Bug#1001645: pulseaudio: My system has no sound at all, after upgrading

2022-12-19 Thread Ray Dillinger

I have the same issue.  Also caused by upgrade. Causes almost any 
program that attempts to play sound to freeze. I twigged that it was 
pulseaudio when a non-pulseaudio using video player was the only 
sound-playing thing on my system that DIDN'T freeze.

And I found a workaround.

When you are about to start an audio stream, open a terminal and enter 
the command:

pulseaudio -k

Then within a few seconds after that, go and start the audio stream. If 
you wait too long it doesn't work.

However, even when it's working you may not hear it, or you may hear it 
at an absurdly low volume, because it may start up with a randomized 
volume level.  I have a pulseaudio plugin named 'pavucontrol' on my 
taskbar. I open that plugin and set the pulseaudio output level to 100%.

"pulseaudio -k" is a command to kill the pulseaudio daemon. I suspect 
that when a new instance of the daemon starts up it's in a usable state 
for a few seconds but then somehow becomes unusable unless actually put 
to work. I have no idea what triggers the unusable state, but it seems 
to happen within fifteen seconds of non-use.

As long as there is continuous audio output after starting the audio 
stream, it works normally. Music players that start playing the next 
song immediately after the previous one ends don't have a problem. But 
if audio output ever completely stops, pulseaudio goes to the unusable 
blocking state within a few seconds.

I've been starting an audiobook with the volume at 0.1% and then 
minimizing the reader.  This keeps the audio channel open for days but 
is completely inaudible on my speakers.  So I can use youtube, play 
sound files on the web, use music players, play games with sound 
effects, etc, at normal volume without problems.


Bug#1010411: gucharmap installing without required version of libc6 (was: gucharmap displaying characters white on white)

2022-04-30 Thread Ray Dillinger
package: gucharmap

While preparing this bug report for the white-on-white characters, I
checked the versions of everything gucharmap depends on and I think I
found a packaging error.  Gucharmap wants libc6 version 2.4, but
installed without complaint even though I have libc6 version 2.33.

Packages gucharmap depends on:
libgucharmap  (I have 2.90-7)
dconf-settings-backend  |  gsettings-backend
   (I have dconf-gsettings-backend 0.40.0-3)
libatk1.0-0 (I have 1.0-0)
  >   libc6  2.4 (!!!  I have 2.33-7 !!! ) <=
libcairo2 (I have 1.16.0-5 )
libglib2.0-0 (I have 2.72.1-1 )
libgtk-3.0 (I have 3.24.33-1 )
libpango-1.1-0 (I have 1.50.6+ds-2 )
libpangocairo-1.0.0 (I have 1.50.6+ds-2 )

When I open gucharmap on my desktop machine, all characters are
displayed as empty white boxes.

If I select a character, the white background darkens and the white
character is visible.

When I use a different font, the white characters displayed in their
white boxes are rendered in the new font. 

I searched a lot of resources and read a lot of documentation and tried
a lot of things without success, but if this is actually just a
packaging bug that's all irrelevant.

I did a complete uninstall, then reinstalled, and I still have libc6
2.33, and gucharmap still lists libc6 2.4 as a requirement, and apt-get
and dpkg did not even question it.

And of course I still have gucharmap displaying all characters white on
white.  For now I'm blaming the packaging error, in sincere hopes that
fixing the packaging error fixes it.


Bug#1010288: 'Rotate' rotates entire image regardless of layer or selection.

2022-04-27 Thread Ray Dillinger
package: gimp
Version: 2.10.30-1+b1
Severity: Normal

The 'rotate' tool in GIMP is now ignoring selection area and layer
restrictions, making it impossible to rotate any part of the image
relative to other parts.

Note, there is a workaround.  Cut to the last paragraph if that's all
you're interested in.

I opened gimp with the intention of creating printable specialized graph
paper with a triangular grid.  So I made a transparent layer and used
'snap to grid' to precisely draw and paste a set of exactly parallel lines.

I intended to paste two more copies of this set of lines, at 60- and
120-degree rotations, to make the triangular grid. So I did select all,
copy, paste, grab the rotation tool to rotate the pasted layer.

When I attempted to use it, it rotated the entire image, including the
layer boundaries of the base layer and the horizontal-lines layer. So I
control-Z undid that, made sure I had selected the pasted layer, and
tried again.  Same result. 

I supposed maybe rotate had been changed and no longer worked on
"pasted" layers for some reason, so I transformed the pasted layer into
a normal layer.  I made sure I had selected that layer and tried again. 
Same result.

I thought maybe they changed rotate so it only works on explicit
selected areas, so I made sure to select all, on that layer, and tried
again.  Same result.

Just to see whether it mattered how the selection was made, I selected
"most" of the area with the wrecked-angle select tool leaving about 5
pixels around the edges unselected, and tried again.  Same result.

At this point I concluded that it is not possible to rotate any part of
the image relative to any other in normal use.

As a workaround I rotated the entire image, exported a .png file, then
rotated it again and exported another .png file.  Then I opened those
images as separate buffers, and cut and pasted from them into my main
buffer.  Note, when doing this make sure the alpha channel for
transparency is preserved in the export options.

Hope this helps!


Bug#1000715: dpkg -S fails to identify package for coreutils files: says 'no path found matching pattern' instead

2021-11-28 Thread Ray Dillinger
On Sun, 28 Nov 2021 09:48:22 +0100 Niels Thykier  wrote:

> This is a consequence of the currently incomplete "/usr-merge"
> transition, where /bin has been merged into /usr/bin without dpkg's back.
> As such, dpkg knows those paths only by their "officially declared"
> paths in /bin. It is obviously confusing to you as a user because you
> then have to "know" whether to search for /usr/bin/P or /bin/P.
> As a work around you can use a wild card search, such as:
> dpkg -S '*/bin/ls'

I suppose this means I don't actually understand how dpkg works at all. 
The files are there in /usr/bin, and SOMETHING, presumably an installer
run by dpkg the most recent time coreutils was updated, installed them. 
But dpkg does not know which installer was running at the time?  Does it
rely on some information separate from keeping track of the actual files
written while an installer is running, to know which installer was
responsible for writing the files?  That's very unexpected at least to
me.  It seems like manually maintaining the lists would be a lot more
work than coding the automatic tracking I had assumed was happening. 
I'd be interested in understanding the design constraints that make it

Not that it makes much difference on the ground right now.  The news
relevant to this is, it's on your radar already as an issue with this
migration/merge situation, and I'm not bringing up anything that
wouldn't eventually get fixed otherwise.  So I suppose all there is to
say is "known issue" and "workaround available" and close this when you
get to it in the due course of the migration work.  I hope various
aspects of this don't cause you too many more headaches. 

Honestly I don't have much opinion on the /bin and /usr/bin merger; the
pros and cons seem balanced on a knife edge to me.  It seems like an
objectively good impulse to reduce complexity, but it also seems like a
hell of a lot of work, pain, and confusion to go through right now for
what will be, in any particular future year, only a very minor benefit. 
On the third hand there won't come a time in the future when it's easier
or less painful than right now, so the choice is existential; rather
than "when", we face "whether at all" because the pro and con arguments
are unlikely to change.


Bug#1000715: dpkg -S fails to identify package for coreutils files: says 'no path found matching pattern' instead

2021-11-27 Thread Ray Dillinger
Package: dpkg
Version: 1.20.9
Distribution: Bookworm
Architecture: AMD64

Relevant because this could have something to do with which utilities
are statically linked to bash or exactly which coreutils we're talking
bash is version 5.1-3.1 and coreutils is version 8.32-4.1

At the command line I type:

>dpkg -S /usr/bin/cp

I expect it to tell me
coreutils: /usr/bin/cp

instead, it falsely reports
dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/bin/cp

So I check some other things and find it working correctly.

>dpkg -S /usr/bin/dpkg
dpkg: /usr/bin/dpkg

>dpkg -S /usr/bin/xz
xz-utils: /usr/bin/xz

>dpkg -S /usr/bin/yelp
yelp: /usr/bin/yelp

In fact it responds correctly to everything I've tried EXCEPT files
installed by coreutils:

>dpkg -S /usr/bin/cp
dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/bin/cp

>dpkg -S /usr/bin/ls
dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/bin/ls

>dpkg -S /usr/bin/rmdir
dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/bin/rmdir

>dpkg -S /usr/bin/mv
dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/bin/mv

>dpkg -S /usr/bin/grep
dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/bin/grep

But it's not entirely consistent.  There are some coreutils files it
identifies correctly:

>dpkg -S /usr/bin/yes
coreutils: /usr/bin/yes

I don't know why this is happening.  But I thought I should report it.


Bug#986176: openuniverse runs with crippled GUI, then crashes.

2021-05-27 Thread Ray Dillinger

On 5/26/21 8:01 PM, Bernhard Übelacker wrote:
> Testing in a VM with a more reasonable 6GB apparently does not provoke
>> the crash.
> I fear the issue might also be specific to the graphics library
> because the crash happens in nouveau_dri.so.
> Therefore a VM might not show this issue.
I defer to your expertise.  I'm not really familiar with how the
graphics libraries and graphics drivers work with the software, so
you're way more likely to be right.

>> ... and openuniverse seems to expand to fill available space.
> That would be a memory leak I guess.
> Then the backtrace would be really not that interesting.
??? I can't reproduce that now.  It still crashes after a while but it
doesn't expand to fill available space.  Did something else get fixed
that might affect it?

>> ... but checking screenshots of it online I see many UI elements that
>> simply are not present when I start it.
> I guess the gui needs a libglui, which is not "yet"
> packaged for debian (see #801858).
I think that's a showstopper bug for OpenUniverse.  It renders the
program useless, even if it weren't crashing. I'm surprised to find it
outside of the "Sid" distribution if it doesn't have that.

> But while writing this email, I got my hands on a nouveau capable laptop.
> There I found openuniverse also crashing if I leave it some time alone,
> at the very exact instruction [1].

Oh good.  I mean, not good that it's crashing, but good that the crash
can be reliably reproduced outside of my peculiar configuration.  If
other people are seeing it too, it means I haven't done something that
puts my machine into a failure-prone configuration that I'll never
figure out.

> I tried to record with rr, but this forces the driver to software mode,
> therefore the issue then does not show up.

Hum, that's interesting.  Now I need to go read man pages.  Thank you
for looking into it.


Bug#986176: openuniverse runs with crippled GUI, then crashes.

2021-04-19 Thread Ray Dillinger
On Wed, 14 Apr 2021 14:04:33 + Ray Dillinger  wrote:

> Warning, a coredump from this system would be immense.  Or, well anyway
> pretty darn large.  The machine has over 64G of RAM memory installed and
> openuniverse seems to expand to fill available space. I could make a VM
> with artificially small memory to produce a more manageable coredump,
> but I wonder whether a VM environment would tickle the spot that
> provokes this bug.

Testing in a VM with a more reasonable 6GB apparently does not provoke
the crash.  It doesn't fix the interface issues, but it doesn't outright

But, in light of that fact, the clues seen so far point in one
direction, and if I'm right about it the backtrace probably wouldn't
even be relevant to finding the problem. 

Consider the facts:

I have a system with an unusual amount of memory.  I see Openuniverse
expand to fill available memory and then crash.  The crash happens at an
instruction to allocate memory.  A virtual machine with a less-unusual
amount of memory doesn't provoke this crash.

Admittedly not very much to go on but what do these clues add up to?

I have not even looked at the source code of openuniverse, but this is
pretty clearly a memory management bug, and I have a fairly solid
theory/guess as to what kind.  Managing memory in big chunks can provoke
flawed applications to fail in at least three ways they don't fail when
managing memory in smaller chunks:

First, by extending the time between deallocations and allocations
(giving other applications time to allocate and spoil memory
availability, provoking a crash on the next allocation).

Second, by provoking the allocation of proportional size buffers while
deallocating on criteria not sufficient to ensure that such a large
buffer remains available, again provoking a crash on the next allocation.

Third, by some static structure that keeps track of pointers to
allocated memory having a finite limit that is exceeded - resulting in a
buffer with an overwritten or unrecorded pointer, provoking a memory leak.

Although this theory may be incorrect, these are at the very least the
first "obvious" places to look.


Bug#986176: openuniverse runs with crippled GUI, then crashes.

2021-04-14 Thread Ray Dillinger
On Wed, 14 Apr 2021 11:59:43 +0200 =?UTF-8?Q?Bernhard_=c3=9cbelacker?=
> Hello Ray,
> from the "Code:" line you supplied I think the segfault happens
> in create_cache_trans at ../src/mesa/state_tracker/st_cb_bitmap.c:402.
> But I guess this information is not enough for the maintiner,
> to find out what inputs causing the segfault in this function.
> Maybe you could install systemd-coredump and deliver the
> output of 'journalctl --no-pager' following the last segfault line,
> that appears in dmesg too.
> More details are in this link: https://wiki.debian.org/HowToGetABacktrace

Warning, a coredump from this system would be immense.  Or, well anyway
pretty darn large.  The machine has over 64G of RAM memory installed and
openuniverse seems to expand to fill available space. I could make a VM
with artificially small memory to produce a more manageable coredump,
but I wonder whether a VM environment would tickle the spot that
provokes this bug.


Bug#986176: openuniverse runs with crippled GUI, then crashes.

2021-03-30 Thread Ray Dillinger
Package: openuniverse

version: 1.0beta3.1+dfsg-6.1

When I started openuniverse, it put up a window with no menu items and
no other control elements.  It responded to '?' or 'H' keystrokes by
putting up a short list of keystroke shortcuts - presumably
corresponding to nonexistent menu options.  These keystroke shortcuts
seemed to work, but within a few minutes openuniverse crashed.  I
started it a few more times trying for a while to figure out what I did
that made it crash, but it seemed random.  Finally I started it and went
looking online for any discussion of the problem.  It crashed after no
more than 5 minutes, before I had even turned away from the browser and
tried to do anything with it.  So I'm pretty sure it's not something I did.

In dmesg it says:

[406058.660546] openuniverse[242638]: segfault at 20 ip 7f86f454ad63
sp 7ffefd7050a0 error 4 in nouveau_dri.so[7f86f4517000+d46000]
[406058.660565] Code: 48 48 89 c7 b9 02 00 00 00 ff 90 08 03 00 00 4c 8b
54 24 10 be ff 00 00 00 48 89 c7 49 89 82 70 12 00 00 49 8b 82 60 12 00
00 <8b> 50 20 c1 e2 05 e8 52 c9 fc ff 4c 8b 54 24 10 48 89 ea 4c 89 fe

Which appears to implicate a conflict with nouveau.  I have an nvidia
1050TI video card but I have not downloaded drivers from nvidia's site
for it.  OpenUniverse documentation strongly suggests the proprietary
drivers I am not using.

I am not familiar with openuniverse, but checking screenshots of it
online I see many UI elements that simply are not present when I start
it.  It's even missing a basic icon for a launcher shortcut.

Checking dependencies I see that it conflicts with
openuniverse-common(<=1.0beta3.1-3).  I have installed version
1.0beta3.1+dfsg-6.1.  That looks to me like it should not have installed
with the current version of openuniverse-common, but these version
numbers are inconsistent in format so I'm not certain. 

Checking dependencies I also see that it requires libjpeg26-turbo >=
1.3.1 and my installed version is 1:2.0.6-4.  Again it looks to me like
it shouldn't have installed with this version, but because of the
inconsistency in version number format I'm not sure.

Finally I see in its dependencies that it suggests package 'celestia'
which has no installation candidate in the Testing/Bullseye release. 
This is very sad.  I like Celestia.  I miss it ever since Jessie.  I
have sometimes gone out and gotten the .deb from their site and
installed it - but not yet this time.  I tried openuniverse first
looking for an adequate in-distro replacement.

This is a fresh install of Bullseye, made using 'grml-debootstrap' less
than a week ago.  I have absolutely no software installed on this
machine that is not downloaded from the 'Bullseye' archive.

Packages openuniverse depends on:

openuniverse-common:  Installed version is 1.0beta3.1+dfsg-6.1

freeglut3 >= 2.8.1:   Installed version is 2.8.1-6

libc6 >= 2.14:   Installed version is 2.31-10

libgcc-s1 >= 3.0:  Installed version is 10.2.1-6

libglu1-mesa | libglu1: Installed version is libglu1-mesa

libjpeg62-turbo >= 1.3.1: installed version is 1:2.0.6-4

libplib1: Installed version is 1.8.5-8

libstdc++6 >= 5 : installed version is 10.2.1-6

Hope this helps!

                    Ray "Bear" Dillinger

Bug#730224: The problem is with the nvidia software in debian.

2017-01-08 Thread Ray Dillinger
As expected the problem is something about the interaction with the
debian nvidia software, gdm, and my laptop.  I have found a workaround.

I did

# apt-get remove *nvidia*

And the configuration went back to the nouveau drivers, and the problem
went away.

The laptop isn't a gaming machine so I don't mind lack of graphics
acceleration. But losing CUDA parallel processing is a real problem
for me.

Anyway, I've got something that works. Next up, I'll switch to cinnamon
and see if I'm allowed to get CUDA working with that.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bug#730224: This error is happening on a fresh "Stretch" install.

2017-01-08 Thread Ray Dillinger
X-Debbugs-Cc: b...@sonic.net

Package: gnome
Version: 1:3.20+2
Followup-For: Bug #730224

I installed "Stretch" on my laptop using ISO install snapshot CDs
(specifically the image downloaded 6 January 2017).

The laptop was working fine with "Jessie" before the (re)install.
I did a clean install rather than an upgrade for unrelated reasons.

It's a standard Toshiba AMD64 laptop with radeon display and nvidia

But for now, when I boot up, I get the "Oh No" screen already
mentioned. Its lack of useful information seems disrespectful
to me; please consider actually telling people what went wrong.

Some instances of this message can be closed using Alt-F4; this is
not one of those times.  It usually seems to ignore Alt-F4, but on
one occasion it went dark and hung instead, requiring a reboot to
even get to the error screen again.

I can escape it to a virtual tty and run a bash shell, however.

Switching to a tty, I ran "reportbug -o" to generate this email.
It is not being sent from the laptop; it is being sent from the
machine where I handle email.  But the attached information refers
to the laptop where the problem is happening.

There is no ~/.cache directory.  This happens on bootup, not login.
This error screen is popping up before any user attempts to log in,
so it would have no information about where to put a .cache. I
looked for one anyway, but no.  Not in my home directory, not in

I have attached the configuration output from modprobe -c (attached
file modprobe.txt) and the X.1.log output (xlogoutput.txt).

I hope this helps...

I think my next move will be to attempt using the nouveau drivers


-- System Information:
Debian Release: stretch/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 4.8.0-2-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

Versions of packages gnome depends on:
ii  alacarte 3.11.91-2
ii  avahi-daemon 0.6.32-1
ii  bijiben  3.20.2-1+b2
ii  brasero  3.12.1-4
ii  cheese   3.22.1-1
ii  cups-pk-helper   0.2.6-1
ii  desktop-base 8.0.2
ii  evolution3.22.3-1
ii  evolution-plugins3.22.3-1
ii  file-roller  3.22.2-2
ii  gedit3.22.0-2
ii  gedit-plugins3.22.0-1
ii  gimp 2.8.18-1
ii  gnome-clocks 3.22.1-1
ii  gnome-color-manager  3.22.2-1
ii  gnome-core   1:3.20+2
ii  gnome-documents  3.22.0-1
ii  gnome-games  1:3.20+2
ii  gnome-getting-started-docs   3.22.0-1
ii  gnome-logs   3.22.1-1
ii  gnome-maps   3.22.2-1
ii  gnome-music  3.22.2-1
ii  gnome-nettool3.8.1-1+b1
ii  gnome-orca   3.22.2-1
ii  gnome-photos 3.22.2-1
ii  gnome-sound-recorder 3.21.92-1
ii  gnome-tweak-tool 3.22.0-1
ii  gnome-weather3.20.2-1
ii  goobox   3.4.2-2
ii  gstreamer1.0-libav   1.10.2-1
ii  gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly1.10.2-1
ii  inkscape 0.91-12
ii  libgsf-bin   1.14.41-1
ii  libgtk2-perl 2:1.2499-1
ii  libreoffice-calc 1:5.2.4-2
ii  libreoffice-evolution1:5.2.4-2
ii  libreoffice-gnome1:5.2.4-2
ii  libreoffice-impress  1:5.2.4-2
ii  libreoffice-writer   1:5.2.4-2
ii  nautilus-sendto  3.8.4-2
ii  network-manager-gnome1.4.2-1
ii  polari   3.22.2-1
ii  rhythmbox3.4.1-2
ii  rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder  3.4.1-2
ii  rhythmbox-plugins3.4.1-2
ii  rygel-playbin0.32.1-1
ii  rygel-tracker0.32.1-1
ii  seahorse 3.20.0-3
ii  simple-scan  3.23.2-1
ii  telepathy-gabble 0.18.3-2+b1
ii  telepathy-rakia  0.8.0-3
ii  telepathy-salut  0.8.1-5.1
ii  totem-plugins3.22.0-2
ii  transmission-gtk 2.92-1
ii  vinagre  3.22.0-1
ii  xdg-user-dirs-gtk0.10-1

gnome recommends no packages.

Versions of packages gnome suggests:
pn  firefox-esr-l10n-all | firefox-l10n-all  
pn  xul-ext-adblock-plus 
pn  xul-ext-gnome-keyring

Versions of packages gnome-core depends on:
ii  adwaita-icon-theme3.22.0-1
ii  at-spi2-core  2.22.0-5
ii  baobab3.22.1-1
ii  caribou   0.4.21-1
ii  dconf-cli 0.26.0-2
ii  dconf-gsettings-backend   0.26.0-2
ii  empathy   3.12.12-3
ii  eog 

Bug#487946: 'apt-get update' considers connection failures non-transient

2016-05-19 Thread Ray Dillinger

There is no reason to have multiple sources in your
/etc/apt/sources.list file, if apt-get update/upgrade only cares about
the first one!

I use multiple sources in the hopes that

(a) The load should be distributed among those mirrors.

(b) Multiple downloads should be happening at once.  At least two
or three, because any one download could stall and I don't want
to waste time.

(c) If a download from some mirror stalls, time when my bandwidth
could be in use should not be  wasted waiting for it. Downloads
from available mirrors should continue, and if the number of
downloads in progress drops too low, then a download from an
additional mirror ought to be triggered to insure that bandwidth
on my end remains reliably useful.

(d) If a package turns out to be unavailable from some mirror, or if
the download of that package from that source is still incomplete
and stalled when there is available bandwidth because other
downloads are finished, or if checksum of a downloaded package
fails, that package ought to be downloaded from elsewhere rather
than causing a failure.  Apt should fail only if there are packages
it can not get from ANY source.

(e) A mirror that stalls or fails a lot should be lowered in priority
over time, both so that its load is reduced as it apparently needs,
and so my bandwidth is usually dedicated to downloading from the
most reliable mirrors.  I don't want any of the mirrors to be
considered 'primary' - treating one as such just because of its
position in the sources list is crazy!

I'm pretty sure I remember these things all being true, way back in
Lenny or Wheezy.  When did they get disabled?  Multiple sources now
make apt take LONGER and fail MORE instead of saving time failing LESS
as they used to.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bug#703932: Certificate problem =?= package integrity problem?

2016-05-02 Thread Ray Dillinger


On further inspection, it appears that you're right.

So I suppose my "bug" is that debian appears not to give
a crap about people monitoring who is downloading which
packages and isn't providing their repositories via
https.  Or ftps.  Or, really, via *any* confidential

Signatures are a half-measure; they provide for integrity/
source authentication, but not for confidentiality.

Anyway, as you say that's a different issue and shouldn't
be confused with this same bug.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bug#703932: Certificate problem =?= package integrity problem?

2016-05-02 Thread Ray Dillinger

I'm getting a message that the certificate for
"debian.org" is not applicable to "security.debian.org"
and therefore none of these packages can be verified.

On the one hand, of course that's just a configuration
error where the certificate should be for *.debian.org
instead of for debian.org.

On the other hand, the https certificate ought to have
no effect whatsoever on whether the packages can be
verified.  The package signatures are all down to the
debian keyring, or ought to be.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bug#794316: gdm3: had this problem. found something that fixed it in my case.

2016-04-24 Thread Ray Dillinger

Package: gdm3
Version: 3.18.0-2
Followup-For: Bug #794316

Dear Maintainer,

I had an issue where login didn't work.  The login screen would appear,
I'd enter username and password, and then I'd wind up back at the login
screen.  It may be this bug or one closely related.

For a while I thought I might be misremembering the password, or might
have changed it and forgotten, because it was very much like what
happens when you get the password wrong.  But as I eventually noticed,
not *exactly* like it.  There was different behavior for the right
password and any wrong password.

I used ctrl-alt-f2 to login in text mode (which did work).  Immediately
on login I got a message about a syntax error in my ~/.profile.  I had
failed to close a quote on a $PATH= command.  It happened to be the last
command in the file (and the most recently added) but I don't know if
that matters.

Anyway, when I fixed the .profile error and rebooted, the problem with
gdm refusing to start was gone.

One clue along the way was that I noticed a difference while attempting
to log in between getting the password actually wrong ("sorry that
didn't work" message and a new login prompt) and getting the password
right (screen blinks out for a half-second as the gdm login manager
restarts, and then the login prompt reappears with  no "sorry that
didn't work" message).  So I figured, login was probably working and
then control getting handed off to something that crashed, with the
error handling landing me back at the login screen.

So I figured it had to be something on the startup path and probably
something related to my account.  When I got the message about the
~/.profile error, it made sense.

But it's an excessively poor way to handle something as trivial as a
~/.profile syntax error.  In the first place it's deceptively mysterious
(looks almost exactly like getting the password wrong), counterintuitive
to most people ( ~./profile error --> graphical login doesn't work is
non-obvious when most of them won't think of trying to log in without
GUI and therefore won't even SEE a message about the ~/.profile error),
and it will lock any exclusively GUI-using folk (the ones who don't even
know a non-GUI login is possible) out of the machine entirely preventing
them from FIXING the profile error.

In other news and probably relevant to a different bug, the reason I
was rebooting in the first place is because there appears to be a memory
leak in gdm.  It had consumed 8GBytes of memory over the course of a
few weeks.


Note about 'stretch/sid' below: this isn't a case of software version
incompatibilities.  I use 'sid' exclusively for sources, and have compiled
3 packages against the 'stretch' environment for compatibility.

They run from ~/.bin.  However, None of those programs uses the X server,
and none of them run at startup.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: stretch/sid
  APT prefers testing-updates
  APT policy: (500, 'testing-updates'), (500, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 4.5.0-1-amd64 (SMP w/8 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

Versions of packages gdm3 depends on:
ii  accountsservice   0.6.40-3
ii  adduser   3.114
ii  dconf-cli 0.26.0-1
ii  dconf-gsettings-backend   0.26.0-1
ii  debconf [debconf-2.0] 1.5.59
ii  gir1.2-gdm3   3.18.0-2
ii  gnome-session [x-session-manager]
ii  gnome-session-bin
ii  gnome-settings-daemon 3.18.2-1
ii  gnome-shell   3.18.1-1
ii  gnome-terminal [x-terminal-emulator]  3.20.0-1
ii  gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.18.1-1
ii  libaccountsservice0   0.6.40-3
ii  libaudit1 1:2.4.5-1+b1
ii  libc6 2.22-6
ii  libcanberra-gtk3-00.30-3
ii  libcanberra0  0.30-3
ii  libgdk-pixbuf2.0-02.34.0-1
ii  libgdm1   3.18.0-2
ii  libglib2.0-0  2.48.0-1
ii  libglib2.0-bin2.48.0-1
ii  libgtk-3-03.18.9-1
ii  libpam-modules1.1.8-3.2
ii  libpam-runtime1.1.8-3.2
ii  libpam-systemd229-4
ii  libpam0g  1.1.8-3.2
ii  librsvg2-common   2.40.15-1
ii  libselinux1   2.4-3+b1
ii  libsystemd0   229-4
ii  libwrap0  7.6.q-25
ii  libx11-6  2:1.6.3-1
ii  libxau6   1:1.0.8-1
ii  libxdmcp6 1:1.1.2-1.1
ii  lsb-base  9.20

Bug#700946: nouveau module blacklisting bites when upgrading from wheezy to jessie

2016-01-02 Thread Ray Dillinger
I had the proprietary nvidia drivers installed in my Jessie machine
when I decided to move to Stretch.

During the upgrade process, there was a message that the open-source
driver was compatible with my hardware now, and did I want to switch
to the nouveau system.  I always prefer open-source when it works and
didn't know if the one I had would work with the new kernel, so I said
sure, go ahead and upgrade.

The upgrade went smoothly, but I got a message that my video drivers
were now incompatible with my configuration and I should fix this
by rebooting.

So I rebooted (x started just fine) and opened Synaptic to see
what packages were available, and Synaptic immediately crashed
with a message that said my software was unconfigured and I
should immediately run 'dpkg --configure -a'.

So I did that and a big bunch of messages went by -- apparently every
package installed in the upgrade needed configuration.  In the middle
of that huge bunch of messages (1500+ packages) I saw a message go by
that one of the packages being configured was the nouveau nvidia
driver.  So, after that was done, I rebooted again just to make
sure everything was okay.

It wasn't.

When I rebooted, the X server did not start.  I got a command-line
login though, so I did that (with my head tilted sideways; I have dual
displays in portrait orientation side by side).  I fixed it by
going back to the proprietary drivers using

'apt-get install nvidia-detect'

to get the script that detects what driver ought to be used, ran it,
and it (correctly) told me to go get the proprietary driver.  So I

'apt-get install nvidia-driver'

and it downloaded, and I rebooted again.

This time X started but it had lost my video config so my head was
still turned sideways until I fixed that (rotate both screens 90
degrees, put them side-by-side).

I'm attaching the log that Xorg made on the failed attempt to
start.  It looks as though the problem was that the kernel module
didn't start and therefore the nouveau driver didn't find any

I think this is the right bug to send this to; it sounds a
whole lot like the problem I'm having, anyway.

I'm running an AMD64 system with an Intel i7 processor and
64Gbytes memory.  (The large memory has outed a few bugs in
the past, but doesn't appear to be related to this.)

In case it helps, here is the output of lspci:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon E5/Core i7 DMI2 (rev 07)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon E5/Core i7 IIO PCI Express
Root Port 1a (rev 07)
00:02.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon E5/Core i7 IIO PCI Express
Root Port 2a (rev 07)
00:03.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon E5/Core i7 IIO PCI Express
Root Port 3a in PCI Express Mode (rev 07)
00:05.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Xeon E5/Core i7 Address
Map, VTd_Misc, System Management (rev 07)
00:05.2 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Xeon E5/Core i7 Control
Status and Global Errors (rev 07)
00:05.4 PIC: Intel Corporation Xeon E5/Core i7 I/O APIC (rev 07)
00:11.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset PCI
Express Virtual Root Port (rev 06)
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series
chipset MEI Controller #1 (rev 05)
00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82579V Gigabit Network
Connection (rev 06)
00:1a.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset USB2
Enhanced Host Controller #2 (rev 06)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset High
Definition Audio Controller (rev 06)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset PCI
Express Root Port 1 (rev b6)
00:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset PCI
Express Root Port 2 (rev b6)
00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset PCI
Express Root Port 3 (rev b6)
00:1c.3 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset PCI
Express Root Port 4 (rev b6)
00:1c.4 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset PCI
Express Root Port 5 (rev b6)
00:1c.5 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset PCI
Express Root Port 6 (rev b6)
00:1c.7 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset PCI
Express Root Port 8 (rev b6)
00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset USB2
Enhanced Host Controller #1 (rev 06)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev a6)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset LPC
Controller (rev 06)
00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset
6-Port SATA AHCI Controller (rev 06)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset SMBus Host
Controller (rev 06)
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF119 [GeForce GT
610] (rev a1)
02:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GF119 HDMI Audio Controller
(rev a1)
06:00.0 USB controller: ASMedia Technology Inc. ASM1042 SuperSpeed USB
Host Controller
07:00.0 USB controller: ASMedia Technology Inc. ASM1042 SuperSpeed USB
Host Controller
08:00.0 USB controller: ASMedia 

Bug#706874: keyboard-configuration: Support for gaming keyboards (macro keys, mode switches, more than 127 keys)

2013-05-05 Thread Ray Dillinger

Package: keyboard-configuration
Version: 1.88
Severity: wishlist

   * What led up to the situation?

I purchased a Corsair Vengeance K90 Keyboard, expecting to be able to
configure a keyboard model/layout for it. So far I have been

   * What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or

I attempted to use xev, then showkeys -s, to learn the scancodes for
the additional keys (18 macro keys, a macro record button, and three
macro 'mode switch' buttons that are used (in the Win driver anyway)
to toggle between different macro profiles).  It was my intent to then
use autokeys or similar to have a nice set of macros without stomping
on standard keyboard shortcuts or rendering half the functionality of
emacs unusable. (Emacs uses many key combos that often get tied to
shortcuts and thus grabbed from the input before emacs has a chance to
see them).

   * What was the outcome of this action?

xev reports mappable scancodes for only some of these items; the rest
are 'silent' as far as it can tell.  showkeys -s reports scancodes for
all keys, but _identical_ scancodes for most of the macro keys.  On
further investigation I discovered that the keyboard shows up with
several different USB id's.  Specifically...

bear@excessive:/etc/X11/xkb$ ls -la /dev/input/by-id
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 160 Apr 27 08:13 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 440 Apr 27 08:13 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   9 Apr 27 08:13
usb-Corsair_Corsair_Vengeance_K90_Keyboard-event-if01 -> ../event2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   9 Apr 27 08:13
usb-Corsair_Corsair_Vengeance_K90_Keyboard-event-kbd -> ../event1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   9 Apr 27 08:13
usb-Corsair_Corsair_Vengeance_K90_Keyboard-if02-event-kbd -> ../event3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   9 Apr 27 08:13
usb-Kensington_Kensington_Expert_Mouse-event-mouse -> ../event0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   9 Apr 27 08:13
usb-Kensington_Kensington_Expert_Mouse-mouse -> ../mouse0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   9 Apr 27 08:13
usb-Wacom_Co._Ltd._MTE-450-mouse -> ../mouse1

bear@excessive:~$ xinput --list
⎡ Virtual core pointerid=2[master pointer  (3)]
⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer  id=4[slave pointer   (2)]
⎜   ↳ Wacom Bamboo stylus id=8[slave pointer   (2)]
⎜   ↳ Kensington Expert Mouse id=9[slave pointer   (2)]
⎜   ↳ Corsair Vengeance K90   id=11   [slave pointer   (2)]
⎜   ↳ Wacom Bamboo eraser id=14   [slave pointer   (2)]
⎜   ↳ Wacom Bamboo cursor id=15   [slave pointer   (2)]
⎜   ↳ Wacom Bamboo padid=16   [slave pointer   (2)]
⎣ Virtual core keyboard   id=3[master keyboard (2)]
↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard id=5[slave keyboard (3)]
↳ Power Buttonid=6[slave keyboard (3)]
↳ Power Buttonid=7[slave keyboard (3)]
↳ Corsair Vengeance K90   id=10   [slave keyboard (3)]
↳ Corsair Vengeance K90   id=12   [slave keyboard (3)]
↳ Eee PC WMI hotkeys  id=13   [slave keyboard (3)]

(Line wrap made a hash of that, so I edited somewhat).

It's showing up as several different USB devices, with different
events.  So I used xinput to list the properties of each of these

Id 11 is apparently how the keyboard can send pointer events while
playing back macros.  id 10 appears to be the primary keyboard,
roughly equivalent to pc105 plus minimal multimedia keys
(play/stop/next/last/volume knob).  The macro mode switch buttons and
macro record buttons also show up on this device.  The G-keys (macro
keys) create events here, but are mostly mapped to the same
keystroke, which has no symbolic keycode mapped to it.

Id 12 is apparently the macro keypad itself.  While id 11 shows the
same scancode for most of these keys, id 12 shows different scancodes
for these keys.  (I monitored it with a 'hacked' version of showkeys
so I could look at individual devices instead of just defaulting to
the 'standard' keyboard).

So, all right, it's complex and there are more than 127 keys so
they're using an additional usb 'device'.  At this point I thought I
had enough information to go and write a keyboard model that would map
all the keystrokes to scancodes, and help expand the keyboard database
... but as far as I can tell, it appears that xkb cannot be configured
to use information from more than one 'device' to decode keystrokes.
At the very least, if it can, then no one has discovered and
documented how to describe such a device to it.

Furthermore, there appear to be no keycodes in
/usr/include/linux/input.h for G-keys/macro keys, for a dedicated
macro-record button, or for macro mode switches or profile-switch
buttons, so even if it turns out that there is a way I can write a
description for the keyboard model, I would have to make up stuff and
tie it to codes that someone else would unfortunately be using for
something else.

G-keys, or macro keys, are widely implemented on gaming keyboards;
there are scores, possibly hundreds, of keyboard 

Bug#629868: these man files are missing in libstdc++6-4.6-doc and libstdc++6-4.7-doc also

2012-07-12 Thread Ray Dillinger
Hash: SHA1

On 07/12/2012 10:13 AM, Matthias Klose wrote:
> On 11.07.2012 19:21, Ray Dillinger wrote:
>> This is the standard library.  It's totally fundamental.  We
>> can't allow Debian systems for programmers to NOT have man pages
>> on this.
> care to send a patch?

If you mean zip up the files that were in libstdc++6-4.4-doc that
aren't in later versions, uh, I guess I could.  But that doesn't make
sense.  They are in the source tree already, and I haven't modified
them. They've just been skipped (not included) in the current packages.

Is there any insight as to why?  Somebody made a decision to not
package these files when they changed from libstdc++6-4.4.doc to
libstdc++6-4.5.doc (and later versions) and if I submitted a patch it
would be to undo that change.  So if I'm patching it I want to first
understand the change.

If it was a policy decision, then undoing it will make people
who made that decision mad.  If it's just a packaging error,
then the patch would probably be fairly trivial and wouldn't
require any man pages from me.

If it's a policy decision, then *different* man page files
are needed.  It looks like we're talking about the removal
of a bunch of doxygen-generated pages, which are only
marginally helpful in the first place.

Finally, how can I create the patch?  I know how to use diff,
and I can write troff or nroff man pages for anything I have
enough information about, but I know nearly nothing about the
.deb file format or how packages are built from the debian
source trees.

Ray D.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Bug#629868: these man files are missing in libstdc++6-4.6-doc and libstdc++6-4.7-doc also

2012-07-11 Thread Ray Dillinger
Hash: SHA1

This bug also affects subsequent versions of this package,
libstdc++6-4.6-doc and libstdc++6-4.7-doc

Today I typed "man std::mutex" and my system told me there was no man
page for something that I know is part of the c++ standard library.  So
I went Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? and came to find out what's going on.

I came to Debian and searched for the package containing the file, and
found it ONLY in libstdc++6-4.4-doc.

A brief search led to this bug filed against libstdc++6-5.5-doc, and
confirmed that many of the man pages for the c++ standard library have
been missing ever since libstdc++6-4.4-doc.

This is the standard library.  It's totally fundamental.  We can't
allow Debian systems for programmers to NOT have man pages on this.


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Bug#677216: Further information...

2012-06-14 Thread Ray Dillinger
Hash: SHA1

Okay, some further information.  After I start gnome-terminal from a
command line with 'gnome-terminal -x /bin/sh' I can issue a 'w' command
(in another terminal) and see that an instance of 'sh' for my account
has been started.  This has to be the sh in the gnome-terminal,
because my default shell is 'bash'.  So I was apparently wrong
initially when I said no shell instance is being started.  The issue,
more accurately,
is that no output appears in the gnome-terminal window.

When I then focus the konsole where I issued the command to start
gnome-terminal and hit control-z to suspend the running job,
gnome-terminal freezes (will not repaint its window, etc).  When I type
'fg' to resume the suspended job, gnome-terminal resumes (will
repaint its window, etc).

As a test, I did the following:

echo "cat /home/bear/quotations.txt" > sayquotes
chmod +x sayquotes
gnome-terminal -x sayquotes

gnome-terminal came up, very briefly, and then exited.  The
'quotations.txt' file is fairly long, but I did not see any
output on the gnome-terminal screen.  The length of time the
window was up however, was about the same as the length of time
that a shell running in konsole takes to cat that same file.

All this is consistent with gnome-terminal starting the shell (or
command) process and running it normally, but failing to display
any output.

So I did another test, of using gnome-terminal 'blindly' assuming
that a command shell is running.

After starting gnome-terminal from konsole using 'gnome-terminal'
I focused the gnome-terminal window and typed 'iceweasel'  - and
the browser came up.  I quit out of iceweasel and typed 'exit' -
and gnome-terminal quit, refocusing konsole.

So.  Evidently there is a shell process getting started, and it
is reading and executing commands.  But gnome-terminal is not
displaying any output.

So now it seems more like some kind of font problem that gnome-
terminal is not detecting or reporting.  Or, perhaps, if irony
is particularly lovely today, it may be reporting the problem
on the screen in the very same font that won't display due to
the problem it's trying to report.

Please downgrade this bug from 'grave' (which it would be if no
shell were running, as I initially thought) to 'normal.'

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Bug#677126: Found the issue.

2012-06-14 Thread Ray Dillinger
Hash: SHA1

During a recent upgrade, a checkbox marked "use colors from system
theme" got checked.  I was using a black-on-yellow color scheme.
The "colors from the system theme" apparently caused gnome-terminal
to switch to a black background, but did not change the text color.

So all this mess started with me trying to read black text on a
black background.   My immediate response was "well, that's borked,
they'll have to fix that quick, meantime I'll just use konsole."
Other people probably didn't see the bug because most of them
weren't using black text, or had different 'system colors"?

I didn't investigate further until it became apparent that nobody
was trying to fix it.

So the bug, apparently, amounts to this:  The upgrade to
failed to leave user color settings the hell alone, AND failed to
make sure that new settings it was making for colors actually made
any sense.

This is not a gnome-terminal bug.  This was a packaging error in
the upgrade to the current version.

Please close this bug report.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Bug#677126: Subject: /usr/bin/gnome-terminal: No shell is started inside gnome-terminal

2012-06-11 Thread Ray Dillinger
Hash: SHA1

Package: gnome-terminal
Severity: grave
File: /usr/bin/gnome-terminal
Justification: renders package unusable

Dear Maintainer,

After recent upgrades (in the last 3-4 weeks I think), when I click
on the gnome-terminal shortcut in the shortcut bar at the top of my
screen, or type 'gnome-terminal' at a shell prompt (in a shell
running in, for example, konsole or xterm) gnome-terminal starts
- - but there is no shell prompt inside it.  Inspecting the table of
running processes, I cannot find any instance of a command shell
corresponding to the new gnome-terminal window.

Obvious workarounds like 'gnome-terminal -x bash' and 'gnome-terminal
- -x /bin/bash' do not work either.  There is no output at all in the
gnome-terminal window nor at the prompt where I type the command.

'gnome-terminal -x /nonexistent/file' gets the expected error bar at
the top of the new terminal offering buttons to edit the profile or
relaunch, so it's apparently getting as far as at least *finding*
the file for the shell it's supposed to execute.

It's clear to me that most people are not seeing this bug; if
they were, there would be a furor over it by now because the
package in the presence of this bug is completely unusable
('grave'). I am experiencing it as a 'grave' bug, but since
it apparently affects relatively few users,maybe it should be
'normal'  instead.

Ray Dillinger
11 June 2012

- -- System Information:
Debian Release: wheezy/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 3.2.0-2-amd64 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash

Versions of packages gnome-terminal depends on:
ii  gconf-service  3.2.5-1
ii  gnome-terminal-data3.4.1.1-1
ii  gsettings-desktop-schemas  3.4.2-1
ii  libatk1.0-02.4.0-2
ii  libc6  2.13-33
ii  libgconf-2-4   3.2.5-1
ii  libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 2.26.1-1
ii  libglib2.0-0   2.32.3-1
ii  libgtk-3-0 3.4.2-1
ii  libice62:1.0.8-2
ii  libpango1.0-0  1.30.0-1
ii  libsm6 2:1.2.1-2
ii  libvte-2.90-9  1:0.32.1-1
ii  libx11-6   2:

Versions of packages gnome-terminal recommends:
ii  gvfs  1.12.3-1
ii  yelp  3.4.2-1

gnome-terminal suggests no packages.

- -- no debconf information

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Bug#647768: Workaround.

2011-11-23 Thread Ray Dillinger
Hash: SHA1

Well, that was a spectacularly unhelpful answer. I'll try to do

The reason all these things went away is because they are, by
default, disabled in the version of Gnome you've just upgraded to.
The "bug" can't be fixed, because evidently it's not a bug at all,
but rather an intended interface change.  Which sort of explains, though
it does not excuse, the indifference of someone whose
mission is to fix actual bugs.

Apparently there's some plan to provide the functionality in
another way, but whatever it might be it doesn't seem to be
obviously working yet.  So until then, for your sake and the sake
of all the people who are going to find this bug report when
they search for the bug after experiencing the same unexpected
and undesired change in desktop behavior

To enable icons on the desktop, and right-click desktop

1.  Press alt-f2.
2.  In the dialog box that appears, type 'dconf-editor'
3.  In the application that then appears, navigate to
org -> gnome -> desktop using the list in the left

4.  Now in the right panel, there'll be a list of options.
One of them, next to an unchecked box, will be
'show desktop icons'.  Click on the box.

This should make your 'home', 'trash', and 'computer' icons

Beyond that, you can now use a right-click on the desktop to
make launchers for various applications.  So you can restore
your familiar working environment to that extent.

There's still a lot of stuff in the new dconf that isn't
implemented yet, but this much anyway is working.


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Bug#510319: workaround, requires root.

2011-08-02 Thread Ray Dillinger
Hash: SHA1

Just by the way, this bug is annoying as hell.  xscreensaver allowed
setting individual options for different screensavers. Replacing it
with gnome-screensaver when gnome-screensaver does not, AND
gnome-screensaver still had bugs in power management on laptops, was a
loss of user functionality in both functions.  gnome-screensaver
was not (and still is not) ready for prime time and should not
have been made the default until it is fixed.

That said, here's a hamfisted workaround.

If you type

pkg-config --variable=themesdir gnome-screensaver

at a prompt, it will tell you the directory where the screensaver
desktop files are stored.

These files contain the .desktop files used to start the screensavers
in gnome-screensaver.

The settings you're interested in get passed to the individual
screensavers via the command lines stored in these files.

You can edit the settings of individual screensavers by editing the
command line options in the respective desktop files.

This workaround is hamfisted in the following ways.
   you have to be root to edit these files.
   you can 'break' screensavers if you get it wrong, so be sure you
can revert your changes in case you mess it up.
   The changes you make will affect *ALL* user accounts (so you
probably don't want to set a slideshow on your private
photos if anyone else has an account on the machine).

This workaround allows interesting functionality in the following ways:
   a different .desktop file will show up as a different screensaver
in gnome-screensaver -- so you can invoke existing
screensaver programs with different sets of arguments as
though they were several different screensavers.


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Bug#634200: gcc -Wall -Werror -lncurses fails to link wide-character ncursesw functions.

2011-07-18 Thread Ray Dillinger
Hash: SHA1

On 07/18/2011 02:31 AM, Kalle Olavi Niemitalo wrote:
> Ray Dillinger  writes:
>> display.c starts with the lines:
> There is an extra underscore after the X.
> Correcting that fixes the implicit-declaration error for me.

D'oh!  Okay, that's embarrassing, but it explains the whole
thing.  With the variable undefined, link warnings and errors
were generated, and either -Wall or -Werror was enough to catch
them and stop the build.

So, no bug?  Are we just looking at the agreed-upon semantics?


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Bug#634200: #634200 gcc -Wall -Werror -lncurses fails to link wide-character ncursesw functions.

2011-07-18 Thread Ray Dillinger
Hash: SHA1

>> bear@janus:~/src/xxh$ make display.o
>> gcc -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -Wall -Werror -lncursesw -c -o display.o \
>> display.c
>> bear@janus:~/src/xxh$
> should't the ncursesw headers be used?

Sorry, don't understand your message. The ncursesw header is invoked
by the -lncursesw compile line option above, *and* by #include
 in the file itself; isn't that enough?!

> pkg-config --cflags ncursesw

Can't use pkg-config on this project; it must be compilable on
machines that don't have it installed.

> plus, your example will fail when using -Wl,--as-needed. move the
library behind
> the objects.

Okay...  The synopsis of gcc in the man page says the file to be
compiled should come last in the compile line.  That's the only thing
I can see here that could be called an "object".  The only thing that
could be called a "library" is specified by an -l option.  Rearranging
according to the order of things given in the synopsis, I get:

gcc -c -Wall -Werror -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -lncursesw  -o display.o \

Is that what you meant?  And in that case are you calling -Wall and
- -Werror "objects"?  and -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED a "library"?
If so why?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Bug#634200: #634200 gcc -Wall -Werror -lncurses fails to link wide-character ncursesw functions.

2011-07-17 Thread Ray Dillinger
Hash: SHA1

On 07/17/2011 05:10 PM, Thomas Dickey wrote:

> You're seeing implicit for get_wch, since there's no _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED
> in the compile line.  

Okay, after checking:

bear@janus:~/src/xxh$ make display.o
gcc -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -Wall -Werror -lncursesw -c -o display.o \

using the compile line to specify the option (in this case in addition
to #define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED at the beginning of the file) bypasses
the problem.

These two methods of establishing a compile option are supposed to be
equivalent according to gcc's online docs, but here we have a case where
specifying the option on the compile line seems to make the functions
linkable even with -Wall and -Werror, while specifying it by #define at
the start of the file instead exposes a bug where -Wall or -Werror
prevent linking.

This is a clearly superior workaround, since it leaves the functionality
of -Wall and -Werror intact.  But this is still a bug;
these things are supposed to be equivalent, and neither is supposed
to be affected by these "unrelated" build options.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Bug#634200: #634200 gcc -Wall -Werror -lncurses fails to link wide-character ncursesw functions.

2011-07-17 Thread Ray Dillinger
On 07/17/2011 05:10 PM, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> fwiw, I routinely build with warnings enabled (and don't have a use for
> -Werror).
> For the rest - I'm typically seeing only extra warnings that
> you wouldn't see with -Wall (such as const mismatches, which are
> problematic).
> That's for ncurses itself, plus lynx and dialog.
> curses.h isn't including , since none of its declarations need it.
> That's iswgraph and iswspace.
> You're seeing implicit for get_wch, since there's no _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED
> in the compile line.  Quoting from man ncurses

Wait, the compile line?  I took the documentation you quote for ncurses

> You must also define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED when compiling for the
> wide-character library to use the extended (wide-character)  func-
> tions.   

 to mean #define _X_OPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED in the c file before
including headers, as shown in the head of the c file I submitted
with the bug report. That seems to work for me to make these functions
visible - provided I do NOT use --Wall or --Werror.  If it's only
possible to define it on the command line, isn't that a bug too?

I'll check and see if I can use --Wall or --Werror with the ncursesw
library if I include _X_OPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED on the gcc command line
instead of (or in addition to) in the file.  But it still  can't be
correct behavior for these compile options to have an effect on what
functions are visible/linkable.


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Bug#634200: gcc -Wall -Werror -lncurses fails to link wide-character ncursesw functions.

2011-07-17 Thread Ray Dillinger
Package: gcc
Version: 4:4.4.5-1
Severity: normal
Tags: l10n

In reply to your
Fwd: Message with no Package: tag cannot be processed!(...)

(reportbug fails on my system due to sendmail not being installed.
 Like most sane people I use Qmail.  should I file a bug against
original message---
I'm reporting this bug against GCC (current version installed is

This is an internationalization bug.

This is "Normal" priority (priority 6).

There is a workaround: never use -Wall or -Werror on the same gcc
command line with -lncursesw or to link files that #include  .

My usual build options are "gcc -Wall -Werror ..."  In attempting to
link an ncursesw package I found that the wide-character functions in
ncursesw were not linkable.  In trying ever-more-trival cases to try
to figure it out, I eventually (accidentally) built straight from
the command line, leaving out the build options, and a call to a
wide-character function linked.  After some confusion, I realized that
the relevant difference was the absence of my usual build options
rather than whatever-it-was that I was testing.  Taking the build
options out of my makefile allowed the main project I was working on
to build.  Experimentation reveals that either of these build options
(-Wall or -Werror) is sufficient to prevent linking.

The bug against gcc is that regardless of the extreme macrology in
/lib/include/ncursesw/ncurses.h and /lib/include/wctype.h these
build options ought not affect the linker's view of available

Affected functions include basically everything which uses the wide
character type defined in wctype.h or the functions defined on ints
in ctype.h. These functions include, but are probably not limited to,

in_wch,  mvin_wch, mvwin_wch, win_wch, get_wch,  wget_wch,  mvget_wch,
mvwget_wch,  unget_wch, get_wstr, getn_wstr, wget_wstr, wgetn_wstr,
mvget_wstr, mvgetn_wstr, mvwget_wstr, mvwgetn_wstr,get_wstr, getn_wstr,
wget_wstr, wgetn_wstr, mvget_wstr, mvgetn_wstr, mvwget_wstr,
mvwgetn_wstr, ins_wch, mvins_wch, mvwins_wch, wins_wch, iswgraph,
isgraph, iswspace, isspace, iswalnum, isalnum, iswctype, etc.

example of the error:

bear@janus:~/src/xxh$make display.o
make display.o
gcc -Wall -Werror -lncursesw -c -o display.o display.c
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
display.c: In function ‘Disp_GetKey’:
display.c:183: error: implicit declaration of function ‘get_wch’
display.c: In function ‘Disp_GetKeynames’:
display.c:334: error: implicit declaration of function ‘iswgraph’
display.c: In function ‘Disp_Say’:
display.c:1333: error: implicit declaration of function ‘iswspace’
make: *** [display.o] Error 1

display.c starts with the lines:


/* stdlib for qsort */
/* wchar for wint_t type */
/* wide ncurses for display and input handling */
/* malloc for calloc and free */
/* string.h for memcpy */


Ray "Bear" Dillinger

My system: AMD64, dual-core, prefer 'stable' release, up-to-date as of
July 16 2011.

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Bug#611392: sshd_config should warn against use of RC4.

2011-06-22 Thread Ray Dillinger

Agreed.  In light of RC4's vulnerability to replay attacks 
(explained in the context of SSH at 

https://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/565052 )

sshd_config and ssh_config should at least specifically warn 
against using RC4, as they currently do regarding DES.

OpenSSH itself should not enable RC4 or DES by default, and should 
print a warning to stderr when weak ciphers are enabled explicitly. 

Do we have any idea how much trouble it would cause for these 
deprecated insecure ciphers to be completely disabled?  

        Ray Dillinger

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Bug#461489: A clarification; X settings for numlock-on not useful on keyboards that lack a numlock key.

2008-04-09 Thread Ray Dillinger
A clarification:  This laptop has no numlock key as such - not even 
in its overlay keyset.  The only way to toggle the numlock is to plug 
in an external (USB) keyboard and press the key on that - or to have 
the numlock setting inherited from my standard X settings, which is 
what was happening here. 

Thus, every time I booted up, my X settings were setting the numlock 
state (and by implication the fn-key state), and there's no way on the
keyboard to unset it.  

The "fix" then is to change my X settings so as to NOT have numlock-
by-default (which is my preference on fullsize keyboards).


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Bug#461489: Wow, that's embarassing...

2008-04-06 Thread Ray Dillinger

Yes, in fact it turns out to be that simple.  X regards the num-lock
behavior as implying the 'function key' behavior, even for keys that 
don't have anything to do with the numeric keypad overlay.  

So the workaround is, turn the numlock off. 

And the 'fix' that demotes this from regular to nearly insignificant 


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Bug#461489: Documentation is nearly useless here

2008-03-03 Thread Ray Dillinger
On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 03:23 +0100, Mohammed Adnène Trojette wrote:

> You're contributing to a solution. I just did not have the time to check
> the issue. If you want, you can report the bug directly to upstream
> (http://bugs.freedesktop.org/ - xkeyboard-config component).

That is indeed a good idea.  I will go to do that, and hopefully 
find  some discussion of similar bugs by developers which might 
contain "hints" as to where to look. 


Bug#461489: Documentation is nearly useless here

2008-02-27 Thread Ray Dillinger
I've spent several days reading man pages, configuration directory
README's, configuration files, ISO standards to figure out what the 
README's were saying, etc  

And aside from there being no useful mention whatsoever of laptop
function keys, as far as I can tell keyboard configuration has become 
an arcane, confusing, and poorly documented mess.  It's spread over 
dozens of directories and hundreds of files.  I get that it's a 
complicated problem, but this is nuts.  There doesn't even seem to 
be any way to get X to tell me what keyboard configuration files it's 
actually using.  I can't even begin to tell what file I ought to 
try modifying to fix my problem. 

Documentation that says what steps are applied to keyboard input, in 
what order, and what files control the transformations involved in 
those steps, and how, is very very necessary here, and I don't have 
the ability to write it.  If it existed I might have the ability to 
fix this damn bug, but I haven't been able to assimilate the myriad
oblique and subtle clues yet to figure out where the one or two lines 
I probably need to change might be found. 

Surely it can't be necessary to learn all of X11R6 to figure out where 
to go to fix a keyboard bug??

I have heard in email from several people who say they're having the 
exact same problem and want to know if I've found a solution yet. I 
have not. 

And the silence from Debian-bugs is very very depressing.  Is anybody 
out there?  Does anybody even have any questions about my system or 
configuration that I could answer just to give me the illusion that 
I'm contributing to a solution?


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Bug#461489: sense of laptop 'fn' key reversed on gateway MX6453

2008-01-18 Thread Ray Dillinger
Package: xkbd-data
Version: 0.9-4

I have a Gateway MX6453 laptop, and I'm having a problem with the
keyboard.  I believe that this is an xkbd-data 0.9-4 bug.

I am using debian 'etch' or stable, and my system is 'up to date'
according to the update tool.

There's a 'fn' key in the lower left corner which is supposed to 
turn on special meanings for some of the keys: 7,8,9,U,I,O,J,K,L,M, 
in particular, map to digits 7,8,9,4,5,6,1,2,3,0 in an effort to 
mimic a numeric keypad.  There are several other keys that should 
acquire special meanings when 'fn' is depressed, mostly having to 
do with brightness, loudness, screen contrast, multimedia settings, 
and internet shortcuts. 

My problem is that the keyboard behaves like the 'fn' key is pressed, 
_all_the_time_, unless it is actually pressed.  For example, I have 
to push and hold the 'fn' key and then press 'l' in order to get a 
lower-case 'l' instead of a '3'.  

Mysterious extra information:  On a reboot, it doesn't seem to affect 
the initial login and password (this is with X running, but before 
any user has logged in).  Once a user session has started, however, 
the keyboard bug pops up immediately and doesn't go away even if 
that user logs out. (subsequent logins are affected). 

Right now I have two workarounds: if I plug in a standard keyboard 
with the USB interface, it is not affected by this craziness.  (Note 
the Gateway MX6453 has no PS/2 connections).  Second, it doesn't 
happen unless I start X, so I can still work (to some extent, most 
of my regular applications don't run without X) in runlevel 3. 

If I can be of any help in extracting further information from my 
system, please let me know how. 

If anyone knows what file to twiddle and how, I'll have a go at 
seeing if the solution works. 

Ray Dillinger

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