
I can't reproduce this bug. What I did:
* Install a fresh wheezy with task standard and openssh-server.
* apt-get install selinux-basics auditd
* selinux-activate; reboot; selinux-config-enforcing; reboot
* adduser unconf
* adduser conf
* semanage login -a -s user_u conf

Then semanage login -l shows:
Login Name         SELinux User         MLS/MCS Range

__default__        unconfined_u         SystemLow-SystemHigh
conf               user_u               SystemLow
root               unconfined_u         SystemLow-SystemHigh
system_u           system_u             SystemLow-SystemHigh

Also, ps -eZ|grep sshd shows that sshd actually has categories:
LABEL                                   PID  TTY TIME     CMD
system_u:system_r:sshd_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 2585 ?   00:00:00 sshd

I can log in via ssh for both users, unconf and conf:
conf@setest:~$ id -Z

unconf@setest:~$ id -Z

Either the bug was fixed in the meantime or I don't understand where
the bug actually is.




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