see attachedĀ revised version + diff file 

--- help126.wml	2017-08-20 00:02:21.593946997 +0100
+++ help_popcon.wml	2017-08-20 00:20:07.732315175 +0100
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 <li>You can enable <a href="";>\
-popularity-contest submissions</a>.</li>
+popularity-contest submissions</a> so we know which packages are popular and most useful to everyone.</li>
#use wml::debian::template title="How can you help Debian?"

<p>If you are considering helping in the development of Debian
there are many areas in which both experienced and inexperienced users can assist:</p>

# TBD - Describe requirements per task?
# such as: knowledge of english, experience in area X, etc..


<li>You can simply test the operating system and the programs provided in it
and report any not yet known errata or bugs you find using the 
<a href="";>Bug Tracking System</a>.  Try to browse also
the bugs associated with packages you use and provide further
information, if you can reproduce the issues described in them.</li>

# TBD - link to users mailing lists
# Translators, link directly to the translated mailing lists and provide
# a link to the IRC channel in the user's language
<li>If you are an experienced user you can help other users through 
the <a href="";>user mailing lists</a> or
by using the IRC channel <tt>#debian</tt>.  For more information on support options
and available sources read the <a href="$(HOME)/support">support pages</a>.</li>

# TBD - link to translators mailing lists
# Translators, link directly to your group's pages
<li>You can help translating applications or Debian-related information
(web pages, documentation) to your own language by
getting involved in a translation project (discussion is generally handled
through the <a href="";>i18n mailing list</a>).
You can even
start up a new internationalisation group if there is none for your
language.  For more information read the <a
href="$(HOME)/international/">Internationalisation pages</a>.</li>

<li>You can help maintain applications that are already available in the Debian
operating system, specially those you use much and know about, by
contributing fixes (patches) or additional information in the <a
href="";>Bug Tracking System</a> for those packages.  You
can also get involved directly in package maintenance by becoming a member of a
group maintenance team or get involved with software that is being developed
for Debian by joining a software project at <a

<li>You can help writing documentation either by working with the official
documentation provided by the <a href="$(HOME)/doc/ddp">Debian Documentation
Project</a> or by contributing at the <a href="";>Debian

<li>You can help with the development of the <em>public</em> face of Debian and
contribute to the <a href="$(HOME)/devel/website/">website</a> or by 
helping with the organisation of <a href="$(HOME)/events/">events</a>

<li>You can help porting Debian to some architecture you are experienced with
either by starting a new port or contributing to existing ports.  For more
information see the <a href="$(HOME)/ports/">list of available ports</a>.</li>

<li>You can package applications you have much experience with and consider
valuable for Debian and become the maintainer for those packages.  For more
information read the <a href="$(HOME)/devel/">Debian Developer's Corner</a>.</li>

<li>You can help <a href="";>track</a>,
<a href="$(HOME)/security/audit/">find</a> and 
<a href="$(DOC)/manuals/developers-reference/pkgs.html#bug-security">fix</a>
<a href="$(HOME)/security/">security issues</a> within the packages in Debian.
You can also help harden
<a href="";>packages</a>,
<a href="";>repositories and images</a>
and <a href="";>other things</a>.

<li>You can <a href="$(HOME)/donations">donate equipment and services</a> to the Debian project so that 
either its users or developers can benefit from them.  We are in constant search
for <a href="$(HOME)/mirror/">mirrors worldwide</a> our users can rely on and
<a href="$(HOME)/devel/buildd/">auto-builder systems</a> for our porters.</li>

You can <a href="";>make screenshots</a> of
packages and <a href="";>upload</a> them to 
<a href="";></a> so that
our users can see what software in Debian looks like before using it.

You can tag and categorise packages on the <a href="";>debtags</a>
website so that our users can more easily find the software they are looking for.

<li>Help Debian promoting itself by talking about it and demonstrating it to others.</li>

You can help out with the annual <a href="";>Debian conference</a>,
including with <a href="";>recording video of talks</a>,
<a href="";>greeting attendees as they arrive</a>,
<a href="";>helping speakers before talks</a>,
special events (like the cheese and wine party), setup, teardown and other things.

You can help organise the annual <a href="";>Debian conference</a>,
mini-DebConfs for your region,
<a href="";>Debian Day parties</a>,
<a href="";>release parties</a>,
<a href="";>bug squashing parties</a>,
<a href="";>development sprints</a> and
<a href="";>other events</a> around the world.

<li>You can enable <a href="";>\
popularity-contest submissions</a> so we know which packages are popular and most useful to everyone.</li>


<p>As you can see, there are many ways you can get involved with the project
and only few of them require you to be a Debian Developer.  Many of the
different projects have mechanisms to allow direct access to source code trees
to contributors that have shown they are trustworthy and valuable.  Typically,
people who find that they can get much more involved in Debian will <a
href="$(HOME)/devel/join">join the project</a>, but this is not 
always required.</p>

# <p>Related links:

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