Package: libwt-dev
Version: 3.1.10-1
Severity: serious
Usertags: 3rdparty-modules-in-cmake-root


Your package ships a cmake module in /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/, namely:


Third party packages should NOT install custom modules to CMAKE_ROOT directory 
because it is strictly for use by cmake itself and its path is subject to 
change without any notice (e.g. when CMake 2.10 is released).

You should replace Find* module with package configuration file(s). Read more 
about them at [1] and [2]. It is recommended to install <package>-config.cmake 
files to /usr/lib/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE}/cmake/<package>/, 
/usr/lib/cmake/<package>/ or /usr/share/cmake/<package>/ as needed. Support 
for ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE} was introduced in cmake 2.8.5, the rest 
requires cmake 2.6.3.


(scroll to Config mode)

Debian CMake maintainer,
Modestas Vainius <>

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