Bug#966922: libnitrokey: FTBFS: dpkg-gensymbols: error: some symbols or patterns disappeared in the symbols file: see diff output below

2020-08-03 Thread Szczepan Zalega | Nitrokey
On 8/3/20 10:41 AM, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> (optional=templinst|arch=!amd64 !arm64 !x32)
> (optional=templinst)


As far as I see the problem comes from the listing format difference,
not the actual symbol change.

- (optional=templinst|arch=!amd64 !arm64

Best regards,

Bug#958313: libnitrokey: FTBFS on mipsel: symbol changes

2020-04-20 Thread Szczepan Zalega | Nitrokey
On 4/20/20 2:59 PM, Ivo De Decker wrote:
> package: src:libnitrokey
> version: 3.4.1-4
> severity: serious
> tags: ftbfs
> A binnmu of libnitrokey on mipsel (to bring the versions in sync for
> multiarch) failed:
> https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=libnitrokey
> Note that only mipsel was rebuilt (because the binNMU version was lower), so
> it's possible that this issue isn't limited to mipsel.


I do not have much experience in this kind of errors, but for me from
the symbols diff it looks like the change comes from building with C++17
standard set (is it not now the default for GCC?). CMake has it set to
C++14 and units are built with it as far as I see, yet the C++17
prefixed symbol is shown:

Best regards,