[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide

2019-08-08 Thread Rick Halperin

August 8


Addicts are patients, it's drug peddlers who are criminals  Branding them 
criminals makes rehabilitation efforts difficult, if not impossible

The society has a habit of treating drug addicts more like criminals than the 
patients they really are. But leaders are now pushing for reforms that could 
change perceptions.

Pastor Jacob Muroki of the Jesus the Exalted Centre Church says the fact that 
the society has branded addicts criminals makes any efforts to rehabilitate 
them difficult, if not impossible.

At the coastal region, addicts have a nickname, a famous one. They are called 
‘Mateja’, a street name meaning a thief who uses hard drugs.

"We live in a society that doesn’t see the silent plight of such individuals," 
Muroki says. "Many are stigmatised while they can actually be helped to turn 
their lives around. You mention the word Teja and people begin looking over 
their shoulders because they expect to see a thief or a con. That mindset needs 
to change."

Speaking when he officially launched the Lamu rehab facility earlier this year, 
Chief Justice David Maraga said the real criminals in the war on drugs are the 
smugglers and peddlers, whom he said are frustrating the reform process.

"I want to let magistrates and judges know that those drug users brought to 
your courts daily aren’t actually criminals but patients. They need help and 
condemning them to prison isn’t that helpful," he said.

"Let’s send them to rehab facilities like this one so they get to recover and 
live better lives and, as the judiciary, we support that approach. Those 
peddling drugs are the real criminals."


Speaking in Lamu during the Lamu Justice Week, DPP Noordin Hajji said he is 
consulting the DCI and the IG to have petty criminals sent to rehab instead of 
prison. He said many of the petty crimes are committed by addicts who want to 
buy drugs.

"We are talking of those stealing goats, chicken and so on. We want to give 
rehab a chance, rather than putting them on trial directly. That will, however, 
heavily depend on the level and nature of crimes committed. Our objective is to 
get the big fish in all this," Hajji said.

During the same week, High Court judge Roselyn Korir, who is based in Garsen, 
proposed alternative strategies of dealing with the drug menace. These include 
offering addicts training and skills that will enable them to turn away from 
the vice.

Korir said in as much as criminal litigations are necessary, the community 
should embrace addicts and all those affected to enable them to see and pursue 
a positive and more productive life away from drugs.

She said prison officers should be specially trained in rehab skills so they 
can help rehabilitate some of the addicts arriving at their various prison 

Korir said the country has very few drug rehabilitation centres compared to the 
demand of addicts. The facilities are also out of reach for many due to their 
high cost.

"All in all, it’s high time we changed the approach used to fight drugs, from 
arresting and prosecuting to actually issuing alternative skills and training 
to drug convicts so they can better their lives once out there," Korir said.

"The coastal region is still marred with increased drug-related cases, and we 
need to think about how best to bring the figures down. That's why we are 
pushing to have prison officers trained on matters rehab so they can instil the 
same in the addicts before they are finally released back into society."

Lamu woman representative Ruweida Obbo proposed the death penalty for those 
found guilty of drug peddling. "We want drug peddlers given the same treatment 
as criminal gangs in Mombasa like Wakali Kwanza. That toughness is what we 
need. Let such people be shot dead. The society will be better without them," 
she said.

According to a 2017 national survey by Nacada, 18.2 % of Kenyans have used 1 
form of drugs or the other, a figure that translates to 3.2 million people, 
with the most abused substance being alcohol.

(source: thestar.co.ke)


At Least 38 People Executed in July

At least 38 prisoners have been executed in Iran in July 2019. This is the 
highest number of executions in a month in the country during the past 20 

According to the IHR statistic department, at least 37 prisoners have been 
executed in different Iranian prisons and one hanged in public.

Most of the executions are recorded at Urmia prison (also called Darya prison) 
with 8 prisoners who have been hanged in the Iranian northwestern city’s 
prison. 2nd in a row was the Karaj city’s Rajai-Shahr prison near Tehran with 6 
executions. Officials in Iran have announced only 14 of the 38 executions. The 
rest was recorded and confirmed by IHR.

34 of the executed people were charged with murder, 3 with drug-related charges 
and one was charged with rape.

4 of the executed people were women.

Since th

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----TEXAS, ALA., LA., OHIO, KY., CALIF., USA

2019-08-08 Thread Rick Halperin

August 8


2-year moratorium on death penalty proposedKoch suggests plant ot study 
financial, social moral costs of sentence

A Dallas County commissioner raised the idea of putting a 2-year local 
moratorium on the use of the death penalty to give the county time to study the 
financial, social and moral costs of the punishment.

Commissioner J.J. Koch proposed at Tuesday's meeting that Dallas County could 
save money by avoiding expensive death penalty trials, suggesting those funds 
be directed toward prosecuting human trafficking crimes. The issue could be 
revisited after 2 years, he said.

But such a decision would ultimately be up to the district attorney in Dallas 
County, John Creuzot, who said he supports the discussion but stopped short of 
saying he was on board with the commissioner's plan.

"I'm in support of discussing the issue, and I commend [Koch] for having the 
courage to bring it up and start the discussion," Creuzot said. "I can't commit 
myslef to that because I don't know what's around the corner."

Koch's proposal comes on the heels of Dallas County prosecutors' decision to 
seek the death penalty against serial murder suspect Billy Chemirmir, who is 
accused of smothering more than a dozen elderly women at senior living 
complexes around North Texas.

In Texas, capital murder carries an automatic sentence of life in prison 
without parole. Prosecutors can also seek the death penalty for crimes they 
determine are especially heinous.

Koch said he understands why prosecutors would seek the death penalty in a case 
like Chemirmir's, but if a death penalty moratorium were imposed, he would want 
to see a "hard moratorium."

"So that way, if Chemirmir were to pop up a year from now, and we'd made this 
decision, we wouldn't be seeking the death penalty," he said.

Creuzot said he supports the death penalty in cases where evidence shows a 
person would be a "continuing threat in the penal society," he said.

Death penalty cases are expensive - even long after a trial and conviction.

Creuzot said his office is still involved in a 32-year-old case: the killing of 
Fred Finch and his wife, Mildred, by Kenneth Thomas.

Thomas has bee sentenced to death twice - in 1987 and 2014 - and Texas' highest 
criminal court has ordered another sentencing hearing for Thomas so a jury can 
decide whether he is intellectually disabled. A date for that hearing has not 
been set, according to Dallas County court records.

If the goal of a death sentence is to create public safety, Creuzot said, a 
sentence of life in prison without parole can do the same with a much lower 

"It's becoming more and more difficult to sustain a death penalty conviction in 
the United States," Creuzot said.

Shannon Edmonds, staff attorney with the Texas District and County Attorneys 
Association, said he hadn't heard of a county government proposing a local 

"The answer is not unique to the death penalty," he said.

"A Commissioners court does not have an ability to issue a moratorium on sexual 
assault prosecutions of life sentences - that's just not their job."

In Texas, the governor can't impose a statewide moratorium on the death 
penalty, Edmonds said. That's not the case in other states, such as California, 
where Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a moratorium on the death penalty in March.

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said it if were possible, he's support a 
statewide moratorium on the death penalty to study the moral and financial 
questions of whether the punishment shoud be used.

Jenkins said he would support the district attorney putting a stop to the 
county's use of the death penalty, but the decision would need to be left up to 
the DA.

Commissioners John Wiley Price and Elba Garcia voiced support for Koch's idea. 
Commissioner Theresa Daniel said she was looking forward to discussions about 
the topic and said it was important to include the DA's office and judges in 
those conversations.

Koch said the county wouldn't try to force Creuzot's hand on the issue. He said 
the county commissioners coud pass a resolution supporting a moratorium, and 
they have final say over the budget for the DA's office.

"We can't do anything unilaterally," he said. "It's his department."

He suggested that the county use money saved from pursuing death penalty cases 
to prosecute human trafficking cases.

Creuzot said there are other areas of need in the DA's office, pointing to 
grant for lawyers who handle child abuse cases that's about to run out. He said 
his budget requests to fund their positions after the grant have been denied.

(source: Dallas Morning News)


Lawyer says will try to prevent death penalty

A court-appointed lawyer for the man accused of shooting dozens of people in El 
Paso says he will do everything he can to ensure his client is not executed.

21-year-old Patrick Crusius has been charged with capital murder i