Re: undone by a dead CR2032 button cell

2017-01-23 Thread Bob Tracy
On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 12:03:37AM -0700, Alan Young wrote:
> (...)
> And should the day ever come, heavens forbid, that a card has passed into
> the silicon beyond, remember that SRM can boot headless and has a serial
> port console on COM1.
> (...)

Hmmm...  As long as it is possible to do the AlphaBIOS --> SRM switch
with the "foreign" video card (i.e., even though AlphaBIOS complains
about the PCI configuration), being able to boot SRM headless to set
"pci_device_override" is a good thing to know about.  Thanks!


Re: undone by a dead CR2032 button cell

2017-01-23 Thread Alan Young

I have old Permedia 2 and S3 cards for the same reason. :-).

And should the day ever come, heavens forbid, that a card has passed 
into the silicon beyond, remember that SRM can boot headless and has a 
serial port console on COM1. Different baud rates (9600 or 19200) are 
possible depending on the motherboard and SRM port settings. It may need 
a nudge with the ENTER key to get the SRM >>> prompt.


Bob Tracy wrote:

Next, boot the machine (still in AlphaBIOS at that point), go into setup
and switch to the Digital UNIX console (SRM), save settings, and reboot.
Now in SRM, at the ">>> " prompt, set pci_device_override as indicated
above.  Powered down the machine.  Swapped out the video card.  Voila!
All is well.

Definitely felt that cannonball whizzing by overhead.


undone by a dead CR2032 button cell

2017-01-23 Thread Bob Tracy
I *knew* there was a reason I hung onto my old TGA video card :-).

The batteries in the UPS to which my Alpha was attached required
replacing.  No way to do that with the machine plugged in and running,
so I shut it down and got to work.

Upon rebooting, it was obvious that my CMOS settings were gone.  The
system attempted to boot using AlphaBIOS (appropriate for Windows NT),
and the system clock was set to January 1, 1995.

Quick trip to the archives to verify I could switch back to SRM from
within AlphaBIOS "Setup", and yes, one can do that from the "Advanced
Setup" menu (F6 within "Setup").  First though, had to change out the
CR2032 button cell.

Easy to remove the main system board and change out the button cell.
Took advantage of the opportunity to blow out a few years of accumulated
dust.  Don't judge me :-), but yes, it should never have gotten that bad.

Next problem was a PCI configuration issue that was preventing booting. I
remembered that I had long ago switched out the stock Alpha video card
for an ATI Radeon, and the Alpha was *most* unhappy with the PCI
configuration as a result.  Another trip back to the archives, and I
found this pearl of great price from Jay Estabrook in an e-mail exchange
from 11 years ago:

>>> set pci_device_override -1

First, had to remove the ATI video card and reinstall the old TGA.
Next, boot the machine (still in AlphaBIOS at that point), go into setup
and switch to the Digital UNIX console (SRM), save settings, and reboot.
Now in SRM, at the ">>> " prompt, set pci_device_override as indicated
above.  Powered down the machine.  Swapped out the video card.  Voila!
All is well.

Definitely felt that cannonball whizzing by overhead.


Distribución Nacional y Transporte desde los 4 principales puertos del país de Carga Pesada

2017-01-23 Thread Presidencia - Logisven

estimados srs. 


queremos presentarle nuestra organización y tener la posibilidad de 
convertirnos en proveedores de logística de su empresa.

nuestros principales casos de exito son:

  coordinación logística a nivel nacional e internacional
  [1] miss venezuela - transporte de caracas a

  coordinación de carga suelta extradimensionada en gandolas lowboy
  [2] bzs - transporte de 150 equipos maquinaria agricola y construcción

  [3] ingenieria y - transformadores transporte e izamiento

  [4] exportación a en lowboy a colombia

contenedores y carga suelta desde los 4 principales puertos.
[5] caso de éxito - sidor transporte de planta siderurgica guanta-puerto ordaz
[6] transporte de azucar desde la guaira a barcelona
[7] odebrecht - transporte de metrocable

el siguiente es un vínculo por el cual puede proceder a descargar la 
presentación de nuestra empresa
  [8] logisven-presentacion-comercial.pdf
esperando su pronta respuesta y así crear un vínculo comercial de largo plazo 
entre nuestras organizaciones.

un cordial saludo,

luis gonzalez


logisven - coordinación logística y gruas
caracas, maracaibo, barquisimeto, san cristóbal, pto. cabello, 
valencia, maracay, valles del tuy, la guaira, pto. la cruz,
guanta, pto. ordaz , san antonio, paraguachón

nuestros servicios





dear  ,

¿ quienes somos?

somos una empresa con gran experiencia y trayectoria en logística en venezuela


 [12] misión y visión

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2017-01-23 Thread Departamento Comercial
gane ingresos extras sin dejar su actividad actual

apreciado sr.

gane ingresos extras sin dejar su actividad actual, ofreciendo los servicios de 
transporte de carga e izamientos con gruas o montacargas en su zona de 

en caso de haber interés de su parte le agradecemos comunicarse con nosotros

luis f. gonzalez
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