About preseed variable export

2017-07-21 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Hi all,
I'm having issues with an iso I built and that does not seem to take
into account my kernel command line preseed settings.
I saw on a working iso that the preseed settings get exported to the
shell I open to debug, but this is not the case for the buggy iso.
As I saw there is a env2debconf binary that does propagate the settings
to debconf, I assumed that I'm missing the export of my preseed settings
into the env or at least, that this export not being done is somehow
linked to my initial issue.
I grep-ed the is for 'proc/cmdline' 'preseed_aliases' and things that
could bring me to the parsing of the command line and export to the env. but
didn't find anything...
/lib/debian-installer-startup.d/ looked interesting but I didn't find
what I'm looking for there.
Is busybox, the kernel, .. responsible for this ?
Can someone give me an hint on what I'm missing ?
Thanks a lot,


Description: PGP signature

Bug#860809: installation-reports: ipv6 SLAAC autoconf not working with stretch's network install

2017-04-24 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Hi Philipp, thanks for taking time to look at this,

On Fri, 21 Apr 2017 14:33:45 +0200, Philipp Kern <pk...@debian.org> wrote:
> On 2017-04-20 14:03, Frederic Bonnard wrote:
> > ~ # ip addr
> > 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue qlen 1
> > link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
> > inet scope host lo
> >valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> > inet6 ::1/128 scope host
> >valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> > 2: enP5p1s0f0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc mq qlen 1000
> > link/ether 70:e2:84:14:24:ed brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> > 3: enP5p1s0f1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq qlen 
> > 1000
> > link/ether 70:e2:84:14:24:ee brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> > inet6 2002:903:15f:550:72e2:84ff:fe14:24ee/64 scope global dynamic
> >valid_lft 2591627sec preferred_lft 604427sec
> > inet6 fe80::72e2:84ff:fe14:24ee/64 scope link
> >valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> > 
> > /etc/resolv.conf shows correct content with "search" field 
> > corresponding to the
> > domain I provided and "nameserver" is the one I provided also.
> It's a bit unhelpful though that you didn't provide that information. 

Sorry about that :-/

> You seem to indicate that you need to use IPv4 to access the nameserver? 

Yes, I actually was given only static IPv4 parameters to connect the
network (and no DHCPv4 server is available on it).

> Is the real failure you report that it did not configure IPv4 correctly? 
> I.e. didn't show a prompt and continued without it?

Well yes, at least I don't mind it tries to probe for DHCPv[46] (that
makes sense) but if it fails like it seems to do here, shouldn't it
propose a manual setup? In that case, I would have continue with a
static IPv4 configuration and the installation.

I managed to get the manual setup menus, by changing the priority of the
installer, also undoing the IPv6 (if I remember correctly) and so on but
that's not straightforward.

Also when it asks for the nameserver in the ncurses gui, how am I
supposed to know that it's trying to do an IPv6 setup ? (tell me if I'm
wrong, but given the ip output, it seems it was in the middle of an IPv6
setup after having failed the IPv4 dhcp probing and thus expecting an
IPv6 nameserver)

> Is a DHCPv4 server 
> on the network where you tried this? Because the DHCP client seems to be 
> unable to acquire an address.

There is no DHCPv4 server on this network. So the installer correctly
failed that part of the setup.

> Does an IPv6 nameserver work? (Assuming your 6to4 connectivity actually 
> works.)

I don't know, I've not been provided that information, only IPv4 static
configuration parameters.
Does the fact that SLAAC autoconfiguration worked means that there is
some IPv6 network available at some point ?
Also,  I guess  that  the  installer was  expecting  an IPv6  nameserver
because  it did  SLAAC autoconfiguration  after failing  DHCPv4. Do  you
confirm that ?

If so, shouldn't the installer gui let the user know for which kind of
network setup it asks a parameter (such as the nameserver) ?

> Also it'd be helpful to see "ip -6 route" and "ip route".

No problem :

~ # ip route
~ # ip -6 route
2002:903:15f:550::/64 dev enP5p1s0f1  metric 256  expires 0sec
fe80::/64 dev enP5p1s0f1  metric 256 
default via fe80::4e96:14ff:fe59:d7f0 dev enP5p1s0f1  metric 1024  expires 0sec
unreachable default dev lo  metric -1  error -101
ff00::/8 dev enP5p1s0f1  metric 256 
unreachable default dev lo  metric -1  error -101
~ # ip add
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue qlen 1
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enP5p1s0f0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc mq qlen 1000
link/ether 70:e2:84:14:24:ed brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: enP5p1s0f1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq qlen 1000
link/ether 70:e2:84:14:24:ee brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet6 2002:903:15f:550:72e2:84ff:fe14:24ee/64 scope global dynamic 
   valid_lft 2591868sec preferred_lft 604668sec
inet6 fe80::72e2:84ff:fe14:24ee/64 scope link 
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Thanks a lot Philipp,


Description: PGP signature

Having opal-prd installed by default on openpower machines

2017-03-15 Thread Frederic Bonnard
I'm not sure debian-boot is the right place to ask this, so sorry if I'm
making a bit of noise.
On Openpower machines, it would be nice to have opal-prd package
installed at install time because it provides opal-prd daemon which load
and run the OpenPower  firmware's Processor Recovery Diagnostics binary.
This is responsible for runtime maintenance of Power hardware.
The criteria is the existence of the directory
I already asked about it for Ubuntu :
but I'm not sure this enablement will be done in the same place on both
What would be the best place to implement this check and then add
opal-prd in the list of packages to install.
Thanks for any tips,


Description: PGP signature

Re: Screen support (was: Next d-i alpha release: late June)

2016-08-24 Thread Frederic Bonnard
> Could you take a try the D-I for stretch alpha-7, which don't start
> screen by default?
> It's located under:
>  http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/stretch_di_alpha7/

Already tried and the issue doesn't appear on this one.
FTR, here are the tests ran on the isos on ppc64el :
With full history, we could see that the problem popped out July 12th
( debian-testing-ppc64el-netinst.iso md5sum 61c40714e30b19c53866ef0947a6e33b )

Does that mean that there is a higher possibility that screen is the problem
? :)
What about the option ?
Thank you Roger,


Re: Screen support (was: Next d-i alpha release: late June)

2016-08-24 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Hi Roger/all,
I see that on some daily isos
(  http://cdimage.debian.org/mirror/cdimage/daily-builds/daily/current/)
screen seems to be activated by default.  I'd like to know if there is a way
to disable it as this was discussed.
This question is related to : 
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=834601 .
Note : I've not tried this on a another arch though.


On Tue, 16 Aug 2016 00:55:39 +0200, Cyril Brulebois  wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> and thanks for your input.
> Ben Hutchings  (2016-08-15):
> > I think that all builds of the installer should provide the same
> > functionality so far as possible
> ACK, looks good to me.
> >  and that the options to switch to a
> > shell and to view the log are important functionality.  Therefore,
> > remote interfaces (serial, SSH) should invoke the installer front-end
> > in screen, perhaps with an opt-out available through a command line
> > parameter.
> That too. It seems to me the features you mentioned (shell, log viewing)
> are already there in text & graphical modes, so no point in running d-i
> within screen there; let's do that only where it's needed. That would
> also take care of my objections regarding UI changes.
> The opt-out through a command line parameter can be implemented once the
> core issue is resolved.
> > However I don't think that there should be any change to which
> > interfaces are enabled by default, as that could create a security
> > issue.  For builds that previously provided only a local interface,
> > any remote interface should be opt-in.
> I'm not familiar with all variants in this area but I like the general
> idea.
> Waiting for Philipp and Axel to {,dis}agree.
> KiBi.

Bug#834601: installation-reports

2016-08-24 Thread Frederic Bonnard
I'm wondering if this could be related to screen being now used during
default installation type (newt here).
Is there a way to disable screen use to check is this issue is screen related ?


On Wed, 17 Aug 2016 16:20:00 +0200, Erwan Prioul  
> Package: installation-reports
> Boot method: ISO image
> Image version: 
> http://cdimage.debian.org/mirror/cdimage/daily-builds/daily/current/ppc64el/iso-cd/debian-testing-ppc64el-netinst.iso
> Date: Wed Aug 17 07:44:46 CEST 2016
> Machine: qemu VM
> Processor: ppc64el
> Memory: 4Gb
> Initial boot:   [O]
> Detect network card:[ ]
> Configure network:  [ ]
> Detect CD:  [ ]
> Load installer modules: [ ]
> Detect hard drives: [ ]
> Partition hard drives:  [ ]
> Install base system:[ ]
> Clock/timezone setup:   [ ]
> User/password setup:[ ]
> Install tasks:  [ ]
> Install boot loader:[ ]
> Overall install:[ ]
> Comments/Problems:
> Right after the Grub menu, I got glitches in the screens to choose the 
> language and the next ones.
> The top menu isn't well refreshed and the list of locations isn't displayed 
> properly.
> I've gotten this issue since the 12th of July.
> Here some "screenshots":
> The installer menu:
>   ┌┤ [!] Debian installer main menu ├┐
>   │  │
>   │ Choose the next step in the install process: │
>   │  │
>   │  Choose language │
> │  Access software for a blind person using a braille display  │
> │  Configure the keyboard  │
> │  Detect and mount CD-ROM │
> │  Load installer components from CD   │
> │  Change debconf priority │
> │  Check the CD-ROM(s) integrity   │
> │  Save debug logs │
> │  Execute a shell │
> │  Abort the installation  │
> │  │
> └──┘
>  moves;  selects;  activates buttons
> The top menu is missing (and some edges too):
>   ──┤ [!!] Select a language ├┐
>   │
>   Choose the language to be used for the installation process. The│
>   selected language will also be the default language for the installed   │
>   system. │
>   │
>   Language:   │
>   │
>   C   │
>   Basque   ▒  │
>   Catalan │
>   Danish   ▒  │
>   Dutch▒  │
>   English  ▒  │
>   Finnish  ▒  │
>   French  │
>   │
>  │
>   │
> └─┘
>  moves;  selects;  activates buttons
> After about 20 seconds the top menu appears:
> [(1*installer)  2 shell  3 shell  4- log   ][ Aug 17  
> 7:44 ]
>   ──┤ [!!] Select a language ├┐
>   │
>   Choose the language to be used for the installation process. The│
>   selected language will also be the default language for the installed   │
>   system. │
>   │
>   Language:   │
>   │
>   C   

Re: Debian/ppc64el images being tested daily

2016-06-03 Thread Frederic Bonnard

> The PowerPC iso's can be tested using ordinary x86 hardware. Just use an 
> emulator like QEMU. 
> http://wiki.qemu.org/Main_Page

I think, the goal is to test on real hardware. There are several lines of code
implied in the installation process and also in the life of the OS (maybe more
tests will be added) that have "if" based on the architecture and also the
level of virtualization (and maybe more)
We had bugs happening on some hardware and not equivalent VMs or the reverse.
So we don't want to make assumptions even if it's far easier to automate VMs :)


Bug#767487: Acknowledgement (debian-installer: virtio support for powerpc cdrom/netboot installs)

2015-05-21 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Anyone for this one ? :)
Once again, I hit this. On a ppc64 vm, as it's not an official arch, there no 
available and for installing I use netboot, but without virtio support I don't
have the network device recognized and I can't netboot. For now, I had to
fallback to an ethernet device based on spapr-vlan.
Are there some reason that could prevent that patch from being accepted
? (space limitation etc ..)
Thank you,


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Bug#767487: debian-installer: virtio support for powerpc cdrom/netboot installs

2014-10-31 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Package: debian-installer
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
User: debian-powe...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: powerpc

Dear Maintainer,
virtio modules are more and more used in VMs and it would be nice to have those
into the netboot and cdrom installers for powerpc on which there are not at the
moment. I'm currently in need of these for ppc64 testing.
On ppc64el these were already added in a previous patch (#754093) I sent but I
should have think of powerpc too.
Thank you for your help,

Index: debian-installer/installer/build/pkg-lists/cdrom/powerpc.cfg
--- debian-installer.orig/installer/build/pkg-lists/cdrom/powerpc.cfg	2014-10-31 10:46:54.285199730 +0100
+++ debian-installer/installer/build/pkg-lists/cdrom/powerpc.cfg	2014-10-31 13:01:23.162166973 +0100
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 # Support for USB CD-ROMs
Index: debian-installer/installer/build/pkg-lists/netboot/powerpc.cfg
--- debian-installer.orig/installer/build/pkg-lists/netboot/powerpc.cfg	2014-10-31 10:46:54.289199728 +0100
+++ debian-installer/installer/build/pkg-lists/netboot/powerpc.cfg	2014-10-31 12:57:39.126163007 +0100
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@

Bug#533688: (discover_2.1.2-3/avr32): FTBFS: Outdated config.{sub,guess}

2014-08-05 Thread Frederic Bonnard
that patch would be needed also on ppc64el.
Anyone can have a look at it ?
Thank you very much,


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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#754095: base-installer: ppc64el support

2014-07-07 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Package: base-installer
Version: 1.140
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
User: debian-powe...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: ppc64el

Dear Maintainer,

here is a patch from Ubuntu to add support to ppc64el.
I've added a test when the CPU is used in POWERNV.
Thank you,


-- System Information:
Debian Release: jessie/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: ppc64el (ppc64le)

Kernel: Linux 3.14-1-powerpc64le (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
diff -Nru base-installer-1.140/kernel/Makefile base-installer-1.140/kernel/Makefile
--- base-installer-1.140/kernel/Makefile	2012-08-12 01:01:47.0 +
+++ base-installer-1.140/kernel/Makefile	2014-05-14 11:56:00.0 +
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-ARCHES = alpha amd64 armeb armel armhf hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 s390x sh4 sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386
+ARCHES = alpha amd64 armeb armel armhf hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64el s390 s390x sh4 sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386
 	@STATUS=0; \
diff -Nru base-installer-1.140/kernel/ppc64el.sh base-installer-1.140/kernel/ppc64el.sh
--- base-installer-1.140/kernel/ppc64el.sh	1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 +
+++ base-installer-1.140/kernel/ppc64el.sh	2014-05-14 11:55:07.0 +
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+arch_get_kernel_flavour () {
+	echo powerpc64le
+	return 0
+arch_check_usable_kernel () {
+	return 0
+arch_get_kernel () {
+	echo linux-powerpc64le
+	echo linux-image-powerpc64le
diff -Nru base-installer-1.140/kernel/tests/ppc64el/postal.cpuinfo base-installer-1.140/kernel/tests/ppc64el/postal.cpuinfo
--- base-installer-1.140/kernel/tests/ppc64el/postal.cpuinfo	1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 +
+++ base-installer-1.140/kernel/tests/ppc64el/postal.cpuinfo	2014-05-14 11:55:39.0 +
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+processor	: 0
+cpu		: POWER7+ (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 4228.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004a 0201)
+processor	: 1
+cpu		: POWER7+ (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 4228.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004a 0201)
+processor	: 2
+cpu		: POWER7+ (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 4228.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004a 0201)
+processor	: 3
+cpu		: POWER7+ (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 4228.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004a 0201)
+processor	: 4
+cpu		: POWER7+ (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 4228.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004a 0201)
+processor	: 5
+cpu		: POWER7+ (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 4228.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004a 0201)
+processor	: 6
+cpu		: POWER7+ (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 4228.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004a 0201)
+processor	: 7
+cpu		: POWER7+ (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 4228.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004a 0201)
+timebase	: 51200
+platform	: pSeries
+model		: IBM pSeries (emulated by qemu)
+machine		: CHRP IBM pSeries (emulated by qemu)
diff -Nru base-installer-1.140/kernel/tests/ppc64el/postal.test base-installer-1.140/kernel/tests/ppc64el/postal.test
--- base-installer-1.140/kernel/tests/ppc64el/postal.test	1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 +
+++ base-installer-1.140/kernel/tests/ppc64el/postal.test	2014-06-26 09:10:53.0 +
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+subarch chrp_ibm
+cpuinfo postal.cpuinfo
+majors 2.6
+flavour powerpc64le
+kernel-2.6 \
+  linux-powerpc64le \
+  linux-image-powerpc64le
+usable \
+  linux-powerpc64le \
+  linux-image-powerpc64le \
+  linux-image-3.14-1-powerpc64le
diff -Nru base-installer-1.140/kernel/tests/ppc64el/powernv.cpuinfo base-installer-1.140/kernel/tests/ppc64el/powernv.cpuinfo
--- base-installer-1.140/kernel/tests/ppc64el/powernv.cpuinfo	1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 +
+++ base-installer-1.140/kernel/tests/ppc64el/powernv.cpuinfo	2014-06-26 09:09:52.0 +
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+processor	: 0
+cpu		: POWER8E (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 3425.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004b 0201)
+processor	: 8
+cpu		: POWER8E (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 3425.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004b 0201)
+processor	: 16
+cpu		: POWER8E (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 3425.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004b 0201)
+processor	: 24
+cpu		: POWER8E (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 3425.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004b 0201)
+processor	: 32
+cpu		: POWER8E (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 3425.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004b 0201)
+processor	: 40
+cpu		: POWER8E (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 3425.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004b 0201)
+processor	: 48
+cpu		: POWER8E (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 3425.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004b 0201)
+processor	: 56
+cpu		: POWER8E (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 3425.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004b 0201)
+processor	: 64
+cpu		: POWER8E (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 3425.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004b 0201)
+processor	: 72
+cpu		: POWER8E (raw), altivec supported
+clock		: 3425.00MHz
+revision	: 2.1 (pvr 004b 0201)

Bug#754093: debian-installer: ppc64el support

2014-07-07 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Package: debian-installer
Severity: normal
Tags: d-i patch
User: debian-powe...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: ppc64el

Dear Maintainer,

hi, here is a patch from Ubuntu to add support of ppc64el.
I just changed grub-cdrom.cfg to remove any d-i option on the kernel command 
I added virtio-modules to support VMs with virtio which is good to have for 
Thank you,


-- System Information:
Debian Release: jessie/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: ppc64el (ppc64le)

Kernel: Linux 3.14-1-powerpc64le (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
diff --git a/build/boot/ppc64el/grub-cdrom.cfg b/build/boot/ppc64el/grub-cdrom.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000..825921a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/boot/ppc64el/grub-cdrom.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+set timeout=-1
+menuentry Install {
+	linux	${KERNEL} -- quiet
+	initrd	${INITRD}
+menuentry Rescue mode {
+	linux	${KERNEL} rescue/enable=true -- quiet
+	initrd	${INITRD}
diff --git a/build/config/ppc64el.cfg b/build/config/ppc64el.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000..ecbec94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/config/ppc64el.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+MEDIUM_SUPPORTED = netboot cdrom
+MKLIBS = mklibs-copy
+KERNELNAME = vmlinux
+GRUB_CFG_CDROM = boot/ppc64el/grub-cdrom.cfg
+GRUB_MODULES = linux normal
+# Miniature CD image using GRUB, with only an initrd, no udebs or debs.
+.PHONY: arch_miniiso
+arch_miniiso: $(TEMP_INITRD) $(TEMP_KERNEL) $(TREE)
+	-rm -f $(TEMP_CD_TREE)/*
+	mkdir -p $(TEMP_CD_TREE)/boot/grub/powerpc-ieee1275 \
+		 $(TEMP_CD_TREE)/ppc/chrp \
+		 $(TEMP_CD_TREE)/install
+	cp $(TEMP_KERNEL) $(TEMP_CD_TREE)/install/vmlinux
+	cp $(TEMP_INITRD) $(TEMP_CD_TREE)/install/initrd.gz
+	bootvars-subst \
+		KERNEL /install/vmlinux \
+		INITRD /install/initrd.gz \
+	 $(GRUB_CFG_CDROM)  $(TEMP_CD_TREE)/boot/grub/grub.cfg
+	cp -p /usr/lib/grub/powerpc-ieee1275/bootinfo.txt \
+		$(TEMP_CD_TREE)/ppc/
+	grub-mkrescue --output=$(TEMP_MINIISO) $(TEMP_CD_TREE)
+# genisoimage CD info directory, including GRUB and configuration files.
+.PHONY: arch_cd_info_dir
+	rm -rf $(TEMP_CD_INFO_DIR)
+	mkdir -p $(TEMP_CD_INFO_DIR)/boot/grub/powerpc-ieee1275 \
+		 $(TEMP_CD_INFO_DIR)/ppc/chrp
+	bootvars-subst \
+		KERNEL /install/vmlinux \
+		INITRD /install/initrd.gz \
+	 $(GRUB_CFG_CDROM)  $(TEMP_CD_INFO_DIR)/boot/grub/grub.cfg
+	grub-mkimage -O powerpc-ieee1275 -p '(ieee1275/cdrom)/boot/grub' \
+		-o $(TEMP_CD_INFO_DIR)/boot/grub/powerpc.elf \
+	cp -p /usr/lib/grub/powerpc-ieee1275/bootinfo.txt \
+		$(TEMP_CD_INFO_DIR)/ppc/
+# Netboot files
+.PHONY: arch_netboot_dir
+	-rm -f $(TEMP_NETBOOT_DIR)
+	bootvars-subst \
+		KERNEL $(NETBOOT_PATH)/vmlinux \
+		INITRD $(NETBOOT_PATH)/initrd.gz \
+	if [ -n $(SPLASH_PNG) ]; then \
+		cp $(SPLASH_PNG) $(TEMP_NETBOOT_DIR)/$(NETBOOT_PATH)/splash.png; \
+	fi
+	grub-mknetdir --net-directory=$(TEMP_NETBOOT_DIR) \
+		--subdir=$(NETBOOT_PATH)
diff --git a/build/config/ppc64el/cdrom.cfg b/build/config/ppc64el/cdrom.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000..38547cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/config/ppc64el/cdrom.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+MANIFEST-KERNEL = kernel for use with mkisofs to build a CD
+MANIFEST-INITRD = initrd for use with mkisofs to build a CD
+MANIFEST-DEBIAN_CD_INFO = mkisofs config files for CD
diff --git a/build/config/ppc64el/netboot.cfg b/build/config/ppc64el/netboot.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000..7c65d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/config/ppc64el/netboot.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+MEDIA_TYPE = netboot image
+MANIFEST-NETBOOT_DIR = boot directory for tftp server
+MANIFEST-NETBOOT_TAR = tarball of boot directory
+MANIFEST-MINIISO = tiny CD image that boots the netboot installer
diff --git a/build/pkg-lists/netboot/ppc64el.cfg b/build/pkg-lists/netboot/ppc64el.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000..6df809c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/pkg-lists/netboot/ppc64el.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@

Bug#753718: grub-installer: ppc64el support

2014-07-04 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Package: grub-installer
Version: 1.91
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
User: debian-powe...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: ppc64el

Dear Maintainer,

here is a patch from Ubuntu to add support for the ppc64el architecture.
Thank you,


-- System Information:
Debian Release: jessie/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: ppc64el (ppc64le)

Kernel: Linux 3.14-1-powerpc64le (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8) (ignored: LC_ALL 
set to en_US.UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
diff -Nru grub-installer-1.91/debian/control grub-installer-1.91/debian/control
--- grub-installer-1.91/debian/control	2013-07-13 07:09:07.0 +
+++ grub-installer-1.91/debian/control	2014-05-16 14:35:00.0 +
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/d-i/grub-installer.git
 Package: grub-installer
-Architecture: i386 hurd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 powerpc mipsel
+Architecture: i386 hurd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 powerpc ppc64el mipsel
 XB-Subarchitecture: ${subarch}
 Provides: bootable-system
 Depends: cdebconf-udeb, kernel-installer, created-fstab, di-utils (= 1.15), di-utils-mapdevfs, os-prober, partman-utils
diff -Nru grub-installer-1.91/debian/grub-installer.install grub-installer-1.91/debian/grub-installer.install
--- grub-installer-1.91/debian/grub-installer.install	2011-07-31 01:01:26.0 +
+++ grub-installer-1.91/debian/grub-installer.install	2014-05-16 14:39:53.0 +
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
 functions.sh usr/share/grub-installer
 otheros.sh usr/share/grub-installer
 ensure-active usr/lib/grub-installer
+prep-bootdev usr/lib/grub-installer
diff -Nru grub-installer-1.91/grub-installer grub-installer-1.91/grub-installer
--- grub-installer-1.91/grub-installer	2013-07-13 07:09:07.0 +
+++ grub-installer-1.91/grub-installer	2014-05-16 14:35:00.0 +
@@ -331,6 +331,9 @@
+	grub_package=grub-ieee1275
+	;;
@@ -581,6 +584,10 @@
+	bootdev=$(/usr/lib/grub-installer/prep-bootdev)
+	state=3
+	;;
 	# No need for install device selection on other platforms.
@@ -765,9 +772,16 @@
 			grub_install_params=$grub_install_params --force
+		case $ARCH:$grub_package in
+		ppc64el/*:grub-ieee1275)
+			info Wiping PReP partition $bootdev
+			log-output -t grub-installer dd if=/dev/zero of=$bootdev bs=512 count=$(blockdev --getsz $bootdev)
+			;;
+		esac
 		case $ARCH:$grub_package in
-		*:grub|*:grub-pc|*:grub-efi|sparc:grub-ieee1275)
+		*:grub|*:grub-pc|*:grub-efi|sparc:grub-ieee1275|ppc64el/*:grub-ieee1275)
 			info Running $chroot $ROOT grub-install $grub_install_params \$bootdev\
 			log-output -t grub-installer $chroot $ROOT grub-install $grub_install_params $bootdev || CODE=$?
@@ -780,7 +794,7 @@
 			info grub-install ran successfully
 			case $ARCH:$grub_package in
-			*:grub|*:grub-pc|*:grub-efi|sparc:grub-ieee1275)
+			*:grub|*:grub-pc|*:grub-efi|sparc:grub-ieee1275|ppc64el/*:grub-ieee1275)
 error Running 'grub-install $grub_install_params \$bootdev\' failed.
diff -Nru grub-installer-1.91/Makefile grub-installer-1.91/Makefile
--- grub-installer-1.91/Makefile	2011-07-31 01:01:26.0 +
+++ grub-installer-1.91/Makefile	2014-05-16 14:39:53.0 +
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
 CFLAGS := -Os -g -Wall
-all: ensure-active
+all: ensure-active prep-bootdev
 ensure-active: ensure-active.c
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@ -lparted
+prep-bootdev: prep-bootdev.c
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@ -lparted
-	rm -f ensure-active
+	rm -f ensure-active prep-bootdev
diff -Nru grub-installer-1.91/prep-bootdev.c grub-installer-1.91/prep-bootdev.c
--- grub-installer-1.91/prep-bootdev.c	1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 +
+++ grub-installer-1.91/prep-bootdev.c	2014-05-21 15:16:14.0 +
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#include stdio.h
+#include stdlib.h
+#include parted/parted.h
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+	PedDevice *dev;
+	ped_exception_fetch_all();
+	ped_device_probe_all();
+	for (dev = ped_device_get_next(NULL); dev;
+	 dev = ped_device_get_next(dev)) {
+		PedDisk *disk;
+		PedPartition *part;
+		disk = ped_disk_new(dev);
+		if (!disk)
+			continue;
+		for (part = ped_disk_next_partition(disk, NULL); part;
+		 part = ped_disk_next_partition(disk, part)) {
+			if (ped_partition_is_active(part) 
+			ped_partition_get_flag(part, PED_PARTITION_PREP)) {
+char *path;
+path = ped_partition_get_path(part);
+if (path) {
+	printf(%s\n, path);
+	free(path);
+	return 0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;

Bug#752410: libdebian-installer: ppc64el support

2014-06-25 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Hi Ben,
actually the use of quilt/patch didn't handle the link between 
and subarch-powerpc-linux.c . Sorry.
I redid the patch using git.
Compared to Ubuntu, this time I also added PowerNV so that is it handled in the 
list and was enclined to return chrp_ibm but I would need your confirmation on
that, I'm not sure of what hides behind that specific term.
As far as I know for now, ppc64el is available in guests (platform: pSeries)
and ppc64el P8 hosts will have plateform: PowerNV so that should cover all.
Thanks for your comments,


On Mon, 23 Jun 2014 17:55:18 +0100, Ben Hutchings b...@decadent.org.uk wrote:
 On Mon, 2014-06-23 at 16:09 +0200, Frederic Bonnard wrote:
  Package: libdebian-installer
  Version: 0.91
  Severity: normal
  Tags: patch
  User: debian-powe...@lists.debian.org
  Usertags: ppc64el
  Dear Maintainer,
  here is a patch from Ubuntu for ppc64el support in libdebian-installer.
 This is copy-pasta from powerpc and most of it is useless for ppc64el.
 If you want to share the implementation across multiple Debian
 architectures, then share it instead of copying.
  --- libdebian-installer-0.91/src/system/subarch-ppc64el-linux.c 1970-01-01 
  00:00:00.0 +
  +++ libdebian-installer-0.91/src/system/subarch-ppc64el-linux.c 2014-05-20 
  10:28:31.0 +
  @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
  +#include ctype.h
  +#include stdlib.h
  +#include stdio.h
  +#include string.h
  +#include strings.h
  +#include debian-installer/system/subarch.h
  +struct map {
  +   char *entry;
  +   char *ret;
  +static struct map map_generation[] = {
  +   { OldWorld, powermac_oldworld },
  +   { NewWorld, powermac_newworld },
  +   { NuBus, powermac_nubus },
  +   { NULL, NULL }
 PowerMacs are big-endian.
  +static struct map map_machine[] = {
  +   { PReP, prep },
  +   { CHRP Pegasos, chrp_pegasos },
  +   { EFIKA, chrp_pegasos },
  +   { CHRP IBM, chrp_rs6k },
  +   { CHRP, chrp },
  +   { Amiga, amiga },
  +   { 64-bit iSeries Logical Partition, iseries },
 Do any of these support little-endian operation?
  +   { NULL, NULL }
  +static struct map map_platform[] = {
  +   { PS3, ps3 },
  +   { Cell, cell },
  +   { PA Semi, pasemi },
  +   { Maple, chrp_ibm },
  +   { pSeries, chrp_ibm },
  +   { P4080 DS, fsl },
  +   { QEMU e500, fsl },
 At least PS3/Cell are big-endian only.
 Ben Hutchings
 For every complex problem
 there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.
diff --git a/src/system/Makefile.am b/src/system/Makefile.am
index 2593441..5ae637c 100644
--- a/src/system/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/system/Makefile.am
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ EXTRA_libsystem_la_SOURCES = \
 	subarch-mips-linux.c \
 	subarch-mipsel-linux.c \
 	subarch-powerpc-linux.c \
+	subarch-ppc64el-linux.c \
 	subarch-sh4-linux.c \
 	subarch-sparc-linux.c \
 	subarch-x86-linux.c \
diff --git a/src/system/subarch-powerpc-linux.c b/src/system/subarch-powerpc-linux.c
index a91a434..94df8c1 100644
--- a/src/system/subarch-powerpc-linux.c
+++ b/src/system/subarch-powerpc-linux.c
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ static struct map map_platform[] = {
 	{ PA Semi, pasemi },
 	{ Maple, chrp_ibm },
 	{ pSeries, chrp_ibm },
+	{ PowerNV, chrp_ibm },
 	{ NULL, NULL }
diff --git a/src/system/subarch-ppc64el-linux.c b/src/system/subarch-ppc64el-linux.c
new file mode 12
index 000..b6b70dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/system/subarch-ppc64el-linux.c
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file

Bug#752445: partman-prep: ppc64el support

2014-06-24 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Sorry Ben, Christian, for forgetting that.
Here it is.


On Mon, 23 Jun 2014 17:56:26 +0100, Ben Hutchings b...@decadent.org.uk wrote:
 Control: tag -1 - patch
 Control: tag -1 moreinfo
 On Mon, 2014-06-23 at 17:24 +0200, Frederic Bonnard wrote:
  Package: partman-prep
  Version: 27
  Severity: normal
  Tags: patch
  User: debian-powe...@lists.debian.org
  Usertags: ppc64el
  Dear Maintainer,
  here is a simple patch to add support for architecture ppc64el,
 You forget the patch.
 Ben Hutchings
 For every complex problem
 there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.
diff -Nru partman-prep-27/debian/control partman-prep-27/debian/control
--- partman-prep-27/debian/control	2013-07-13 09:52:34.0 +
+++ partman-prep-27/debian/control	2014-05-21 10:31:28.0 +
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 Package: partman-prep
 Package-Type: udeb
-Architecture: powerpc
+Architecture: powerpc ppc64el
 XB-Subarchitecture: chrp_ibm chrp_rs6k prep
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, partman-base (= 114)
 Description: Add partman support for PPC PReP boot partitions

Bug#752445: partman-prep: ppc64el support

2014-06-24 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Right Dimitri. So much noise for so few things :)
It's ok in partman-prep 29..


On Tue, 24 Jun 2014 13:21:06 +0100, Dimitri John Ledkov x...@debian.org wrote:
 On 24 June 2014 12:06, Frederic Bonnard fre...@linux.vnet.ibm.com wrote:
  Sorry Ben, Christian, for forgetting that.
  Here it is.
 Well, in ubuntu that was done in 27ubuntu1 upload by Colin Watson, and
 merged into debian with upload 29 by bubulle as off 22nd March 2014
 and synced into Utopic. Version 29 is already in testing.
 I believe this bug report has already been resolved.
  On Mon, 23 Jun 2014 17:56:26 +0100, Ben Hutchings b...@decadent.org.uk 
   Control: tag -1 - patch
   Control: tag -1 moreinfo
   On Mon, 2014-06-23 at 17:24 +0200, Frederic Bonnard wrote:
Package: partman-prep
Version: 27
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
User: debian-powe...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: ppc64el
Dear Maintainer,
here is a simple patch to add support for architecture ppc64el,
   You forget the patch.
   Ben Hutchings
   For every complex problem
   there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-boot-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#752408: finish-install: ppc64el support

2014-06-23 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Package: finish-install
Version: 2.46
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
User: debian-powe...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: ppc64el

Dear Maintainer,

here is a patch from Ubuntu so that console is handled properly on the ppc64le 
in a guest or in the host.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: jessie/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: ppc64el (ppc64le)

Kernel: Linux 3.14-1-powerpc64le (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8) (ignored: LC_ALL 
set to en_US.UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
diff -Nru finish-install-2.46/finish-install.d/90console finish-install-2.46/finish-install.d/90console
--- finish-install-2.46/finish-install.d/90console	2011-08-01 01:00:32.0 +
+++ finish-install-2.46/finish-install.d/90console	2014-06-06 10:11:36.0 +
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
 if [ -e $DT_ROOT/chosen/linux,stdout-path ]; then
 	chosen_dev=$(cat $DT_ROOT/chosen/linux,stdout-path)
 	case $chosen_dev in
-	/vdevice/vty@3000)
+	/vdevice/vty@3000|/vdevice/vty@7100)
 		case $(cat ${DT_ROOT}${chosen_dev}/compatible) in
 			console=hvsi0 ;;
@@ -109,6 +109,12 @@
 		console=hvsi1 ;;
 		console=hvc0 ;;
+	/ibm,opal/consoles/serial@0)
+		console=hvc0 ;;
+	/ibm,opal/consoles/serial@1)
+		console=hvc1 ;;
+	/ibm,opal/consoles/serial@2)
+		console=hvc2 ;;
 		exit 0 ;;

Bug#752410: libdebian-installer: ppc64el support

2014-06-23 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Package: libdebian-installer
Version: 0.91
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
User: debian-powe...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: ppc64el

Dear Maintainer,

here is a patch from Ubuntu for ppc64el support in libdebian-installer.


-- System Information:
Debian Release: jessie/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: ppc64el (ppc64le)

Kernel: Linux 3.14-1-powerpc64le (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8) (ignored: LC_ALL 
set to en_US.UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
diff -Nru libdebian-installer-0.91/src/system/Makefile.am libdebian-installer-0.91/src/system/Makefile.am
--- libdebian-installer-0.91/src/system/Makefile.am	2013-12-28 08:51:24.0 +
+++ libdebian-installer-0.91/src/system/Makefile.am	2014-05-20 10:28:31.0 +
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 	subarch-mips-linux.c \
 	subarch-mipsel-linux.c \
 	subarch-powerpc-linux.c \
+	subarch-ppc64el-linux.c \
 	subarch-sh4-linux.c \
 	subarch-sparc-linux.c \
 	subarch-x86-linux.c \
diff -Nru libdebian-installer-0.91/src/system/subarch-ppc64el-linux.c libdebian-installer-0.91/src/system/subarch-ppc64el-linux.c
--- libdebian-installer-0.91/src/system/subarch-ppc64el-linux.c	1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 +
+++ libdebian-installer-0.91/src/system/subarch-ppc64el-linux.c	2014-05-20 10:28:31.0 +
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#include ctype.h
+#include stdlib.h
+#include stdio.h
+#include string.h
+#include strings.h
+#include debian-installer/system/subarch.h
+struct map {
+	char *entry;
+	char *ret;
+static struct map map_generation[] = {
+	{ OldWorld, powermac_oldworld },
+	{ NewWorld, powermac_newworld },
+	{ NuBus, powermac_nubus },
+	{ NULL, NULL }
+static struct map map_machine[] = {
+	{ PReP, prep },
+	{ CHRP Pegasos, chrp_pegasos },
+	{ EFIKA, chrp_pegasos },
+	{ CHRP IBM, chrp_rs6k },
+	{ CHRP, chrp },
+	{ Amiga, amiga },
+	{ 64-bit iSeries Logical Partition, iseries },
+	{ NULL, NULL }
+static struct map map_platform[] = {
+	{ PS3, ps3 },
+	{ Cell, cell },
+	{ PA Semi, pasemi },
+	{ Maple, chrp_ibm },
+	{ pSeries, chrp_ibm },
+	{ P4080 DS, fsl },
+	{ QEMU e500, fsl },
+	{ NULL, NULL }
+static char *check_map(struct map map[], const char *entry)
+	for (; map-entry; map++)
+		if (!strncasecmp(map-entry, entry, strlen(map-entry)))
+			return map-ret;
+	return NULL;
+const char *di_system_subarch_analyze(void)
+	FILE *cpuinfo;
+	char line[1024];
+	char cpuinfo_platform[256], cpuinfo_machine[256], cpuinfo_generation[256];
+	char *ret, *pos;
+	cpuinfo = fopen(/proc/cpuinfo, r);
+	if (cpuinfo == NULL)
+		return unknown;
+	while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), cpuinfo) != NULL) {
+		pos = strchr(line, ':');
+		if (pos == NULL)
+			continue;
+		while (*++pos  (*pos == '\t' || *pos == ' '));
+		if (strstr(line, platform) == line)
+			strncpy(cpuinfo_platform, pos, sizeof(cpuinfo_platform));
+		if (strstr(line, machine) == line)
+			strncpy(cpuinfo_machine, pos, sizeof(cpuinfo_machine));
+		if (strstr(line, pmac-generation) == line)
+			strncpy(cpuinfo_generation, pos, sizeof(cpuinfo_generation));
+	}
+	fclose(cpuinfo);
+	ret = check_map(map_platform, cpuinfo_platform);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	ret = check_map(map_machine, cpuinfo_machine);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	ret = check_map(map_generation, cpuinfo_generation);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	return unknown;

Bug#752416: os-prober: ppc64el support

2014-06-23 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Package: os-prober
Version: 1.63
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
User: debian-powe...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: ppc64el

Dear Maintainer,
here is a small to add ppc64el architecture.


-- System Information:
Debian Release: jessie/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: ppc64el (ppc64le)

Kernel: Linux 3.14-1-powerpc64le (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8) (ignored: LC_ALL 
set to en_US.UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash

Versions of packages os-prober depends on:
ii  libc6  2.19-1

os-prober recommends no packages.

os-prober suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information
diff -Nru os-prober-1.63/debian/control os-prober-1.63/debian/control
--- os-prober-1.63/debian/control	2013-07-13 12:04:26.0 +
+++ os-prober-1.63/debian/control	2014-05-16 14:25:50.0 +
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 Package: os-prober-udeb
 Package-Type: udeb
 Architecture: any
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, di-utils-mapdevfs, anna (= 1.16), grub-mount-udeb [i386 amd64 powerpc ppc64 sparc mipsel kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64]
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, di-utils-mapdevfs, anna (= 1.16), grub-mount-udeb [i386 amd64 powerpc ppc64 ppc64el sparc mipsel kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64]
 Provides: os-prober
 Description: utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives
  This package is to be used by boot loader installers to detect other OSes

Bug#752418: partman-auto: ppc64el support

2014-06-23 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Package: partman-auto
Version: 118
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
User: debian-powe...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: ppc64el

Dear Maintainer,
here is a patch from Ubuntu to add support to ppc64el.


-- System Information:
Debian Release: jessie/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: ppc64el (ppc64le)

Kernel: Linux 3.14-1-powerpc64le (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8) (ignored: LC_ALL 
set to en_US.UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
diff -Nru partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/atomic partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/atomic
--- partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/atomic	1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 +
+++ partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/atomic	2014-01-15 00:28:39.0 +
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+partman-auto/text/atomic_scheme ::
+8 1 1 prep
+	$primary{ }
+	$bootable{ }
+	method{ prep } .
+128 512 256 ext2
+	$defaultignore{ }
+	$primary{ }
+	method{ format }
+	format{ }
+	use_filesystem{ }
+	filesystem{ ext2 }
+	mountpoint{ /boot } .
+500 1 -1 $default_filesystem
+	$lvmok{ }
+	$primary{ }
+	method{ format }
+	format{ }
+	use_filesystem{ }
+	$default_filesystem{ }
+	mountpoint{ / } .
+96 512 300% linux-swap
+	$lvmok{ }
+	method{ swap }
+	format{ } .
diff -Nru partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/home partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/home
--- partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/home	1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 +
+++ partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/home	2014-01-15 00:28:39.0 +
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+partman-auto/text/home_scheme ::
+8 1 1 prep
+	$primary{ }
+	$bootable{ }
+	method{ prep } .
+128 512 256 ext2
+	$defaultignore{ }
+	$primary{ }
+	method{ format }
+	format{ }
+	use_filesystem{ }
+	filesystem{ ext2 }
+	mountpoint{ /boot } .
+500 4000 7000 $default_filesystem
+	$lvmok{ }
+	$primary{ }
+	method{ format }
+	format{ }
+	use_filesystem{ }
+	$default_filesystem{ }
+	mountpoint{ / } .
+96 512 300% linux-swap
+	$lvmok{ }
+	method{ swap }
+	format{ } .
+100 1 -1 $default_filesystem
+	$lvmok{ }
+	method{ format }
+	format{ }
+	use_filesystem{ }
+	$default_filesystem{ }
+	mountpoint{ /home } .
diff -Nru partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/multi partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/multi
--- partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/multi	1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 +
+++ partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/multi	2014-01-15 00:28:39.0 +
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+partman-auto/text/multi_scheme ::
+8 1 1 prep
+	$primary{ }
+	$bootable{ }
+	method{ prep } .
+128 512 256 ext2
+	$defaultignore{ }
+	$primary{ }
+	method{ format }
+	format{ }
+	use_filesystem{ }
+	filesystem{ ext2 }
+	mountpoint{ /boot } .
+70 800 280 $default_filesystem
+	$lvmok{ }
+	$primary{ }
+	method{ format }
+	format{ }
+	use_filesystem{ }
+	$default_filesystem{ }
+	mountpoint{ / } .
+500 3000 5000 $default_filesystem
+	$lvmok{ }
+	method{ format }
+	format{ }
+	use_filesystem{ }
+	$default_filesystem{ }
+	mountpoint{ /usr } .
+70 1500 3000 $default_filesystem
+	$lvmok{ }
+	method{ format }
+	format{ }
+	use_filesystem{ }
+	$default_filesystem{ }
+	mountpoint{ /var } .
+96 512 300% linux-swap
+	$lvmok{ }
+	method{ swap }
+	format{ } .
+20 300 400 $default_filesystem
+	$lvmok{ }
+	method{ format }
+	format{ }
+	use_filesystem{ }
+	$default_filesystem{ }
+	mountpoint{ /tmp } .
+300 3000 -1 $default_filesystem
+	$lvmok{ }
+	method{ format }
+	format{ }
+	use_filesystem{ }
+	$default_filesystem{ }
+	mountpoint{ /home } .
diff -Nru partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/_numbers partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/_numbers
--- partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/_numbers	1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 +
+++ partman-auto-118/recipes-ppc64el/_numbers	2014-01-15 00:28:39.0 +
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+30 atomic
+50 home
+80 multi

Bug#752444: partman-partitioning: ppc64el support

2014-06-23 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Package: partman-partitioning
Version: 99
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
User: debian-powe...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: ppc64el

Dear Maintainer,
here is a patch from Ubuntu so that on ppc64le the default partition table type 
is known (and
is gpt).


-- System Information:
Debian Release: jessie/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: ppc64el (ppc64le)

Kernel: Linux 3.14-1-powerpc64le (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8) (ignored: LC_ALL 
set to en_US.UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
diff -Nru partman-partitioning-99/lib/disk-label.sh partman-partitioning-99/lib/disk-label.sh
--- partman-partitioning-99/lib/disk-label.sh	2014-01-05 14:33:12.0 +
+++ partman-partitioning-99/lib/disk-label.sh	2014-05-19 14:07:38.0 +
@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@
 		echo msdos;;
+	ppc64el)
+		echo gpt;;
 		echo msdos;;

Bug#752445: partman-prep: ppc64el support

2014-06-23 Thread Frederic Bonnard
Package: partman-prep
Version: 27
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
User: debian-powe...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: ppc64el

Dear Maintainer,

here is a simple patch to add support for architecture ppc64el,


-- System Information:
Debian Release: jessie/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: ppc64el (ppc64le)

Kernel: Linux 3.14-1-powerpc64le (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8) (ignored: LC_ALL 
set to en_US.UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash

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