Re: [Debconf-discuss] Cured (raw) meat for cheese and wine party through Canada customs?

2017-07-29 Thread alberto fuentes
On Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 1:55 AM, Dererk  wrote:
> It's really amazing and totally worth trying, but since it costs quite
> some money (and since I would have to travel ~100KM to get them) I would
> prefer not to burst into tears seeing, once again, a custom agent force
> us to drop them into the trash for them to later snaking :P

Just curious. Couldnt you eat it instead of being thrown away?
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] personal debian badges to use on our website ?

2016-12-07 Thread alberto fuentes
This look like a really good idea. I still havent bought in the digital
badges idea, but I like it.

Mozilla has something similar using open badges:

Problem is ideas are many and time limited. Are you stepping forward to
make it work? :)

On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 10:52 PM, shirish शिरीष 

> Dear all,
> From the last debconf I really like the badges that were made
> From debconf16 experience this is how things work/ed for me -
> a. Debconf registration opens (this year it was good 4 months in
> advance, 19th March 2016)
> b. Complete registration
> c. Get confirmation email that registration was successful
> d. Here it gets a bit murkier -
> d1. I had to buy airline tickets for visa (came to know about
> refundable deposits) way later, so it was a bit of gamble for me.
> Luckily came to know that the airline I booked (Qatar Airways) refunds
> money in case of visa refusal.
> d2.  Needed a modified visa letter with more details than the standard
> one given by Debian
> e. Go to the visa people (vfsglobal in my case) pay the visa fees and
> simply wait.
> e1. Also apply for transit visa (which I didn't need to because Doha
> Al Hamad doesn't need a transit visa from Indians) otherwise another
> loop here itself.
> f. Get visa with some wrong information - probably exception here.
> g. Get it fixed by sending a letter to the Embassy clarifying what was
> wrong.
> h. Get the final fixed visa (28th May)
> i. Give final registration go-ahead (this tells Debian orga that you
> are really coming)
> j. Travel and attend debconf .
> Now I had been thinking that at I. could we give personalized digital
> badges to attendees to use and decorate it on their blog/website, a
> sort of official recognition that they are going to Debconf.
> I am thinking of going
> down to where the badges are -
> I tried to edit so that the artwork would generate a TOC, saw that
> there is _NOTOC_ and saw in the revision history that Valessio had
> generated the page with _NOTOC_ . Probably a valid reason for that
> hence left it alone.
> Few reasons why it may be a good idea -
> a. Such personalized badges are and would be fun and it could be used
> to decorate your website/blog with the personal touch. It shows you
> had gone or are going.
> b. I remember some people asking for certificate of attendance of the
> Conference. While some people may still ask for it, most would be
> happy with digital badges.
> c. People could decorate with number of badges so number of years they
> went can be easily seen, this publicizes the user/attendee's
> affliation with Debian and vice-versa.
> The only downside I see would be -
> People who are rejected years down the line due to some bad behaviour
> could use the badges to ill-repute Debian.
> How it would work -
> a. Have a script automatically incrementing the number when the final
> go-ahead is received form the attendee.
> b. If we wanna be fancy, we could use GNU barcode
> [$] aptitude show barcode | grep Description
> Description: Utility and library for barcode generation
> c. Have the Debconf that year badge as the background for the digital
> badge.
> What do people think of it ?
> --
>   Regards,
>   Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
>   My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
> EB80 462B 08E1 A0DE A73A  2C2F 9F3D C7A4 E1C4 D2D8
> ___
> Debconf-discuss mailing list
Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Ideas for you travel back home

2016-07-08 Thread alberto fuentes
Many of you are going to suffer from long waiting times and flaky internet
connectivity or none at all while traveling back home. How about
downloading some of the video talks while you are here to watch them
offline? Do it now so you wont forget later!! [0]

Thanks to the video team, this is feasible very early this year!

If there's a particular video that you enjoy, you might consider subtitling
it afterwards or while you watch it. Subtitling basically includes
transcribing what you hear to a text file, which can be then sync with the
video afterwards.

There are many videos and few people doing subtiling, so it is unlikely to
step over the work of somebody else, but if  you consider doing some
subtitling work, read our quickie debconf 2016 [1]

Give us a holler in IRC [2] to check first if you dont want to risk it or head
to our wiki [3] for tricks around offline subtitling or to get a lock on a
particular file if you really want to make sure nobody is already working
on that.

Thanks and enjoy the rest of debconf 2016!



[2] irc://

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Anybody attending DebConf16 and coming to Madrid afterwards?

2016-07-08 Thread alberto fuentes
On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 2:18 PM, Bernelle Verster 

> I printed circular Debian swirl stickers:
> Small = 6cm diameter, on white, black and translucent vinyl (100 of each)
> and Large = 20 cm diameter  on white, black and translucent vinyl (50 of
> each)
> I think there are many left. How many would you like?
> I was selling them at R20 (about Euro 1.30) for small and R50 (about
> Euro 3.00) for large but can negotiate bulk price, I just need to
> recover my costs :)
> And then I don't know who would be best to arrange to get them to you,
> and organise payment? I am based in Cape Town, South Africa, can't get
> them to you myself.

Thanks for the offering!

Lets see if we can find a bearer first and then I will ask for a few

I runned out of stickers, but bringing some from southafrica was more of an
excuse to organize a meeting in madrid and have some beers post debconf ;)
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Anybody attending DebConf16 and coming to Madrid afterwards?

2016-07-07 Thread alberto fuentes
On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 12:02 PM, Laura Arjona Reina 

> Hi
> If you are attending DebConf16 and plan to come to Madrid afterwards (no
> matter if it's some months later), please ping me. I would be very happy if
> somebody brings my tshirt (and some stickers, if possible!). And also would
> be a perfect excuse to organize a coffee, beer or whatever-signing when you
> come to Madrid.

Id join that meeting!

And if you bring some normal swirl stickers (any size and material) i will
rebuy them from you (and probably ill buy you a beer for your troubles!).

I stick them everywhere and run out of them again :D
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] First recorded videos live!

2015-08-18 Thread alberto fuentes
On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 7:42 AM, Luna Jernberg

 Put to download everything new in this
 folder every morning at 01:00

if you are really into this plugin better grab it from the repository with
apt install xul-ext-downthemall :)

I put together a little script that generates a rss feed for the videos

Im using it successfully to import the videos. You can find the RSS feed
generated here

And finally, a shameless plug from the debconf-subtitling team...

Its a way to watch the videos while contributing and it really helps
learning about what is being said during the the talk.

There are many people that have trouble following spoken english, specially
with thick accents, but have no problem reading them :)

Subtitling/translation to help making the videos available to more people
Is a way to thank the hard work of the video team. Even doing only a few
minutes is appreciated

Just head to our irc channel #debconf-subs and say hi or check out our wiki

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Thank you!

2015-08-17 Thread alberto fuentes
On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 11:04 AM, Felix Zielcke wrote:

 Am Sonntag, den 16.08.2015, 08:21 +0200 schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
  So thank you to Andreas, Francesca and Enrico, but also to all the
  members of
  the organization and video team for making DebConf possible.
  Thank you,


 I totally second this!

 I'm the the first new timer on New to DebConf BOF who told his storry :
 Now I'm totally motivated doing stuff for Debian again.
 And cared already a bit about the GRUB 2 bugs.
 Yours too!

 Thanks everyone, to make this Debconf so wonderful!

One possible way to thank Enrico and Francesca is by helping making their
talk more accessible to more people in english or in your native language
by subtitling/translating their video talk ;)

Just join #debconf-subs on irc and say hi or check our wiki at :)
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Schedule for mobile

2015-08-16 Thread alberto fuentes
On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 3:24 PM, Daniel Maslowski

 Hi everyone,

 I've quickly created a mobile-friendly version of the schedule at

 It serves static XML (which might take some seconds to load) because
 Summit doesn't send CORS headers to allow fetching from there, so it won't
 be up to date if changes are made.

 Feedback is always welcome. :)

In the same vein, you can download the schedule without https from

it gets updated every hour

Use case: an old giggity in an old phone where you cant accept an invalid
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] DebConf15: Call for keys for keysigning in Heidelberg, Germany

2015-08-15 Thread alberto fuentes
On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Aníbal Monsalve Salazar

 Martin has suggested in previous keysignings not to print the list.

 If you have a laptop/tablet/phone you could convert the list (after
 checking the hash) into a html file with a form.

 Joey Hess did just that. Please have a look at his program and
 instructions available at:

Joey (saving consists of generating a url, which I have not bothered to
write a consumer for yet)

So has anybody bothered to write this consumer yet? :)
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Key Signing at Debconf: Attend the BoF for Checksum reading!

2015-08-15 Thread alberto fuentes
isnt amsterdam a little small for this bof if people is going to check the
checksum there?

On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Rhonda D'Vine wrote:


  For those who weren't really prepared or able to high-speed compare the
 checksum from the opening session:  There will be a Key Signing Best
 Practices BoF going on in Amsterdam at 14:00 today and the checksum
 will be read there:

  Please prepare the checksum from the file and attend the bof so you can
 compare it with the others at ease.

  See you there!
 Fühlst du dich mutlos, fass endlich Mut, los  |
 Fühlst du dich hilflos, geh raus und hilf, los| Wir sind Helden
 Fühlst du dich machtlos, geh raus und mach, los   | 23.55: Alles auf Anfang
 Fühlst du dich haltlos, such Halt und lass los|
 Debconf-discuss mailing list

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Key Signing at Debconf: Attend the BoF for Checksum reading!

2015-08-15 Thread alberto fuentes
On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 12:05 PM, Martin Steigerwald

 This  collides directly with the talk by Bradley, I wish to attend. Will
 be another opportunity for this? How long will it take?

 Of course I can try to watch the livestream of the talk by Bradley, but I´d
 rather not multitask on keysigning things.

i certainly hope so... so the members of video team have a chance to
participate as well :P
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Key Signing at Debconf: Attend the BoF for Checksum reading!

2015-08-15 Thread alberto fuentes
On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 12:39 PM, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) wrote:

 Hash: SHA512

 On 15/08/15 12:18, alberto fuentes wrote:

 What I'm wondering is if we are doing a Distribute KSP, why
 we don't check the hash also in a distributed way?  By sharing
 your hash when you are exchanging info to sign a key or by
 sharing it publicly via, IRC, a mail list
 thread, or even microblogging, anywhere you can say here's my
 hash, it matches anibal's hash.

The whole point to check the hash is so you only have to do it once...
Otherwise, if you are going to do it with every person, you better check
the fingerprint of that person instead :P
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] DebConf15: Call for keys for keysigning in Heidelberg, Germany

2015-08-15 Thread alberto fuentes
On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Martin Steigerwald

 Is there anything wrong with just making a copy of the txt file and edit
 one in a text editor? I don´t quite get yet, why I need a HTML page for

that html is touch screen friendly

 This way I can even check any changes into a bzr (or git) repo with gpg
 signatures for commits.

you could probably do the same with the output of that html consumer if
there were one :P
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Key Signing at Debconf: Attend the BoF for Checksum reading!

2015-08-15 Thread alberto fuentes
On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 4:33 PM, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:

  The whole point to check the hash is so you only have to do it once...
  Otherwise, if you are going to do it with every person, you better check
  the fingerprint of that person instead :P
 I think we strongly need a proper list of things to do when you want to
 sign a key/get one signed, to avoid confusion.

so to make clear what i meant, checking that this guys's fingerprint match
the one you have of him :)

I would argue that we are in need of better tools for key signing to make
it easier and more ubiquitous... but nobody with user interface experience
seem to care enough to do that so far :)

I guess a proper list of things to check could do for now... :P
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] food is great

2015-08-15 Thread alberto fuentes
On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 6:43 PM, Richard Hartmann wrote:

 Several of them seem quite interested.

did any of them ask you to at least dualboot, at best wipe out, that
computer with windows they have at the entrance hall?

I would volunteer to help with that :)
Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] debconf jtag cable

2015-08-11 Thread alberto fuentes
I brought with me 2 dreamplugs in need of a u-boot firmware upgrade

If somebody were able to bring along a jtag cable to lend me, i would be
very grateful!

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] DebConf conference policy on profanity

2014-09-04 Thread alberto fuentes
On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 5:11 AM, Russ Allbery wrote:
 To be specific about what words I'm talking about, I have seen people use
 both  and  in a professional HR presentation context with
 basically no reaction (although the latter is much less common).  Several
 speakers used those or similar words during various presentations; often
 they were immediately apologetic, but the audience appeared not to take
 this part of the code of conduct particularly seriously.

[0] Do not use foul language; besides, some people receive the lists
via packet radio, where swearing is illegal.

Please refrain from using those words in here. Use poo and m'kay instead[1]

[1] nsfw?:
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] First videos are now online

2014-09-04 Thread alberto fuentes
On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 4:14 AM, Steve Langasek wrote:
 One of the things I wanted to address post-DebConf14 is to make sure the
 event pages in include direct links to the video
 recordings.  Can you tell me if there's a reliable naming scheme for these
 files?  E.g., it appears spaces are replaced by underscores, and several
 punctuation characters are removed.  Is the filename schema available in
 code form?

Please, consider linking the videos via the links to
provided in the subs wiki [0]
Notice that amara does not host the files, only the subtitles... but
adds both a player that is able to show the subtitles and a some
interface to edit such subtitles

I know is ugly to link to some external website... frankly, I dont
know how else to do it. Amara is free software but is not packaged
into debian. Ill try to get some instance up for the next year... but
I havent looked into it yet.

For now, this will have to do.

The subtitles will be available outside once they are
finished. But they are not... and will not be unless they are promoted
and exposed to the people interested in watching those videos in the
first place

Common FAQ about subs:
Q: Can I contribute only 30 min? Is still useful?
A: Yes. Please do. The web interface makes it fairly easy to do it and
submit your work

Thanks for considering

PS: The wiki page is not finished yet. It has suffered from various
iterations in the workflow and a major overhaul. Im working on it.
Patience please :)

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] DebConf conference policy on profanity

2014-09-04 Thread alberto fuentes
On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 6:39 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
 This provision has been ignored on our mailing lists for as long as I've
 been a member of the project.  There was some recent discussion of the
 packet radio reference that concluded that this justification was rather
 dubious.  I wonder if we should take it out of that document as well,
 although this is not the right place to talk about that.

Right, my point being, even if maybe not very clear, that you might
want to look at the mailing lists coc as well if you decide to look
into this
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] DebConf conference policy on profanity

2014-09-04 Thread alberto fuentes
On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 9:02 PM, Matt Zagrabelny wrote:


 I'd like to add that restraining oneself from using profanity (either
 as a speaker or as an audience member) in a public venue is common
 courtesy. Similarly as we choose our words when speaking to strangers.
 I might be tempted to use profanity with friends or coworkers, but I'd
 be much more careful with people I don't know or have never met.

Theres a bullet point in the mailing list CoC that says:
'Use common sense all the time.'

Maybe the profanity thingy can be just removed completely?
or is it too much to ask in a the context of a big project like debian?

We are talking about adding a 'parental advisory: explicit content' to
the talks... which has little to do with some CoC
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] First videos are now online

2014-08-25 Thread alberto fuentes
On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 10:10 PM, Richard Hartmann wrote:
 Dear all,

 the first videos are now online and ready for your consumption:

Im updating the wiki with the steps to be done [0].. it would be great
if you could create a transcript of the talks while you watch them. It
does takes longer to do than simply watch them, but its a big help to

Just a txt with a line per whatever would fit in the screen subtitle
(aprox.) of what you listen

lock the talk in $ gobby debconf14/subs-effort or
shout me in #debconf-subs and ill lock it for you to prevent duplicity


Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] black- or whiteboard?

2013-08-13 Thread alberto fuentes
so did this session already took place or

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 11:06 AM, martin f krafft wrote:
 also sprach Joey Hess [2013.08.13.1004 +0200]:
 I wanted this badly yesterday, and respectfully suggest it be
 added to the things DebConf orga tries to provide in the
 facilities in the future.

 There are more whiteboards. Come and find me and help me carry.

  .''`.   martin f. krafft
 : :'  :  ex-DebConf orga team; ex-press officer
 `. `'`
   `-  DebConf13: Vaumarcus, Switzerland:

 i stopped fighting my inner demons.. we're all on the same side now.

 Debconf-discuss mailing list

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] debian workflows exchange

2013-08-13 Thread alberto fuentes
On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 12:14 PM, David Kalnischkies wrote:
 As a newbie I liked the idea instantly in the session, but as the wiki
 is still surprisingly empty, lets just add something myself:
 APT debugging 101 – a guided tour through dependency hell
 (officially: Debugging (dist-)upgrades in APT)


I think is better if you just put a time and place that suits you well
and see who shows up. Ill join you for this one!

Not many people are listed and I think it has to do with people being
too humble and thinking that what they do might be too boring (or
maybe they are just too busy to bother at all). So maybe people can
just list stuff they are interested in and wait for somebody who can
fill the blank with their own name :)

And maybe even nudge a person that is known to know about it :)
(people with more experience would be needed for this)

Ill add a couple of things that pops up in my mind in the wiki, but
unfortunately, i dont know what i dont know, so maybe more
interesting stuff would show up if people would just put what they
know that can be done

For me, this exercise is not only good for workflows that are not well
documented, but to be able to pickup some of the valuable experience
and tips that are in a debconf in a quick way

And, possible, to pickup some people to help you (from the perspective
of the people sharing)

PS: please, think of the children^wnewbies
Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] debian workflows exchange

2013-08-12 Thread alberto fuentes
This is my first debconf and one of my objetives of coming here was to
pick up some debian work's workflow

In the newbie session yesterday come out the idea of how the mundane
easy task for some people in their daily debian's work, is really
interesting for others just to watch over their shoulders.

I thought it would be really interesting to set up a wiki[0], where
ppl can put their names, a place, a time and some workflow is willing
to share, so people can join them to watch over their shoulders.
Maybe even with a projector in some unused room or after the talks, or
if just a bunch of people is interested in a regular table with a
laptop :)

For people willing to share some of their workflows, maybe is the
perfect time to try to recruit some mindless drones for those task
that you need some help with ;)


Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] sbd want to give a gpg skills-exchange session?

2013-08-11 Thread alberto fuentes
id join that one :)

On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 11:27 AM, Thomas Koch wrote:

 I've had some chatting yesterday about how it's complicate to grasp the inner
 working of GPG. For example would it be possible to remove an old email
 address from my GPG key? How?

 We compared it to Git, where we understood Git perfectly once we understood
 the underlying data structure.

 Is anybody here who could provide us the same insight into GPG and would like
 to do a Skills Exchange Session about it?

 Regards, Thomas Koch
 Debconf-discuss mailing list
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] IRC channels for the talk rooms

2013-08-11 Thread alberto fuentes

2013/8/11 Mike Gabriel
 Hi all,

 are there IRC channels that are dedicated to the talk being held in a
 specific talk room? Couldn't find that on the debconf wiki...



 mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
 fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

 GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31


 Debconf-discuss mailing list

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] video training sessions

2013-08-09 Thread alberto fuentes
would you be recording training sessions? ;)

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 12:13 PM, Holger Levsen wrote:

 if you want to volunteer on the videoteam, yay! Please add yourself to and attend the two
 training sessions:

 - friday, 2100 CEST, live session training
 - saturday, 1600 CEST, review training

 The session on Friday will also explain how to express (in penta) that you
 plan to do some particular job, eg doing camera or video- or audio-mixing for
 a particular event.

 See you there  thanks already!


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