usertags 887602 + bsp-2018-10-de-karlsruhe
thank you


I am able to reproduce the mentioned test case crash when building dia
with freetype 2.9.1-2.

Running the test ("dia ../samples/render-test.dia --export=rt.shape")
after building, installing dia with freetype 2.9.1-2 also crashes.

Running the test after building, installing dia with freetype 2.9.1-2
and downgrading freetype to 2.8.1-2 also crashes.

Running the test after building, installing dia with freetype 2.8.1-2
does *not* crash.

Running the test after building, installing dia with freetype 2.8.1-2
and upgrading freetype to 2.9.1-2 does *not* crash.


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