On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 09:22:01AM +0200, Thomas J. Zeeman wrote:
> > 2.  When I finish installing the base system and bootloader and
> > reboot, I constantly have the same code consistently repeating in the
> > shell:
> >
> > nv_sata:  primary device added
> > nv_sata:  primary device removed
> > nv_sata:  secondary device added
> > nv_sata:  secondary device removed
> >
> > Thsi keeps going on throughout the rest of the install, when trying to
> > get apt-get working, to the point where I can't choose options or type
> > since this is continually running and bringing the screen down.
> > Horribly frustrating and irritating.  No other distributions I tried
> > had this problem, x86 or amd64.
> I remember seeing a post about this a few weeks ago. IIRC the poster
> finished the installation blind and set a few configs afterwards that
> fixed this. Check the archives from september for how and what he did.

More specifically, this message provides the workaround:                        

Nils Nordman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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