Sept. 5

FLORIDA----impending execution

Thoughts From Man Set To Be Executed Next In Florida

Michael Lambrix is set to be executed on Oct. 5.

He was next in line to be executed when a U.S. Supreme Court decision threw Florida's death penalty into limbo. He was 1 of 2 death row inmates who had active death warrants for a year and a half. Mark Asay, the other inmate, was executed on Aug. 24, breaking the hiatus.

Lambrix was one of the subjects of a WLRN documentary, Cell 1, which looked into why the death penalty was put on hold for such a long time and what effect that has on people on death row, their families and victims' families.

A few days before Asay's execution, Lambrix wrote a letter to WLRN. He raised concerns about the new lethal injection protocol that would be used to execute Asay, saying he feared it would cause some pain. But, Lambrix said, the tradition of using a lethal injection protocol that appears as if the inmate is falling asleep makes it easier for the Department of Corrections to continue executing inmates.

Asay was executed using a drug - etomidate - that had never before been used in an execution in the U.S. He did not present any signs to suggest that the drug worked any differently than the old protocol.

In his letter to WLRN, Lambrix predicted he would be next. Read more of his thoughts below:

Lambrix was convicted of the 1983 murders of Aleisha Bryant and Clarence Moore Jr. in Glades County. In a warrant for Lambrix's execution, Gov. Rick Scott wrote that Lambrix "lured Moore outside and viciously attacked him with a tire iron, repeatedly hitting him in the head and fracturing his skull. Lambrix then called Bryant to come outside where he attacked her, kicking her in the head and strangling her."

In a 2016 interview with WLRN, Lambrix denied he murdered either of them. He claimed he saw Moore strangling Bryant and in an attempt to save her, Lambrix hit Moore in the head with a tire iron.

"I'm fighting to prove my innocence and be free," Lambrix said.

This is the 3rd time in 30 years he has been moved to Death Watch to await his execution.

(source: WLRN news)


Damas trial begins Tuesday with new judge

Jury selection is set to begin Tuesday in the 1st-degree murder trial of Mesac Damas.

Damas, 41, is accused of killing his wife and 5 children in their North Naples home in September 2009. Collier County Sheriff Kevin Rambosk once called it "the most horrific and violent event" in county history.

Jury selection is expected to take the entire week because of the notoriety of the case and the additional requirements of selecting a jury in a possible death penalty case.

Prosecutors and defense lawyers will need to whittle down a pool of about 400 prospective jurors to 12.

More: Collier judge exits family-killing case; Mesac Damas trial still set for Tuesday

The nearly 8-year-old case will not be delayed by a last-minute judge swap. Collier Circuit Judge Fred Hardt withdrew from the case Friday, finding that a defense motion calling on him to recuse himself was "legally sufficient."

Circuit Judge Christine Greider will replace Hardt. She will be the 4th judge to oversee Damas' case.

Damas said during June and July hearings that he wanted to plead guilty, avoid trial and be put to death. He asked Hardt for permission to dismiss his court-appointed attorneys and represent himself, a request the judge denied.

But at 2 August hearings, when given the opportunity to change his plea, Damas refused to speak or acknowledge the judge, instead sitting silently with his head down.

The trial - both guilt and sentencing phases - is expected to take a month after the jury is selected.

(source: Naples Daily News)


Beacon Journal editorial board: Are they 'most deserving of execution'?

Ohio plans to execute Gary Otte next week. He will be the 2nd man put to death since the state resumed lethal injections after a hiatus of more than 3 years. In 1992, Otte killed 2 people during armed robberies on consecutive days in Parma. The parole board denied his bid for clemency earlier this year, explaining: "The totality of his upbringing ... suggests ... Otte consciously rejected the law-abiding, pro-social paths available to him."

And yet the story is more complicated, as a study released last week by the Fair Punishment Project at the Harvard Law School shows. Otte suffered from chronic depression, began abusing drugs and alcohol at age 10, first attempted suicide at 15. He committed the murders at 20, or nearly as a juvenile. Research shows the brain still developing at that point. Which is part of why the Supreme Court has barred executing juveniles.

The idea isn't to diminish in any way the horrible crimes of Otte. The reasonable question raised by the study is whether he should be executed. The report reminds that the high court restricts the death penalty to those "whose extreme culpability makes them 'the most deserving of execution.'"

The study looks at the backgrounds of the next 26 men scheduled for execution in Ohio, the dates now going into 2022. It finds the men "among the most impaired and traumatized among us."

At least 17 faced severe childhood trauma. 6 appear afflicted with mental illness, with 11 showing evidence of "intellectual disability, borderline intellectual disability, or a cognitive impairment." 3 committed their crimes before reaching age 21.

Consider Archie Dixon, who was 20 when he and an accomplice robbed, kidnapped and buried alive a man, leaving him to die. The crime was ghastly. So was the upbringing Dixon faced, neglect, physical violence and sexual abuse, the evidence suggesting incest. A caseworker cited the Dixon family as one of the worst he ever had experienced.

The study notes that Dixon's attorneys failed to present this mitigating evidence during the penalty phase of the trial.

David Sneed robbed and killed a man in Canton. At the time, he suffered from a severe manic bipolar disorder and a "schizo-affective disorder involving hallucinations and delusions." A psychiatrist described him as "psychotic" and "assaultive." Sneed suffers from cognitive troubles and repeated episodes of physical and sexual abuse.

Legislation proposed at the Statehouse rightly would exempt from the death penalty those diagnosed with such mental illnesses at the time of the offense.

The study catalogues the many horrors and "devastating impairments." Again, the purpose isn't to somehow explain away the crimes. The men should be held accountable and serve prison sentences such as life without parole.

Do they qualify as the worst of the worst in view of the trauma, illness and cognitive complications? The report asks Ohioans to think about that question and what it says about them that the state will put these men to death.

(source: Akron Beacon Journal Editorial Board)


Condemned Ohio killer of 2 wants September execution delayed

A condemned killer scheduled to die in less than a month is challenging Ohio's lethal injection method as well as the constitutionality of the state's death penalty law.

Death row inmate Gary Otte is also waiting to see whether Gov. John Kasich will spare him by granting clemency.

Otte was sentenced to die for the Feb. 12, 1992, killing of Robert Wasikowski and the Feb. 13, 1992, killing of Sharon Kostura. Both slayings took place in Parma in suburban Cleveland.

Authorities say Otte asked to come inside Wasikowski's apartment to use the phone and then shot the 61-year-old and stole about $400.

The next day, Otte forced his way into the apartment of the 45-year-old Kostura in the same building, shot her, then stole $45 and her car keys.

In federal court, Otte's attorneys argue that the state hasn't shown it can ensure inmates are rendered so deeply unconscious during lethal injection that they won't suffer serious pain.

The lawyers say observations by an expert witness during an Ohio execution last month showed executioners didn't carry out a "sufficient consciousness check" after the first drug, midazolam, was administered.

"As the situation stands now, because of the inadequate and unreliable consciousness checks, there is a sure or very likely significant and substantial risk that Mr. Otte will suffer pain during the execution," his attorneys said.

Otte, 45, is scheduled to die Sept. 13. The state is expected to oppose the request.

In a separate appeal, Otte is asking a Cleveland-area judge to declare the death penalty unconstitutional in his case because he was under 21 at the time of the crime. He also wants a delay while he argues the point.

Otte's attorneys base their request on a ruling this month by a Kentucky court, which said executing inmates under 21 at the time of their crime amounts to cruel and unusual punishment. The U.S. Supreme Court has previously outlawed the execution of anyone under 18 at the time of the crime.

As "the result of Mr. Otte's youth, immaturity, and under-developed mind, he is not an offender with the type of extreme moral culpability" deserving of execution, his attorneys wrote in a filing with Cuyahoga County court this week.

Ronald Phillips, a convicted child killer from Akron who was 19 at the time of his crime, unsuccessfully argued the same point in federal court earlier this summer. Phillips was executed July 26.

Cuyahoga County prosecutors say Otte purposely waited until just weeks before his execution to make his argument, knowing a delay would be necessary. He could have raised the issue years earlier, they say.

"The untimeliness of Otte's last-minute claim alone warrants denial of his request for a stay," Christopher Schroeder, assistant Cuyahoga County prosecuting attorney, said in a Tuesday court filing.

The Ohio Parole Board in February denied Otte's clemency request. A spokesman for Kasich, a Republican, said there wasn't a date yet for the governor's decision.

(source: WHIO news)


Judge to determine whether to suppress murder suspect's statements

A Faulkner County circuit judge will review statements a murder suspect made following his arrest last year before determining whether to admit the statements as evidence during trial.

During a motion hearing, Circuit Judge Charles "Ed" Clawson Jr. denied Scotty Ray Gardner's request to remove the death penalty from the table.

Katherine S. Streett, one of Gardner's attorneys, said the death penalty was a cruel and unusual punishment and asked Clawson to strike it from options given to the jury.

Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Carol Crews said prosecutors stood by their decision and asked Clawson to continue to allow them to seek the death penalty in the capital murder case against Gardner.

Gardner, 56, is accused of killing Susan "Heather" Stubbs on March 6, 2016, after a hotel clerk found her lying facedown in Room 114 of Days Inn on Oak Street. When police arrived, she was found strangled to death from a cord.

Among several motions addressed Monday was a motion to suppress statements Gardner made following his arrest last year.

Thomas Scott Brisendine said Gardner's statements should not be allowed as evidence because a Conway Police Department detective "continued asking questions after [Gardner] requested a lawyer."

Sgt. Melissa Smith questioned Gardner following his arrest at the Garland County Sheriff's Office and, upon Gardner's request for a 2nd conversation with Smith, at the Faulkner County Detention Center Unit II.

Smith said she does not feel she impeded on Gardener's rights, noting she stopped all questions pertaining to Gardner's guilt in Stubbs' death after he mentioned wanting a lawyer.

Brisendine said all statements Gardner made during this interview should be thrown out as far as evidence exposed to the jury during trial because Smith continued speaking with Gardner after his request.

Smith said she was within her rights regarding the questions she asked Gardner following his request for an attorney because her questions dealt with how to contact other individuals Gardner said could be linked to Stubbs' death.

"The point is to ask to find out if there are more people to talk to," she said.

Clawson said he would review the recordings and make a ruling by Sept. 16.

He also requested prosecutors determine whether they plan to call any victim impact witnesses to the stand and how many. The defense has requested the state not call an excessive number of those affected by Stubbs' death to the stand.

Crews said she does not anticipate calling more than 1 victim impact witness to the stand.

(source: Log Cabin Democrat)


Attorney general may have exceeded power in death penalty prosecution----Jack Roth was ousted from prosecuting Miguel Contreras-Perez. That same week, he was no longer employed by Attorney General Cynthia Coffman's office.

Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman's office is facing accusations that it overstepped its power in a death penalty case.

One of Coffman's top aides, Assistant Attorney General Jack Roth, gave a speech in November 2016 claiming responsibility for the decision to seek capital punishment against a man being prosecuted for a prison guard's murder, despite strong urging from the guard's family not to "go death." The decision reflected the wishes of the Department of Corrections, which has paid about $1 million to prosecute the case.

Under state law, it's the locally elected district attorney - not the attorney general, nor the prison system - who must decide whether seek the death penalty.

In late July, lawyers for the defendant, Miguel Contreras-Perez included a video of Roth's speech public in a motion arguing that the prosecution's "inflammatory conduct" was reason for the judge to strike the death penalty. That same week, Roth was thrown off the case by the Crowley County DA and was no longer employed by Coffman.

An attorney general's spokeswoman confirmed Roth is no longer on staff, but cited a gag order on the case and the need for confidentiality in personnel matters when saying Coffman wasn't available to comment.

For his part, Roth hasn't responded to several inquiries from The Colorado Independent about his departure and his Nov. 8, 2016 remarks about the case to students at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs' School of Public Affairs.

Contreras-Perez, 38, had been serving 35 years to life for the rape of a teenager when he was accused of fatally stabbing Mary Ricard, a corrections officer at the Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility, with a kitchen knife in 2012. He's also being prosecuted for the attempted murder of another corrections officer who survived after her throat was slashed in the same incident.

The 16th Judicial District Attorney sought help from a special unit in the Attorney General's office that works specifically on capital cases. Roth was one of the heads of that unit and was working on the case as a specially sworn-in Crowley County DA at the time of his speech.

Roth struck a casual tone with the room full of college students, peppering his lecture with expletives, murder scene details, and macho anecdotes. His Power Point - complete with cop-show style heavy metal and images he called his "I-love-me slides" - detailed his volunteer work as a police reserve officer.

"I was a cop while I was a lawyer, which means that I was your worst nightmare. I was a lawyer with a gun. And a Taser. But I got both sides of it. I was on both sides of the fire. I was a prosecutor and a cop. I pulled my gun many times while I was a cop. I had to be Tased in order to be certified. They called it 'riding the lightning.' I would recommend - that's a lot of fun."

Roth boasted about his experience being choked as a reserve officer training in the police academy, and chuckled about his subsequent volunteer work choking rookies.

"I get to do it," he said.

He called himself "twisted." He showed a slide that likened himself to a shark. And he reminisced about his boyhood when he said he'd "climb up to the roof of our house with a towel taped around my neck as a superhero cape and jump off the roof. Because I thought I could fly. I was a superhero."

Roth approached his topic - the law of death penalty prosecutions - with the same swagger.

"This is gonna be a little graphic. Death always is. If that bothers you, tough. I don't care," he quipped, to some uncomfortable laughter in his audience.

And, when describing the arduous back and forth entailed with litigating capital prosecutions, he said, "Now you may want to say that this is a game. Sometimes it seems like a game when I'm dealing with defense attorneys."

In 2 court filings on July 31, Contreras-Perez's defense team took legal objection to Roth's comments about the case.

One of the motions says Roth disclosed confidential information in a case that has been sealed by the judge.

"He went far beyond what a prosecutor is allowed to say," says defense attorney David Lane, noting those comments could deprive his client a fair trial.

The other motion takes issue with Roth's comments that seeking death was his call.

"Do you agree with my decision to file death on Contreras-Perez?" Roth had asked the class.

"What if I told you in my Perez case, Mary Ricard's family does not want the death penalty? They are very, very religious and they believe that killing is only in God's hands. They don't want the death penalty. But I'm still going forward with it. Why? Well, I can tell you my reason is that I'm looking out for every other corrections officer out there. He's already serving 35 to life. If I don't go death penalty on him, what's that say to every other corrections officer out there? Your life doesn't mean anything? Does that make for some uncomfortable meetings with the Ricard family? Little bit."

The 2nd motion seeks to prohibit the government from seeking Contreras-Perez's death on grounds that he's unfairly being prosecuted by 2 government agencies - the DA's and attorney general's offices - at once on the same case. "The attorney general has no authority to prosecute a case simultaneously with, or instead of, the district attorney," it reads.

The motion noted that the Department of Corrections (DOC) is a client of the Attorney General???s office, and that it had "paid well over $900,000 towards the prosecution of this case" as of the beginning of 2017 under an arrangement whereby rural counties in which prisons have been built receive DOC money to prosecute cases stemming from those prisons.

"It is apparent that the Department of Corrections and the Attorney General's office are running the show: making the decision to seek death, ignoring the opposition of the victim's family, paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for the death prosecution, and directly deploying lawyers in furtherance of their quest for death," the motion reads.

Jim Bullock, the 16th Judicial District Attorney hasn't responded to inquiries from The Colorado Independent about Roth's ouster from the case

A hearing on possible sanctions against the prosecution is scheduled Tuesday morning in Ordway.

It's unclear how Roth's comments may also affect several other pending cases that he discussed during his lecture.

The surfacing of Roth's speech isn't the 1st time the conduct of Attorney General's special death penalty unit has been questioned.

In 2008, the unit and the 18th Judicial District were sanctioned for allowing Roth's colleague, Daniel Edwards, to help prosecute a case against an accused prison murderer whom Edwards had represented 6 years earlier as a defense attorney in private practice. "Mr. Edwards has literally switched sides," Lincoln County District Judge Stanley Brinkley wrote when ordering the state and local prosecutors off the case and ordering a special prosecutor.

State lawmakers also have raised eyebrows about the AG's death penalty squad, which was formed in 1994 as the Capital Crimes Unit and is now called the Violent Crimes Assistance Team (VCAT). The unit was created to support rural district attorneys in complex death penalty cases that their staffs may be too small or inexperienced to handle alone. But a legislative report from 2015 says that by 2009 "unit attorneys became much more active participants in prosecutions, including actually trying cases as the lead attorneys." The report also found there have been times the unit has worked on more cases in metro Denver than in rural areas.

In advising lawmakers not to grant the unit budget increases, a legislative analyst wrote that, "With no statute defining the role and function of the VCAT the General Assembly's intended role for the unit remains unclear."

Lane is among several members of the criminal defense community who say the unit's involvement and zeal in capital cases need to be questioned.

"What you have here is the DOC-paid players from the AG's death squad coming in and pressuring the local DAs into seeking the death penalty in order to justify their own existence."



Justice or vengeance? Kern prosecutor, public defender on the future of death penalty in California

A recent California Supreme Court ruling could lead to executions resuming in months, and the county's top prosecutor and a high-ranking public defender spoke this week about whether the decision will in fact speed up the death penalty process and what benefits, if any, that will have.

The ruling, filed Aug. 24, upholds much of Proposition 66, passed by voters last year to speed up death penalty appeals. The decision becomes final 30 days after it has been filed.

According to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, there are currently 746 inmates on death row, 27 from Kern County. The number has increased steadily since 1978.

But with the court's ruling, Kern County District Attorney Lisa Green said, executions could resume in 6 to 9 months. She said there are 17 cases in California - none from Kern County - where condemned inmates have exhausted their appeals.

She said it's her understanding that "very soon" dates will be set for judges to start scheduling executions.

Speeding up the process, Green said, is important for the families of victims who continue to suffer as 1st years then decades pass without them receiving the justice they expected. She said she's been in touch with some of the next of kin in death penalty cases, and seen firsthand their frustration.

Green said she read an email by Marc Klaas, father of murder victim Polly Klaas, whose killing played a role in politicians passing California's "3 strikes" law, about the relief he felt when Proposition 66 passed.

"The emotion was really raw in the email, and well over 20 years have passed since his daughter was killed," Green said. "People whose loved ones have been killed are grateful there are people to take up the cause."

In its ruling, the court found Proposition 66's 5-year deadline for direct appeals - automatic appeals given to everyone sentenced to death - to be advisory, not mandatory. Green, however, said she doesn't think 5 years is too fast for a direct appeal.

"Obviously, that's a lifetime if you consider the victims' families and what they've had to go through," she said.

She stressed the process would not be expedited to the point where issues couldn't be litigated or defendants' rights are violated, but it would stop the "feet-dragging" on the part of attorneys who continually want to delay the process.

And after direct appeals, there are other appeals that can be filed. It's not the end of the process.

As an example for the need of an expedited process, Green used Vincent Brothers, the notorious Kern County killer who murdered 5 family members, to illustrate her point.

Sentenced to death in 2007, the responsive brief in Brothers' direct appeal was completed just this year, and a ruling will likely be issued next year. That would mean 11 years will have passed for his direct appeal to be heard.

"That's too long, and so that was one of the moving forces captured by the initiative," Green said.

But Dominic Eyherabide, the county's chief assistant public defender, said that while Proposition 66's intent was to streamline the system, what it will do is actually create more agencies and bureaucracies.

"Since when do you solve a government bureaucracy problem by creating more bureaucracy?" he said. "They've just introduced more levels of review." Eyherabide said people can legislate something, but it doesn't mean it's going to be translated into an effective or workable system.

He cited Associate Justice Goodwin Liu's concurring opinion on the ruling.

Liu wrote, in part, "The realities of California's postconviction death penalty process mean that without a radical reorganization of this court's functions, a restructuring of the role of lower courts beyond what Proposition 66 provides, and a significant infusion of resources from the Legislature, the 5-year time limit is not remotely close to realistic."

Given the way the system works, Eyherabide said, the writ attorney will have a year, maybe 2, to review the entire case and all documentation in preparing a petition within the Proposition 66 timeline.

The only way to accomplish that would be to pay writ attorneys so well that each can work just on one case for the entire year, Eyherabide said.

The ruling will also put more work on trial judges, Eyherabide said, noting the court upheld the mandate that trial courts can hear some appeals in connection with inmates over whose trials they presided.

He said if there's a positive to the ruling, it's that maybe there will be more talking and brainstorming between public defenders and writ attorneys.

But he said the ruling initiates a likely complicated and costly process that does nothing to protect the general public since anyone sitting on death row isn't going anywhere.

"This is about vengeance," Eyherabide said. "So we're going to spend millions and millions to implement this just for that."

A service courtesy of Washburn University School of Law

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