On Sun, Dec 11, 2016 at 05:55:46PM -0300, Dato Simó wrote:
> > I'm becoming a big fan of racer, so I'm all for this! I haven't
> > looked at the internals however - I presume racer only needs the
> > source for std (and core) not the compiler itself?
> Yes, I think you are correct: only libstd sources are needed,
> which are about 3 MiB.
> Two additional notes:
>   1. the _root_ location of the source SHOULD be
>      ‘$prefix/lib/rustlib/src’ (this has been standardized
>      by the Rust community, see [rust-buildbot#102]).
>      In other words, the following file should exist after
>      installing the package:
>          /usr/lib/rustlib/src/rust/src/libstd/io/mod.rs

It seems unfortunate that upstream standardized on a location in
/usr/lib, rather than /usr/share.

>      Racer has already been updated to search the source there,
>      in the absence of RUST_SRC_PATH (see [racer#598]).

Does racer also benefit from having library crate sources installed?  If
so, how and where does it expect to find those?

Asking because with the current draft packaging policy, we install
library crate sources to /usr/share/cargo/registry/cratename-version.

- Josh Triplett

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