
I've had the check printing bug reported as bug 944603 while running Raspian
Buster on a Raspberry Pi4.  The version of Gnucash is Version: 3.4 Build ID:
3.4+ (2018-12-30).  I have more information below:

The problem is NOT 'print checks' per se: the problem is in the customization
section of check printing.  If a check is customized and the resulting
customization saved from the program as a "CHK" file, it's presence in the
default subdirectory (which on Raspian
is: /home/[USER]/.local/share/gnucash/checks) will continuously crash the
program until the file is given an different extension (something other than
CHK).  Inspecting the file with a text editor shows the file to be written
incorrectly: there are numerous places where semicolons are placed
inappropriately.  If the file is corrected manually AND if the file is
transferred to the /usr/share/gnucash/checks subdirectory, the check printing
process progresses normally and crashes are avoided. 

I noticed that the newest version of Linux Mint (19.3) is using Gnucash version
2.16.19 rev c1b5e6c8d+ 2018-04-09.  There are no check printing or check
customization problems in this version.  

Thanks for all you do!!  Hope this helps....wish I could do more.


---John Stewart

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