Bug#1050001: Unwinding directory aliasing [and 3 more messages]

2023-08-27 Thread Matthew Vernon

Dear Luca,

On 27/08/2023 03:16, Luca Boccassi wrote:


You've already been asked by a couple of people to moderate your tone in 
this thread. I appreciate there is a lot of frustration around 
/usr-merge, but your contributions are not helping with that at all. Nor 
do they help us have a constructive discussion.

The DEP-17 work continues whilst this discussion is ongoing; this 
discussion is not delaying that work.

I think it is fair to say that when ctte decided on /usr-merge it was 
expected that a) the process would be reasonably straightforward and b) 
dpkg could be taught to understand directory aliasing, so we would not 
have to be doing things "behind dpkg's back", as it were.

I think the need for a releases-long moratorium on moving files and the 
volume and depth of technical work represented by DEP17 demonstrate that 
those expectations turned out not to be met.

Given that, it seems to me that a) warnings that "it's not that simple & 
easy" were not FUD and describing them thus is unhelpful b) it's 
reasonable to at least ask the question "given what we know now, are we 
still sure this is the correct approach?"

Any such consideration must be mindful of the fact that the majority of 
Debian installs are now /usr-merged, which means that the complexity of 
unwinding such installs has to be a heavy factor in thinking about 
alternative approaches.

I'm hopeful, but not certain, that the DEP17 work will get us to a 
coherent state again by foxy (which still feels a long time off); I 
don't think we should underestimate the work to be done in properly 
completing /usr-merge.

This discussion has, I think, been broadly useful in clarifying some 
folks' thinking in this area. I would very much like if we could keep it 
focused on the technical matters.



Bug#1050001: Unwinding directory aliasing [and 3 more messages]

2023-08-27 Thread Ansgar
Hi Matthew,

On Sun, 2023-08-27 at 11:30 +0100, Matthew Vernon wrote:
> Any such consideration must be mindful of the fact that the majority of 
> Debian installs are now /usr-merged, which means that the complexity of 
> unwinding such installs has to be a heavy factor in thinking about 
> alternative approaches.

Yes, I think there are many technical challenges required before Debian
would be in a position to adopt the proposed Jackson filesystem layout.
If Debian would choose to adopt it at all (an open question).

Besides conversion, there is also the telemetry service that seems to
be required to safely move to the proposed layout (AFAIK no alternative
to this has been proposed yet).  I'm not sure if there is already any
work done on the path by the proposers?

I'm also still missing an overview what the Jackson layout's advantages
over the existing filesystem layout (merged-/usr) or the 2000's layout
is (split-/usr).  As far as I can tell it combines the disadvantages of
both with much additional work required to get to it; I don't really
see any advantage so far (besides "our tools can't handle anything
else", but in practice it seems to work fine, and of course avoiding
stuff associated with a certain company which I understand is a goal in
itself for some people)...

I would appreciate a list of technical and ideological reasons why
switching to the Jackson layout is important for Debian.


Bug#1050001: Unwinding directory aliasing [and 3 more messages]

2023-08-27 Thread Helmut Grohne
Hi Ian,

On Sat, Aug 26, 2023 at 11:24:33AM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Helmut Grohne writes ("Bug#1050001: Unwinding directory aliasing"):
> > On Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 05:04:36PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > > And, the approach being taken very seriously privileges Debian itself,
> > > and those well-staffed derivatives able to do the necessary transition
> > > auditing (albeit, indeed, with tooling from Debian).  I am
> > > firmly ideologically opposed to such a tradeoff.
> > 
> > I have difficulties disagreeing with that. Getting this done is more
> > important to me though.
> I have hoisted this to the start of the mail.  I think it is a hugely
> important point.
> Debian is not simply a technical project trying to thread its way in a
> complicated world.  Debian is an ideological project.  At its best,
> Debian is the infrastructrure that enables vast swathes of people to
> massively enhance their own technological autonomy.  Many of our most
> controversial decisions served this goal, and stood the test of time.
> That's why *I'm* involved in Debian.  Our technical choices should
> serve those goals, always.
> (To an extent, this divergence in goals may explain why at times our
> comments have been talking slightly past each other.)

I think I understand this and it resonates with me, but there are limits
to that. I don't think that Debian is that technological leader that you
perceive it to be. I hoped that other distributions would adopt the
multiarch directory layout to regain compatibility with Debian and none
did even though there is a clear, technical advantage to doing this.
Debian does not exist in isolation. It is dependent on a lot of
upstreams and in order for that relationship to be healthy, there needs
to be cooperation.

> If you want to think about it on more practical (or even, selfish)
> level, we want Debian to continue to be the preferred choice, when
> someone is choosing an upstream.  We didn't get where we are today by
> following bad technical decisions made by others.

In the grand theme of things, the aliasing symlinks may be a suboptimal
technical approach. Please keep in mind though, that this change in
large parts is about people rather than something deeply technical.
After we stopped supporting booting without /usr being mounted in the
initramfs, the split between / and /usr was effectively random and stuff
was moving back and forth every so often and inconsistent between
different distributions or releases. I still remember iptables being an
annoying instance in this regard. So leaving technical aspects aside,
having large parts of the open source community agree on having those
aliasing symlinks already is a significant benefit even if it has
technical downsides.

In order to prefer Debian over something else, we want it to be similar
enough to make switching feasible while making it differ from others
enough to make switching worthwhile. Not having aliasing symlinks hardly
seems like an aspect that makes Debian more suitable to people. I guess
that you disagree with this and that is fine.

> This is indeed a plausible practical reason to do it the aliased way.
> >From my point of view, it amounts to saying "everyone else has made
> this mistake, so to be compatible, we must too".

I wouldn't say it that way, but it comes quite close.

> But I think that seriously underestimates our influence.  Debian
> derivatives make up well over half of all Linux installations.
> They're the default basis for most CI images.  If we decide this was a
> failed experiment, then indeed there will be some pain for a while,
> but fairly soon people will stop making this assumption.

Quite evidently, we judge this differently. The two of us value the
benefit of the end states differently and the cost to getting to each of
them. Therefore we arrive at different conclusions.

> I don't like the phrase "symlink farm" because it suggests that all,
> most, or even a substantial minority, of files have these symlinks.
> True, at the start, there will be at least a symlink allotment
> but I'm hoping that in the end it'll be a symlink flowerbed.

Let me suggest that this is wishful thinking. It's not only me saying
this, but you can read this from other responses as well. I encourage
you to use codesearch.d.n to see how your flowerbed really is a farm.
Let me give some examples to get you started:
 libreoffice -> /bin/python
 ghostscript, imagemagick, mesa -> /bin/env
 bind9, manpages, net-snmp, qtbase-opensource-src -> /bin/perl

So I see that we either get a symlink farm or we get to include a lot of
Debian-specific patches or we get to argue with a lot of upstreams about
something that may seem entirely pointless to them. In any of these
cases, I consider that a significant cost.

> But pushing ahead won't lead to such a state.  As I say, I think
> people will keep introducing new references to files by their
> non-physical names, and we'll keep getting lossage, essentially
> forev

Bug#1050001: Unwinding directory aliasing [and 3 more messages]

2023-08-27 Thread Sam Hartman

TL;DR: I think I understand one of Ian's points.  I explain, but do not
believe it is compelling as an argument to switch direction.

> "Helmut" == Helmut Grohne  writes:
>> I think "package management" is the wrong term here.  It's not
>> just our tools and packages that are affected.  All forms of
>> operating system management are affected: anything that changes
>> the software, and not just its configuration.
>> Affected tooling includes not just our .debs, but also remote
>> configuration management systems like Ansible, image construction
>> (Dockerfiles), and 3rd-party software installation progrmas
>> (including both 3rd-party .debs and 3rd-party script-based
>> installation systems).

Helmut> I don't follow the reasoning. Much of the tasks you'd carry
Helmut> out with (wlog) ansible - even when updating files - will
Helmut> continue to work in the aliasing layout. The reason that
Helmut> dpkg is more affected is that it has an inventory of files
Helmut> and reasons about their ownership in terms of
Helmut> packages. That's not how any kind of configuration
Helmut> management operates.  If you just "make install" something,
Helmut> chances are that it'll just work with an aliasing layout
Helmut> even when installing with --prefix=/. I continue to argue
Helmut> that the problems we are seeing are quite specific to dpkg
Helmut> in large parts.

I spent some time with Ian's paragraph you quote above trying to
understand it, and I think I got somewhere.
I considered replying yesterday but decided against, because I think we
are already seeing these effects, and have been seeing them long enough
that  we would  have a good feel for how serious the problems are.

I do think that configuration management does have enough of an
inventory of files and reasoning about structure that some of these
problems could arise.  I agree that configuration management does not
typically reason in terms of packages.

But mechanisms like

* ADD/COPY in Containerfile

* The rsync module in ansible
* The file module in Ansible

* various inventories related to modification detection in
configuration management do  reason about the filesystem.

I don't know what would happen if I did

hosts: lots
remote_user: root
name: Does this shoot me in the foot
  - rsync: src=install_root dest=/

where install_root has a bin directory containing a couple of scripts.
I don't know if rsync will replace a symlink with a directory, or will
just write through the symlink in that situation.
If rsync happens to write through the symlink, there's probably some
other tool somewhere else thatreplaces the symlink.
And when an admin does that, they get an unbootable system, and fix
their playbook/whatever.

Similarly, I bet someone somewhere has integrity management scripts that
want to look at what pam modules are installed under /lib/security, and
depending on how it worked,
they had to adjust the config when that moved to
/lib/security/x86_64-linux-gnu and then again some of them had to adjust
when /lib became a symlink.  And they were probably frustrated during
the time when new installs had /lib as a symlink and upgrades did not.

Similarly, I bet you can run into trouble with apparmor profiles if you
try to profile /bin/python rather than /usr/bin/python or similar.

I bet people who had custom selinux policies had to adjust their
labeling rules and again some of them probably found the mixed state
where upgraded systems behaved differently than installed systems

I seem to recall having to make some minor adjustments at my day job
related to usrmerge back in the buster/bullseye time frame.
I don't remember what they were.

I think we've already committed to this pain, and I think we have enough
of a window into that commitment that it doesn't seem to be very much
I mean spread across all our users, yes people have had to spend
hundreds or thousands of hours dealing with this.
But that's true with any upgrade.

If we move back--if we unwind--things would get much much worse  WRT
this type of pain for a while.
I think many more things would be sensitive to /bin/perl being a symlink
than to /bin being a symlink.
You could get into situations where /usr/bin/perl and /bin/perl were
both files and differed.
You could get into situations where /bin/perl vanished on one system.

And if we actually try to have a symlink flower patch rather than a
symlink farm, we are left with the pain of where things live differing
between distributions and releases in a distribution.

Mostly all we have left is the dpkg database.
That pain will only affect people producing debs, which isn't just us.
And yes, it will dis proportionally affect people who don't have our
infrastructure and the ability to catch problems.  Perhaps we should
think about ways to mitigate that.

There will be other smaller pains; if someone else had a system like

Bug#1050001: Unwinding directory aliasing [and 3 more messages]

2023-08-27 Thread Luca Boccassi
On Sun, 27 Aug 2023 at 18:03, Sam Hartman  wrote:
> TL;DR: I think I understand one of Ian's points.  I explain, but do not
> believe it is compelling as an argument to switch direction.
> > "Helmut" == Helmut Grohne  writes:
> >> I think "package management" is the wrong term here.  It's not
> >> just our tools and packages that are affected.  All forms of
> >> operating system management are affected: anything that changes
> >> the software, and not just its configuration.
> >>
> >> Affected tooling includes not just our .debs, but also remote
> >> configuration management systems like Ansible, image construction
> >> (Dockerfiles), and 3rd-party software installation progrmas
> >> (including both 3rd-party .debs and 3rd-party script-based
> >> installation systems).
> Helmut> I don't follow the reasoning. Much of the tasks you'd carry
> Helmut> out with (wlog) ansible - even when updating files - will
> Helmut> continue to work in the aliasing layout. The reason that
> Helmut> dpkg is more affected is that it has an inventory of files
> Helmut> and reasons about their ownership in terms of
> Helmut> packages. That's not how any kind of configuration
> Helmut> management operates.  If you just "make install" something,
> Helmut> chances are that it'll just work with an aliasing layout
> Helmut> even when installing with --prefix=/. I continue to argue
> Helmut> that the problems we are seeing are quite specific to dpkg
> Helmut> in large parts.
> I spent some time with Ian's paragraph you quote above trying to
> understand it, and I think I got somewhere.
> I considered replying yesterday but decided against, because I think we
> are already seeing these effects, and have been seeing them long enough
> that  we would  have a good feel for how serious the problems are.
> I do think that configuration management does have enough of an
> inventory of files and reasoning about structure that some of these
> problems could arise.  I agree that configuration management does not
> typically reason in terms of packages.
> But mechanisms like
> * ADD/COPY in Containerfile
> * The rsync module in ansible
> * The file module in Ansible
> * various inventories related to modification detection in
> configuration management do  reason about the filesystem.
> I don't know what would happen if I did
> hosts: lots
> remote_user: root
> name: Does this shoot me in the foot
> tasks:
>   - rsync: src=install_root dest=/
> where install_root has a bin directory containing a couple of scripts.
> I don't know if rsync will replace a symlink with a directory, or will
> just write through the symlink in that situation.
> If rsync happens to write through the symlink, there's probably some
> other tool somewhere else thatreplaces the symlink.
> And when an admin does that, they get an unbootable system, and fix
> their playbook/whatever.
> Similarly, I bet someone somewhere has integrity management scripts that
> want to look at what pam modules are installed under /lib/security, and
> depending on how it worked,
> they had to adjust the config when that moved to
> /lib/security/x86_64-linux-gnu and then again some of them had to adjust
> when /lib became a symlink.  And they were probably frustrated during
> the time when new installs had /lib as a symlink and upgrades did not.
> Similarly, I bet you can run into trouble with apparmor profiles if you
> try to profile /bin/python rather than /usr/bin/python or similar.
> I bet people who had custom selinux policies had to adjust their
> labeling rules and again some of them probably found the mixed state
> where upgraded systems behaved differently than installed systems
> frustrating.

AppArmor, SELinux, Ansible, Chef, Puppet and whatnot all exist and are
used on all distributions. Such distributions have install bases
vastly higher in numbers than Debian, and have adopted the usrmerged
layout a decade ago or so. Is there any evidence of AppArmor, SELinux,
Ansible, Chef, Puppet and whatnot breaking catastrophically as a
Speculating about what might or might not happen with future events is
all good and well, but this is in the past. These things either all
broke and suddenly became unusable on Arch, Fedora, CentOS, RHEL,
Alma, Rocky, SUSE, Mandriva, Yocto, Ubuntu and so on, or they did not.
If there's no evidence they did, then it's not even worth mentioning
or discussing, it's all moot.

> I seem to recall having to make some minor adjustments at my day job
> related to usrmerge back in the buster/bullseye time frame.
> I don't remember what they were.

This is much more likely to be closer to reality. As with any change
or upgrade, there's some minor adjustment here or there, that most
won't even remember about after a while given how trivial it is. I
certainly do not remember all the changes I've had to do to software I
maintain when switch

Bug#1050001: Unwinding directory aliasing [and 3 more messages]

2023-08-27 Thread Luca Boccassi
On Sun, 27 Aug 2023 at 11:30, Matthew Vernon  wrote:
> Dear Luca,
> On 27/08/2023 03:16, Luca Boccassi wrote:
> [things]
> You've already been asked by a couple of people to moderate your tone in
> this thread. I appreciate there is a lot of frustration around
> /usr-merge, but your contributions are not helping with that at all. Nor
> do they help us have a constructive discussion.

Constructive discussions about past events need to be based on facts
and evidence. Both are conspicuously absent from the bug submitter's
messages. Without any of that, there was never any possibility that
this bug could be in any way constructive since the  moment it was
opened, long before I first replied.

> The DEP-17 work continues whilst this discussion is ongoing; this
> discussion is not delaying that work.
> I think it is fair to say that when ctte decided on /usr-merge it was
> expected that a) the process would be reasonably straightforward and b)
> dpkg could be taught to understand directory aliasing, so we would not
> have to be doing things "behind dpkg's back", as it were.

Sure, but then it turned out that package maintainers are not only
allowed to ignore the CTTE and its formal decisions, but can also
actively block them in their packages. How could responsibility of
that be assigned to anybody but those who chose to do that completely
eludes me - and yet, that's exactly what the bug submitter does.

> I think the need for a releases-long moratorium on moving files and the
> volume and depth of technical work represented by DEP17 demonstrate that
> those expectations turned out not to be met.
> Given that, it seems to me that a) warnings that "it's not that simple &
> easy" were not FUD and describing them thus is unhelpful b) it's
> reasonable to at least ask the question "given what we know now, are we
> still sure this is the correct approach?"

a) except that warnings weren't as mild and meek as "it's not that
simple", we were clearly told everything would break left and right,
and yet that didn't happen. Sure, dpkg has annoying bugs that need
workarounds, but that's hardly surprising given its situation. But
these are all packaging-only issues that affect some distribution
maintainers for some package builds and maintenance tasks, and that's
about it. No installation is affected. No user is affected. No
external/third party developer is affected. So, yes, all of that was
and still is FUD.
b) no, in August 2023 it is very much not reasonable, and no fully
informed and evidence-based good faith discussion would ever ask
something like that. The reasonable questions to ask in August 2023
are along the lines of "what's the best way to work around those dpkg
bugs and lift the moratorium?", which is what we are doing in actual
good faith discussions elsewhere, with very productive results.

> Any such consideration must be mindful of the fact that the majority of
> Debian installs are now /usr-merged, which means that the complexity of
> unwinding such installs has to be a heavy factor in thinking about
> alternative approaches.
> I'm hopeful, but not certain, that the DEP17 work will get us to a
> coherent state again by foxy (which still feels a long time off); I
> don't think we should underestimate the work to be done in properly
> completing /usr-merge.
> This discussion has, I think, been broadly useful in clarifying some
> folks' thinking in this area. I would very much like if we could keep it
> focused on the technical matters.

I honestly cannot see how there can be any useful technical discussion
about a completely evidence-free proposal to move to a symlinks-farm
layout in 2023, with all the already well-known wider context that has
been explained multiple times. The useful and productive and
high-quality technical discussions are happening elsewhere.