:at bottom :-

On 10/03/2018, shirish शिरीष <shirisha...@gmail.com> wrote:


> As I was on MS-Windows had to resort to using a variety of softwares
> trying out rufus and other softwares. For some reason, other than
> unetbootin none of the others worked. But this was also only limited
> to the alpha build, the others just didn't even copy either using
> rufus or using unetbootin. Dunno the reason for that. Most of the logs
> were cryptic in nature so couldn't come to any specific result. The
> only thing I was able to figure out that somehow the boot loader was
> corrupted during the copy.


Just read Thomas's reply on the debian-cd mailing list specifically
https://lists.debian.org/debian-cd/2018/03/msg00003.html . Please CC
me in further correspondence in this regard as I'm not subscribed to
the list .

FWIW and FTR I did try the rufus 'dd' for all three iso images and it
failed spectacularly.

Unfortunately, I did not copy the logs of the ones which failed and
the one run which succeeded. I could retry it again on the weekend
when I have bit more of time and share the logs but as shared before,
the logs were cryptic. It didn't tell the reason why the dd to usb
failed . I also failed to see if there is a more verbose flag or
method which I could use. to have some idea as to why a failure
occurred in the first place. It only has single run logs and no
persistent logging across runs as we are used to in Debian for most of
our work.

To be precise by a single run I mean by a cycle of attempting to copy
or dd an iso image from hdd to the usb disk using software. And I did
try multiple runs (2-3 times at least)  of formatting the usb disk
(not quick format) and running the same operations with the same

I also researched a bit of the flash drive itself later after I came
back both in MS-Windows space as well as using Debian to see if the
flash drive is true or not. It turned out it was true, although was a

Using Chip genius -

Description: USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DataTraveler 3.0)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device

Protocal Version: USB 3.10
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 504mA

USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1666
Serial Number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Device Vendor: Kingston
Device Name: DataTraveler 3.0
Device Revision: 0110

Manufacturer: Kingston
Product Model: DataTraveler 3.0
Product Revision: PMAP

Controller Vendor: Phison
Controller Part-Number: PS2251-07(PS2307) - F/W 08.01.50 [2017-01-17]
Flash ID code: AD3A1803 - Hynix [TLC]

The only thing I have hid is the serial number as it's of no
consequence. I purchased the usb stick from a reputed vendor from whom
I have purchased IT equipment over the years without complaints. Did
find out it's a TLC chip
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-level_cell#Triple-level_cell but
that shouldn't be a factor as I had bought it just before going on the

We should have a similar utility in Debian to find out flash
internals. I don't know of any which does the same .

http://www.usbdev.ru/files/chipgenius/ unfortunately the page is in Russian.

While trawling also discovered this oldish article

And also read that transcend doesn't share internal chip details
unlike other vendors.

Hope it throws a bit more light.

Btw, can anybody share the unetbootin issues as I have no clue where
to search for unetbootin issues with Debian. Quite a few of my
friednds and colleagues use it to make Debian images over the years
without an issue.

Look forward to know more.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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