Package: sosreport
Version: 3.7-1
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

A new sosreport version (3.7) upstream got recently released.

Major enhancements to core features and existing plugins:

- New distribution policies for CentOS and Amazon Linux
- 19 new plugins:
- Obsolete IPSec plugin removed (in favour of OpenSwan)
- Support for passphrase and key based encryption of the report archive
- Improved handling of paths containing directory symbolic links (for e.g. /sys)
- New InitSystem abstraction
- LVM2 plugin enhancements
- Append plugin exceptions to sos_logs/*-plugin-exception.txt
- Dry run mode (--dry-run)
- Plugin API enhancements
- Significant enhancements to core features and existing plugins

Further release information and tarballs are available at:

I'm currently working at planning/preparing the upload of a new sosreport 

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