Bug#915541: Removal of upstream "--will-cite" functionality has been reverted

2021-09-15 Thread Ole Tange
On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 5:06 AM Sam Hartman  wrote:
> This seems clearly within the power Debian grants individual maintainers
> to either keep the citation notice or to remove it.

I hope my stance is clear:

I want to have an income from developing free software. The citation
notice indirectly gives me that. If you want to take away this without
paying me in a different way, I can only see that as an active hostile
action: You are threatening my livelihood.

Having GNU Parallel moved to non-free or not being distributed by
Debian at all is preferable to having my livelihood attacked.

Remember: I am not the enemy - I am the reason you have something to
package in the first place; so please don't behave like a dick - even
if what you intend to do might technically be legal.

I will be happy to work with anyone who understands this stance and
who wants to work to find a solution that everyone can accept. And
given I just want the citation notice shown to people who write
scientific articles, I really think we can find such a solution.


Bug#915541: Removal of upstream "--will-cite" functionality has been reverted

2021-09-11 Thread Ole Tange
On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 11:06 AM Lucas Nussbaum  wrote:
> (1) the wording almost requires citation

I take this as you agree that it does not require citation. Also you
do not point to how the default behaviour of the current version of
GNU Parallel conflicts with Debian's standards. If you believe it
conflicts with Debian's standards, please point to the specific

> (2) it does so by providing a version-specific citation, not a generic

To me it is more honest to cite the specific version you are actually
using than to cite an article about software that is 10 years old, and
which may not have the features that you depend on. But if the general
consensus is that it is more honest to cite the old article, I will be
perfectly happy with that. If this is what blocks us from reaching a
compromise we can agree on, I will change that in the next version.

> With a wrong eye, one could even see it as extortion/blackmail.

To me extortion/blackmail is when I have done something that I cannot
undo and now I have to pay to keep it a secret.

If you feel it can be seen as extortion/blackmail: Would it not make
it even *more* important that the researchers read the citation notice
*before* using the software?

To me it could never be perceived as neither extortion nor blackmail:

* The user is aware of the citation notice when he starts using GNU Parallel
* There are plenty of alternatives - more than 50 of them are even
mentioned in the documentation
* If you feel GNU Parallel does not contribute enough to warrant a
citation: Prove it by using an alternative

Would it be fair to summarize your critique as you in your personal
opinion do not like the citation notice, but there are neither legal
nor technical reasons for this? In other words: It is a matter of


Bug#915541: Removal of upstream "--will-cite" functionality has been reverted

2021-09-06 Thread Ole Tange
On Fri, Sep 3, 2021 at 5:05 PM Felix Lechner  wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 3, 2021 at 7:50 AM Tobias Frost  wrote:
> >
> > But as said earlier: This is not a license issue; the license of GNU 
> > parallel
> > would allow removal, but this would make upstream sad.
> > The status quo is likely to mke our users sad, though.

Maybe it would help if the consequences were explained to them:

* Do you want the software with no citation notice and risk that the
maintainer will step down because he cannot afford spending time on it
- thus getting less free software in the long run?
* Or do you want to spend the 10 seconds it takes to silence the
notice if you don't want to see it?

I think more users would be more sad if the software was no longer
maintained. But you will no doubt get a few vocal exceptions.

But maybe there exists a third option.

> Maybe the debconf system can provide a choice? The default could be
> consistent with Debian's standards.

Can we agree that a click-wrap requires the user to actively do
something (e.g. clicking) before he can use the software? If so: The
citation notice is not a click-wrap, because the GNU Parallel will run
just fine without silencing the notice. It doesn't even break scripts.

It is still not clear to me how the default behaviour of the current
version of GNU Parallel conflicts with Debian's standards: The
citation notice provides you with useful information if you are a
researcher who publishes; it does not limit who can use the software.
If you believe it conflicts with Debian's standards, point to the
specific paragraph. (I accept that wording in version 20141022 was
unclear - and I can see how you could argue that back then).

The ultimate goal has never been to have a license notice. The goal is
to make it possible for me to spend time developing free software. In
practice this means either pay my salary or have GNU Parallel cited,
so it is easier for me to get a job that pays my salary.

It is unlikely that the Debian project will provide my salary, so let
us focus on the second part.

Before the license notice was implemented researchers forgot to cite
GNU Parallel; not because they did not want to honor the tradition,
but simply because they forgot. The citation notice changed this for
the better.

If there is a different way that will ensure researchers will not
forget, it would be acceptable to me.

I am open to (but not convinced) that a debconf choice would
accomplish this. If you believe it will, please elaborate how.


Bug#915541: Removal of upstream "--will-cite" functionality has been reverted

2021-08-31 Thread Ole Tange
On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 8:26 AM Andreas Tille  wrote:
> since this issue becomes complex I'd like to bring up it at debian-legal
> list for advise.

In disagreements it often helps to first agree on what the parties
disagree on. That way you can put aside the parts you agree on. Maybe
this can also help here.

In the text below The Notice refers to the citation notice in GNU
Parallel version 20210722.

Do you believe the original source code of version 20210722 is GPLv3
compliant in your interpretation of the GPLv3? If no: What license (if
any) would give you the right to change the software?

Do you believe The Notice conflicts with the 4 freedoms of Free
Software? If so: please explain how.

Do you believe The Notice conflicts with the DFSG? If so: please explain how.

Do you believe The Notice breaks scripts - unattended or not? If so:
Provide a minimal working example that shows a script actually
breaking (don't assume it will break, instead show it actually

Do you believe you can change the source code as much as you want and
still call it GNU Parallel? Do you believe you can make significant
changes and still call it GNU Parallel?

Are you aware that in academia it is tradition to cite research you build upon?

Are you aware citations are an important factor for some researchers
to have their contract extended?

Are you aware that GNU Parallel earlier tried only to have the
citation notice in the documentation, but researchers simply did not
read this, and thus forgot to cite - not because they did not want to
cite, but because they simply were not aware?

Are you aware there are plenty of alternatives, if you dislike GNU
Parallel (man parallel_alternatives)?


Bug#915541: Removal of upstream "--will-cite" functionality has been reverted

2021-08-30 Thread Ole Tange
On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 3:38 PM Andreas Tille  wrote:
> I admit I also considered a wrapper but with a different functionality:
> Simply check whether --citation was used before and if not do so.

If you mean a wrapper similar to this, then that would be a compromise
I can live with:

if [ -t 2 -a ! -e "$HOME/.citation-run" ] ; then
  # Only run if stderr is a terminal (to avoid breaking scripts)
  parallel.real --citation
  touch "$HOME/.citation-run"
parallel.real "$@"

By testing if stderr is redirected this should avoid breaking scripts
(e.g. cron jobs or similar).

To me it would feel similar to a dialog box, where you have to click
"Don't show this again" to continue the first time. This is not that
uncommon in graphical tools, so there is some precedence for this.

I find it less than optimal, but if we can find common ground on that,
it would be a compromise I can live with.


Bug#915541: Removal of upstream "--will-cite" functionality has been reverted

2021-08-29 Thread Ole Tange
Ian Turner  wrote:
> On 8/28/21 7:41 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
>>I updated the patch in Git[1] but did not yet activate it yet.  I'm fine
>>with uploading parallel with the patch activated if you really think we
>>should disrespect the wish of the author and insist on plain GPL text.
> My reading of bug 905674 is that the citation notice has been previously
> judged to be incompatible with the DFSG and that's why it was removed.
> Also ultimately Debian developers will have to make their own decision,
> though if you are asking my personal opinion, I think it would be best to
> remove it.

The only license that gives you the right to change the source code is GPLv3.

#905674 and #915541 refer to the wording of version 20141022. The
current wording (20210722) has been cleared by Richard M. Stallman to
be compatible with GPLv3. This is because the citation notice is not
part of the license, but part of academic tradition (this was not
clear in version 20141022).

DFSG mentions "The license must not restrict anyone from making use of
the program in a specific field of endeavor", and since the academic
tradition is not part of the license and since the tradition does not
"restrict anyone from making use of the program in a specific field of
endeavor", it is hard to see, how you would argue the wording of
version 20210722 does not adhere to DFSG (the wording in 20141022 was
different, and it is this old wording that is the background for
#905674 and referred in

If your stance is based on reading #905674 I will encourage you to
read the current wording, and argue how the current wording does not
adhere to DFSG.

If you disagree with Richard M. Stallman's interpretation of GPLv3 and
feel the citation notice does not adhere to GPLv3, you should treat
the software as if it is not available under GPLv3. And since GPLv3 is
the only thing that would give you the right to change it, you would
not be allowed to change the software.

In other words: If you want to remove the citation notice to make the
software compliant with your interpretation of GPLv3, you first have
to accept that the software is already compliant with GPLv3, because
nothing else gives you the right to change it. And if you accept this,
you do not need to change it to make it compliant.

Citations are what indirectly fund maintaining GNU Parallel (for
details see: 
Before the citation notice was implemented hardly anyone cited GNU
Parallel, and that would not have been sustainable in the long term.

Therefore it is more important to keep the notice than to be included
in different distributions. Specifically, it will be preferable to be
moved from Debian main to Debian non-free over having the notice
removed (and staying in main).

In other words: It is preferable having fewer users, who all know they
should cite, over having many users, who do not know they should cite.

This is because long-term survival with funding is more important than
short-term gains in popularity that can be achieved by being
distributed as part of a distribution.

If the goal had been to get more users, then the license would have
been public domain.

By removing the citation notice you are knowingly making it harder for
me to justify spending time on developing GNU Parallel, and sending a
signal to future developers that Debian does not care about their long
term survival - only short term benefits to the project. I hope we can
agree we want more free software in the future - not less.

> I am among those not persuaded by Ole's arguments to the
> contrary, in the specific context of the Debian project.

If the revised wording (from version 20141022 to version 20210722)
does not change your opinion, I feel the only compromise that is
acceptable to all the active parties is to keep the citation notice
even if this means moving the software from main to non-free.


Bug#905674: Citation notice FAQ

2019-01-13 Thread Ole Tange
Hi Kurt Fitzner

You question whether software should be cited and if so how?

These links suggest: Yes, you should cite software, and if the author
suggests a way of citing use that.

* https://libguides.mit.edu/c.php?g=551454&p=3900280
* https://www.software.ac.uk/how-cite-software
* https://aut.ac.nz.libguides.com/APA6th/software
* https://libguides.rgu.ac.uk/c.php?g=380081&p=2983956
* https://journals.aas.org/policy-statement-on-software/
* https://guides.lib.monash.edu/c.php?g=219786&p=1454293
* https://www.maxqda.com/how-to-cite-maxqda

If you feel the benefit from using GNU Parallel is too small to
warrant a citation, then prove that by simply using another tool.

Here are other examples of software showing how to cite. Some of these
refer to peer-reviewed articles - others do not:

* https://www.scipy.org/citing.html
* https://octave.org/doc/interpreter/Citing-Octave-in-Publications.html
  (Octave has citation for individual packages, too)
* https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2008-May/161481.html
* https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/utils/html/citation.html
  (R has citation for individual packages, too)
* http://www.partek.com/citing-partek-software-in-a-publication/
* http://www.fluortools.com/misc/cite
* https://www.maxqda.com/how-to-cite-maxqda
* https://www.open-mpi.org/papers/
* https://www.tensorflow.org/about/bib
* http://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/paul/praat.html

I would think that most people, who appreciate GNU Parallel, would be
happy to help funding the development even if it is simply by making a

So what really puzzles me is: If you feel very strongly against
helping to fund future development of GNU Parallel, why not use an
alternative tool? No one forces you to use GNU Parallel. Here is a
list of alternatives to help you choose:

You also pose it might be bad if more software asked for citations.

Let us make one thing abundantly clear: The reason for the citing
notice in GNU Parallel is _funding_ - not prestige of being cited in
an academic journal, as you hint. It has never been a secret and has
been explained from the start:

If you find another way to pay my salary, so I can continue to devote
time to develop GNU Parallel, then I will have no objections to
removing the notice. So please help solve that problem. Not only will
it please me, but if you find a general solution, many other free
software developers will thank you for it.

Focusing on how we can get more free software funded is constructive.
Focusing on how we can remove funding for existing free software is

It is unclear to me why you think that funding through citations
suddenly will be the prevailing way of funding, if Debian affirms GNU
Parallel's version of an 'OK. Do not show this again'-message (just
like the GUI-messages this message can be silenced in less than 10
seconds, and if you do not save more than 10 seconds by using GNU
Parallel, maybe you should not be using it anyway).

First of all, I think that is unrealistic that this sudden change will
happen (most other software is financed in different ways). But even
if it _did_ happen, then you would be free to use different tools (or
develop your own), if you prefer not to cite.

To me your email could be summarized as: "I do not want to help fund
the development, but I want to reap all the benefits - even if that
means killing the long term development."

To me it seems it is you whom Nadia Eghbal addresses in

"Is it alright to compromise, or even deliberately ignore, the
happiness of maintainers so we that can enjoy free and open source

== Citation notice FAQ ==

> Why does GNU Parallel show a citation notice?

GNU Parallel is indirectly funded through citations. It is therefore
important for the long term survival of GNU Parallel that it is cited.
The citation notice makes users aware of this.

See also: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/parallel/2013-11/msg6.html

> Is the citation notice compatible with GPLv3?

Yes. The wording has been cleared by Richard M. Stallman to be
compatible with GPLv3. This is because the citation notice is not part
of the license, but part of academic tradition.

Therefore the notice is not adding a term that would require citation
as mentioned on:

> Do automated scripts break if the notice is not silenced?

No. Not a single time has that happened. This is due to the notice
only being printed, if the output is to the screen - not if the output
is to a file or a pipe.

> How do I silence the citation notice?

Run this once:

  parallel --citation

It takes less than 10 seconds to do and is thus comparable to an 'OK.
Do not show this again'-dial

Bug#905674: GNU Parallel patch

2018-12-03 Thread Ole Tange
Dear Didier

Thanks for help organizing the BSP in Bern.

I have noticed that you have submitted a patch and closed this bug:

I am sure you are trying to do what is best for free software. But
what looks like a good idea in the short run, may be a bad idea in the
long run. The long term survival of Debian depends on others building
free software that can be packaged, so destroying these people's
livelihood is a bad long term strategy.

In the reasoning for the patch you state:

> Quoting the gpl-faq:
[... https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#RequireCitation ...]
> Therefore, removing this to make parallel GPL-compliant.

I think this is due to a misunderstanding.

Maybe you not aware that Richard M. Stallman together with the GNU
leaders have cleared the wording and the use of the citation notice,
and that he sees it as complying fully with GPLv3? And thus not in
conflict with https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#RequireCitation
The reasoning why there is no conflict is because citing is a matter
of honor - not law. Thus it does not restrict anyone from making use
of the program in a specific field of endeavor, but simply conveys
that you will be taking away future funding for development if you do
not cite.

The mail from RMS is included below.

Your patch therefore does not change the GPLv3-compliancy: The code
was already compliant.

But what your patch *does* do, is to make it harder to earn a living
from developing GNU Parallel and will make it much harder for me to
justify spending time maintaining GNU Parallel. Please help building
more free software instead of attacking the developer's livelihood.
Not everyone is so lucky that they are hired in a company where you
get paid to develop free software.

As Nadia Eghbal puts it in

"Is it alright to compromise, or even deliberately ignore, the
happiness of maintainers so we that can enjoy free and open source

This describes very well what you are doing with the patch, and I
refuse to think that was your goal.

So if you want to help other developers make a living and thereby get
more free software made, I encourage you to revert the patch and
instead upgrade to 20180922: Maybe you simply were not aware that the
latest stable version (20180922) is *already* GPLv3 compliant.

Thanks for your work on free software. It is appreciated.


On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 9:07 AM Richard Stallman  wrote:
> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
> GNU leaders studied looked at the current version of GNU Parallel.
> Based on their report, I've concluded there is no problem in it.
> --
> Dr Richard Stallman
> President, Free Software Foundation (https://gnu.org, https://fsf.org)
> Internet Hall-of-Famer (https://internethalloffame.org)

Bug#905674: Ready for closing?

2018-10-21 Thread Ole Tange
Upgrading from 20141022 to 20180922 seems to address all issues.

Can we close this ticket?

#884793 was due to user error, thus not breaking scripts. I still have
not seen a single situation in which the current behaviour (version
20180922) breaks scripts when used correctly. Make a Minimal,
Complete, Verifiable Example to change my mind.

--citation was never designed to be used with any other parameter, but
only to be run on its own:

   parallel --citation
   > will cite

After running this the citation notice is silenced for future runs. In
other words: It is optional and takes literally less than 10 seconds
to do; thus it is comparable to clicking 'OK, do not show this message
again' in a GUI tool.

The current (version 20280922) wording of the citation notice has been
cleared by Richard M. Stallman and is deemed not in conflict with
https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#RequireCitation because
citing is a matter of honor - not law. Thus it does not restrict
anyone from making use of the program in a specific field of endeavor,
but simply conveys that you will be taking away future funding for
development if you do not cite.

As Nadia Eghbal puts it in

"Is it alright to compromise, or even deliberately ignore, the
happiness of maintainers so we that can enjoy free and open source


Bug#884793: Use --citation the correct way

2018-10-21 Thread Ole Tange
You are using --citation in a way it was never designed to be used.
This is why you feel it breaks your script. It is like complaining you
get control characters in the output if you run 'ls --color=always >

--citation was never designed to be used with any other parameter, but
only to be run on its own:

   parallel --citation
   > will cite

After running this the citation notice is silenced for future runs. In
other words: It takes literally less than 10 seconds to do; thus it is
comparable to clicking 'OK, do not show this message again' in a GUI

Newer versions print a warning, if you use '--citation' with other
arguments, and the man page states:

| Print the citation notice and BibTeX entry for GNU parallel, silence
| citation notice for all future runs, and exit. It will not run any
| commands.

The current wording of the citation notice has been cleared by Richard
M. Stallman and is deemed not in conflict with
https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#RequireCitation because
citing is a matter of honor - not law.

If you consider yourself an honorable person and you publish peer
reviewed articles that uses GNU Parallel, then you should cite.

If you consider yourself a dishonorable person and you publish peer
reviewed articles that uses GNU Parallel, then you will probably not
cite. But if you object to citing, why not do the honorable thing and
either build your own tool, fund the project by paying, or simply use
another tool? There are plenty other tools; see `man

If you do not publish peer reviewed articles, the notice does not apply to you.

Funding a free software project is hard. GNU parallel is no exception.
On top of that it seems the less visible a project is, the harder it
is to get funding. And the nature of GNU parallel is that it will
never be seen by "the guy with the checkbook", but only by the people
doing the actual work.

This problem has been covered by others - though no solution has been
found: https://www.numfocus.org/blog/why-is-numpy-only-now-getting-funded/

As Nadia Eghbal puts it in

"Is it alright to compromise, or even deliberately ignore, the
happiness of maintainers so we that can enjoy free and open source

Before implementing the citation notice it was discussed with the
users: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/parallel/2013-11/msg6.html

Having to spend 10 seconds on running 'parallel --citation' once is
not an ideal solution, but no one has so far come up with an ideal
solution - neither for funding GNU parallel nor other free software.

If you believe you have the perfect solution, you should try it out,
and if it works, you should post it on the email list. Ideas that will
cost work and which have not been tested are, however, unlikely to be

Running 'parallel --citation' one single time takes less than 10
seconds, and will silence the citation notice for future runs. If that
is too much trouble for you, why not use one of the alternatives
instead? See a list in: man parallel_alternatives.

Citations make it possible to get a job that can pay for the
development of GNU Parallel. If you want to see more free software be
developed, then help funding it. Citations are a very cheap way of
doing that.


Bug#905674: Funding free software

2018-08-20 Thread Ole Tange
Funding a free software project is hard. GNU Parallel is no exception.
On top of that it seems the less visible a project is, the harder it
is to get funding. And the nature of GNU Parallel is that it will
never be seen by "the guy with the checkbook", but only by the people
doing the actual work.

This problem has been covered by others - though no solution has been
found: https://www.slideshare.net/NadiaEghbal/consider-the-maintainer

"Is it alright to compromise or even deliberately ignore the happiness
of the maintainers so that we can enjoy free and open source
(Slide 8 from: https://www.slideshare.net/NadiaEghbal/consider-the-maintainer)

Before implementing the citation notice it was discussed with the
users: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/parallel/2013-11/msg6.html

There is no doubt that this is not an ideal solution, but no one has
so far come up with an ideal solution - neither for funding GNU
Parallel nor other free software.

If you believe you have the perfect solution, you should try it out,
and if it works, you should post it on the email list. Ideas that will
cost work and which have not been tested are, however, unlikely to be

The notice in question:

Academic tradition requires you to cite works you base your article on.
If you use programs that use GNU Parallel to process data for an article in a
scientific publication, please cite:

  author   = {Tange, Ole},
  title= {GNU Parallel 2018},
  publisher= {Ole Tange},
  month= Mar,
  year = 2018,
  ISBN = {9781387509881},
  doi  = {10.5281/zenodo.1146014},
  url  = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1146014}

(Feel free to use \nocite{tange_ole_2018_1146014})

This helps funding further development; AND IT WON'T COST YOU A CENT.
If you pay 1 EUR you should feel free to use GNU Parallel without

More about funding GNU Parallel and the citation notice:

If you send a copy of your published article to ta...@gnu.org, it will
mentioned in the release notes of next version of GNU Parallel.

As you can see the citation notice is carefully worded so that it is
not a legal requirement. It was revised in collaboration with RMS to
make sure it was compatible with GPLv3. The notice does not deny users
the ability to use the software as they wish, for whatever purpose
they wish, without payment. It does, however, make it clear what the
wishes of the author are.

There have been rumours that the citation notice broke scripts, but
these rumours have never been backed up by evidence - so an actual
MCVE has never been shown.

As long as we have not found the perfect way of earning a living from
free software, we should try out as many methods as possible. Some
will try one method, and others will try another. If we find a way to
pay my salary I will be happy to remove the notice. And if we manage
to find a general way to fund development of free software, a lot more
developers will be happy, and we will be able to put Nadia Eghbal's
quote in the past:

"Is it alright to compromise or even deliberately ignore the happiness
of the maintainers so that we can enjoy free and open source


On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 4:52 AM, Rogério Brito  wrote:
> Dear Ole (and others potentially interested in having GNU Parallel in
> Debian's and derivatives' repositories),
> I don't know if you have been following the emails on the Debian BTS
> regarding GNU Parallel having restrictions regardings its distribution etc.
> Since this issue has surfaced itself once again, but now in a more intense
> manner, I believe that, if you have not yet been informed, you may want to
> give your opinion (and I will decide how I should follow my maintainership
> within the constraints of your software and the contraints of Debian).
> Thanks,
> Rogério Brito...
> On Aug 08 2018, Adam Borowski wrote:
>> Actually, it seems to me it's not even distributable.
>> The wording sounds like a requirement rather than something non-mandatory --
>> reinforced by providing the alternative of paying €1.  Yet the license
>> is GPL3+, which expressly forbids additional fees.  This is even described
>> in FSF's GPL FAQ:
>> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#RequireCitation
>> Thus, the copyright holder can distribute this software, but no one else
>> can.
>> As the requirement is not a part of the license, we could just remove the
>> demand nagware from the code.  But alas, the upstream (Ole Tange) threatened
>> legal action

Bug#864647: Patch

2017-06-12 Thread Ole Tange
--- /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/cryptroot
2015-01-22 22:03:47.0 +0100
+++ /root/cryptroot.new 2017-06-12 13:14:13.031995434 +0200
@@ -277,7 +277,20 @@
   export CRYPTTAB_TRIED="$count"
   count=$(( $count + 1 ))

+   /bin/sleep 3
   if [ -z "$cryptkeyscript" ]; then
+   # Test all devices
+   mkdir /mnt
+   echo -n "Searching for cryptkey.txt on
available disks... "
+   for PART in `cat /proc/partitions |awk '{print
$4}'|tail -n +3`; do
+   if mount /dev/$PART /mnt 2>/dev/null; then
+   cat /mnt/cryptkey.txt >>
/tmp/cryptkeys.txt 2>/dev/null
+   umount /dev/$PART
+   fi
+   echo "done."
   if [ ${cryptsource#/dev/disk/by-uuid/} !=
$cryptsource ]; then
   # UUIDs are not very helpful
@@ -297,10 +310,29 @@

   if [ ! -e "$NEWROOT" ]; then
-   if ! crypttarget="$crypttarget"
cryptsource="$cryptsource" \
-$cryptkeyscript "$cryptkey" | $cryptopen; then
+   keyfound=0
+   if [ -e /tmp/cryptkeys.txt ] ; then
+   echo Trying keys from cryptkey.txt
+   for key in `cat /tmp/cryptkeys.txt`; do
+   if crypttarget="$crypttarget"
cryptsource="$cryptsource" \
+   echo -n "$key" | $cryptopen; then
+# Found the key
+   echo Key found in cryptkey.txt
+   keyfound=1
+   fi
+   done
+   # Remove traces of the key
+rm /tmp/cryptkeys.txt
+   unset key
+   fi
+   if [ "$keyfound" = "0" ]; then
+   # Fall back to manual entry
+   if ! crypttarget="$crypttarget"
cryptsource="$cryptsource" \
+   $cryptkeyscript "$cryptkey" | $cryptopen; then
   message "cryptsetup: cryptsetup failed,
bad password or options?"
+   fi

Bug#864647: cryptsetup: Patch to get cryptokey from external device (e.g. USB stick)

2017-06-12 Thread Ole Tange
Package: cryptsetup
Version: 2:1.6.6-5
Severity: wishlist

Dear Maintainer,

I use cryptosetup so that I can send disks for repairs without worrying about 
confidential data on the disks. I would love to use cryptsetup on servers, but 
I need to be able to reboot the servers without having to enter the passphrase.

It would be ideal to me if I could simply have a small USB stick containing a 
passphrase that will unlock the disk. Not only would that be handy for servers 
(where you could leave the USB stick in the server), it would also be great for 
my laptop: Insert the USB stick when booting and remove it after unlocking the 

I have now written a patch that will search all devices for the file 
'cryptkey.txt' and try decrypting with each line as a key.

The patch is released under the same license as 

I am aware of the “passdev” keyscript 
(/usr/share/doc/cryptsetup/README.initramfs.gz section 10). My patch has the 
following advantages:

* It searches every partition being connected. This gives 2 advantages:

  - You do not need to change the line in cryptsetup, but can have that be the 
same for all servers.
  - You do not need to remember the label of the USB-disk if the USB-disk 

* It tries all lines as a key. This way you can unlock many machines with 
different keys with a single USB-disk.

* It is easy to get working. Creating a USB-disk with the key can be done on a 
Microsoft Windows machine with no special software. So even beginners can do 

* It is safe: Trying to get passdev to work I managed to make my server 
unbootable - it got stuck in a loop looking for the USB-disk, and it never gave 
me the option to enter the key manually even though I had put in a 10 seconds 
timeout. It took an hour to get the system working again - and I never got 
passdev to work. With my patch you simply enter the passphrase as normally, if 
the automation fails.

(I was unable to reopen 


-- Package-specific info:
-- /proc/cmdline
BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-amd64 root=/dev/mapper/nlv-root ro quiet

-- /etc/crypttab
#sda5_crypt UUID=b5da252b-d4ce-4c8b-9274-1dc6b53cbf5b none luks
UUID=b5da252b-d4ce-4c8b-9274-1dc6b53cbf5b none luks

-- /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
/dev/mapper/nlv-root /   ext4errors=remount-ro 0   1
# /boot was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=944f19d7-138a-4270-b42f-a5322a57b047 /boot   ext2defaults  
  0   2
/dev/mapper/nlv-swap_1 noneswapsw  0   0
/dev/sr0/media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0
/dev/sdb1   /media/usb0 autorw,user,noauto  0   0
/dev/sdb2   /media/usb1 autorw,user,noauto  0   0
#LABEL=freeagent /mnt/freeagent  autorw,relatime,data=journal,auto  0 0
LABEL=freeagent /mnt/freeagent  autorw,relatime,data=ordered,auto   0 0
#LABEL=freeagent /mnt/freeagent  autorw,relatime,data=writeback,auto
0 0
tmpfs /mnt/ram tmpfs rw,noexec,nosuid,size=5%,mode=1777 0 0

-- lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
xt_nat 12601  1 
xt_tcpudp  12527  3 
veth   13095  0 
xt_conntrack   12681  1 
ipt_MASQUERADE 12594  2 
iptable_nat12646  1 
nf_conntrack_ipv4  18448  2 
nf_defrag_ipv4 12483  1 nf_conntrack_ipv4
nf_nat_ipv412912  1 iptable_nat
xt_addrtype12557  2 
iptable_filter 12536  1 
ip_tables  21711  2 iptable_filter,iptable_nat
x_tables   27399  7 
nf_nat 18241  4 ipt_MASQUERADE,nf_nat_ipv4,xt_nat,iptable_nat
nf_conntrack   87424  6 
bridge106162  0 
stp12437  1 bridge
llc12745  2 stp,bridge
aufs  199570  277 
cpufreq_powersave  12454  0 
binfmt_misc16949  1 
cpufreq_stats  12782  0 
cpufreq_userspace  12525  0 
cpufreq_conservative14184  0 
bnep   17431  2 
nfsd  262938  2 
auth_rpcgss51209  1 nfsd
oid_registry   12419  1 auth_rpcgss
nfs_acl12511  1 nfsd
nfs   192232  0 
lockd  83389  2 nfs,nfsd
fscache45542  1 nfs
sunrpc237406  6 nfs,nfsd,auth_rpcgss,lockd,nfs_acl
ecb12737  1 
btusb  29721  0 
bluetooth 374429  2

Bug#746806: cryptsetup: Patch to get cryptokey from external device (e.g. USB stick)

2014-05-03 Thread Ole Tange
Package: cryptsetup
Version: 2:1.4.3-4
Severity: wishlist

Dear Maintainer,

I use cryptosetup so that I can send disks for repairs without worrying about 
confidential data on the 
disks. I would love to use cryptsetup on servers, but I need to be able to 
reboot the servers without 
having to enter the passphrase.

It would be ideal to me if I could simply have a small USB stick containing a 
passphrase that will 
unlock the disk. Not only would that be handy for servers (where you could 
leave the USB stick in the 
server), it would also be great for my laptop: Insert the USB stick when 
booting and remove it after 
unlocking the cryptodisk.

I have now written a patch that will search all devices for the file 
'cryptkey.txt' and try decrypting 
with each line as a key.

The patch is released under the same license as 


Ole Tange

--- /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/cryptroot  2012-11-16 
09:24:09.0 +0100
+++ /tmp/cryptroot  2014-05-03 21:52:18.537256317 +0200
@@ -263,11 +263,19 @@
while [ $crypttries -le 0 ] || [ $count -lt $crypttries ]; do
count=$(( $count + 1 ))
-   if [ $count -gt 1 ]; then
-   /bin/sleep 3
-   fi
+   /bin/sleep 3
if [ -z "$cryptkeyscript" ]; then
+   # Test all devices
+   mkdir /mnt
+   echo -n "Searching for cryptkey.txt on available 
disks... "
+   for PART in `cat /proc/partitions |awk '{print 
$4}'|tail -n +3`; do
+  if mount /dev/$PART /mnt 2>/dev/null; then
+  cat /mnt/cryptkey.txt >> /tmp/cryptkeys.txt 
+  umount /dev/$PART
+  fi
+   echo "done."
cryptkey="Unlocking the disk $cryptsource 
($crypttarget)\nEnter passphrase: "
if [ -x /bin/plymouth ] && plymouth --ping; then
cryptkeyscript="plymouth ask-for-password 
@@ -279,10 +287,24 @@
if [ ! -e "$NEWROOT" ]; then
-   if ! crypttarget="$crypttarget" 
cryptsource="$cryptsource" \
+   if [ -e /tmp/cryptkeys.txt ] ; then
+   echo Trying keys from cryptkey.txt
+   for KEY in `cat /tmp/cryptkeys.txt`; do
+   if crypttarget="$crypttarget" 
cryptsource="$cryptsource" \
+   echo -n $KEY | $cryptcreate --key-file=- ; 
+   # Found the key
+   echo Key found in cryptkey.txt
+   KEY=""
+   fi
+   done
+   rm /tmp/cryptkeys.txt
+   fi
+   if [ "$KEYFOUND" = "0" ]; then
+   if ! crypttarget="$crypttarget" 
cryptsource="$cryptsource" \
 $cryptkeyscript "$cryptkey" | $cryptcreate 
--key-file=- ; then
message "cryptsetup: cryptsetup failed, bad 
password or options?"
+   fi

-- Package-specific info:
-- /proc/cmdline
BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-amd64 root=/dev/mapper/nlv-root ro quiet

-- /etc/crypttab
sda5_crypt UUID=b5da252b-d4ce-4c8b-9274-1dc6b53cbf5b none luks

-- /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
/dev/mapper/nlv-root /   ext4errors=remount-ro 0   1
# /boot was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=944f19d7-138a-4270-b42f-a5322a57b047 /boot   ext2defaults  
  0   2
/dev/mapper/nlv-swap_1 noneswapsw  0   0
/dev/sr0/media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0
/dev/sdb1   /media/usb0 autorw,user,noauto  0   0
/dev/sdb2   /media/usb1 autorw,user,noauto  0   0

-- lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
parport_pc 22364  0 
ppdev  12763  0 
lp 17149  0 
parport31858  3 lp,ppdev,parport_pc
bnep   17567  2

Bug#710482: autofs: Stale NFS handle - if server is rebooted

2013-05-31 Thread Ole Tange
Package: autofs
Version: 5.0.7-3
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

   * What led up to the situation?

I use autofs for /net to automount NFS dirs from servers.

When a dir is mounted via NFS from a server that is rebooted, I sometimes get
Stale NFS file handle. A simple 'umount -l' run by hand clears that error. But
it would be nice if autofs could deal with this.

The solution could be as crude as doing a stat on the automounted dirs now and
then, and if you get Stale NFS file handle do an 'umount -l'. You probably have
even better ideas.

   * What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or

When a dir is mounted via NFS from a server that is rebooted, I sometimes get
Stale NFS file handle. A simple 'umount -l' run by hand clears that error. But
it would be nice if autofs could deal with this.

   * What was the outcome of this action?

I had expected the dir to be available.

   * What outcome did you expect instead?

No error.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 7.0
  APT prefers stable
  APT policy: (500, 'stable')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 (SMP w/48 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_DK.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash

Versions of packages autofs depends on:
ii  libc6  2.13-38
ii  libxml22.8.0+dfsg1-7+nmu1
ii  multiarch-support  2.13-38
ii  ucf3.0025+nmu3

Versions of packages autofs recommends:
ii  kmod   9-3
ii  module-init-tools  9-3
ii  nfs-common 1:1.2.6-3

autofs suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information

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Bug#695205: aptitude install name_of_the_missing_file should find the package of name_of_the_missing_file and install it

2012-12-05 Thread Ole Tange
Package: aptitude
Severity: wishlist

I often experience some program depend on a file. I then have to
locate which package may contain the file and then install the

It looks like this:

$ foo
Could not load library: libglut.so.3: cannot open shared object file:
No such file or directory.
$ apt-file search libglut.so.3
freeglut3: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglut.so.3
freeglut3: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglut.so.3.9.0
$ sudo aptitude install freeglut3

It would be nice if I did not have to go through apt-file to locate
the package, but that I instead simply could do:

$ sudo aptitude install libglut.so.3

If multiple packages contain libglut.so.3 then aptitude should ask me
to select one of them.


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Bug#688929: parallel: config file leads to non-standard behaviour

2012-11-22 Thread Ole Tange
On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel  wrote:
> I, for one, stopped using parallel my scripts have to work across distros.

--gnu is made for that situation (--gnu takes precedence over --tollef).


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Bug#561938: Does maintainer want patch for size of buffer?

2012-05-23 Thread Ole Tange
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 7:19 AM, Martin Buck  wrote:
> Hi Ole,
> a patch would be great if it also includes changes to the man page
> mentioning the buffer limit, the kernel limit, how to tune the latter and
> the error message you get if it is exceeded. What would you suggest as the
> new maximum block size?

If I read the code correctly it costs nothing to set the maximum block
size to max of 64-bit integer.

> The more fundamental problem is that SysV-style shared memory really doesn't
> seem to be made for such large amounts of shared memory (which is probably
> why the kernel has such low limits as well). The right way to proceed would
> be to switch to more modern mechanisms like mmap(), but I guess that's a
> larger amount of work. A patch for that would be most welcome.

The 64-bit limit might not work on all systems, but I find it
ridiculous that it is 'buffer' and not the system that sets the limit.

It seems 'mbuffer -q' can be used instead, but it seems to be slower
than 'buffer'. With -t it does memory mapped temporary files.


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Bug#561938: Does maintainer want patch for size of buffer?

2012-05-18 Thread Ole Tange
Hi Martin Buck.

We are some users who would like buffer to be able to handle much
bigger buffers. If we make a patch will you then accept this patch and
apply it?

Did you get your GNU Parallel merchandise?

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Bug#671798: parallel: Passing args from command line is borked

2012-05-07 Thread Ole Tange
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 4:10 AM, Ian Zimmerman  wrote:

> Rogério> GNU parallel, to be compatible, also exposes that behavior,
> Rogério> when invoked with the --tollef option. Otherwise, it is the
> Rogério> pure GNU parallel behaviour.
> Rogério> The default behavior in Debian was chosen to be --tollef as
> Rogério> moreutils's presence in Debian predated GNU parallel for some
> Rogério> time and to not interfere with users that happen to have both
> Rogério> moreutils and GNU parallel installed.
> I see.  I mistakenly thought this dual personality was a Debian
> invention.  As it is it's clearly an upstream bug, they should document
> it in the manpage or at least in the README.

It is assumed that you do not enable --tollef by accident, and you
only enable it to get compatibility with Tollef's parallel (i.e. you
know what you are doing). That is why there is a warning when you run:

  parallel --version
  (with --tollef enabled in /etc/parallel/config)

which you - according to documentation - must do before filing a bug report.

I am somewhat annoyed that --tollef gives me more support work.
--tollef was implemented to _avoid_ more support work by providing
backwards compatibility to existing Tollef's parallel users to ease
their migration to GNU Parallel. But if --tollef proves to give me
more support work it might be preferable to retire that option.

I would tend to agree with Ian: If I had explicitly asked to get GNU
Parallel installed I would not expect it to go into tollef mode (It
will be fair to call me biased here).

Did you get your GNU Parallel merchandise?

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#518696: #518696 ITP: parallel -- build and execute command lines from standard input in parallel]

2009-03-11 Thread Ole Tange
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Samuel Thibault
> Ole Tange, le Wed 11 Mar 2009 17:05:34 +0100, a écrit :
>> One of friends alerted me to your discussion of 'parallel' and whether
>> other tools can replace it.
> The question could also be rephrased: can't we just extended xargs into
> supporting what parallel does?  Having two separate tools will always
> make arguments about "A does this, B doesn't" and vice-versa, while
> xargs could just do everything.

When I started coding 'parallel' I thought of extending 'xargs' for
exactly the same reason. I decided against it for two reasons:

* My C-skills are rusty and I never really liked C, so I would have to
convince someone else to write it.

* I would not be able to change xargs so it became incompatible with
the current version of xargs. This would make it impossible to change
the default behaviour of xargs to something that would make sense 99%
of the time.

xargs default of treating

  printf "foo bar" | xargs echo

the same as:

  printf "foo\nbar" | xargs echo

is not what I want in 99% of the cases. In 90% of the cases I do not
care, and the the last 9% I get burned by the behaviour.

I have been burned quite a few times by xargs for not dealing nicely
with input that is \n separated but which contains interesting
characters such as space or '. parallel's primary purpose was to be
run interactively for things that are only to be run once; if running
the same input with xargs requires a lot of pre+postprocessing and
special options, then it is easier to extend parallel to include what
xargs does (BTW next version of parallel will support -x which will
insert as many arguments as command line length permits).

I believe the man page of xargs shows a good example of the problem of
xargs not doing what the user expects. The first example says:

  find /tmp -name core -type f -print | xargs /bin/rm -f

   Find files named core in or below the directory /tmp and delete
them.  Note that this
   will work incorrectly if there are any filenames containing
newlines or spaces.

But even the man page writer forgets that if any of the dirs contain a
' or a ` or a " you still have to remember -0. If a dir is called
"\\'" then xargs will not even complain but silently fail to remove
the file.

To me the default should work in most cases and not cause the user to
rethink the strategy. On my alpha testers I tried out different
defaults to get to a default setting that would do what they expected
in most cases.


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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#518696: #518696 ITP: parallel -- build and execute command lines from standard input in parallel]

2009-03-11 Thread Ole Tange
One of friends alerted me to your discussion of 'parallel' and whether
other tools can replace it. Here are some good examples to try to
reproduce without 'parallel':

$ ls | grep abc | parallel gzip -c >/tmp/file.gz

Try this in a dir with 1000 50 kB sized mixed files with file names
that include these characters: [-'` "+*<>&$!?|]. The output is a valid
.gz file as the output is grouped. In other solutions not using
parallel you will often have a race condition (such as running two
cat's in parallel).

$ ls | parallel diff {} foo ">"{}.diff
$ ls | parallel 'echo -n {}" "; ls {}|wc -l'

These should also be run on files with names containing interesting
characters [-'` "+*<>&$!?|].

$ seq 1 255 | parallel -j 50 'ping -c 1 10.0.0.{} && wget

The 3 above would normally require making a script and calling it. I
have yet to see how to do that on the command line (including the

$ cat shellscript
ls foo
touch bar
host foo.bar
ping bar.foo
seq 1 10 | ssh foo.bar "cat >/tmp/count"
wget http://foo.bar/info
[...100 other one line shell commands...]
$ cat shellscript | time sh
$ cat shellscript | time parallel

This one of the ways I use 'parallel' most with the shellscript often
being generated.

There are more examples in the man-page.

I am the author of 'parallel'


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Bug#485924: poster: Manual for -P is wrong

2008-06-12 Thread Ole Tange
Package: poster
Version: 1:20050907-1
Severity: minor

The manual for -P says:

  Specify which pages of the poster to print. It consists of a 
comma-separated list of single pages or page ranges (using the
  dash). The order in which page number appears determines the final 
page order in the result PostScript file. Page numbering
  starts at 1, from left to right and bottom-up.
  Examples: 1-2 or 1,3-4,7

However, the actual ordering seems to be: bottom-up, right-to-left.

That is very non-intuitively to me, so I consider making a patch that changes 
the ordering to the European way to read text: left-to-right, top-to-bottom.

Would you include such a patch?

-- System Information:
Debian Release: lenny/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: i386 (i686)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.24-1-686 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_DK.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_DK.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash

Versions of packages poster depends on:
ii  libc6 2.7-10 GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libpaper1 1.1.23 library for handling paper charact

poster recommends no packages.

-- no debconf information

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#485910: Comment changed

2008-06-12 Thread Ole Tange
In this patch the comment is changed to describe the function.

--- poster-20050907/poster.c	2008-06-10 19:10:13.0 +0200
+++ poster-nodupPS/poster.c	2008-06-12 10:10:07.0 +0200
@@ -831,6 +831,7 @@
 	printf ("%% Print poster %s in %dx%d tiles with %.3g magnification\n", 
 		infile, nrows, ncols, scale);
+static void definepage();
 /* output the poster, create tiles if needed */
@@ -840,6 +841,7 @@
 	int row, col, page;
+	definepage();
 	if ( pages == NULL )
 		for ( page = 0; page < number_pages; page++ )
 			for (row = 1; row <= nrows; row++)
@@ -977,6 +979,18 @@
 	printf( "EndSetup\n");
+/* define a PS function to print the original page */
+static void definepage()
+  printf("/theoriginalpage {\n");
+  printf("BeginDocument: %s\n", infile);
+  printfile(0);
+  printf("\nEndDocument\n");
+  printf("} def\n");
 /* output one tile at a time */
@@ -988,9 +1002,7 @@
 	printf ("\nPage: (%d,%d) %d\n", pagetoprint+1, ((row-1)*ncols+col), page);
 	printf ("%d %d tileprolog\n", row, col);
-	printf ("BeginDocument: %s\n", infile);
-	printfile (pagetoprint);
-	printf ("\nEndDocument\n");
+	printf ("theoriginalpage\n");
 	printf ("tileepilog\n");

Bug#485910: poster: Request for enhancement: Do not duplicate PS-code for every page

2008-06-12 Thread Ole Tange
Package: poster
Version: 1:20050907-1
Severity: wishlist

poster duplicates all input for every page in the poster, so a 3x3
poster will take up 9 times the original PostScript code.

I have made a patch that solves this.


--- poster-20050907/poster.c2008-06-10 19:10:13.0 +0200
+++ poster-nodupPS/poster.c 2008-06-10 19:14:34.0 +0200
@@ -831,6 +831,7 @@
printf ("%% Print poster %s in %dx%d tiles with %.3g magnification\n", 
infile, nrows, ncols, scale);
+static void definepage();
 /* output the poster, create tiles if needed */
@@ -840,6 +841,7 @@
int row, col, page;
+   definepage();
if ( pages == NULL )
for ( page = 0; page < number_pages; page++ )
for (row = 1; row <= nrows; row++)
@@ -977,6 +979,18 @@
printf( "EndSetup\n");
+/* output PS prolog of the scaling and tiling routines */
+static void definepage()
+  printf("/theoriginalpage {\n");
+  printf("BeginDocument: %s\n", infile);
+  printfile(0);
+  printf("\nEndDocument\n");
+  printf("} def\n");
 /* output one tile at a time */
@@ -988,9 +1002,7 @@
printf ("\nPage: (%d,%d) %d\n", pagetoprint+1, ((row-1)*ncols+col), 
printf ("%d %d tileprolog\n", row, col);
-   printf ("BeginDocument: %s\n", infile);
-   printfile (pagetoprint);
-   printf ("\nEndDocument\n");
+   printf ("theoriginalpage\n");
printf ("tileepilog\n");

-- System Information:
Debian Release: lenny/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: i386 (i686)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.24-1-686 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_DK.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_DK.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash

Versions of packages poster depends on:
ii  libc6 2.7-10 GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libpaper1 1.1.23 library for handling paper charact

poster recommends no packages.

-- no debconf information

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#480775: xserver-xorg-video-intel: ver 2:2.2.1-2 breaks Virtual > 2048

2008-05-12 Thread Ole Tange
On 5/12/08, Julien Cristau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> severity 480775 important
>  close 480775 2:2.3.0-1
>  kthxbye
>  On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 01:44:51 +0200, Ole Tange wrote:
>  > Package: xserver-xorg-video-intel
>  > Version: 2:2.2.1-2
>  > Severity: grave
>  > Justification: renders package unusable
>  No it doesn't.

You are probably right on some systems.

On this system it was actually worse: It made it impossible log into
the system using gdm, as the Virtual feature is used - and thereby
rendered the whole system unusable for users that do not know how to
use the command line.

Note that the system is _not_ running unstable (in which case you
would expect problems like that now and again) but it is running

>  > This problem seems to be fixed in 2:2.3.0-1.
>  >
>  > I suggest either downgrading xserver-xorg-video-intel to 2:2.1.0-2 or
>  > upgrading to 2:2.3.0-1.
>  >
>  2.3.1 should be out soon, at which point it will probably be uploaded to
>  unstable.

The faulty package should never have made it into testing. Ignoring
the problem and leaving it in testing will cause others to have this
problem, too.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#480775: xserver-xorg-video-intel: ver 2:2.2.1-2 breaks Virtual > 2048

2008-05-11 Thread Ole Tange
Package: xserver-xorg-video-intel
Version: 2:2.2.1-2
Severity: grave
Justification: renders package unusable

xserver-xorg-video-intel version 2:2.2.1-2 crashes if Virtual is > 2048.

This problem seems to be fixed in 2:2.3.0-1.

I suggest either downgrading xserver-xorg-video-intel to 2:2.1.0-2 or
upgrading to 2:2.3.0-1.


-- Package-specific info:
/var/lib/x11/X.roster does not exist.

/var/lib/x11/X.md5sum does not exist.

X server symlink status:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2007-06-28 16:53 /etc/X11/X -> /usr/bin/Xorg
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1674940 2008-04-29 20:37 /usr/bin/Xorg

Contents of /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.roster:

VGA-compatible devices on PCI bus:
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 
943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)

/etc/X11/xorg.conf does not match checksum in /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum.

Xorg X server configuration file status:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6874 2008-05-12 01:33 /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
# Run this before:
#915resolution 58 1400 1050 32
# /etc/X11/xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
# values from the debconf database.
# Edit this file with caution, and see the /etc/X11/xorg.conf manual page.
# (Type "man /etc/X11/xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
# This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only*
# if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
# package.
# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
# again, run the following command:
#   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

Section "Files"
# path to defoma fonts

Section "Module"
##  Load"dri"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Generic Keyboard"
Driver  "kbd"
Option  "CoreKeyboard"
Option  "XkbRules"  "xorg"
Option  "XkbModel"  "pc105"
Option  "XkbLayout" "dk"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Configured Mouse"
Driver  "mouse"
Option  "CorePointer"
Option  "Device""/dev/input/mice"
Option  "Protocol"  "ImPS/2"
Option  "Emulate3Buttons"   "true"

Section "InputDevice"
  Option"Type"  "stylus"
  Option"ForceDevice"   "ISDV4"
  Option"Tilt"  "on"
  Option "PressCurve" "50,0,100,50"

Section "InputDevice"
  Option"Type"  "eraser"
  Option"ForceDevice"   "ISDV4"
  Option"Tilt"  "on"

Section "InputDevice"
  Option"Type"  "cursor"
  Option"ForceDevice"   "ISDV4"
  Option"Tilt"  "on"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Synaptics Touchpad"
Driver  "synaptics"
Option  "SendCoreEvents""true"
#   Option  "Device""/dev/psaux"
   Option   "Device""/dev/input/mouse0"
Option  "Protocol"  "auto-dev"
Option  "HorizScrollDelta"  "0"
   Option   "MinSpeed"  "0.09"
   Option   "MaxSpeed"  "0.78"
   Option   "AccelFactor"   "0.015"
   Option   "MaxTapTime""180"
   Option   "MaxTapMove""220"

Section "InputDevice"
   Driver   "synaptics"
   Identifier   "Synaptics