El  2-jul-2003 a las 10:14:15, Martin Quinson escribió:
> Hello,
> It's maybe time to do an official web page for d-i, centralizing the info
> available on various people page, and the information about how to translate
> it. It would help newcommers to get able to help more quickly.
> I can write the "how to translate" part, since I already answered the
> question twice per email, but I cannot write the main part about the goals
> and current status. Sadly, a page about translation cannot exist without the
> "main" part...
> Any volunteers in writing it ?

It's the time, count with my help for the spanish part.

Teófilo Ruiz Suárez  ||    (teo)    ||  Sevilla, España 
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   
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