Dear everybody

The next online MiniDebConf[1] is creeping ever closer and the orga team
is eagerly getting everything in place.

Here's some more information leading up to the event...

== Lightning talks ==

Here’s your chance to talk very briefly on a subject related to games on
Linux.  Talks can be up to 5 minutes in length, and can be submitted
prerecorded (preferred) or done live if necessary.  Please contact Team
Lightning on to register your interest.

== Loopy Loop ==

Yep, our video loop introduced at DC20 is back.

There are two types of submissions you can make for the loopy loop:

1. Shout-outs

Send a short message to the community in the loop between talks. Ideally
it should not be much more than 30s long. It doesn't have to be a whole
production, a short clip recorded on your webcam or phone is fine
(although please use landscape mode if using your phone though).

2. Tiny talks

Tiny talks are even faster than lightning talks! These are between 30s
and 90s (one and a half minute) long. Submit a tiny talk to make some
announcements or updates for your project in Debian, or do a quick demo
of a piece of software that you find interesting.

To submit a shout-out or tiny talk for the loop, upload your clip
somewhere and send the link to

Submissions for both close on 12:00 UTC on Saturday, 21 November.

== MiniDebCamp ==

Thursday and Friday (19-20 November) we'll have some time for informal
events, which could be ad-hoc talks, playing some network games, doing
some bug squashing or even packaging mentoring/tutorials depending on

Join us on #minidebconf-online on the oftc network, we'll share jitsi
and other links there, we'll also add some more information on the wiki
page[2] for MiniDebCamp as it becomes available.

- MiniDebConf Online Team


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