Response from GitHub:

-------- Message transféré --------
Subject :       Re: [cyrusimap/cyrus-imapd] Mailboxes with children are
reported as "(\HasNoChildren)" if mailbox with similar name (#3182)
Date :  Tue, 15 Sep 2020 18:35:43 -0700
>From :         elliefm <>
Reply To :      cyrusimap/cyrus-imapd
To :    cyrusimap/cyrus-imapd <>

The problem is that the internal mailbox separator is ASCII '.', which
sorts /after/ valid mailbox characters like '-' and space. It's fixed by
enabling the following setting in imapd.conf:

    |improved_mboxlist_sort: 0 If enabled, a special comparator will be
    used which will correctly sort mailbox names that contain characters
    such as ' ' and '-'. Note that this option SHOULD NOT be changed on
    a live system. The mail‐ boxes database should be dumped
    (ctl_mboxlist) before the option is changed, removed, and then
    undumped after changing the option. When not using flat files for
    the subscriptions databases the same has to be done (cyr_dbtool) for
    each subscription database See improved_mboxlist_sort.html. |

Ideally this setting would default to enabled, or indeed, be the only
behaviour (with no option at all). But it has ramifications for existing
deployments, so we can't just change it. I assume that it's not simply
enabled in the imapd.conf that the Debian package ships for much the
same reason.

The "improved_mboxlist_sort.html" referenced in the man page seems to be

The problem they're seeing (as well as other similar issues between
similarly-named folders that differ by a character that sorts before
ASCII '.') are unfixable in stable releases without enabling this option.

I don't understand all the ramifications of an admin changing the
improved_mboxlist_sort option. It might be as "simple" as the
documentation suggests (dumping and undumping mailboxes and subscription
databases) or it might be more complicated these days. I'd suggest they
join the info-cyrus list
<> and see if
anyone has been through this process recently and has guidance to offer.

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