On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 04:37:06PM +0530, Nilesh Patra wrote:
> Hi,
> pyode is a package of Neuro-debian team, with a RC bug filed; since we are
> in the process of taking in a few packages(mostly with RC bugs) from
> neuro-debian into debian med+science, I wanted a clarification on this
> package.
> The package seems to be dead upstream with latest version being '1.2'; and
> as pointed out by Sandro on its RC bug[1], it has a fork available here[2].
> However, the new fork doesn't seem to have any release yet. I have opened
> the issue[3] for the same, but not really sure about the time it would take
> for an agreement.
> So I had this question - what should be the new release version for pyode
> in this case?

I moved pyode to


If there is a promising fork that would solve our porting problem use
git mode in d/watch (example for instance in libsmithwaterman)
> Also, another option can be to file RM request on the package; it has only
> one reverse(build) dependency, pyepl(whch has a RC  bug against it, as
> well):
> [~]$ reverse-depends python-pyode
> Reverse-Depends
> ===============
> * python-pyepl
> Packages without architectures listed are reverse-dependencies in: amd64,
> arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x
> [~]$ reverse-depends -b python-pyode
> Reverse-Build-Depends
> =====================
> * pyepl
> And pyepl has no reverse-dependencies.
> So we can probably file RM requests for both: pyode and pyepl?
> I would like knowing what should be the best thing to do here.

I moved pyepl to


Please do with these whatever you consider sensible to do.  Having long
standing RC bugs in packages of Neurodebian packages does not
necessarily mean that the issues are really hard to fix.  Its just a
lack of manpower which we try to fix now.  Currently (next 24-48 hours)
please do not count on me for this kind of work.  Please decide yourself
whether upgrading solves Python3 issues.  I'm also doing nothing else
than this.

Thank you for your contribution


> [1]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=937495#18
> [2]: https://github.com/filipeabperes/Py3ODE
> [3]: https://github.com/filipeabperes/Py3ODE/issues/6
> Thanks and regards,
> Nilesh


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