Control: tag -1 unreproducible moreinfo

Charlie Hagedorn <> writes:
> Opened up an image, did some edits to an image, and then created my
> first drawn mask with the upgraded version. It wasn't quite in the
> right place, so I clicked-and-dragged in the middle of the image. The
> mask outline disappeared, I may have clicked in a few spots/faffed a
> little bit, and darktable crashed.

I don't use drawn masks normally, but I tried drawing a few circles and
elipses and dragging them around. I didn't experience any strange
behaviour. What module were you using?

> The image was missing from the lighttable when I restarted darktable,
> so I reapplied the same edits, switched back to the lighttable in
> order to save my progress,

I don't understand this part. If the image was missing from the
lighttable, how did you edit it? Is there some duplication going on?

> 1. That mask is now saved, and if I call it up from the list of masks,
> darktable crashes. I don't know enough about library.db to call it up
> and submit it. If a developer with enough darktable-fu can tell me
> how, I'll add it to this bug.

Yeah, me neither unfortunately.

> 2. Moving any drawn mask on any image I have tried so far yields an
> instantaneous jump of the mask down and right by ~500-1000
> pixels. Dragging is then successful, and darktable does not crash.  In
> ~5 tries, I have not been able to generate another segfaulting mask.

Hmm. You'd think I'd have noticed this.

> 3. When segfaulting, Darktable consistently stores
> "
> this is darktable 2.6.0 reporting a segfault:
> warning: Currently logging to /tmp/darktable_bt_5AAEVZ.txt.  Turn the logging 
> off and on to make the new setting effective.
> /usr/share/darktable/gdb_commands:2: Error in sourced command file:
> No stack.
> "
> to a logfile in /tmp. Internet search suggests that I'd get more debug output 
> with darktable-dbg, but as it is not in Debian testing, I don't want to 
> install it.

You want darktable-dbgsym. To install it you will need a line like

    deb testing-debug main

in sources.list

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