Re: nvidia driver installation problem

2005-09-19 Thread Azer Demir
hi yannick,

i got a detailed output from dmesg, i've supported rivafb in kernel
2.6.13 that i compiled, i had no idea that rivafb and nvidia
conflicts. now i'll compile kernel again without rivafb support.

lsmod ouptu didn't show rivafb and when i tried modprobe rivafb it was
loaded. this means it is dynamic loadable module, isn't it? the thing
that i didn't understand is it enough for rivafb support that this
conflict happpens? i mean, neither i load this module or not, this
conflict happens cause i gave rivafb support for kernel.


18.09.2005 tarihinde Yannick - Debian/Linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> yazmış:
> Hi,
> I can't help you with this particular problem but i maybe can give you
> some hope :
> i've tried to build the nvidia driver in debian way with 2.6.13 from
> but i failed. The good news is i installed 7676 with the
> nvidia-installer (nvidia way) after removed the nvidia debian packages :
> i'm using it currently and as an exemple bzflag and ennemy-territory
> works very well here... But as i tried a lot of stuffs to get it work i
> can't provide you a process to follow.
> Regards,
> Yannick
> Azer Demir a écrit :
> >hi everybody,
> >
> >yesterday i compiled 2.6.13 kernel, cause i hope to see my tv card
> >detected automatically. i did compile with make-kpkg, and used
> >2.6.11-9-amd64-k8 kernel's config file. there was no problem during
> >compile and after it. when i booted the system with 2.6.13 kernel, but
> >kernel can't load nvidia module. i removed old nvidia-glx,
> >nvidia-kernel-common packages, and prepapared for new nvidia driver
> >installation.
> >
> >first, i run module-assistant and
> >it made nvidia-kernel- package. after this, i got
> >nvidia-graphics-drivers source package, and made the binary packages.
> >but when i rebooted the system i saw that kernel
> >still can't load nvidia module.  now i want to give outputs of some
> >commands.
> >
> >`dpkg -l | grep nvidia`
> >-
> >ii  nvidia-glx1.0.7174-3  NVIDIA
> >binary XFree86 4.x driver
> >ii  nvidia-kernel- binary
> >kernel module for Linux 2.6.13
> >ii  nvidia-kernel-common  1.0.7174-1NVIDIA binary
> >kernel module common files
> >ii  nvidia-kernel-source  1.0.7174-3  NVIDIA binary
> >kernel module source
> >
> >
> >`locate nvidia.ko`
> >
> >/lib/modules/
> >/usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel/debian/nvidia-kernel-
> >/usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel/debian/nvidia-kernel-2.6.8-11-amd64-generic/lib/modules/2.6.8-11-amd64-generic/nvidia/nvidia.ko
> >
> >
> >the binary packages that i made by nvidia-graphics-drivers
> >---
> >nvidia-glx_1.0.7174-3_amd64.deb
> >nvidia-glx-dev_1.0.7174-3_amd64.deb
> >nvidia-glx-ia32_1.0.7174-3_amd64.deb
> >nnvidia-kernel-source_1.0.7174-3_amd64.deb
> >
> >at first, i suspected nvidia-kernel-common packet's different version
> >number from others, i use testing, and i looked with apt-show-versions,
> >nvidia-kernel-common is uptodate for testing, there is different
> >versions in unstable and experimental.
> >
> >a question come on my mind that aren't these packages for nvidia driver
> >enough, or did i install a package that is not necessary?
> >
> >a nvidia.ko module that i used with 2.6.8-11-amd64-generic kernel remain
> >in the system as it can see from `locate nvidia.ko` output, can problem
> >be a conflict of two 'nvidia.ko' module? i mean, didn't old nvidia
> >driver files clean completely?
> >
> >if i didn't remember wrong, after nvidia driver installation, nvidia
> >creates a devicce file(the name may be nvidia, isn't it?). i saw an
> >error "no such device", after i can't login by gdm. and when i try to
> >modprobe nvidia, i get the same error.
> >
> ># modprobe nvidia
> >FATAL: Error inserting nvidia
> >(/lib/modules/ No such device
> >
> >
> >the last possibility i think that the device nvidia creates is missing.
> >
> >$ ls /dev
> >cdromptyc7  ptyq9  ptyub  ptyydtty22  ttyb1  ttyp3  ttyt1  ttyx3
> >cdrw ptyc8  ptyqa  ptyuc  ptyyetty23  ttyb2  ttyp4  ttyt2  ttyx4

nvidia driver installation problem

2005-09-18 Thread Azer Demir
hi everybody,

yesterday i compiled 2.6.13 kernel, cause i hope to see my tv card
detected automatically. i did compile with make-kpkg, and used
2.6.11-9-amd64-k8 kernel's config file. there was no problem during
compile and after it. when i booted the system with 2.6.13 kernel, but
kernel can't load nvidia module. i removed old nvidia-glx,
nvidia-kernel-common packages, and prepapared for new nvidia driver

first, i run module-assistant and
it made nvidia-kernel- package. after this, i got
nvidia-graphics-drivers source package, and made the binary packages.
but when i rebooted the system i saw that kernel
still can't load nvidia module.  now i want to give outputs of some

`dpkg -l | grep nvidia`
ii  nvidia-glx1.0.7174-3  NVIDIA
binary XFree86 4.x driver
ii  nvidia-kernel- binary
kernel module for Linux 2.6.13
ii  nvidia-kernel-common  1.0.7174-1NVIDIA binary
kernel module common files
ii  nvidia-kernel-source  1.0.7174-3  NVIDIA binary
kernel module source

`locate nvidia.ko`


the binary packages that i made by nvidia-graphics-drivers

at first, i suspected nvidia-kernel-common packet's different version
number from others, i use testing, and i looked with apt-show-versions,
nvidia-kernel-common is uptodate for testing, there is different
versions in unstable and experimental.

a question come on my mind that aren't these packages for nvidia driver
enough, or did i install a package that is not necessary?

a nvidia.ko module that i used with 2.6.8-11-amd64-generic kernel remain
in the system as it can see from `locate nvidia.ko` output, can problem
be a conflict of two 'nvidia.ko' module? i mean, didn't old nvidia
driver files clean completely?

if i didn't remember wrong, after nvidia driver installation, nvidia
creates a devicce file(the name may be nvidia, isn't it?). i saw an
error "no such device", after i can't login by gdm. and when i try to
modprobe nvidia, i get the same error.

# modprobe nvidia
FATAL: Error inserting nvidia
(/lib/modules/ No such device

the last possibility i think that the device nvidia creates is missing.

$ ls /dev
cdromptyc7  ptyq9  ptyub  ptyydtty22  ttyb1  ttyp3  ttyt1  ttyx3
cdrw ptyc8  ptyqa  ptyuc  ptyyetty23  ttyb2  ttyp4  ttyt2  ttyx4
console  ptyc9  ptyqb  ptyud  ptyyftty24  ttyb3  ttyp5  ttyt3  ttyx5
core ptyca  ptyqc  ptyue  ptyz0tty25  ttyb4  ttyp6  ttyt4  ttyx6
fb0  ptycb  ptyqd  ptyuf  ptyz1tty26  ttyb5  ttyp7  ttyt5  ttyx7
fb1  ptycc  ptyqe  ptyv0  ptyz2tty27  ttyb6  ttyp8  ttyt6  ttyx8
fd   ptycd  ptyqf  ptyv1  ptyz3tty28  ttyb7  ttyp9  ttyt7  ttyx9
fd0  ptyce  ptyr0  ptyv2  ptyz4tty29  ttyb8  ttypa  ttyt8  ttyxa
full ptycf  ptyr1  ptyv3  ptyz5tty3   ttyb9  ttypb  ttyt9  ttyxb
hdd  ptyd0  ptyr2  ptyv4  ptyz6tty30  ttyba  ttypc  ttyta  ttyxc
hpet ptyd1  ptyr3  ptyv5  ptyz7tty31  ttybb  ttypd  ttytb  ttyxd
initctl  ptyd2  ptyr4  ptyv6  ptyz8tty32  ttybc  ttype  ttytc  ttyxe
inputptyd3  ptyr5  ptyv7  ptyz9tty33  ttybd  ttypf  ttytd  ttyxf
kmem ptyd4  ptyr6  ptyv8  ptyzatty34  ttybe  ttyq0  ttyte  ttyy0
kmsg ptyd5  ptyr7  ptyv9  ptyzbtty35  ttybf  ttyq1  ttytf  ttyy1
log  ptyd6  ptyr8  ptyva  ptyzctty36  ttyc0  ttyq2  ttyu0  ttyy2
loop ptyd7  ptyr9  ptyvb  ptyzdtty37  ttyc1  ttyq3  ttyu1  ttyy3
MAKEDEV  ptyd8  ptyra  ptyvc  ptyzetty38  ttyc2  ttyq4  ttyu2  ttyy4
mcelog   ptyd9  ptyrb  ptyvd  ptyzftty39  ttyc3  ttyq5  ttyu3  ttyy5
mem  ptyda  ptyrc  ptyve  radio0   tty4   ttyc4  ttyq6  ttyu4  ttyy6
net  ptydb  ptyrd  ptyvf  ram0 tty40  ttyc5  ttyq7  ttyu5  ttyy7
null ptydc  ptyre  ptyw0  ram1 tty41  ttyc6  ttyq8  ttyu6  ttyy8
port ptydd  ptyrf  ptyw1  ram10tty42  ttyc7  ttyq9  ttyu7  ttyy9
ppp  ptyde  ptys0  ptyw2  ram11tty43  ttyc8  ttyqa  ttyu8  ttyya
psauxptydf  ptys1  ptyw3  ram12tty44  ttyc9  ttyqb  ttyu9  ttyyb
ptmx ptye0  ptys2  ptyw4  ram13tty45  ttyca  ttyqc  ttyua  ttyyc
pts  ptye1  ptys3  ptyw5  ram14tty46  ttycb  ttyqd  ttyub  ttyyd
ptya0ptye2  ptys4  ptyw6  ram15tty47  ttycc  ttyqe  ttyuc  ttyye
ptya1ptye3  ptys5  ptyw7  ram2 tty48  ttycd  ttyqf  ttyud  ttyyf
ptya2ptye4  p

Re: mp3 encoding - lame?

2005-08-20 Thread Azer Demir

there is a package called toolame, it is nearly identical to lame, but
it is a different project. in i386 (and maybe in other archs) lame
package is available, but not in amd64, i don't know why. but i used
toolame with grip(you can use it in command-line), it works
just configure your encoder type like "other", and write encoder
executable like "/usr/bin/toolame" in Config/Encode/Encoder path in tabs.

jurriaan yazmış:

>I want to encode some .wav files to mp3's. There's no lame in standard
>debian amd64, so I downloaded a package from 
>deb unstable main
>This seems to hang on some files, gdb shows a backtrace starting with
>count_bits(). Then I downloaded the original source (lame-3.96.1) and
>compiled that (./configure, make, make install). This even manages to
>crash with a segmentation fault on some files.
>What do you people use to create mp3s ?

Azer Demir

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