Package: lintian
Version: 2.11.0
Severity: wishlist

Dear Maintainer,

According to Policy, 9.11:

        Packages may integrate with these replacement init systems by
        providing implementation-specific configuration information
        about how and when to start a service or in what order to run
        certain tasks at boot time. However, any package integrating
        with other init systems must also be backwards-compatible with
        sysvinit by providing a SysV- style init script with the same
        name as and equivalent functionality to any init-specific job,
        as this is the only start-up configuration method guaranteed to
        be supported by all init implementations.

As such, presence in package files /lib/systemd/system/<foo>.service or
/etc/sv/<foo> without corresponding /etc/init.d/<foo> is violation of
"must" in Policy. Please add apporiate error to Lintian.

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