        I can't seem to find out what became of  bug  #301435

        I have a keen interest in its resolution. I very much need to preseed, 
partition two disks (sda and sdb)  and mount them as
/dev/sda1       /
/dev/sdb1       /var
/dev/sdb2       /tmp
/dev/sdb3       /<my-stuff>
/dev/sdb4       <swap>

        I have not found any expert-recipie magic to allow this. Currently, I'm 
about to cut out the partman scripts and replace them with a script to do what 
I want. But I may be willing to sponsor a project (yes, with money) to add this 
feature to partman (or document it if this can already be done somehow in 

Live strong,
Ricky Charlet

On Jun 21, 2011, at 10:26 PM, Ricky Charlet wrote:

>  Howdy,
> I'm seeking someone to tackle and fix this feature-request on a paid contract 
> basis. If you would like to give it a shot or know someone who would, please 
> contact me so we can setup a phone-screen. I'm looking for someone with 
> strong familiarity with the partman scripts and preferably a history of 
> guiding patches home in a debian based distribution.
> Ricky Charlet

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