Processed: important bf bug

2000-09-28 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System

Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> retitle 70891 [CVS-fixed] missing m68k documentation
Bug#70891: [m68k, potato] Missing documentation
Changed Bug title.

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Darren Benham
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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Re: Boot Virus

2000-09-28 Thread Steve Bowman

On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 12:40:33AM -0400, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> "Christopher Dryburgh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Thankyou Macan. I will look into it. Just some extra information. I only run
> > into the single user shell and need to use fsck when booting from the hard
> > drive. Booting using the floppy does not cause this to happen. There is
> > something about booting from the hard drive that corrupts the file system.
> > Other wise I would not need to use fsck when booting from hard drive. Just
> > turning off the switch that monitors for boot viruses would not solve the
> > problem if there is a virus.
> I've run Linux since 1995 and I've never had a boot virus on a linux
> box.  It's only single-users insecure operating systems which have
> this problem.  The user is correct, disable the BIOS warning.
> that may or may not fix your problem.  If not, I would look at the
> partition tables again and make sure they are kosher.  But given the
> boot from floppy vs boot from hd scenario, I'm quite sure your
> overachieving BIOS is to blame.

Furthermore, the installation instructions tell you to turn off BIOS
virus protection (section 3.3.4).  I assume there's a reason someone
bothered to put it in the instructions.

Steve Bowman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (preferred)

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux and GNU/Hurd 

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Re: boot problems

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

Sorry for the late reply.


> Never the less after that I decided to go ahead and install Debian.
> First problem was that I could not boot my machine from the CD rom.
> I tried to fix that by getting a rescue floppy and root floppy from the 
> Debian CD.  The install seem to go ok until I tried to partition the 
> Linux partition.  It first complained that I had no swap partition.  

Well, even so, you don't really need a swap partition unless you have
very very little ram.

> When I assigned one of the two partitons as a swap partition it 
> seemed to do it ok, but then when I looked at the partition table it 
> showed that I had almost 2 gig no longer available.  I then tried to 
> just use the 800 meg or so that I had left and the install went forward 
> it seem but finally hung when the boot disk showed the 
> uncompressing Linux message.  So, at the moment I am trying to 
> figure out what to do to fix the mess I have made. 

sounds like a fudged partition table, vaguely, to me.

> In the meantime I have ordered a dual boot machine from Pogo Linux
> realizing that my machine is just to far behind the curve (P 120) .

Oh, I run Debian on crappier machines than that.

> Also I am getting a upgrade for the motherboard on the old machine
> to get that ball rolling and wondering if I will have reformat the
> disk and reinstall wind98 and try to install Linux again.

Yes, repartitioning is probably the ticket.


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Re: installation

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

Lee A Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> system hangs after network setup . . . I enter the DNS (last step),
> tab to OK, press enter, then blue screen with one black (blank) line
> on the bottom and a white mouse curser somewhere . . . no response,
> dead in the water . . .

Use 'ifconfig' , 'route', and 'ping' on tty2 to try to track this

> I tried skipping this step, but then the
> reboot gives me: eth0 unknown device . . . . . I should point out
> that the 2 smc cards are recognized by the boot from the rescue
> disk, and are ascribed the appropriate tulip drivers . . . I am also
> on a cable modem connected to eth0 (works fine with RedHat :-) )

Oh, that's just a question of setting your cable modem to be the
gateway to your network.

> . . . not that I like RedHat; why do you think I'm trying to install
> debian . . . but I'm dead in the water . . . . .  also, when I
> attempt to reboot using root=/hda1 (or whatever, it's not on my
> screen right now), I get a message about reading past the end of the
> device . . . do I need to use a "linear" or "lba" argument
> somewhere?

Hmm, it's possible.  How big is your boot partition?


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Re: Broken link in

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

Roy Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> There appears to be a problem on this page of your site.
> On your page
> when you click on your link to
> you get the error: Not found
> As recommended by the Robot Guidelines, this email is to explain our robot's
> activities and to let you know about one of the broken links we encountered.
> LinkWalker does not store or publish the content of your pages, but rather
> uses the link information to update our map of the World Wide Web.
> Are these reports helpful? I'd love some feedback. If you prefer not to
> receive these occasional error notices please let me know.

Such problems should be filed as bugs against package.


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Re: poweredge 2400 and installing debian.

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

"Ries van Twisk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hai,
> I'm currently in the progress of booting and installing Debian 2.2 on 
> a poweredge 2400 with a Raid 5 perc raid controller (also  known 
> asmegaraid?).

Are you sure this isn't supported in the 'compact' set?  Actually, it
is there, as a module...

> I compiled my own kernel, made a module version and a static 
> version. I used the package boot-floppies to create my own boot 
> disk set. I downloaded the iso image of Debian 2.2, burnd a CD and 
> booted from there. Just nothing :-( No HD and I could 'insmod' 
> the megaraid driver. (Lot's of error starting with 
> 'free_irq_Rsmp_f20dabd8' unresolved symbel.
> Any clues?

Hmm... are the following set on your kernel:



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Re: boot-floppies/documentation

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think there's an error in documentation/preparing.sgml line 238
> in /proc/openrom/options/ under Linux (e.g "cat disk1:1 > 
>/proc/openprom/options/boot-device" under Linux, or
> Should be
> s/cat/echo
> Do you agree with this ?

Yup. Fixed in CVS.


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Re: reporting problems with boot-floppies

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

esoR ocsirF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Duh I feel dumb, I forgot to say that the dhcp stuff also did not work
> in the image from
> but it works just fine from stable.

Ouch.  If this is true then that throws a wrench in my plan to release
2.2.17 today.  I'll be sure to test that prior to uploading it.


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Re: Failing to be of help with boot floppies

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So, it's fixed in woody ;-)
> Doesn't do much for a discussion of potato...

No, 2.2.17 is for Potato -- 2.2r1 we hope.

> 1. When it fails to find a graphics card the failure is complete and the
> rest of the work should just be skipped. Instead you get a very hard to
> read screen which implies that something good happened ... sort of ... and
> the process continues as though everything were hunky dory.

I agree.  Please file an appropriate bug -- even severity Important is
called for.

> 2. Even when it succeeds at finding the card, very often the constructed
> config file is useless. I have three different machines to install on, and
> although one is pretty ancient, limited hardware, the other two are
> reasonably new machines with reasonable hardware, and I still must resort
> to some other configuration method after going through all the steps in
> the anXious config.

I don't know what we can do about that at this stage, unless, uh,
you're volunteering of course, in which case, more power to ya.

> 3. Dozens of single value entry screens make the whole thing very
> tedious. (this is true of the whole install BTW) Grouping together related
> items on one screen makes the install more reasonable.

Sure but not going to change in Potato I don't think.

> 4. Even though the X maintainer doesn't like xf86config, I would much
> rather have that tool here than anXious. I have always been able to build
> a working config with this tool, except for one case where the server
> didn't quite support my graphics card. The next release fixed that problem
> as well...

> While the decision may have been made then (by the working group) I have
> a set of CDs toasted for me by a client (I can't afford the bandwidth to
> follow these myself) which were produced by one of the developers, and
> there was no anXious involved in the second stage installation...

Even the briefest grep thru the debian/changelog file would tell the
inquiring person that this was added in boot-floppies 2.2.4, Mon, 3
Jan 2000 01:44:40 -0500.  Get your facts correct before you throw
around accusations, please.

> 2. Put all the "chatter" now present on installation screens back into
> help files, and build dialogue boxes that have some content and structure
> to them. This is specially true for the current second stage installation,
> which currently has more individual screens to go through than the base
> install.

Have you tried the 'quiet' boot argument?

> I realize that I'm an idiot about many things Debian, but one thing I've
> been involved in from the beginning, and understand in all its ugly
> details, is the installation process. My overall impression is that
> historicly the Debian install has been getting worse, not better. I don't
> think this means that we must continue in this direction, but I understand
> the momentum issues in Debian well enough to have little optimism on this
> point.

I don't see on what objective basis you can claim this.  Every 3rd
party review I've read has commented that Potato installation is much
smoother for most than the Slink installer.


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Re: Failing to be of help with boot floppies

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I don't have the time to help if the responses are going to be so idiotic.

I apologize if my remarks were hurried, inadeqeuate, whatever.

There's no need to be insulting, Dale.  I don't think you understand
the quantity of my time it takes to maintain this stuff. 

In fact, I guess it's questionable why I should deal with this at all
if it's not in the form of a bug report.  But I shall continue and try
to suppress my baser urges.

> During the installation of the base system (what I call the first stage
> install) there are two principle steps in the install. 
> 1. Installing the Kernel and Modules
> and 
> 2. Installing the Base System
> which exhibit the broken behaviour.

I agree these steps suck massively.  The review at dukeofurl mentioned
the same stuff.

I would like to see them improved.  I have no time and no one is
volunteering to fix them, so I am somewhat doubtful they'll ever get
fixed in boot-floppies.

> When you select these steps, the first screen presented is the "media
> selection" screen. Here I choose "cdrom". For step 2 the next screen asks
> me to insert the CD into the drive, which is perfectly adequate. In both
> steps, the next screen is titled "Choose Debian Artchive Path"

Let's hold it right there.

There is supposed to be logic such that this step gets skipped when we
are booting an official cd.

Looking at dbootstrap's util.c and choose_medium.c, it seems that it
will not (should not) ask this question if either the file
'/cdrom_image' or else the 'cdrom' argument was passed.

Furthermore, if it finds the dists dir off the root (we're booting off
cd, remember) then it should automatically use '/', otherwise, it uses
the mount point ('/instmnt')

This is not happening?  Either dbootstrap is buggy in the test (and
needs an Important bug) or else the debian-cd is buggy, and needs an
Important bug.

> and askes a useless and confusing question with the default value
> /instmnt provided.

No, it's asking where the debian archive is.  "/instmnt" is the
default because that's the root of where the media is mounted.

We used to not have this but just prepend this string to the answer
from the user but bugs were filed because of that because poeple got
confused.  Probably an improved message is needed here.

> If you accept the default by pressing enter, you are presented
> with yet another useless screen called "Select Debian Archives Path" which
> provides 3 options to choose from: the default path, a list of paths, and
> manually. Choosing "defaults" starts the actuall installation process
> going. Choosing "list" produces yet another screen with all the possible
> sources listed, and "manually" adds yet another screen where you get to
> put the actual path to your location.

If you boot with the 'quiet' argument, this step is skipped and we
just run with 'default' (if it can find that).

> "Choose Debian Archive Path" and "Select Debian Archives Path" are both
> redundant, confusing, and unnecessary.

Well, in the official cd rom case, yes.  In the other cases,
confusing, yes, maybe even redundant, but not unnecessary.

> As I said before, if you don't find it in the default location, and a
> search of the CD doesn't locate it, then a failure message is appropriate,
> but at no time should the user be asked these useless question.

Agreed, and the work is already done, but there just seem to be bugs.

See above.

I do not have an official Debian CD to test with, sad to say, so I
cannot assess where the problem lies, nor can I test it.

Please be a responsible Debian well-wisher and file appropriate bugs.


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i18n of D-I

2000-09-28 Thread Peter Novodvorsky


Lets think about i18n of install process from the beginning, or we
will get what we have got with potato's boot-floppies. First problem
I noticed is main menu system. Menu text (packages' descriptions)
cannot be i18n'ized before dpkg system is not i18n'ized.  Maybe we
could used something else for texts for menu items?  

Peter Novodvorsky,
IPLabs Linux Team member: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian developer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 PGP signature

Re: Creation of 2.88MB Boot Images, Auto-Install Comments

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

Tres Hofmeister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
>   I just subscribed to the list yesterday.  I've poked around in
> the archives, but can't find the answers to a couple of questions:
> 1. Where is the source code for the boot-floppies stuff to be
>found?  I can't seem to find it in the normal Debian package
>source archives.

The 'boot-floppies' package.  The binary package is actually the

Better yet, get it from CVS and be up-to-the-minute.  See the attached

> 2. How does one create (under Linux) a 2.88MB boot image suitable
>for use with an El Torito format bootable CD?  The last time
>I did this I used a Windows utility.  I figure this might be
>answered if I found the answer to number 1...

I'm not sure -- I don't work on any of that.  You could ask
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  But I'm pretty sure the standard 2.88
boot image made by 'make release' in the bf sources is adequate (?).

>   The current thread on automated installations is interesting.
> I've got a locally-developed bootable Debian quick-install CD that I'm
> in the process of updating for potato.  I'd like to make it a little
> more flexible, too.  At the moment, in mostly-automatic mode, it just
> asks for host name, asks to select video and monitor types from short
> lists based on what we normally purchase here, then runs.  The script
> handles partitioning and formatting the drive using defaults, unpacks
> a tarball built on an example Debian system, then handles tweaking
> for the local configuration.  It makes quite a few assumptions about
> the hardware.  A typical install on a modern machine takes about 15
> minutes, and is non-interactive after the first few questions.

Yeah, you and about 5 other folks at least have this.

>   It would be wonderful to see something like this available as
> a standard tool in woody!



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Re: Boot Virus

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

"Christopher Dryburgh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thankyou Macan. I will look into it. Just some extra information. I only run
> into the single user shell and need to use fsck when booting from the hard
> drive. Booting using the floppy does not cause this to happen. There is
> something about booting from the hard drive that corrupts the file system.
> Other wise I would not need to use fsck when booting from hard drive. Just
> turning off the switch that monitors for boot viruses would not solve the
> problem if there is a virus.

I've run Linux since 1995 and I've never had a boot virus on a linux
box.  It's only single-users insecure operating systems which have
this problem.  The user is correct, disable the BIOS warning.

that may or may not fix your problem.  If not, I would look at the
partition tables again and make sure they are kosher.  But given the
boot from floppy vs boot from hd scenario, I'm quite sure your
overachieving BIOS is to blame.


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Re: My keyboard is on steroids during installation, alas....

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

Mark Dickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> one problem that I've found when I first attempted to
> install Debian in 1998 and now that I'm trying once
> again is what I call the "keyboard on steroids"
> problem.  Can you tell me if, when I begin
> installation,  can I have someone enter the command
> kbdrate -r 2 -d 2000
> to slow things down?

At what point in the install process?

I don't think we can easily add this to the installation system since
we don't include kbdrate at all in the rescue disk image IIRC.

We could add that if that is needed, at least on i386 where ther is
room --- see my question above.

>   A corollary to the ks problem
> is that, though manipulations to speed are possible
> in, say, KDE,  and even though your manipulations are
> remembered the next time that you're in KDE, THEY

Well, just install util-linux and make an init script to do this...

> I'm told that I can manipulate the kernel in boot
> floppy form, but I need information about where to
> begin.

Hmmm... Not that I'm aware of.  Maybe take a look at the Linux Kernel
Boot Prompt HOWTO.

> I'm physically disabled with a progressively
> degenerative neurological disorder.  3 years ago,  I
> encountered this problem and couldn't get it solved,
> so where can I get the necessary information?

Well, I can do my best, if the above doesn't help, if you explain more
exactly what the installation system needs to do.

> Oh, and by the way, has there been any progress on a voice
> recognition package for Debian that is open source?

Sory, I don't know.


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Processed: retitle 72672

2000-09-28 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System

Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> retitle 72672 [i386] problem trying to install to hdg
Bug#72672: Bug in installer
Changed Bug title.

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Darren Benham
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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Bug#72672: problem installing to hdg w/ ultra66

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

> This is my first bugreport, so don"t be mad at me if I done 
> something wrong.

Well, you should have filed the bug against 'boot-floppies' rather
than installer, and also probably put a better title, but we've fixed

> OK. Here"s the situation:
> My machine is dual P-II 400 on Supermicro P6DBE mobo with 
> 256M ram. Both of harddrives connected to Promise ULTRA 66, 
> and to different channels of one. So, they are hde and hdg, 
> respectively. My primary ide is Iomege zip, and secondary 
> are Mitsumi CD-RW (primary) and Sony CD-ROM (sec).
> When I start installing Debian(Potato) installer recognizes 
> only hde! It doesn"t see hdg at all, so I can"t access my 
> main 12G partition on one. However, hdg can be mounted and 
> unmounted from another tty, so it"s clear that it"s not my 
> fault. Can you please give me advice on how to install 
> Debian on my system?

I assume youre using the udma66 set of boot-floppies.  Is that so?

When you see the kernel messages at the start, does the kernel
recognize hdg?  You can type dmesg in tty2 to see those messages.

If not, it's a hardware or kernel problem.

If so, it's a boot-floppies problem.


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Bug#72479: Data Access Exception

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

Well, it certainly seems like this is an obscure SPARC hardware
problem and you seem to have fixed it.

Do you mind if I close this bug?  We don't really maintain any
information on all the minutae of how to configure hardware for use
with Linux -- there are SPARC/Linux HOWTOs and stuff for that...


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Re: Poweredge 2400 Raid-5 booting debian

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

NOKUBI Takatsugu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> PERC3 can drive aacraid driver. aacraid patch is included in Red Hat's
> rawhide kernel. So I made a installer image with it. It is available
> at:

Should we point to that from ?

Should a bug be filed against kernel-source to include a patch? Does
the license allow that?


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Re: Bug#72327: boot-floppies: doesn't install .bash_logout for root (fwd)

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

Well, I haven't followed this thread and I'm not up on all the
security issues.  If there is any action items for boot-floppies
please file an appropriate bug against the package.  Patches would be
nice too.


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Re: raid support in install cds

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

We do support some hardware raid devices.

For the software raid root support you mention, that reuqires some pretty
serious changes and cannot happen in potato updates.  This is an issue
for the woody installer.


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Re: SoundBlaster cdrom problems

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

Neil Shadrach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Many moons ago I installed debian 2.0 on my 486 using floppies for the
> base system and an official cd for the packages.
> I've just tried to repeat the process with version 2.2. The base system
> is ok - from floppies, but I'm having trouble with the cd.
> I can mount it, wander the directories and even copy many of the files
> to the hard disk.
> However attempts to copy some files fail with i/o errors ( detail below
> ).
> The same is true under Windows 95.

Really?  Wait, you only get the errors when copying files from the
debian-cd, either under linux or windows, but in windows (or whatever)
you can copy other cds files around ok?  This would indicate a cd
problem.  I've cc'd debian-cd.

> I've not had any problems with other cds on the same box.
> On the other hand I've used the same cds to install debian on a
> different machine.
> Could it be some subtle change/new faeture in the cd format or is my
> machine just inconsistent?

> I think that the problems tend to occur with larger files but I haven't
> tested this exhaustively.

That would be my guess.  Subtle hardware problem which is triggered by
large files.  Do you have any settings you can twiddle?

> ---
> sbp_data: CDi_status loop expired
> sbp_data: CDi_status timeout ( timed_out_data ) (FB)
> sbp_data: RESULT_READY where DATA_READY awaited (FB)
> DATA_READY timeout (FF)
> read aborted by drive
> !st_diskok detected - retrying
> !st_diskok detected - retrying
> !st_diskok detected - retrying
> sbp_status: failed after 3 tries in line 4897
> END_REQUEST: I/O ERROR, dev 19:00 ( matsushita cd-rom controller #1 ),
> sector 101782


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2.2.17 now building for upload to potato

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

I'm now building for release boot-floppies 2.2.17.  Many many bugs
have been fixed in this version and even if it's not the final for
2.2r1 at least it will get wider testing (I've heard very little about
my prior 2.2.17 test version).

The following packages from proposed-updates were used:


Note I did *not* use the 2.2.17 kernel for i386 nor the new pcmcia
there because we still do not have complete kernel support -- I'm
talking about the idepci and compact flavors.   I do hope we get this
straight for r1.


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the next step

2000-09-28 Thread Joey Hess

I feel that the design discussions have reached the point where we'll be
more productive if we're talking about actual code. There are still many
decisions to be made, but most of them are on the level of how an
individual module should work, and we don't have to firm up all those
details yet. So I'd like to lay out a plan for the next couple of months.

I want to accomplish several things: focus effort on producing a
working proof of concept system that can install onto a limited range of
hardware in a limited set of situations, lay the groundwork for everything
else, and produce something fairly cool to start with so more people will
become interested in working on the project.

So how about this as the first cut at the new Debian installer: 
A one or two floppy system, that gets networking going and downloads and
installs Debian from the net, using http. Hardware support limited at first
to i386, IDE hard drives, and the same set of network cards supported by the
compact boot floppies in potato. The user interface will be limited to one
type, probably a console text UI that is either sorta like dbootstrap, or
like debconf's text frontend.

I picked this configuration because:
* It's easy to develop for -- it's easy to write a floppy and boot it,
  easing the test cycle.
* The hardware is pretty common so a lot of people will be able to
* It's pretty cool, especially if we fit it on one floppy.

(Once we get this written, we will be able to start plugging in other
modules -- other retrievers like ftp, other UI's, more hardware support,
and so on, until we get something with the same set of capabilities as
the boot floppies.)

My target for a working first cut at the installer supporting the above
configuration is 2 months from now, at the start of December. That's a 
pretty close date. Here are the main pieces that are required:

* mini dpkg (mostly done)
* base tarball creator (don't have to write, we can just use
  boot-floppies to make base tarballs for the first cut)
* mini debconf (with 1 frontend and a basic database)
* main menu generation code
* http retriever
* kernel build (with modules)
* NIC autodetection (limited)
* network configuration (manual method)
* disk partitioning and formatting
* base tarball installer
* lilo setup
* library reduction
* bootable image build system (take all necessary pieces and make a
  bootable floppy image)

The interesting thing is, most of these tasks can be worked on 
independently. The main menu generation code, network configuration,
lilo setup, and disk partitioning may all need debconf, but they can be
initially written and tested on a full debian system using the perl
debconf, before the mini debconf is written. The http retriever needs a
network, but it can be tested on a full debian system before the other
networking stuff is available. The network configuration code can
be written before/concurrently with the NIC autodetection. The disk 
partition and formatting (with care) on a spare drive. And so on.

So we can have a lot of teams (or just individuals) working on different
parts at the same time. That's what I'd like to do in the next month.
Then in November, we can work on the pieces like actually building the
floppy image, and library reduction, that depend on other things
existing first.

If we're agreed that this is a decent plan and that the target
installation system and method for the first cut are reasonable, we can
get started. I'm ready to write some code and I'd like to work on the
main menu generation module (I can do it on my own in a week, I think),
provide assistance with the mini debconf (but not write most of it; once
was enough), and help with the network configuration, and the lilo setup.
Let me know what you can work on so I can tell if this 2 month timeline is
wildly optimistic.

see shy jo

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pserver boot-floppies CVS back up

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Di Carlo

Some cvs wrapper on (now was fudged
to not allow the debian-boot CVS area.  

Please try again.

If you really do need a new password, please email it and your user
name to me personally, password in the clear but encrypted via the
included PGP key. 



Version: 2.6.3a
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.5, an Emacs/PGP interface


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Re: Bug#72327: boot-floppies: doesn't install .bash_logout for root (fwd)

2000-09-28 Thread Josip Rodin

On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 02:17:03PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
> > >  > $ tar ztvf base2_2.tgz | awk '$6 == "./root/" '
> > >  > drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2000-07-05 19:47:09 ./root/
> > > 
> > > maybe this changed. At least a have some slink boxes where 700 was the
> > > default.
> > 
> > Indeed, this changed, and that's not good. Why was this gratuitous change
> > made?
> /root has always been 755.

I haven't seen any of those. All slink installs had it 700, which I
considered to be a sane default.

Anyway, history doesn't really matter with these kind of security issues --
sendmail had loads and loads of root exploits during the last decade, it
doesn't mean it should have them today.

> Some time ago I asked about this and 755 was considered to be good enough
> for /root, see the archives.

Which list?

> Anyway, the root account does not differ so much from an ordinary user
> account, because the admin is usually supposed to do "su" from an
> unprivileged account.

What people should do and what people will do is usually very different.
Besides, what does that have to do with file/directory permissions? Su'ed,
sudo'ed or logged in, admin is supposed to use his home directory for
storing something, otherwise it wouldn't be there.

Digital Electronic Being Intended for Assassination and Nullification

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Creating custom boot-disks

2000-09-28 Thread Pettersson, Magnus

Hi, I am thinking of creating a custom boot-cd for my company, To help when
installing multiple machines. I typically would like to have a custom kernel
initially installed on the servers so I don't have to install sources and
recompile etc.
Could anyone point me in the right direction to some documentation of this?
I have a local mirror and good experince with debian. But the documentation
on this specifik step seems sparse :)


Magnus Pettersson

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bug#72327: boot-floppies: doesn't install .bash_logout for root (fwd)

2000-09-28 Thread Santiago Vila

> >  > Are you sure?
> >  > 
> >  > $ tar ztvf base2_2.tgz | awk '$6 == "./root/" '
> >  > drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2000-07-05 19:47:09 ./root/
> > 
> > maybe this changed. At least a have some slink boxes where 700 was the
> > default.
> Indeed, this changed, and that's not good. Why was this gratuitous change
> made?

/root has always been 755. The gratuitous thing (IMHO) was the boot
floppies team overriding this in the base system. Some time ago I
asked about this and 755 was considered to be good enough for /root,
see the archives.

Anyway, the root account does not differ so much from an ordinary user
account, because the admin is usually supposed to do "su" from an
unprivileged account. If you think we should change our privacy
policy, please move the thread to debian-devel and consider all the
cases, including default mode for directories in /home.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Processed: reassign

2000-09-28 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System

Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> reassign 72672 boot-floppies
Bug#72672: Bug in installer
Bug reassigned from package `installer' to `boot-floppies'.

> --
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Darren Benham
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SoundBlaster cdrom problems

2000-09-28 Thread Neil Shadrach

Many moons ago I installed debian 2.0 on my 486 using floppies for the
base system and an official cd for the packages.
I've just tried to repeat the process with version 2.2. The base system
is ok - from floppies, but I'm having trouble with the cd.
I can mount it, wander the directories and even copy many of the files
to the hard disk.
However attempts to copy some files fail with i/o errors ( detail below
The same is true under Windows 95.
I've not had any problems with other cds on the same box.
On the other hand I've used the same cds to install debian on a
different machine.
Could it be some subtle change/new faeture in the cd format or is my
machine just inconsistent?
I think that the problems tend to occur with larger files but I haven't
tested this exhaustively.
sbp_data: CDi_status loop expired
sbp_data: CDi_status timeout ( timed_out_data ) (FB)
sbp_data: RESULT_READY where DATA_READY awaited (FB)
DATA_READY timeout (FF)
read aborted by drive
!st_diskok detected - retrying
!st_diskok detected - retrying
!st_diskok detected - retrying
sbp_status: failed after 3 tries in line 4897
END_REQUEST: I/O ERROR, dev 19:00 ( matsushita cd-rom controller #1 ),
sector 101782

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