Hi folks,

Testing by initially manty and later confirmed by me showed that the 
option to use the etchnhalf netinst in combination with CD1 does not 
work. Reason turns out to be that the CD remains mounted in /target 
because the Etch version of apt-cdrom does not always unmount it; this 
blocks being able to change the CD when asked to do so.

This must have gotten "broken" by the changes between beta1 and beta2 in 
apt-setup, but I really cannot see how I've managed to miss it with all 
the building and testing of the etchnhalf CDs that I have been doing :-(
Anyway, my bad.

Luckily the fix was not hard and I've just uploaded apt-setup 1:0.38 to 
unstable which includes the fix [1].
I've tested the change for four installs: etchnhalf netinst only; netinst 
+ mirror; netinst + 4.0r4 CD1; netinst + CD1 + CD2.

As this is a fairly fundamental feature of the etchnhalf netinst CD, the 
best option seems to be to delay its build and publication until this new 
version of apt-setup is in testing as the CD can then be built normally.
As apt-setup is an arch=all package this should be possible with minimal 
delays. The only other change since apt-setup 1:0.37 which is currently 
in testing is a trivial fix by Colin, so Beta2 should not suffer.

What still needs to happen now is the following:
- wait for apt-setup 1:0.38 to be accepted and hit the mirrors (should be
  with next dinstall/mirror sync)
- request release team to hint/sync to testing ASAP (I uploaded with
  urgency=high, but that is not really relevant for udeb-only packages)
- wait for sync and check that the correct version is actually in testing
- build, test, publish etchnhalf netinst
- check and if needed correct link to netinst on website [2]; links are
  defined in releases/etch/debian-installer/etchnhalf-images.data (webwml)

As I'm going to be completely off-line for the next 3/4 days, I hope that 
someone else on the d-i team can take care of the first few items and 
coordinate with manty/sledge. If needed sledge can reach me by phone.


[1] Fix is to add 'umount /target/cdrom || true' in three places (r54615);
    these are redundant for Lenny installs, but won't harm.
[2] http://www.debian.org/releases/etch/debian-installer/etchnhalf

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