Package: libwxsqlite3-3.0-dev
Version: 3.4.1~dfsg-1
Severity: important

Original wxSQLite3 sources include:
* SQLite Amalgamation copy
* SQLite3 encryption extension
* wxSQLite wxWidgets wrapper library
Debian package ships the last one only dynamically linked against clean
original sqlite3 library. This results with very limited functionality - no
encryption support.

Please add encryption support to this package.
wxSQLite3 library should be distributed statically linked with SQLite3 library
including the encryption extension.

SQLCipher is packaged in Debian this way. Problem descripton from SQLCipher
libsqlcipher0.lintian-overrides file:

# lintian correctly finds a version of sqlite in the sqlcipher libs. SQLCipher
# is a customized version of SQLite3 that adds encryption support.
# Unfortunately, this cannot be implemented as a plain plugin to SQLite
# because it is not possible to make the encryption transparent without
# modifying the core of SQLite.  For example, with SQLCipher, you only need to
# know about sqlite_key()/sqlite_rekey() and the related PRAGMAS, and the rest
# of the API and SQL calls are exactly the same as SQLite.  I believe this is
# not even possible using the SQLite author's proprietary encryption plugin.
# Some more info on its design is available here:
# It was also discussed on debian-security:
libsqlcipher0: embedded-library usr/lib/*/ sqlite

Applications build with wxSQLite3 must include their own copy of library to
encrypt databases as Debian-distributed package has very limited
functionality now.

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