Hello Michael Ott,
I just tried to reproduce this crash.

You were really using the gtk+3.0 packages from experimental at that time?

> Aug 14 13:49:22 king-coder13 kernel: [16027.866859] gnucash[22985]:
> segfault at f0 ip 00007f76d6ba7952 sp 00007ffcb1fd9198
> error 4 in libgdk-3.so.0.2301.0[7f76d6b88000+81000]

>From the limited information of the kernel log line I just can
guess the error was a null pointer dereference
in _gdk_window_has_impl.

(gdb) disassemble _gdk_window_has_impl
Dump of assembler code for function _gdk_window_has_impl:
   0x00007fcb833b2950 <+0>:     xor    %eax,%eax
   0x00007fcb833b2952 <+2>:     cmp    %rdi,0xf0(%rdi)
   0x00007fcb833b2959 <+9>:     sete   %al
   0x00007fcb833b295c <+12>:    retq   
End of assembler dump.

(gdb) list 660,665
661     static gboolean
662     gdk_window_has_impl (GdkWindow *window)
663     {
664       return window->impl_window == window;
665     }

(gdb) list _gdk_window_has_impl
675     gboolean
676     _gdk_window_has_impl (GdkWindow *window)
677     {
678       return gdk_window_has_impl (window);
679     }

Is this issue still visible?

If yes it would be a great help if a complete backtrace could be added.

A good information would be just to run it that way:
    gdb -q -ex run -ex bt -ex detach -ex quit --args gnucash

Another way would be to install a core dump collector like systemd-coredump
and execute something like this:
    coredumpctl list
    coredumpctl gdb <PID>

Even better when debug symbols are installed like described in [1].

Kind regards,

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/HowToGetABacktrace

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