Hello My Dear in Christ,
   This is the story of my life, between life and death; I prefer death
because of some circumstances that I have gone through all of my life.
Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of
mercies, and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our
tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble,
by the comfort where we ourselves are comforted of God.
   I am Jude Maxwell, my family name is Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Maxwell, and
we are 12 in our family 4 boys and 8 girls. All of these started two
years ago when my father was sacked from his job, and before we know
what was happening, suddenly, he got illed and could not walk on his
feet, so we rushed him to the hospital and the doctor confirmed that it
was a partial stroke. After a month he died. My uncles came and started
looking for what does not belong to them; they succeeded in throwing us
out and collected all of our properties, so we relocated down to the
village. After some months, my mother had a heart attack and she died,
then after her death, everything turned upside down. I being the
eldest, tried to control my siblings, dropped out of school, in order
for my younger ones to go to school, tried looking for job, but it
wasn’t that easy.
    Barely up to a month, after our mother died, my kid brother died in a
ghastly motor accident while he too was looking for a job for the
betterment of the family. Even my two sisters went into prostitution
and unfortunately for them, they were used for rituals and the next
message I received was their corpse with their heads and breast cut
   I strongly believe in the word of God which says “Fear not them which
kill the body, but cannot the soul; but Fear him which is able to
destroy both soul and body.
Presently, I managed to be working as a cleaner in a small business
center, where I get small things to keep body and soul together for my
 I strongly believe that there are still very good people in this world
that can come for my aid, that is why I’m reaching out to you with the
Grace and the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jude Maxwell.

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