To be sure, I 
personally oppose the imposition of capital punishment upon any person 
for any reason no matter how monstrous their crimes: Bush Jr., Tony 
Blair, Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, Vladimir Putin, Ariel Sharon, 
my former client John Wayne Gacy, etc.

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (voice)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 9:51 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: [NYTr] National Campaign to Impeach George W Bush

Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fit

The National Campaign to Impeach President George W. Bush

by Professor Francis A. Boyle

Since the U.S. Supreme Court's installation of George W. Bush as 
President in January of 2001, the peoples of the world have witnessed a 
government in the United States of America that demonstrates little if 
any respect for fundamental considerations of international law, 
international organizations, and human rights, let alone appreciation of 
the requirements for maintaining international peace and security. What 
the world has watched instead is a comprehensive and malicious assault 
upon the integrity of the international legal order by a group of men 
and women who are thoroughly Machiavellian in their perception of 
international relations and in their conduct of both foreign policy and 
domestic affairs. This is not simply a question of giving or withholding 
the benefit of the doubt when it comes to complicated matters of foreign 
affairs and defense policies to a U.S. government charged with the 
security of both its own citizens and those of its allies in Europe, the 
Western Hemisphere, and the Pacific. Rather, the Bush Jr. 
administration's foreign policies represent a gross deviation from those 
basic rules of international deportment and civilized behavior that the 
United States government had traditionally played the pioneer role in 
promoting for the entire world community. Even more seriously, in many 
instances specific components of the Bush Jr. administration's foreign 
policies constitute ongoing criminal activity under well-recognized 
principles of both international law and U.S. domestic law, and in 
particular the Nuremberg Charter, the Nuremberg Judgment, and the 
Nuremberg Principles.

Depending upon the substantive issues involved, those international 
crimes typically include but are not limited to the Nuremberg offenses 
of crimes against peace, crimes against humanity and war crimes, as well 
as grave breaches of the Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the 1907 
Hague Regulations on land warfare, torture, disappearances, and 
assassinations. In addition, various members of the Bush Jr. 
administration committed numerous inchoate crimes incidental to these 
substantive offenses that under the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment, and 
Principles were international crimes in their own right: viz., planning, 
preparation, solicitation, incitement, conspiracy, complicity, attempt, 
aiding and abetting, etc. Of course the great irony of today's situation 
is that six decades ago at Nuremberg, representatives of the U.S. 
government participated in the prosecution, punishment and execution of 
Nazi government officials for committing some of the same types of 
heinous international crimes that members of the Bush Jr. administration 
currently inflict upon people all around the world. To be sure, I 
personally oppose the imposition of capital punishment upon any person 
for any reason no matter how monstrous their crimes: Bush Jr., Tony 
Blair, Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, Vladimir Putin, Ariel Sharon, 
my former client John Wayne Gacy, etc.

Furthermore, according to basic principles of international criminal 
law, all high-level civilian officials and military officers in the U.S. 
government who either knew or should have known that soldiers or 
civilians under their control committed or were about to commit 
international crimes, and failed to take the measures necessary to stop 
them, or to punish them, or both, are likewise personally responsible 
for the commission of international crimes. This category of officialdom 
who actually knew or at least should have known of the commission of 
such substantive or inchoate international crimes under their 
jurisdiction and failed to do anything about it typically includes the 
Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, Director of Central 
Intelligence, the National Security Adviser, the Attorney General, the 
Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff and regional CINCs, and presumably the 
President and Vice President. These U.S. government officials and their 
immediate subordinates, among others, were personally responsible for 
the commission or at least complicity in the commission of crimes 
against peace, crimes against humanity, and war crimes as specified by 
the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment, and Principles - at a minimum. In 
international legal terms, the Bush Jr. administration itself should be 
viewed as constituting an ongoing criminal conspiracy under 
international criminal law.

Consequently, on Tuesday 11 March 2003, with the Bush Jr. 
administration's war of aggression against Iraq staring the American 
People, Congress and Republic in their face, Congressman John Conyers of 
Michigan, the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee (which has 
jurisdiction over Bills of Impeachment), convened an emergency meeting 
of forty or more of his top advisors, most of whom were lawyers. The 
purpose of the meeting was to discuss and debate immediately putting 
into the U.S. House of Representatives Bills of Impeachment against 
President Bush Jr., Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense 
Donald Rumsfeld, and then Attorney General John Ashcroft in order to 
head off the impending war. Congressman Conyers kindly requested that 
Ramsey Clark and I come to the meeting in order to argue the case for 

This impeachment debate lasted for two hours. It was presided over by 
Congressman Conyers, who quite correctly did not tip his hand one way or 
the other on the merits of impeachment. He simply moderated the debate 
between Clark and I, on the one side, favoring immediately filing Bills 
of Impeachment against Bush Jr. et al. to stop the threatened war, and 
almost everyone else there who were against impeachment for partisan 
political reasons. Obviously no point would be served here by 
attempting to digest a two-hour-long vigorous debate among a group of 
well-trained lawyers on such a controversial matter at this critical 
moment in American history. But at the time I was struck by the fact 
that this momentous debate was conducted at a private office right down 
the street from the White House on the eve of war.

Suffice it to say that most of the "experts" there opposed impeachment 
not on the basis of enforcing the Constitution and the Rule of Law, 
whether international or domestic, but on the political grounds that it 
might hurt the Democratic Party effort to get their presidential 
candidate elected in the year 2004. As a political independent, I did 
not argue that point. Rather, I argued the merits of impeaching Bush 
Jr., Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft under the United States 
Constitution, U.S. federal laws, U.S. treaties and other international 
agreements to which the United States is a party, etc. Article VI of 
the U.S. Constitution provides that treaties "shall be the supreme Law 
of the Land." This so-called Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution 
also applies to international executive agreements concluded under the 
auspices of the U.S. President such as the 1945 Nuremberg Charter.

Congressman Conyers was so kind as to allow me the closing argument in 
the debate. Briefly put, the concluding point I chose to make was 
historical: The Athenians lost their democracy. The Romans lost their 
Republic. And if we Americans did not act now we could lose our 
Republic! The United States of America is not immune to the laws of 

After two hours of most vigorous debate among those in attendance, the 
meeting adjourned with second revised draft Bills of Impeachment sitting 
on the table.

Certainly, if the U.S. House of Representatives can impeach President 
Clinton for sex and lying about sex, then a fortiori the House can, 
should, and must impeach President Bush Jr. for war, lying about war, 
and threatening more wars. All that is needed is for one Member of 
Congress with courage, integrity, principles and a safe seat to file 
these currently amended draft Bills of Impeachment against Bush Jr., 
Cheney, Rumsfeld, and now Attorney General Albert Gonzales, who bears 
personal criminal responsibility for the Bush Jr. administration torture 
scandal. Failing this, the alternative is likely to be an American 
Empire abroad, a U.S. police state at home, and continuing wars of 
aggression to sustain both-along the lines of George Orwell's classic 
novel 1984. Despite all of the serious flaws demonstrated by successive 
United States governments that this author has amply documented 
elsewhere during the past quarter century as a Professor of Law, the 
truth of the matter is that America is still the oldest Republic in the 
world today. "We the People of the United States" must fight to keep it 
that way!

[Francis A. Boyle is a Professor of Intrnatinal Law and a human rights
attorney. He is the author of "Destroying World Order" (2004, Clarity
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From  Sun Jun 12 02:25:50 2005
From: (Rick Halperin)
Date: Tue Aug 16 12:16:03 2005
Subject: [Deathpenalty]death penalty news----worldwide 
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June 10


Fears of a prison riot

Prison officers fear for their lives since the announcement of the
resumption of hanging of death row prisoners.

"Once Government is playing politics and talking about hanging people,
they are putting my officers lives at risk because the mood at the
condemned area has changed," Kenneth Mathison, general secretary of the
Prison Officers Association, said yesterday.

He was responding to questions at a press conference in San Fernando
called by The Federation of Independent Trade Unions and Non Governmental
Organisations (FITUN) to announce Labour Day plans for Fyzabad.

Mathison said the situation had become volatile and that prison officers
at the nation's "heavily understaffed" prisons fear that prisoners could
start rioting.

As it is now, there is a ratio of about 40 prisoners to an officer "and if
a riot breaks out in prison now, a lot of officers could be damaged if not
dead," he said.

Mathison said the major problem at the prisons was understaffing,
resulting in overworked and underpaid prison officers. He said there were
about 2,000 officers, but there was need for some 3,500 officers to handle
the nation's prison population.

"Officers' lives are being intimidated. Just imagine one officer sometimes
has to work alone with all the prisoners in condemned cells.

We do not have enough staff to man the condemned cells in Port of Spain,
"Mathison said.

Because of the understaffing, he said, "the prison system does not operate
properly, things cannot happen they way it should, programmes of
rehabilitation and restoration cannot be implemented. Nothing can work
until we are properly manned."

Mathison said in some cases there were 300 inmates in a yard with one
officer, and government was doing nothing to help. Mathison said Trinidad
prisons had not been hit by riots, as had happened in other countries, but
that did not mean it could not happen.

(source: Trinidad Express)


Tihar Prisons execution data state secret: rights group

Execution records at Delhi's Tihar are a "state secret," a rights group
has alleged, citing what it claims is a response it has received from
authorities at Asia's largest prison over a request for the data on
hangings since 1947.

"In its reply dated May 12, 2005, the DIG (Prisons) refused to provide the
information on the grounds that 'some of the persons who have been
executed were convicted for various offences having prejudicial affect on
the sovereignty and integrity of India and security of the NCT of Delhi
and international relations and could lead to incitement of an
offence...," People's Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) Secretary Deepika
Tandon said in a statement here.

The PUDR, which opposes death penalty, said it had requested execution
records under the Delhi Right to Information Act-2001.

It accused Tihar authorities of placing India beside Vietnam, China and
Uzbekistan where executions are state secrets.

The PUDR also cited observations of the UN Commission on Human Rights
about certain countries cloaking execution information in secrecy.

(source: PUDR)

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