[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide

2015-11-21 Thread Rick Halperin

Nov. 21

BELARUSnew death sentence

Belarusian Man Sentenced To Death On Murder Charges

Belarusian court has sentenced a man to death for 2 fatal robberies, the 2nd 
death sentence this year to be handed down in the only country in Europe that 
still uses it.

Judges in the court in the western city of Hrodno found Ivan Kulish guilty on 
November 20 of killing 3 saleswomen during 2 robberies in 2013 and 2014.

Kulish, 28, refused to testify during the trial and didn't make any remarks 
after the verdict.

In March, a court in the southeastern city of Homel sentenced a man to death 
for the murder of a young woman.

According to rights groups, more than 400 people have been sentenced to death 
in the ex-Soviet republic since the early 1990s.

The European Union on November 20 urged Belarus to join a global moratorium on 
the death penalty as "a 1st step towards its abolition."

"The death penalty is a cruel and inhuman punishment, which fails to act as a 
deterrent and represents an unacceptable denial of human dignity and 
integrity," the EU said in a statement.

(source: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty)


Jewish community opposes death penalty in Russia

The Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FJCR) believes there is no 
point in introducing the death penalty in the country, including for 

"Terrorists are very often suicide bombers and it's stupid t scare them with 
death. In the course of a big part of human history, classical assassins of the 
past committed crimes when much lesser sins were punishable by death. Criminals 
who commit murder are not stopped by the threat of death," Boruch Gorin, the 
head of the public relations department at FJCR, told Interfax-Religion on 

He said it is important to society that a murderer should not walk free, that a 
dangerous organization or group of people should be isolated and the state has 
a duty to ensure this isolation.

"In this sense, I believe that situations when people who were sentenced to the 
death penalty and are serving life in prison are suddenly amnesties and walk 
free are unacceptable. It's unacceptable and deeply criminal," he said.

He said such precedents are more dangerous to international security in general 
and "support global terrorism to a much greater degree that the abolition or 
non-introduction of the death penalty, which in any case doesn't stop 
anything." People who have committed terrorist attacks should spend the rest of 
their life in deep isolation, Gorin said.

"Theoretically, the death penalty has a right to exist. Virtually every human 
court not only potentially, but also practically cannot guarantee the 
punishment of the person who really deserves the death penalty," Gorin said.

(source: interfax-religion.com)


France's Jean Marie Le Pen Calls For Decapitating Terrorists

The founder of France's far-right National Front (FN) Jean Marie Le Pen has 
urged France to reinstate the death penalty and commit convicted terrorists to 
the guillotine, French weekly news magazine Marianne reports.

Speaking at a press conference held at his palatial home in the west Parisian 
suburb of Saint Cloud, the controversial politician outlined his proposals to 
stop Islamist attacks, such as the ones that claimed 130 lives last week in the 
French capital.

"We must restore the death penalty for terrorists," Le Pen said, before adding 
"with decapitation." Some of his other proposals included deporting illegal 
immigrants and creating 100,000 more places in prison to deter further 
extremist attacks.

According to French weekly news magazine Le Point, Le Pen also called for the 
removal of dual citizenship and instead "force dual citizens to make a choice," 
while also making military service of up to six months compulsory.

Jean Marie Le Pen's statement mirrored those of his daughter in the wake of the 
Islamist attacks on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in January. At that time, 
Marine Le Pen, who now leads the National Front, vowed to hold a referendum on 
the death penalty should she be elected president in 2017.

She has topped several presidential polls since she took leadership of the 
far-right nationalist party from her father, but the 2 are involved in a bitter 
dispute at present over Le Pen senior's reference to the Nazi Holocaust as a 
historical "detail." Marine Le Pen excluded her father from the party as a 
result, while he mounted a legal challenge against the decision.

The death penalty has been outlawed in France for years, as the right to 
execute convicts was abolished by President Francois Mitterrand's government in 
1981. The last execution took place only 4 years earlier and the standard 
method of delivering it was still the use of a guillotine.

The last man to be executed in France was Tunisian Hamida Djandoubi who was 
convicted in 1977 of torturing and murdering a 21-year-old woman and was also 
accused of assaulti

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----TEXAS, S.C., FLA., CALIF.

2015-11-21 Thread Rick Halperin

Nov. 21


Prosecutor will seek death penalty in Texas campsite mass murders

Anderson County District Attorney Allyson Mitchell said she will seek the death 
penalty against the man accused of killing 6 members of 2 families at a 
campsite near this East Texas town.

Mitchell announced the decision to the Palestine Herald-Press late Friday 
afternoon. She filed capital murder charges earlier this week against William 
Hudson, 33, whose property abutted the campsite. He is being held without bond 
at the county jail.

The penalty for capital murder in Texas is death by lethal injection or life in 
prison with no chance for parole. A jury makes the decision if the prosecutor 
asks for the death penalty.

Mitchell said the case will be presented first to a county grand jury. Attorney 
Stephen Evans of Palestine was appointed to represent Hudson.

The district attorney said the massacre was the "single most horrific crime 
committed in Anderson County's modern history. Our hearts grieve for the 
Johnson and Kamp families. We will use all resources available to prosecute 
Hudson to the fullest extent of the law."

She told a news conference 5 of the victims were shot to death, and the 6th 
died from blunt force trauma, a deadly blow to the body.

The sole survivor of the carnage, Cynthia Johnson, 73, hid in the woods from 
Hudson on Saturday night when authorities said he carried out the carnage. She 
called 911 about 7 a.m. Sunday to report the killings. He was arrested at his 
mother's nearby home.

The district attorney said Hannah Hudson, 40, an insurance adjustor from the 
Dallas-Fort Worth area, died of blunt force trauma. Shot to death were her son, 
Jade, 6, her father, Carl Johnson, 77, her fiance Thomas Kamp, 46, and Kamp's 2 
adults sons - Austin, 21, and Nathan, 24 - from a previous marriage.

Mitchell said intense publicity raises the question of transferring the case to 
another jurisdiction in Texas, but she will insist it be prosecuted and tried 
in Anderson County.

Arrest affidavits said survivor Cynthia Johnson, husband of Carl, told 
investigators Hudson befriended the campers Saturday afternoon when he used his 
tractor to free a vehicle stuck in mud. She said he later socialized and drank 
with them before slaughtering the victims.

Investigators found the bodies of the Kamps and the Johnson child in a pond 
behind Hudson???s home. Hannah Johnson and her father were found dead in a 
silver travel trailer at the campsite, where Mrs. Johnson said they ran for 
their lives from Hudson.

(source: The Daily Item)


Stories of murder and execution to be heard Saturday

The Mother Emanuel AME tragedy is part of the reason a North Carolina advocacy 
group decided to hold their annual conference in the greater Charleston area.

The stories of murder and execution will be heard Saturday in North Charleston 
at the Hilton Garden Inn off International Boulevard.

The group, "Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation" (MVFR) focuses on 
giving hope and healing to families of murder victims' and the death penalty.

"It wrecked my life," said Teresa Avent, a member of the group whose brother 
was murdered.

Avent said her brother's death turned her life upside-down.

After several years she finally got to a place where she could face the accused 
killer and find a level of forgiveness.

"Forgiveness is not so much for the offender," Avent said. "It's so much for us 
as the victims. It releases us to move forward in a productive manner.:

Back in June the word 'forgiveness' rang across the Lowcountry and the nation.

Family members of the victims killed in the Mother Emanuel AME shooting spoke 
of forgiveness to the accused killer.

It's part of the reason MVFR chose this location for their conference.

"Also because there's a broader suffering community and we wanted to highlight, 
amplify community, build voices to those who have been adversely affected by 
homicide," said Jeremy Collins, a board member.

"We invited people from the community and the nation to come together and share 
experiences and stories they have of losing loved ones to murder and 
execution," said Executive Director, Jack Sullivan, Jr.

The group also focuses on the death penalty and finding a better way to deal 
with that issue from a family victims' standpoint.

Sullivan's sister was murdered 18 years ago. Her killer was never found, but to 
this day he said he wouldn't ask for execution.

"We want to talk to the person and find out what he or she was going through," 
Sullivan said. "Why did he or she have to pull the trigger on my sister, our 
sister, and what is the best way for this person to be held accountable for 
what took place."

South Carolina leaders from the NAACP President, Black Lives Matter, and 
Reverend Dr. Nelson Rivers will be in attendance.

The day-long workshop will begin at 9:00 a.m. Saturday at the Hilton Garden 

The group welcomes famili