We are happy to announce that DebConf20 registration is now open!!

With the Covid-19 still rather fluid, we understand that everyone's
plans for 2020 are not what you thought they were going to be when the
year started. Sadly, DebConf20 is no exception.

As of now (May 21st), Israel seems to be on top of the situation. Days
with less than 10 new diagnosed infections are becoming common.
Businesses and schools are slowly reopening. As such, we are hoping
that, at least as far as regulations go, we will be able to hold an
in-person conference. There is more (and up to date) information at the
conference's FAQ [1].

[1]: https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/20/Faq

Which means, barring a second wave, that there is reason to hope that
the conference can go forward. Which is not the same as saying it
_should_ move forward. For that we need your help.

We need to know, assuming health regulations permit it, how many people
intend to attend. This year probably more than ever before, prompt
registration is very important to us.

If you feel that the only thing you want to do is lay low, we understand
completely. All we ask is that you do _not_ register. Conversely, if
after months of staying at home you feel that rubbing elbows with fellow
Debian Developers is precisely the remedy that will salvage 2020, then
we ask that you _do_ register as soon as possible.

Sadly, things are still not clear enough for us to make a final and
binding commitment to holding an in-person conference this year, but
knowing how many people intend to attend will be a great help in making
that decision.

With that addressed, and assuming we clear all the hurdles, DebConf20
will take place from August 23rd to 29th, 2020 at the University of
Haifa, in Israel, and will be preceded by DebCamp, from August 16th to 22nd.

To register for DebConf20, please visit our website at

To request bursaries (sponsorship) for food, accommodation, or travel,
you must be registered by Sunday, May 31st 2020. After this date, new
bursary applications won’t be considered.

Participation to DebConf20 is conditional to your respect of our Code of
Conduct [0]. We require you to read, understand and abide by this code.

[0]: <https://debconf.org/codeofconduct.shtml>

This year more than ever, even if you are not certain you will be able
to attend, we recommend
registering now. You can always edit or cancel your registration, but
please make it final before 26 July 2020. We cannot guarantee
availability of accommodation, catering or swag for unconfirmed

We do suggest that attendees begin making travel arrangements as soon as
possible, of course. Please bear in mind that most air carriers allow
free cancellations and changes.

Any questions about registrations should be addressed to

-- Tzafrir, for the DebConf20 team

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