@Gunnar, well said.
It's great to know that you've been a long-time contributor.
We could print some swag for GSoC students and contributors around Chennai,
Where can I find some high resolution debian designs ?
(I did manage to find a good-enough logo though)

To the people who're interested,
I did a bit of research. Found this site : https://inkmonk.com/
T-Shirts - $5
Hoodies - $9
Laptop Sleeve - $12

Let me know if you'd like to get something printed.
Vishal Gupta

On Sun, Aug 5, 2018 at 12:14 AM Gunnar Wolf <gw...@debian.org> wrote:

> Kartik Kulkarni dijo [Sat, Aug 04, 2018 at 09:13:40PM +0530]:
> > Oh I am not a GSoC student either...I wasn't being clear in my previous
> > email so I wanted to clear the misunderstanding.
> >
> > And would we be able to get those goodies if we arrange for prepaid
> > shipping from any place in India? Also if someone from Bangalore has
> > attended the debconf and was willing to get it I would personally head
> > anywhere near Bangalore to collect it.
> Thing is... We appreciate your enthusiasm, and would love to have a
> way to bring you closer to contributing to Debian!
> However, our distribution is just a group of people. There is no
> company behind Debian. We don't _have_ "official swag", other than the
> shirts we print specifically for our conference's attendees (and we
> don't often print enough to have spares and send elsewhere - Sometimes
> we might have some to spare, but surely not always!
> As a 15-year-old Debian Developer, I was waiting for DebConf to get a
> nice Debian sticker to put in my new (used, ≈5-year-old)
> laptop. Debian didn't give me one - I bought it from the Brazilian
> group, who came with quite a bit of things to sell and fund next
> year's conference.
> I encourage you to reduce the pollution in our world. If you want
> Debian-themed products, print them locally in India! They will surely
> be cheaper, and from I know from you, they will have even a higher
> quality than European ones. Plus, you don't have to burn plane fuel to
> have them transported from somewhere far far away to your home!
> Go to your friendliest neighborhood printer. Make many
> stickers. Prepare lots of shirts. Do a nice run of USB sticks. Use
> them yourselves, or sell them to other free software enthusiasts.

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