Bug#455923: Info received (Bug#455923: Acknowledgement (Failt to mount the root filesystem of sata hard disc on amd64 kernel))

2008-01-10 Thread Paulo Diovani
well, strangely, if i add ahci to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist the system still
dont boots, and then i need, on busybox, to remove the module from
/etc/modprobe.d/balcklist and load it again. so i can boot.

in resume, my pc almost never boot alone, at first time.

Bug#455923: Acknowledgement (Failt to mount the root filesystem of sata hard disc on amd64 kernel)

2007-12-22 Thread Paulo Diovani
I think i found the problem.
Once on busybox, if i unload the 'ahci' module, then run 'udevtrigger', the
sata hd is recognized and, on 'exit' busybox, the root filesystem is mounted
So, it seens that all i need to do is to build a new kernel, with the
ata_piix module and without the ahci.