[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide

2018-11-02 Thread Rick Halperin

November 2


Countries should heed "clear pro-abolitionist spirit" towards death penalty: 
UNHCROn Sudan, the Human Rights Committee highlighted its concerns that the 
death penalty is still imposed for crimes other than those involving 
"intentional killing".

Countries should heed the "clear pro-abolitionist spirit" towards the death 
penalty of one of the world's most important treaties, a key UN independent 
human rights panel said on Thursday, while highlighting concerns about 
right-to-life violations in Belarus and Sudan. The Human Rights Committee's 
comments followed its scheduled review of both countries at its 124th session 
in Geneva, which also covered Belize, Bulgaria and Guinea.

The 18-member body of independent experts began work more than four decades ago 
to monitor people's right to life, freedom of expression and freedom of 
conscience – obligations for State signatories to the 1966 International 
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

Together with the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural 
Rights (ICESCR), the two Covenants are the cornerstone of an extensive series 
of internationally binding rights treaties.

On Sudan, the Human Rights Committee highlighted its concerns that the death 
penalty is still imposed for crimes other than those involving "intentional 

Panel member Sarah Cleveland told journalists that this could include a "wide 
range" of offences, such as blasphemy, adultery and same-sex relationships.

"Sudan has a wide range of crimes on the books that are subject to the death 
penalty including crimes which do not qualify as the 'most serious crimes' 
under the Covenant," she said. "It has a mandatory death penalty for a number 
of crimes and it also retains on the books punishments including execution by 
stoning and by crucifixion."

Noting that Sudan had "indicated that they do not apply the latter 2 
punishments", Ms Cleveland explained that the committee had recommended that 
they be removed from the criminal code nonetheless.

On Belarus, the UN panel noted with concern that the death penalty "continues 
to be imposed and enforced", including in 6 cases where the Human Rights 
Committee had requested a stay of execution.

"We intervened and asked them not to execute a person until we have heard his 
allegations about the due process and other violations of his process," said 
panel chair Yuval Shany.

He explained that the Government had said it was examining a move towards the 
abolition of the death penalty, but that a majority of the population was not 
in favour of doing so.

"We already know that 3 out of those 6 persons have been executed despite our 
requests," Mr Shany added. "We do not have information about the fate of the 
other 3, so we are still hoping that they were not executed."

Denying families an execution date, clearly 'inhumane treatment' Among the 
committee's other concerns about Belarus with regard to the Convention was the 
practice of preventing families of condemned prisoners from knowing the date of 
their execution - one of a series of measures which the authorities maintained 
were there to shield relatives.

"The argument from the State has been that these provisions in the Penalties 
Enforcement Code are actually in a way to protect the family," said panel 
member Ilze Brands Kehris. "But it is the view of the Committee and every time 
we have had other countries where we have dealt with this as well, is that the 
traumatic experience of not knowing what has happened to a loved one and not 
knowing the time of even an execution and certainly not being able to then bury 
the body...actually does amount to inhumane treatment."

Beyond its country-specific recommendations, the UN panel also took the 
significant step of issuing updated, detailed guidance on the right to life, 
which is covered in the Covenant under Article 6.

The Committee last published two such documents more than 30 years ago, and 
each of those was only 10 paragraphs long.

The latest version was nearly 4 years in the making and is more than seven 
times as big - reflecting the input of dozens of States and civil society - and 
the impact of modern-day threats to people's civil and political rights, such 
as weaponized drones and environmental degradation.

According to the panel's rules, Member States have two years to report back on 
their progress in implementing its main concluding observations, or 

Asked whether the panel would comment on the case of journalist Jamal 
Khashoggi, who Saudi officials reportedly say was killed in the Saudi Arabian 
consulate in Istanbul, chair Yuval Shany said that the country was not a 
signatory to the Convention.

Turkey was a signatory, however, Mr Shany, explained, before adding that it had 
yet to report back to the Committee, although it was expected to do so next 

At its 125th meeting in March, the panel is due to 

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----TENN., ARK., USA

2018-11-02 Thread Rick Halperin

November 2


Tennessee inmate Edmund Zagorski executed by electric chair

Tennessee death row inmate and convicted double-murderer Edmund Zagorski has 
been executed.

The Tennessee Department of Corrections announced the news in a statement 
Thursday evening:

"The death sentence of Edmund Zagorski was executed by means of electrocution 
on November 1, 2018 in accordance with the laws of the state of Tennessee. The 
sentence was carried out at the Riverbend Maximum Security Institution in 
Nashville. Zagorski was pronounced dead at 7:26 p.m."

Zagorski's final words were "Let's rock," according to reporters who witnessed 
the execution.

In a news conference afterward, eyewitnesses say he either grimaced or grinned 
as a sponge was put over his head. The witness says the inmate raised up in his 
chair when each jolt of electricity went through him.

Witnesses say Zagorski was shocked twice before being pronounced dead at 7:26 
p.m. local time.

? Earlier, the U.S. Supreme Court denied a request to halt Zagorski's 

The court said in a statement Thursday evening that it would not block the 
state's plans to put to death the 63-year-old inmate at a Nashville prison.

Zagorski had asked the court take up his claim that it's unconstitutional to 
force him to choose between the electric chair and lethal injection. His 
attorney said Zagorski chose the chair thinking it would be quicker and less 
painful, but he maintains both methods are unconstitutional.

The court statement says Justice Sonia Sotomayor was the dissenting voice, 
noting Zagorski's decision to opt for the electric chair.

Says Sotomayor: "He did so not because he thought that it was a humane way to 
die, but because he thought that the 3-drug cocktail that Tennessee had planned 
to use was even worse. Given what most people think of the electric chair, it's 
hard to imagine a more striking testament - from a person with more at stake - 
to the legitimate fears raised by the lethal-injection drugs that Tennessee 

In opting for the electric chair over a lethal injection as Tennessee allowed 
him, Zagorski had argued it would be a quicker and less painful way to die. He 
became only the 2nd person to die in the electric chair in Tennessee since 

Nationwide, only 14 other people have been put to death in the electric chair 
since 2000, including a Virginia inmate in 2013.

Prosecutors say Zagorski shot John Dotson and Jimmy Porter and slit their 
throats in April 1983 after robbing them when they sought to buy marijuana from 

Zagorski becomes the 2nd condemned inmate to be put to death this year in 
Tennessee and the 8th overall since the state resumed capital punishment in 

Zagorski becomes the 20th condemned inmate to be put to death this year in the 
USA and the 1, 485th overall since the nation resumed executions on January 17, 

The USA carried out 21 executions in 2017; there are 4 more possible/likely 
executions scheduled in the country this year.

(sources: WTVC news, Associated Press & Rick Halperin)


Edmund Zagorski, who was on death row for 34 years, executed via electrocution

Edmund Zagorski, who was on death row for a 1984 double-murder, was executed 
via electric chair Thursday, Nov. 1 in Nashville.

Zagorski died 8:26 p.m. EST.

His last words were, "Let's rock."

Zagorski's attorney, public defender Kelly Henry, said during the 
post-execution press conference that in the days leading up to the execution, 
he told her he wanted to keep the mood light.

Henry said she held her hand over her heart as a signal to Zagorski that she 
was holding him in her heart. She also said that Zagorski wanted to see her 
smiling face before his death. Henry said she smiled for him.

Henry also told the media in the post-execution press conference that her 
client had shared some thoughts before being taken into the execution chamber:

"First of all, I want to make it very clear that I have no hard feelings," he 
said. "I don't want any of you to have this on your conscience. I am good."

Zagorski is only the 2nd person put to death by electrocution in Tennessee 
since 1960. Daryl Holton chose to die in the electric chair in 2007.

The execution was carried out after a legal battle that spanned a few weeks 
over Zagorski’s decision to use the electric chair instead of lethal injection.

The original execution date was set for Oct. 11, but a 10-day reprieve from 
Governor Haslam was given so that the Department of Corrections could make sure 
the electric chair was fully operational.

The 63-year-old man was on death row for 34 years, which was the 2nd longest in 

He was sentenced in the killings of John Dotson and Jimmy Porter.

Prosecutors said Zagorski shot the men and slit their throats after robbing 
them in April 1983. The victims had planned to buy marijuana from Zagorski.

(source: WATE news)
