[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide

2018-10-08 Thread Rick Halperin

October 8


UK dropped objection to death penalty for Isis suspects 'to appease US'High 
court told home secretary abandoned policy to avoid White House 'outrage'

The home secretary, Sajid Javid, decided to cooperate with US authorities in 
the prosecution of 2 alleged Islamic State fighters, without assurances they 
would not face the death penalty, in order to avoid "political outrage" in the 
Trump administration, the high court has been told.

The allegation came as the lord chief justice, Lord Burnett of Maldon, and Mr 
Justice Garnham heard an application on behalf of the mother of El Shafee 
Elsheikh over the legality of the Home Office’s agreement to provide evidence 
to US prosecutors.

Elsheikh and Alexanda Kotey, who were raised in Britain, are alleged to have 
been part of an Isis terrorism cell, some of whom were known as "the Beatles", 
that is thought to have carried out 27 beheadings of US and UK citizens in 
Isis-held territory. Those killed included the British aid workers Alan Henning 
and David Haines, and the American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff.

The pair, who have been stripped of their British citizenship, were captured in 
February by Syrian Kurdish fighters, prompting behind-the-scenes negotiations 
between the UK and the US governments over where they should be prosecuted.

Javid's decision not to seek assurances from the US that the 2 men would not 
face the death penalty was in defiance of advice from the Foreign Office and 
senior civil servants, said Edward Fitzgerald QC, who represents Maha El 
Gizouli, Elsheikh's mother.

It also broke with the policy of 2 previous home secretaries, Theresa May and 
Amber Rudd, who had sought such assurances in the cases of both suspects, the 
court was told.

Javid's decision in May to abandon seeking such assurances over the death 
penalty was "in large part because of anticipated outrage among political 
appointments in the Trump administration", Fitzgerald said.

The US attorney general, Jeff Sessions, had initially pressed for Elsheikh and 
Kotey to be prosecuted in the UK, acknowledging that 600 statements taken by 
the Metropolitan police's counter-terrorism command would be needed to convict 

At a later US Senate panel hearing, Sessions expressed "disappointment that the 
British are not willing to try the case but had tried to tell [US prosecutors] 
how to try them", Fitzgerald said. Gizouli was not bringing that case "to 
excuse the appalling acts of which her son is accused", he added.

The issue with which she is legitimately concerned is whether the home 
secretary has made a legal decision. "It's relevant that the families of the 
victims have said they want justice but not the death penalty."

If imposed, Elsheikh and Kotey would suffer a "gruesome and painful" death 
through lethal injection. Executions in the US are often long-delayed and 
delivered through a system "that is unreliable, tortuous and experimental", 
Fitzgerald said.

Defending the decision, Sir James Eadie, for the home secretary, said in 
written submissions that it was accepted that Elsheikh was outside the 
protections of the Human Rights Act.

Those arguing for assurances over the death penalty faced "insuperable 
barriers" in showing that there was a common law right that the home secretary 
had to "protect an individual's life from the actions of a 3rd party", Eadie 

Nor was there any common law prohibition on the provision of legal assistance 
where it might be used to impose the death penalty in a foreign state, he 

Elsheikh was captured in January. Metropolitan police documents written shortly 
afterwards suggest he and Kotey were being held by US forces in Iraq, the court 
was told.

This is the 1st time there had been a "deliberate attempt" to depart from the 
long-established UK policy of opposing the death penalty around the world, 
Fitzgerald said.

The only previous incident, in 2014, involved British police cooperating with 
officers in Thailand, but when it was opposed, he said, the courts stopped it 
on the grounds that the police had "acted unlawfully and failed to have regard 
for public policy".

Not only had Javid not sought assurances over the death penalty, the court was 
told, he even decided not to take up earlier partial assurances the Americans 
had offered over not sending the men to Guantánamo Bay detention centre.

The British ambassador to Washington had warned Javid that seeking death 
penalty assurances would provoke "something close to outrage among Sessions, 
James Mattis [the US defence secretary] and Mike Pompeo [the US secretary of 

"These political appointees would be outraged and they will tell the president 
and he will hold a grudge," Fitzgerald said, and that would damage relations 
between the UK and US.

Javid met Sessions in late May. According to records of a senior civil servant 
released to the court, Javid said 

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----TENNESSEE

2018-10-08 Thread Rick Halperin

October 8

TENNESSEEimpending execution

2 Jurors In Zagorski Case Argue For Life Without Parole Ahead Of Execution

With days until his scheduled execution, 2 jurors who condemned Edmund Zagorski 
to death say the convicted murderer's life should be spared.

Michael Poole served on the jury in 1984, before life without parole became an 
option in Tennessee capital murder cases in 1995.

"We were instructed that if we were assured beyond any doubt that Mr. Zagorski 
had done this crime, that he should be given the death penalty because that's 
what the prosecution was actually seeking in this case," Poole told WPLN 

Poole says he had no doubt that Zagorski committed a double murder in 1983, 
shooting and slitting the throats of a Hickman County logger and a bar owner 
from Dickson. The men expected to buy 100 pounds of marijuana.

Poole says the jury's concern was making sure Zagorski could never be released 
and potentially commit the same crime again. The small business owner from 
Springfield says he's not entirely opposed to the death penalty but says 
Zagorski doesn't have to be executed.

Juror Nancy Arnold shares the same feelings, 34 years later.

"I hate for him to have to lose his life over it. I don't think that's going to 
help anything," she told WPLN Sunday.

Arnold says she vividly recalls Zagorski's eyes during the trial and 
sentencing. They "were so penetrating," she says. And she was sure to look him 
in the eyes when the verdict was delivered.

But the graphic designer from Robertson County says she's tried to forget about 
the case, though she does feel like the jury would have supported midde ground 
rather than death.

"If there had been a choice of life without parole, I would have chosen that 
over what we did," she said.

No Intervention

Zagorski is set to be put to death by lethal injection on Thursday at Riverbend 
Maximum Security Prison. He asked Governor Bill Haslam for clemency based on 
good behavior while in prison.

But on Friday, Haslam denied the request.

"While Zagorski has exhibited good behavior during his incarceration, that does 
not undo the fact that he robbed and brutally murdered two men and attempted to 
kill a police officer while on the run. Further, while juries today have the 
option of imposing a sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of 
parole in capital cases, the jury in Zagorski's case heard the evidence at 
trial and rendered a unanimous verdict in accordance with the law at the time 
and their duty as jurors."

Haslam also noted the verdict in Zagorski's case has been upheld by 10 courts, 
including the Tennessee and U.S. Supreme Courts.

In August, Haslam also declined to intervene in the execution of Billy Ray 

The Tennessee Supreme Court is expected to rule on an expedited case 
challenging the state's lethal injection protocol in the coming days, which 
could also have a bearing on Zagorski's fate. If not, his attorneys say they 
will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to issue a stay of execution.

(source: nashvillepublicradio.org)

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