Reading the gdb output provided by Helge Kreutzmann, a problem related
to audiomixer::mus_handle appears so I decided to try tecnoballz
without sound. It turns out there is a command line option --nosound
for that purpose.

Running "tecnoballz --nosound" once is enough to play tecnoballz. This
command line option is not required the next times you want to run the
program. I didn't succeed to have the sound after that even if it does
not seem to be disabled in ~/.tlkgames/tecnoballz.conf.

Running tecnoballz the second time without ---nosound but with
--verbose returns this:
$ tecnoballz --verbose
                      TECNOBALLZ START
mentatCode::first_init() [START]
ressources::locateFile(/var/games/tecnoballz/tecnoballz.hi) [START]
ressources::locateFile(cosinus128.list) [START]
ressources::locateFile() try /cosinus128.list
ressources::locateFile() try /usr/share/games/tecnoballz/cosinus128.list
ressources::locateFile(/usr/share/games/tecnoballz/cosinus128.list) END
audiomixer::initialise() audio disable
I have no idea why audio is disabled but at least I can play.

kernel: 2.6.16-2-em64t-p4-smp
debian amd64 port - unstable - up to date
tecnoballz version: 0.91cvs20060612-2

Hope this helps!

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