, the nation's most active death penalty state, won a court 
reprieve Tuesday.

Lopez is facing lethal injection for the 2009 death of Corpus Christi Lt. 
Stuart Alexander. The 47-year-old officer was standing in a grassy area on the 
side of a highway where he had put spike strips when he was struck by the sport 
utility vehicle Lopez was fleeing in.

Last week from death row Lopez said: It's a waste of time just sitting here. I 
just feel I need to get over with it.

Attorneys representing Lopez refused to accept his intentions, questioning 
federal court findings that Lopez was mentally competent to volunteer for 
execution. They appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court to halt the punishment, 
arguing his crime was not a capital murder because he didn't intend to kill the 
officer, and that Lopez had mental disabilities and was using the state to 
carry out long-standing desires to commit suicide.

It is clear Lopez has been allowed to use the legal system in another attempt 
to take his own life, attorney David Dow told the high court.

Lopez, who also wrote letters to a federal judge and pleaded for his execution 
to move forward, said a Supreme Court reprieve would be disappointing.

It's crazy they keep appealing, appealing, he said last week of his lawyers' 
efforts. I've explained it to them many times. I guess they want to get paid 
for appealing.

Lopez was properly examined by a psychologist, testified at a federal court 
hearing about his desire to drop appeals and was found to have no mental 
defects, state attorneys said in opposing delays in the punishment.

Alexander had been a police officer for 20 years. His death came during a chase 
that began just past midnight on March 11, 2009, after Lopez was pulled over by 
another officer for running a stop sign in a Corpus Christi neighborhood. 
Authorities say Lopez was driving around 60 mph.

Lopez struggled with the officer who made the stop and then fled. He rammed 
several patrol cars, drove at a high speed with his lights off and hit 
Alexander like a bullet and a target, said an officer who testified at 
Lopez's 2010 trial.

When finally cornered by patrol cars, Lopez used his SUV as a battering ram 
trying to escape and wasn't brought under control until he was shot, officers 

It's a horrible dream, Lopez said from death row. I've replayed it in my 
mind many times.

Deputies found a dozen packets of cocaine and a small scale in a false 
compartment in the console of the SUV.

Records show Lopez was on probation at the time after pleading guilty to 
indecency with a child in Galveston County and was a registered sex offender. 
He had other arrests for assault.

Lopez would be the 10th inmate executed this year in Texas. Nationally, 18 
prisoners have been put to death this year, with Texas accounting for 50 % of 

On Tuesday, another death row prisoner, Tracy Beatty, 54, received a reprieve 
from the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. He had been scheduled for lethal 
injection Thursday. He's on death row for the 2003 slaying of his 62-year-old 
mother, Carolyn Click, near Tyler in East Texas.

At least 7 other Texas inmates have execution dates in the coming months.

(source for both: Associated Press)


Executions under Greg Abbott, Jan. 21, 2015-present9

Executions in Texas: Dec. 7, 1982present-527

Abbott#scheduled execution date-nameTx. #

10-August 12Daniel Lopez--528

11-August 26Bernardo