Bug#511387: please provide easy documentation how to use italc

2009-01-13 Thread Holger Levsen
Hey Patrick,

On Dienstag, 13. Januar 2009, Patrick Winnertz wrote:
 I'll add some kind of docu in the next upload. :)

do you plan to target that upload for lenny?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#511387: please provide easy documentation how to use italc

2009-01-12 Thread Patrick Winnertz

 I turned this into a bugreport to get some maintainer reaction on this.
 Last time I looked, italc included no useful documentation how to get
 started in the package (there is stuff online), so this bug is a request to
 document inside the package how to use it.

I'll add some kind of docu in the next upload. :)


 . '' ` .   Patrick Winnertz win...@debian.org
:  :'   :   proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` http://people.debian.org/~winnie - http://www.der-winnie.de
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#511387: please provide easy documentation how to use italc

2009-01-10 Thread Holger Levsen
package: italc
severity: wishlist
x-debbugs-cc: debian-...@lists.debian.org

On Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2008, Valerio Pachera wrote:
 In a previous mail I worte I wish ITALC to be preconfigured for the
 next debian edu released and you ask instruction/help fot it.
 Here it is the analisys I made.

 Well, I try to explain how I would preset italc on debian edu.
 The point is that different actions have to be taken on the base of
 the different profile we are working with.

 -diskless workstation (dws)

 Short introduciton:
 italc is made by two programs:
 1-the client (called ica). It is a daemon that runs on the computers
 we want to control (also called clients)
 2-the main application italc that teachers use to check and control

 Italc uses keys to increase security.
 The private keys have to be presente on the computers where teachers
 want to run the main application.
 Actualy we don't know wich computer they will use so I think it's a
 good idea so I suggest to make the private key available on all

 The public key has off course to be present on all computers and to be
 readable by anyone (or at least, all students).

 So, shortly, the actions needed after italc installation are two:
 1-keys generation
 2-run the ica daemon on all clients and on the ltsp server(s)

 Focus on the firt step:
 keys has to be generated once and be available to all clients. I think
 the best way to do it is to generate them on the main
 profile/machine because every computer on the debian edu network are
 in contact with it.

 here we need to install only italc client (ica).
 We do not need to run it but we have to generate the keys
 # ica -createkeypair

 This will create the directory
 /etc/italc/keys/ wich contains public and private folders with the
 respective keys.

 It's now a good idea to assign the private keys to the teachers
 group and be sure tey can read them (and none else).
 # chgrp -R teachers /etc/italc/private
 # for key in $(find /etc/italc/private/ key); do chmod 640 done

 We have to ensure that public keys have 644 permission.

 isntalla itcal client e guarda i permessi di default. Idem per le
 chiavi private
 The public keys are already readable by anyone do we don't need to do

 We have to make available the keys to the other hosts on the net so we
 export them using nfs with something like that in /etc/exports

 we don't have to do anything special about keys because the thin
 clinets runs on the server and the keys are already there
 We just have to

 Both italc client (ica) and italc master have to be installed by
 deafult on this profile.
 We need the same keys that are on the MAIN server. We simply have to
 create the folder /etc/italc and mount the shared folde by /etc/fstab
 with something like /etc/italc nfs ro 0 0

 We can do the samething we did for theworkstation: mount the
 /etc/italc folder by fstab.


 we do not need to run the daemon here. None have to control this
 machine or use italc master on it.

 thin client run o this machine so we have to run ica to control them.
 Because we have to run n istances of ica for n thin clinet
 connected, we MUST use a different port for each ica session.
 To aim that is sufficent call a small script instead of calling
 directly /usr/bib/ica.
 This script take care of running ica using an unique port wich number
 is the sum of the last part of the thin clinet IP plus 11.000.
 (Note: on the master application to refear to a thin client we have to
 specify the ltsp server address WITH the unique port).

 we do not have to do anything because we did it on the ltsp server

 we do not need any modification about ports here. We need only to
 execute ica when the usr log in.

 the same as workstation



 italc master, like any other apllication, save its own configuration
 file in the user home folder.
 That means a teacher may configre it in the finest way but the other
 teachers will have to repeat the same process.
 We can avoid that using a global configuration file. We already
 exportet the folder /etc/italc that is reachable by any host of the
 debian edu netowrk, so we can simply put the configuration file in
 this folder.
 Copy the file configured by the teacher in that directory
 cp ~/.italc/globalconfig.xml /etc/italc/
 It may be a good idea to not give write permission to all teacher but
 only to teacher of group teacher+.
 # chown teacher+:teacher+ /usr/share/italc.conf
 # chmod 640 /etc/italc/globalconfig.xml
 Now we need