Bug#945911: APT leaks repository credentials

2019-12-01 Thread Florian Zumbiehl

> > > works. If I requests https://a/b/c and it redirects me to https://x/y/z,
> > > I need login details for x/y/z to login.
> > 
> > It may well be that you _need_ them. But that doesn't say anything about
> > whether you should _get_ them.
> > 
> > When a web server instructs a browser to submit some request to a different
> > origin, that request may also _need_ credentials for that other origin to
> > perform some operation. But just allowing any web server to submit requests
> > to any other origin with all credentials the browser knows about still is
> > considered a vulnerability, known as "cross site request forgery".
> The vulnerability you describe in a browser is not that the credentials
> are used or that they are leaked somewhere – because they aren't, the
> intended receiver gets them – the problem is that with the state already
> present in the browser (which can be credentials, but also e.g. cookies)
> you can 'automate' things as if the user made that request intentionally
> – like deleting the account, authorizing a bank transfer or post some
> content. None of these things can happen with apt: It is accessing
> static data the user is allowed to receive by knowing the auth, there is
> no operation performed or content uploaded the user didn't intend to
> allow as there is nothing for them to allow.

1. Yes, the problem with CSRF is very much that credentials are used where
   they shouldn't be. For one, "credential" is not the name of a protocol
   field, it's a function of a piece of information. When a cookie
   authorizes you to perform an operation, then that cookie is a
   credential. And then, the fact that the credentials are sent to the
   intended receiver is just completely besides the point, because that is
   exactly the problem with confused deputy style vulnerabilities: The
   deputy uses privileges it has (such as credentials that allow it to
   perform a certain access) to perform an operation requested by a party
   that doesn't have those privileges and that shouldn't have those

   To maybe use a different example: Just because your company's access
   badge is intended to be presented to your company, does not mean that
   everything is fine when someone tricks you into presenting your badge in
   order to get them into the building.

   (And the solution to CSRF is to require another credential, AKA "CSRF
   token", when performing operations where the browser security model
   otherwise would allow confused deputy style attacks, and to keep that
   credential out of reach for other origins.)

1. Please note that I did not say APT had a CSRF vulnerability. I simply
   used a different confused deputy style vulnerability that you might be
   more familiar with to demonstrate a point. So, no, you probably can not
   get APT to authorize a bank transfer. 

   But, again, the fact that the user is allowed to access the data is
   completely besides the point. The user is also allowed to look at their
   bank transactions in their online banking, but still, a browser's
   security model prevents any other random website from accessing them,
   because *the other website is not the user*.

> > > > Examples for how this could be exploited are:
> > > > 
> > > > - The redirect could point to a different port on the server than where 
> > > > the
> > > >   repository is hosted, possibly an unprivileged port where an attacker 
> > > > on
> > > >   that server could be listening to receive the credentials.
> > > 
> > > I don't understand. FWIW; credentials can be limited by port, and path.
> > 
> > Yes, they can. But it is absolutely not clear from the documentation that
> > you are vulnerable to this type of attack if you don't do that. And even if
> > this were stated clearly in the documentation, it would still be bad
> > default behaviour.
> The manpage says:
> | If no port is given the token matches for all ports

And how does it follow that therefore you are vulnerable?

> Anyhow, you are either starting from the position of a HTTP source where
> you need to be an MITM to make use of this "vulnerability" to … well, do
> what you can already do because you are a MITM anyhow. That is the
> problem of a HTTP source, we can't fix that.
> Or it is a HTTPS source, but if you can attack those you again don't need
> this as you are again a MITM apparently with access to the private
> keys of the server which reduces the problem down to HTTP.

I have no idea what you are talking about here!? In particular I don't
understand where you got that MitM from ... none of the scenarios I
described require a MitM!? I mean, yes, a MitM could potentially also
exploit some of this, sure, but it's certainly not limited to MitM.

> > > > - The redirect could point to an HTTP URI to expose the credentials as
> > > >   plain text on the wire, even where the sources.list entries for the
> > > >   respective server point only to HTTPS URIs to protect from 
> > > > 

Bug#945911: APT leaks repository credentials

2019-11-30 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
> > The credentials to transmit for a request are selected not based on the
> > host name specified in the sources.list, but rather based on the URI that
> > is being requested. Thus, any repository server that APT ever makes an
> > HTTP(S) request to can issue an HTTP redirect to any URI that points to any
> > of the (other) servers for which credentials are stored in the auth.conf
> > file, and APT will then send those credentials to whatever endpoint that is
> > specified as the redirection target URI.
> Yes, and why please tell, should that be a problem? That's how stuff

Because it might allow operations to happen that the user did not intend to

> works. If I requests https://a/b/c and it redirects me to https://x/y/z,
> I need login details for x/y/z to login.

It may well be that you _need_ them. But that doesn't say anything about
whether you should _get_ them.

When a web server instructs a browser to submit some request to a different
origin, that request may also _need_ credentials for that other origin to
perform some operation. But just allowing any web server to submit requests
to any other origin with all credentials the browser knows about still is
considered a vulnerability, known as "cross site request forgery".

Just because https://x/y/z needs credentials to be accessed, does not mean
that https://a/b/c should be allowed to cause such an access.

> Saying we should send the credentials for a/b/c to x/y/z does not make
> a whole lot of sense.

Indeed, it doesn't, and maybe I was not entirely clear on this, but I
certainly didn't intend to suggest anything like that.

> This also assumes that you have access to the a/b/c server _and_ the
> x/y/z server.

Yes ... so?!

> > Examples for how this could be exploited are:
> > 
> > - The redirect could point to a different port on the server than where the
> >   repository is hosted, possibly an unprivileged port where an attacker on
> >   that server could be listening to receive the credentials.
> I don't understand. FWIW; credentials can be limited by port, and path.

Yes, they can. But it is absolutely not clear from the documentation that
you are vulnerable to this type of attack if you don't do that. And even if
this were stated clearly in the documentation, it would still be bad
default behaviour.

> > - The redirect could point to an HTTP URI to expose the credentials as
> >   plain text on the wire, even where the sources.list entries for the
> >   respective server point only to HTTPS URIs to protect from eavesdroppers.
> HTTPS->HTTP redirects are not allowed.

Well, that's good, I suppose? But it's also irrelevant for this attack

> > - The redirect could point to an existing resource in the repository the
> >   credentials are actually meant for in order to make APT download that
> >   resource and then use it in a context it wasn't meant for, thus
> >   potentially leaking contents of the password-protected repository.
> I don't understand.

You specify in the sources.list:

| deb http://public.mirror.example/debian buster main

In auth.conf:

| machine internal.server.example
| login top
| password secret

Now, when you request some package list or something from
public.mirror.example, public.mirror.example could redirect you to
http://internal.server.example/whatever/file, and APT would then treat that
file as if it were the packages list that is found on public.mirror.example
- I suppose?

I haven't tried to build a PoC for this, so no clue how exactly you would
exploit this particular scenario.

Bug#945911: APT leaks repository credentials

2019-11-30 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: apt
Version: 1.8.2
Severity: critical

APT now promotes using auth.conf to store repository credentials.
Unfortunately, the way these credentials are handled causes a confused
deputy style problem:

The credentials to transmit for a request are selected not based on the
host name specified in the sources.list, but rather based on the URI that
is being requested. Thus, any repository server that APT ever makes an
HTTP(S) request to can issue an HTTP redirect to any URI that points to any
of the (other) servers for which credentials are stored in the auth.conf
file, and APT will then send those credentials to whatever endpoint that is
specified as the redirection target URI.

Examples for how this could be exploited are:

- The redirect could point to a different port on the server than where the
  repository is hosted, possibly an unprivileged port where an attacker on
  that server could be listening to receive the credentials.

- The redirect could point to an HTTP URI to expose the credentials as
  plain text on the wire, even where the sources.list entries for the
  respective server point only to HTTPS URIs to protect from eavesdroppers.

- The redirect could point to an existing resource in the repository the
  credentials are actually meant for in order to make APT download that
  resource and then use it in a context it wasn't meant for, thus
  potentially leaking contents of the password-protected repository.

IMO, credential use should be limited based on the the URI that was derived
from the sources.list to prevent such exploits: The user should be able to
trust that when they specify credentials for a specific server, say, then
only sources.list entries that name that server get to use those

Note: I did not investigate the source on this, I just tested this manually
with socat, redirecting from one hostname to a different hostname on a
random port, and in that scenario I got the credentials for the redirection
target. So, it is possible that some of the scenarios above actually don't
work for some reason, though it seems unlikely.

Bug#941414: certificates about to expire

2019-10-20 Thread Florian Zumbiehl

> Mhh, are you sure?  The default with HOOK_CHAIN=no is:
> request_challenge → deploy_challenge → testing_challenge →
> clean_challenge
> repeated for each domain in domains.txt…, and that is still true with
> the latest 0.6.5.

Looking at the code of the installed backports package, that very much does
not seem to be the case (l. 778 ff.).

> Either way, I also deploy all my challenges in
> /var/lib/dehydrated/acme-challenges and there is no clash, after all
> the name of the challenges are all random strings.  Could you maybe
> confirm what you are seeing and share more details?

Indeed, that seems to not be a problem with HTTP challenges, but it is with
DNS challenges, if all the _acme_challenge names point to the same
canonical name for the dynamically updated TXT record (as they do in my

Regards, Florian

Bug#941414: certificates about to expire

2019-10-19 Thread Florian Zumbiehl

> In fact, the proposed "fix" I'm working on is to actually get the
> version that is currently in backports directly in the oldstable
> distribution, but I need to tweak it a bit as to do that I need to
> reintroduce the 'letsencrypt.sh' compatibility packages/scripts.

unfortunately, that version (0.6.2-2+deb10u1~bpo9+1) is not backwards
compatible with the current stretch version (0.3.1-3+deb9u2), in that it
deploys all challenges for a certificate at once, and only then submits the
verification requests for the individual host names. If you happen to
deploy challenges for multiple host names to the same location, that fails
because the last deployed challenge overwrites all other challenges in that
location, and the verification request for the first host name then causes
dehydrated to abort (also, without any useful error message).

For anyone facing the same problem: A (temporary) workaround I found was to
set HOOK_CHAIN=yes, which causes all challenges for a given domain to be
deployed in a single call to the hook script. If your hook script simply
ignores the additional parameters, that then causes only the first
challenge to actually be deployed, and thus the verification for the first
host name to succeed. Then you just have to re-run dehydrated until all the
host names have been verified.

Regards, Florian

Bug#941414: certificates about to expire

2019-10-19 Thread Florian Zumbiehl

as the recommended strategy by LetsEncrypt is to renew certificates 30 days
before their expiry, and we are approaching 30 days since the change that
exposed this bug that thus is preventing certificate renewal since then,
certificates generated using dehydrated are going to start expiring in
about a week.

Is there any plan to fix this bug before then, or will users have to work
around this individually to avoid running into expired certificates? And if
the latter, what is the recommended workaround? Is the current backports
version usable?

Regards, Florian

Bug#930484: e2fsck corrupts sparse files with -E bmap2extent

2019-06-13 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: e2fsprogs
Version: 1.43.4-2
Severity: critical

e2fsck potentially moves blocks around in sparse files when running with
-E bmap2extent, in particular when the blocks are physically adjacent on
the underlying block device, but have a hole in between in the file.

This script reproduces the problem on my system (run as root in an empty

#!/bin/bash -ex
rm -f image
mkdir -p m
umount m || true
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M seek=99 count=1 of=image
mkfs.ext3 -E nodiscard -b 4096 image
mount -o loop image m
echo -n a > m/x
echo -n b | dd of=m/x bs=1 seek=8k
ls -i m/x
ino=$(stat -c%i m/x)
sha1sum m/x
umount m
debugfs image -R "stat <$ino>" | cat
tune2fs -O extent image
e2fsck -fE bmap2extent image || true
debugfs image -R "stat <$ino>" | cat
mount -o loop image m
sha1sum m/x
umount m
rm image
rmdir m

The e2fsck invocation turns this part of the debugfs output:

(0):24576, (2):24577

into this:


With version 1.44.5-1~bpo9+1, the test above does not produce corruption on
my system, but I have not investigated whether that is just coincidence or
because the bug has been fixed. As this silently corrupts files, I would
think it should get some fix in stretch, and be it by disabling the

Bug#903940: Integer overflow on buffer sizes causes complete failure of driver

2018-07-16 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: libtowitoko2
Version: 2.0.7-9
Severity: grave
Tags: patch

pcscd nowadays passes in buffers much larger than can be represented in an
unsigned short when communicating with the card reader, but libtowitoko2
simply casts the length to an unsigned short, which leads to
overflow/truncation of the buffer size and thus to complete failure to use
the Towitoko reader using this driver.

The attached patch simply limits the buffer sizes that are passed into the
driver to what can be represented in unsigned shorts, which makes it all
work again for me.
diff --git a/src/ifd-handler/ifdhandler.c b/src/ifd-handler/ifdhandler.c
index 5fc0299..b3dbcaa 100644
--- a/src/ifd-handler/ifdhandler.c
+++ b/src/ifd-handler/ifdhandler.c
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
@@ -497,15 +498,24 @@ IFDHTransmitToICC (DWORD Lun, SCARD_IO_HEADER SendPci,
   dad = (UCHAR) ((slot == 0) ? 0x00 : slot + 1);
   sad = 0x02;
-  lr = (unsigned short) (*RxLength);
-  lc = (unsigned short) TxLength;
-  ret = CT_data (ctn, , , lc, TxBuffer, , RxBuffer);
-  if (ret == OK)
+  lr = ((*RxLength) > USHRT_MAX) ? USHRT_MAX : ((unsigned short) (*RxLength));
+  if (TxLength <= USHRT_MAX)
-  (*RxLength) = lr;
-  rv = IFD_SUCCESS;
+  lc = (unsigned short) TxLength;
+  ret = CT_data (ctn, , , lc, TxBuffer, , RxBuffer);
+  if (ret == OK)
+  (*RxLength) = lr;
+  rv = IFD_SUCCESS;
+  else
+  (*RxLength) = 0;

Bug#903937: /etc/reader.conf.d/libtowitoko2 causes driver failure

2018-07-16 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: libtowitoko2
Version: 2.0.7-9
Severity: grave

/etc/reader.conf.d/libtowitoko2 should not contain a DEVICENAME line as
this driver does not support opening readers by device name, but the
presence of the line in the config file triggers a bug in pcscd that always
causes /dev/ttyS0 to be opened when a DEVICENAME line is present, no matter
what else is configured.

Instead, it should be documented that "normal" serial devices start at
CHANNELID 1 for /dev/ttyS0 and USB devices start at 0x20 for
/dev/ttyUSB0, and possibly the automatically generated
/etc/reader.conf.d/libtowitoko2 should be removed completely (or made into
a conffile), so as to not break a working manual configuration on each
update/reinstall, given that the debconf options don't support every
possible setup.

Bug#606595: bacula-common: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-10 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: bacula-common
Version: 2.4.4-1
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown bacula:adm /var/log/bacula
chmod 750 /var/log/bacula

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606596: binkd: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-10 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: binkd
Version: 0.9.9+rel-2
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R ftn:adm /var/log/binkd/

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606599: mrtg: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-10 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: mrtg
Version: 2.16.2-4
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chmod 750 /var/log/mrtg

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606600: pyicqt: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-10 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: pyicqt
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R pyicqt:adm   /var/log/pyicqt

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606598: net-acct: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-10 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: net-acct
Version: 0.71-8
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chmod 755 /var/log/net-acct
chown root:root /var/log/net-acct

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606601: mysql-server-5.0: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-10 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: mysql-server-5.0
Version: 5.0.51a-24+lenny1
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R mysql:adm $mysql_newlogdir;chmod 2750 $mysql_newlogdir;
chown mysql:adm   $mysql_logdir/mysql.$i
chmod 0640$mysql_logdir/mysql.$i

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606602: lighttpd: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-10 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: lighttpd
Version: 1.4.23-3
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown www-data:www-data /var/log/lighttpd /var/run/lighttpd
chmod 0750 /var/log/lighttpd /var/run/lighttpd

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606597: tinyhoneypot: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-10 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: tinyhoneypot
Version: 0.4.6-8
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R $NUSER:root /var/log/thpot
chmod -R o-rwX /var/log/thpot

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606608: squid: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-10 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: squid
Version: 2.7.STABLE6-2
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown $usr:$grp /var/log/squid -R

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606609: icecast2: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-10 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: icecast2
Version: 2.3.2-3
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R icecast2: /var/log/icecast2 /etc/icecast2

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606541: zabbix-server-mysql: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: zabbix-server-mysql
Version: 1.6.5-1
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown zabbix:zabbix /var/log/zabbix-server -R

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606543: clamav-freshclam: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: clamav-freshclam
Version: 0.95.2+dfsg-4
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown $dbowner:adm $FRESHCLAMLOGFILE

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606544: postgresql-common: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: postgresql-common
Version: 100
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chmod 1775 /var/log/postgresql
chown root:postgres /var/log/postgresql

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606545: polipo: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: polipo
Version: 1.0.4-1
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chmod -R 640 $LOG_DIR
chown proxy:adm $LOG_DIR
chmod 2755 $LOG_DIR

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606547: mathopd: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: mathopd
Version: 1.5p6-1
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/log/mathopd

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606548: pymsnt: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: pymsnt
Version: 0.11.3-4
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R pymsnt:adm   /var/log/pymsnt

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606549: bayonne: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: bayonne
Version: 2.3.2-3+b2
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R bayonne /var/log/bayonne

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606551: ejabberd: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: ejabberd
Version: 2.0.5-1.1
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown ejabberd:adm /var/log/ejabberd
chmod 750 /var/log/ejabberd

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606552: flumotion: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: flumotion
Version: 0.4.2-3.1
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown flumotion:adm /var/log/flumotion

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606553: conserver-server: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: conserver-server
Version: 8.1.16-3
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R conservr:adm /var/log/conserver /var/run/conserver.pid
chmod 750 /var/log/conserver
chown -R root:root /var/log/conserver /var/run/conserver.pid
chmod 750 /var/log/conserver

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606554: aolserver4: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: aolserver4
Version: 4.5.0-16.1
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R www-data:www-data $LOGDIR
chmod 755 $LOGDIR

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606555: qwik: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: qwik
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown qwik:qwik /var/log/qwik/ /var/cache/qwik/ /var/run/qwik/

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606560: pyaimt: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: pyaimt
Version: 0.8a-9
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R pyaimt:adm   /var/log/pyaimt

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606561: zabbix-agent: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: zabbix-agent
Version: 1.6.5-1
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown zabbix:zabbix /var/log/zabbix-agent -R

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606562: zabbix-server-pgsql: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: zabbix-server-pgsql
Version: 1.6.5-1
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown zabbix:zabbix /var/log/zabbix-server -R

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606563: mumble-server: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: mumble-server
Version: 1.1.8-2
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chmod 0750 /var/log/mumble-server
chown mumble-server:adm /var/log/mumble-server

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606566: cacti: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: cacti
Version: 0.8.7d-1
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chmod 0640 /var/log/cacti/rrd.log /var/log/cacti/cacti.log
chown -R www-data.www-data /var/log/cacti/

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606567: ecartis: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: ecartis
Version: 1.0.0+cvs.20030911-11
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R $UNAME:$UNAME /var/lib/ecartis /var/log/ecartis.log

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606568: cherokee: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: cherokee
Version: 0.99.20-1
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:


Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606569: couchdb: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: couchdb
Version: 0.9.0-2
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R couchdb:couchdb /var/log/couchdb
chmod -R 0770 /var/log/couchdb

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606570: privoxy: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: privoxy
Version: 3.0.12-2
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R privoxy:adm /var/log/privoxy
chmod 750 /var/log/privoxy

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606571: debtorrent: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: debtorrent
Version: 0.1.9
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R debtorrent:debtorrent /var/log/debtorrent
chmod -R 775 /var/log/debtorrent

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606572: speech-dispatcher: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: speech-dispatcher
Version: 0.6.7-4
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R $USER_NAME /var/log/speech-dispatcher

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606573: slony1-bin: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: slony1-bin
Version: 1.2.16-1
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown postgres:postgres /var/log/slony1/
chmod 2770 /var/log/slony1/

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606580: squid3: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: squid3
Version: 3.0.STABLE18-1
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R $usr:$grp $log_dir

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606581: tor: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: tor
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

find /var/log/tor \( \( ! -user debian-tor \) -o \( ! -group adm \) \) -print0 
| xargs -0 --no-run-if-empty chown debian-tor:adm
find /var/log/tor -type d -print0 | xargs -0 --no-run-if-empty chmod 02750
find /var/log/tor -type f -print0 | xargs -0 --no-run-if-empty chmod 00640

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606582: mserv: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: mserv
Version: 0.35-6.4
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R mserv:mserv /var/log/mserv/

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606583: cricket: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: cricket
Version: 1.0.5-10
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown cricket /var/lib/cricket /var/log/cricket /etc/cricket/config \

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606584: dansguardian: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: dansguardian
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown -R dansguardian:dansguardian /var/log/dansguardian
chmod -R u+wr /var/log/dansguardian
chmod u+wrx /var/log/dansguardian

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606585: sks: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: sks
Version: 1.1.0-8
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chmod -R g+rX /var/log/sks
chmodg+s  /var/log/sks
chmod -R g+rX /var/log/sks
chmodg+s  /var/log/sks

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606586: sbnc: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: sbnc
Version: 1.2-15
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown sbnc:adm /var/log/sbnc
chmod 0740 /var/log/sbnc

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#606587: epos: affected by privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate

2010-12-09 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: epos
Version: 2.5.37-8
Severity: grave
Justification: privilege escalation vulnerability
Tags: security

There was a privilege escalation vulnerability in logrotate that I reported
about four years ago and which finally got fixed in testing rouhgly one
year ago (see bug #388608). In lenny this vulnerability still exists and
logrotate's maintainer doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it,
given that nothing of substance has happened since when I last notified him
of the problem about two weeks ago.

As a proof of concept, I did successfully use it to elevate my privileges
from the postgres user to root. As it affects packages where the log
directory is writable for the package's system user, I based this mass
filing on a rough analysis of maintainer scripts, avoiding the effort
of actually installing and testing each individual package.

These lines from this package's maintainer scripts suggest that it likely
is affected by the vulnerability:

chown epos $LOG_DIR

Please note that the analysis this mass filing is based on also is
roughly a year old, and anyhow I don't recall which debian suite I based
it on at that time--as such, this report may be against the wrong version
and otherwise outdated in some details. Given how much effort I have
already needlessly put into this, I hope you have some understanding
for me not polishing this bug report.

Primarily I am filing this bug in order to allow the maintainers of
packages using logrotate to work around logrotate if they deem that

Also, you should note that the security fix in testing introduces a
regression that may also affect this package which could cause data loss
in situations where this couldn't happen before. A fix for this regression
is available to logrotate's maintainer, also still unapplied for over a
year. A mass filing against packages affected by that regression may
follow later.

For some further details please see my announcement of this mass
filing on debian-qa:


I would also suggest to use that thread for any further discussion that
is not specific to this package and possibly for coordination between
maintainers of affected packages in order to avoid duplicated efforts
where possible.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#556939: libgfshare-bin: reconstruction results in garbage

2009-11-18 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: libgfshare-bin
Version: 1.0.2-1
Severity: critical

Well, the subject basically says it all. Severity critical as even the
package description suggests using it for cryptographic keys, which
the access to large amounts of data can depend on, in which case the
inability to reconstruct the key could result in massive data loss.

Test case:

while :; do
mkdir 8ec81f75-3bc9-4b95-812d-41ca28365aad || exit 1
echo | gfsplit /dev/stdin 8ec81f75-3bc9-4b95-812d-41ca28365aad/x
rm `ls 8ec81f75-3bc9-4b95-812d-41ca28365aad/x.* | tail -2`
[ `gfcombine -o /dev/stdout 8ec81f75-3bc9-4b95-812d-41ca28365aad/x.* | 
md5sum` = '68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940  -' ]  echo OK || echo ERR
rm -rf 8ec81f75-3bc9-4b95-812d-41ca28365aad
sleep 1

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#556939: libgfshare-bin: can produce broken shares containing foo.000

2009-11-18 Thread Florian Zumbiehl

 On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 03:36:37PM +0100, Florian Zumbiehl wrote:
  Why is it randomized anyhow? Just numbering shares from 1 would produce
  more reproducible results, thus making it more likely that problems
  specific to a certain use case would get noticed before it's too late.
  It probably would be easier to use for some purposes, too, if file names
  were easier to predict.
 Randomised so that you can easily strip the numbers and place them
 elsewhere and thereby make it harder to guess the share numbers.

And that is good for what?


To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#556939: libgfshare-bin: can produce broken shares containing foo.000

2009-11-18 Thread Florian Zumbiehl

 One thing that the two failures had in common is that component x.000 was
 produced and was used to remake the share; with the default 3-of-5 setting,
 this can be expected to happen in around 2% of calls to gfsplit.

That indeed seems to fit my observations.

 The mathematics of Shamir secret sharing do not work correctly with x_i = 0,
 i.e. a component foo.000, so the library should reject any sharenrs array
 that contains 0, and the utilities should not produce such arrays. I'll
 prepare a patch this evening.

Why is it randomized anyhow? Just numbering shares from 1 would produce
more reproducible results, thus making it more likely that problems
specific to a certain use case would get noticed before it's too late.
It probably would be easier to use for some purposes, too, if file names
were easier to predict.

BTW, the command line parser is pretty much completely broken if you judge
it by the error messages it produces even for completely valid values as
per its own help output. In case you want to fix that, too ...


To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-rc-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#467518: git-core: builds defective package under umask 077

2008-02-25 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: git-core
Version: 1:
Severity: serious
Justification: no longer builds from source

Well, when starting the build from a umask 077 environment, numerous
files in the resulting package are 0600, which makes it mostly unusable.

I have not explicitly tested whether this applies to the non-backport
version, too, but I don't see any reason why that should differ for
a backported package.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers stable
  APT policy: (500, 'stable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=de_DE (charmap=ISO-8859-1)

Versions of packages git-core depends on:
ii  cpio   2.6-18GNU cpio -- a program to manage ar
ii  libc6  2.3.6.ds1-13etch5 GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libcurl3-gnutls7.15.5-1etch1 Multi-protocol file transfer libra
ii  libdigest-sha1-perl2.11-1NIST SHA-1 message digest algorith
ii  liberror-perl  0.15-8Perl module for error/exception ha
ii  libexpat1  1.95.8-3.4XML parsing C library - runtime li
ii  perl-modules   5.8.8-7etch1  Core Perl modules
ii  zlib1g 1:1.2.3-13compression library - runtime

Versions of packages git-core recommends:
ii  curl   7.15.5-1etch1 Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS, FT
ii  less   394-4 Pager program similar to more
ii  openssh-client [ssh-client 1:4.3p2-9 Secure shell client, an rlogin/rsh
ii  patch  2.5.9-4   Apply a diff file to an original
ii  rsync  2.6.9-2etch1  fast remote file copy program (lik

-- no debconf information

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#319348: hylafax-server: faxq handles faxsend exit status incorrectly

2005-07-21 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: hylafax-server
Version: 1:4.2.1-5
Severity: grave
Justification: renders package unusable

faxq processes the signal by which the faxsend process was killed as the
exit status rather than the actual exit status. For example, removing
/usr/sbin/faxsend causes these log messages:

| Jul 21 13:54:36 florz FaxQueuer[3352]: JOB 32 (active dest 9 pri 127 tts 0:00 
killtime 2:58:22): CMD START /usr/sbin/faxsend -m blah sendq/q32 (PID 3368)
| Jul 21 13:54:46 florz FaxQueuer[3352]: JOB 32 (active dest 9 pri 127 tts 0:00 
killtime 2:58:12): CMD DONE: exit status 0

... where, according to the source, 127 should be the actual exit
status. Also, when replacing the faxsend program with anything that
exits with some different status like the ones listed in
man faxsend, the log says that the exit status was 0. However, when
doing a kill of itself in that program, for example with signal 9,
the result looks like this:

| Jul 21 13:48:06 florz FaxQueuer[31262]: JOB 27 (active dest 9 pri 127 tts 
0:00 killtime 2:59:00): CMD START bin/blahfaxsend -m blah sendq/q27 (PID 2947)
| Jul 21 13:48:06 florz FaxQueuer[31262]: JOB 27 (active dest 9 pri 127 tts 
0:00 killtime 2:59:00): CMD DONE: exit status 0x9

As faxq decides by that exit status how to further process the job,
and in particular exit status 2, which won't be recognized, according
to man faxsend, indicates successful completion, I guess this makes
the package mostly unusable for anyone (yes, I indeed do wonder
why there is no bug report on this yet, which is why I even completely
reinstalled hylafax-server from a different source - the problem is
still there ...).

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 3.1
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux 2.4.31
Locale: LANG=C, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (charmap=ISO-8859-15)

Versions of packages hylafax-server depends on:
ii  debconf   Debian configuration management sy
ii  gawk [awk]   1:3.1.4-2   GNU awk, a pattern scanning and pr
ii  gs   8.01-5  Transitional package
ii  gs-gpl [gs]  8.01-5  The GPL Ghostscript PostScript int
ii  hylafax-client   1:4.2.1-5   Flexible client/server fax softwar
ii  libc62.3.2.ds1-22GNU C Library: Shared libraries an
ii  libgcc1  1:3.4.3-13  GCC support library
ii  libpam0g 0.76-22 Pluggable Authentication Modules l
ii  libstdc++5   1:3.3.5-13  The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
ii  libtiff-tools3.7.2-3 TIFF manipulation and conversion t
ii  libtiff4 3.7.2-3 Tag Image File Format (TIFF) libra
ii  mailx1:8.1.2-0.20040524cvs-4 A simple mail user agent
ii  mawk [awk]   1.3.3-11a pattern scanning and text proces
ii  mime-codecs  7.19-4  Fast Quoted-Printable and BASE64 M
ii  psmisc   21.5-1  Utilities that use the proc filesy
ii  sed  4.1.2-8 The GNU sed stream editor
ii  zlib1g   1:1.2.2-4.sarge.1   compression library - runtime

-- debconf information excluded

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Bug#319348: Acknowledgement (hylafax-server: faxq handles faxsend exit status incorrectly)

2005-07-21 Thread Florian Zumbiehl

Meanwhile, I investigated the problem a bit more and it seems that it's
mostly a matter of misleading/wrong documentation rather than an actual
major bug in the software. (1) faxq apparently completely ignores the
exit status of faxsend as long as it didn't terminate due to a signal
but instead looks at the returned:-field in the queue-file and (2) what
is written to the log is not the pure exit status but rather the whole
status integer as returned by wait().

Apart from the remaining bug that a failed exec() isn't recognized as
such, I'd suggest the following changes in order to avoid others
misunderstanding this, too:

1. in man faxsend, replace:

 faxsend returns the new job status to faxq through the exit(2) return
 value of the process


 faxsend returns the new job status through the exit(2) return value of
 the process--however, faxq ignores this and instead reads the same
 value from the returned:-filed in the queue file

2. and in man sendq:

 returned   Used internally to determine the last return value of
the send command issued for this job.


 returned   Used internally to determine the last return value of
the send command issued for this job. The faxsend program
is responsible for putting that value here, as faxq actually
ignores its exit status.

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Bug#302421: links-ssl: handles line breaks in link URLs incorrectly

2005-03-31 Thread Florian Zumbiehl
Package: links-ssl
Version: 0.96.20020409-2
Severity: grave
Tags: security
Justification: user security hole


put this into an HTML file:

a href=http://localhost:12345/blah.php#10;Host:blurgl.tld#10;X-Blub:;a/a

when using that link, links-ssl (I guess that this applies to links without
ssl, too) will generate the following request to localhost, port 12345:

| GET /blah.php
| Host:blurgl.tld
| X-Blub: HTTP/1.1
| Host: localhost:12345
| User-Agent: ELinks (0.4pre5; Linux 2.4.27 i686; 132x60)
| Accept: */*
| Connection: Keep-Alive

Apart from the fact that this shouldn't happen, I could imagine at least
this particular scenario to be used in an attack: On a sufficiently
permissive HTTP server that allows the protocol version field to be
missing and that accepts the first Host: header as the significant
one, this could lead to cookies belonging to localhost:12345 getting
into the hands of the virtual host blurgl.tld on the same server.

Cya, Florian

-- System Information
Debian Release: 3.0
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux florz 2.4.27 #3 Sat Aug 28 04:55:31 CEST 2004 i686

Versions of packages links-ssl depends on:
ii  libc6   2.2.5-11.8   GNU C Library: Shared libraries an
ii  libgpmg11.19.6-12General Purpose Mouse Library [lib
ii  liblua404.0-4Main interpreter library for the L
ii  liblualib40 4.0-4Extension library for the Lua prog
ii  libssl0.9.6 0.9.6c-2.woody.7 SSL shared libraries

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