Bug#840733: e2fsprogs contains non-free file

2016-10-14 Thread Theodore Ts'o
On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 12:18:31PM +0300, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> Source: e2fsprogs
> Version: 1.43.3-1
> Severity: serious
> lib/et/test_cases/imap_err.et:
> The "for non-commercial purposes only" is a clear violation
> of clause 6 of the DFSG.

Thanks for pointing that out.  Please note that this file is **only**
used as a test case so there is absolutely no binary packages from
e2fsprogs which are derived from this particular file.

I'll remove it from the next version of e2fsprogs sources and can spin
a new tarball at that time.  Since we don't actually depend on this
file it could be easily removed from the e2fsprogs_1.43.orig.tar.gz if
someone really is concerned  but the mere existence of this
"no-commercial-use only file" I don't think will cause any legal risk
to Debian, so IMHO it's not worth doing.  However, if the FTP team
would like to do it, they are free to, of course.

   - Ted

Bug#840733: e2fsprogs contains non-free file

2016-10-14 Thread Adrian Bunk
Source: e2fsprogs
Version: 1.43.3-1
Severity: serious


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The "for non-commercial purposes only" is a clear violation
of clause 6 of the DFSG.