Source: dpdk
Version: 21.11-5
Severity: normal
Usertags: origin-kali

Dear Maintainer,

I've noticed that the autopkgtests for dpdk tend to fail. Looking at, the 10 most recent
test failures are all caused by a timeout of pflock_autotest and
ticketlock_autotest, which are part of test-fastsuite.

I wonder if it's expected, and if the timeout should be increased.
Timeout is defined in debian/tests/test-fastsuite, the option "-t 3"
causes the timeout to be 3 x 10 = 30 seconds.

NB: I don't know anything about dpdk, I just took a bit of time to
investigate why the autopkgtests fail.  We also see these failures
when those tests run on the Kali Linux infra:

Best regards,


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