[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide

2018-10-22 Thread Rick Halperin

October 22


Baroness Hamwee: The UK should never be complicit with the death penalty being 
used anywhere in the world

Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson on Immigration, Baroness Hamwee, writes 
about the Crime (Overseas Production Orders) Bill, which has its report stage 
in the House of Lords today and which Labour & the Liberal Democrats seek to 

Justice "The UK has long opposed the use of the death penalty in other 
countries, and we have committed ourselves to the goal of abolishing it 
everywhere. We can do this by using our diplomatic influence, and also by 
refusing to help foreign governments with prosecutions that will result in 
someone being executed" - Baroness Hamwee

The death penalty is one of the greatest affronts to fundamental human rights. 
It is cruel, inhumane and irreversible. The UK must oppose its use anywhere in 
the world - and we have an opportunity to enshrine that opposition in the 
snappily-titled but important 'Crime (Overseas Production Orders) Bill', 
currently making its way through the House of Lords.

Widespread concerns about the morality of capital punishment - including the 
danger of wrongful executions - put an end to its use in the UK more than half 
a century ago. 141 other countries have also abolished the death penalty, in 
law or in practice. Yet, according to Amnesty International, almost a thousand 
people were executed around the world last year, and more than 20,000 are 
currently languishing on death row.

The UK has long opposed the use of the death penalty in other countries, and we 
have committed ourselves to the goal of abolishing it everywhere. We can do 
this by using our diplomatic influence, and also by refusing to help foreign 
governments with prosecutions that will result in someone being executed.

That has been longstanding government policy: the UK must get assurances that 
the death penalty will not be used before providing security and justice 
assistance to countries that still retain it. This clear policy is an important 
statement of Britain's values. It is vital not only for preventing the use of 
the death penalty in the individual cases where we provide assistance, but also 
for strengthening our efforts to persuade all countries to abolish it.

Yet in July, we discovered that the Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, had offered to 
assist the United States government in prosecuting two British citizens accused 
of carrying out executions for ISIL in Syria and Iraq, without seeking 
assurances that the death penalty will not be used. Even worse, he made that 
decision in secret. We only found out because his letter to US Attorney General 
Jeff Sessions was leaked to the Telegraph.

There is no doubt that terrorists should face justice, but that could be 
achieved in this case either by prosecuting them here, under British law, or by 
assisting the US authorities with their prosecutions - if they guarantee that 
they will not seek the death penalty.

The Telegraph's revelations - and the Government's later admission of two other 
cases since 2001 where death penalty assurances were waived - have rightly 
provoked outcry among politicians and the public. But wringing our hands isn't 
enough. We must take concrete steps to prevent this happening in the future.

And that brings us to the current Bill. The Government is seeking to give our 
courts new powers to require internet companies outside the UK to provide 
electronic data that law enforcement agencies need to investigate and prosecute 
serious crimes. This will only be possible with new international agreements 
between the UK and other governments.

These new agreements are good opportunity to enshrine our commitment not to 
assist in death penalty cases. That's why my Liberal Democrat colleague Brian 
Paddick and I have been working with Labour peers to amend the Bill to require 
death penalty assurances as part of any future agreements on international 
data-sharing. It would remove the sort of ministerial discretion that was 
abused in the case we heard about in July.

This is an issue where the UK has traditionally played an important leadership 
role in the international community. Our unambiguous opposition to the death 
penalty has helped British diplomats to advance the cause of abolition at the 
UN and around the world. But the Home Secretary's actions threaten that 
leadership role. If the UK is seen to no longer fully oppose the death penalty, 
it weakens our ability to persuade others to abolish it.

When proposing the private member's bill that abolished the death penalty in 
Britain, the MP Sydney Silverman said:

"It is impossible to argue that the execution or non-execution of 2 people in 
England every year can make a very great contribution to the improvement of a 
dark and menacing world. But in this darkness and gloom into which the 
twentieth century civilisation has so far led us, we can at least light this 

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----USA

2018-10-22 Thread Rick Halperin

October 22


New Low of 49% in U.S. Say Death Penalty Applied Fairly

The percentage of Americans who believe the death penalty is applied fairly 
continues to decrease, falling below 50% this year for the 1st time. 49 % now 
say the death penalty is applied fairly and 45% say it is applied unfairly.

The 49% who say the death penalty is applied fairly is, by 1 % point, the 
lowest Gallup has measured since it first asked the question in 2000 and 
reflects a gradual decline of this view over the past decade. Meanwhile, the 
percentage who say capital punishment is applied unfairly has edged higher, 
with this year's 4-point gap marking the smallest difference between the 2 
views in Gallup's polling.

These latest data, from Gallup's annual Crime poll, were collected Oct. 1-10 -- 
just before the Washington state Supreme Court on Oct. 11 struck down that 
state's death penalty, saying it had been unequally applied across racial 
groups. In its decision, the court cited evidence that "black defendants were 4 
1/2 times more likely to be sentenced to death than similarly situated white 
defendants." The decision makes Washington the 20th state to outlaw the death 
penalty. Percentage of Democrats Who Say Death Penalty Is Applied Fairly 
Remains Low

The decline in Americans' belief that capital punishment is applied fairly is 
largely the result of a sharp drop in this view among Democrats. 31 % of 
Democrats this year say the death penalty is applied fairly, similar to the low 
of 30% in 2017 but down significantly from 2005 and 2006, when slim majorities 
held this view.

Meanwhile, 73% of Republicans say the death penalty is applied fairly, and the 
percentage holding this view has been fairly stable over time -- typically in 
the low 70s.

More Americans Say the Death Penalty Is Imposed "Too Often"

Americans remain most likely to say the death penalty is not imposed enough 
(37%), while smaller percentages say it is imposed "too often" (29%) or "about 
the right amount" (28%).

While belief that the death penalty is not imposed often enough is still the 
most common view, the latest 37% is down from a high of 53% in 2005 and is by 
one point the lowest reading since 2001.

At the same time, U.S. adults have gradually become more likely to say capital 
punishment is imposed "too often," with the latest 29% slightly higher than in 
previous years.

Small Majority of Americans Continue to Favor Death Penalty

Historically, Americans have been generally supportive of the death penalty as 
the punishment for murder. In all but two polls (in 1965 and 1966), Americans 
have been more likely to say they are in favor of than opposed to use of the 
death penalty. However, support for capital punishment too has been trending 
downward since peaking at 80% in the mid-1990s during a high point in the 
violent crime rate.

Currently, 56% of U.S. adults favor capital punishment -- similar to last 
year's 55%, which marked the lowest level of support for the practice since 
1972, when the constitutionality of the death penalty was being challenged.

Bottom Line

Washington is the latest in a string of states that have outlawed the death 
penalty over the past decade. While courts sometimes drive abolishment, as was 
the case in Washington, most abolition of the death penalty in recent years has 
taken place via legislation by state lawmakers and governors, who are beholden 
to voters and public opinion. So, if public support for capital punishment 
continues to wane, it's not unfathomable that other states could follow suit.

Some Americans' views on the subject may have been influenced by stories of 
people sentenced to death who were later found to be innocent. In a 2014 poll, 
Gallup found that about 1 in 6 people who were opposed to the death penalty 
said they were against it out of concern that the defendants might actually be 
innocent. Other news stories, such as a case in Alabama earlier this year 
involving a botched execution, may have influenced opinions on the issue.

Future support for the death penalty may depend partly on whether crime 
continues to decrease, because support for capital punishment peaked along with 
U.S. violent crime statistics, and as crime statistics declined thereafter, so 
did support for capital punishment.

Meanwhile, as executions in the U.S. have decreased along with the generally 
sinking crime rate, Americans have become more likely to say capital punishment 
is unfairly applied and that it is imposed too frequently. But this appears to 
have been driven mostly by shifts in Democrats' views on the subject -- with 
blue states far more likely to have abolished the death penalty.

(source: gallup.com)

A service courtesy of Washburn University School of Law www.washburnlaw.edu

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