shells (was Re: IP-aliasing)

1996-08-12 Thread Craig Sanders

On Tue, 6 Aug 1996, Emilio Lopes wrote:

  CS == Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 CS I'd like to see a bourne-like shell with perl-like regexp stuff
 CS (mainly sed  grep) built in - i'd switch to that in a flash.
 People may say it's called ksh93. IMHO, it may seem somewhat
 interesting, but I really don't like it. Look likes tcl... :-)

zsh seems to have some of these features.

see for full details, but this looks useful:

and a substitution modifier: 

% echo $name:s/foo/bar/
% ls
% for i in foo.*; mv $i $i:s/foo/bar/
% ls

it's only simple substitution, though.  no regexp.

(siva-cas) ~$ zsh
% echo $fred

lets try a regexp subsitution ala sed:
% echo $fred:s/\(...\).\(...\).\(...\)/\3\2\1/
ok.  that obviously doesn't work.  lets try a different format:
% echo $fred:s/(...).(...).(...)/\3\2\1/

you can string together multiple substitions, though:
% echo $fred:s/abc/111/   
% echo $fred:s/abc/111/:s/xyz/222/
% echo $fred:s/abc/111/:s/xyz/222/:s/zzz/333/

zsh looks like it's got nice stuff out of sh/bash, ksh, and csh.

looks useful, but it doesn't get eliminate the need to fork sed and

hmmm...the substitution facility could be useful for standardising
responses in a case statement:

read yesno
case $yesno:l:s/yes/y/:s/no/n/ in
  y) do_yes ;; 
  n) do_no ;;
  *) do_error ;;

it's probably too non-standard to use for debian.{pre,post}{rm,inst} scripts
but i might switch to it for my personal use.

debiandoc-sgml 1.0.3: actually formats documents

1996-08-12 Thread Ian Jackson
Grr, I screwed up the SGML entity catalogue handling so the last
version wouldn't work at all unless you happened to be in a directory
with a few particular files.


Format: 1.5
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 1996 02:30:24 +0100
Source: debiandoc-sgml
Binary: debiandoc-sgml
Architecture: source all
Version: 1.0.3
Distribution: experimental
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ian Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 debiandoc-sgml - Documentation formatting for Debian manuals
 debiandoc-sgml (1.0.3) experimental; urgency=low
   * Converters work again.  Oops.
   * Lout (and hence PostScript) more space at end of compact list.
   * Minor markup manual improvements.
 e51b564a6ea92ec2295491a501f50076 555 text optional debiandoc-sgml_1.0.3.dsc
 05d299378bbbf29cdf0c406c36407df4 30842 text optional 
 da10dbdb218d5474048863c172459bc1 22106 text optional 

Version: 2.6.2i


Re: Conversion procedure for new source packages DRAFT

1996-08-12 Thread Ian Jackson
I wrote:
 This is my first draft of a quick document saying how to convert an
 old to a new source package.
 DO NOT DO ANYTHING YET except read this and suggest amendments.

I've thought of something to add to this list:
 * Check that the description is well-formatted and meaningful and
   helpful to people wanting to know whether to install a package.

Should I put all of this in an appendix to the policy manual ?


Re: Emacs per-package startup files

1996-08-12 Thread Ian Jackson
Brian C. White writes (Re: Emacs per-package startup files):
  So, do these files go in /var/lib/emacs, /etc/emacs, or
  /usr/lib/emacs/site-lisp, and why?  I can set it up and send changes
  to the emacs package maintainers this weekend if that gets worked
 I'd vote for /usr/lib/emacs/site-lisp.  Why?  Because /var/lib/emacs
 is for files that can't be on a read-only filesystem and /etc/emacs is
 for user config files and the like.

/usr/lib/emacs/site-lisp is for something entirely different.  It's
for the main lisp files (modes or whatever) that a package installs.

/var/lib is obviously wrong, as the files aren't changed in normal

The files need to be conffiles so that the sysadmin can modify their
behaviour, remove them, c, and have their changes respected.  So it
needs to be in /etc.


Bug#3952: Less annoyances

1996-08-12 Thread Chris Fearnley
'Christoph Lameter wrote:'

A wish because of the heavy usage of gzipped files under debian:

- Add functionality for less to automatically recognize a gzipped file
and view it correctly without having to resort to zless.

I have code for that (or you can use most):

First set some environment variables in .bash_profile or /etc/profile:
export %s %s %s

Then somewhere in $PATH put and
$ cat /usr/local/bin/ 

rm $2
$ cat /usr/local/bin/ 

# When the environment variable LESSOPEN is set to refer to this file
# (e.g., %s), one can do several interesting
# things with pipes (see less(1) for details).  Namely,
# 1. view any gzipped or compressed file(s) anywhere in the filesystem with
#the simple command less filename(s).  And you can use less' multiple
#file searching and bookmark facilities on the gzipped files!
# 2. view a list of compressed and uncompressed files from the same
#command prompt (using all of less' multiple file features).
# 3. zcat file.gz | less still works.
if [ $1 != - ]; then  # $1 = - when we are reading standard input
   gzip -t $1  /dev/null
   if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Is it compressed?
  zcat $1  /tmp/$$.`basename $1`  # Use basename for files in
  echo /tmp/$$.`basename $1`   #   other directories
exit 0

Christopher J. Fearnley|Linux/Internet Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |UNIX SIG Leader at PACS |(Philadelphia Area Computer Society)|Design Science Revolutionary
Dare to be Naive -- Bucky Fuller |Explorer in Universe

Re: des encryption..

1996-08-12 Thread Ian Jackson
Yves Arrouye writes (Re: des encryption.. ):
 Ian Jackson writes:
   Also I propose to mandate in the policy manual that packages which use
   /opt should provide appropriate links or files in
   /opt/{bin,lib,man,include,info,doc} and that packages which search
   paths must look in /opt too.  Comments ?  (And see the recent
   FSSTND/FHS work on /opt - it's deliberately very vague.)
 Should we put /opt/bin before or after /usr/bin by default? (I'd suggest

After, because it will be larger, and because it makes it harder for
an /opt package to accidentally cause problems ?

The sysadmin can always use /usr/local to change which one is run if
they want some different arrangement locally.


Bug#4107: emacs leaves stale lockfiles and publishes pathnames

1996-08-12 Thread Ian Jackson
Package: emacs
Version: 19.29-3

My /var/lib/emacs/lock directory contains many old lock files.

I'm quite happy to believe that the occasional leftover lock is
unavoidable, but steps should be taken to clean them up.

Furthermore, all the pathnames for the lockfiles are world-readable.
This is not what one would expect, and confidential information is not
infrequently present in filenames.  The best solution might be to put
the filename or other information about the file through a
cryptographically strong one-way function (eg SHA-1 or MD5) and only
include the filename in the file itself (which should be readable
only by owner).

I don't think all the files should be world-writeable, either.


Re: Caldera's lawsuit against Microsoft

1996-08-12 Thread Bruce Perens
From: Ian Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm just posting here on what's really an irrelevant topic to say that
 I think it's a very good thing that someone is challenging Microsoft.

The terms of the suit require MS to give _Caldera_ details of APIs. Not
the general public, just Caldera. MS can still keep them under non-disclosure,
and Caldera would have to honor the terms of an NDA approved by the court.

So, I'm not sure this does a thing for people who write free software.


Re: Debian, Linux, the FSSTND, the FHS and BSD

1996-08-12 Thread Bruce Perens
From: Ian Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I lost this argument, chiefly through a combination of poor politics
 on my part


Don't feel bad that you're not good at politics yet - with my 39th
birthday approaching I'm only just beginning to understand it. If you
feel you've lost arguments through poor politics rather than through
any fault in your logic, it's probably appropriate for us to put
someone on the FHS who can maintain the necessary _distance_ required
for this sort of argument. We value your services tremendously, and
would be happy to see you spend more time on your thesis, dpkg/dselect,

 ...with which I have very strong disagreements:
  * The mail spool, /var/spool/mail, is moved to /var/mail.
  * /var/lib is renamed to /var/state (yes, all of it).
  * /var/lib/games is moved to /var/games.
  * A new directory /usr/libexec is created to hold command binaries
   used only internally by programs - these are to be moved from
   /usr/lib and in some cases /usr/sbin.  Oddly there is no
   corresponding /libexec directory.

I'd be inclined to live with it. We can do the usual symbolic link
hacks for Debian 1.2 to help ease the transition, and remove them for
1.3 . You can sum up anything else you disagree with for us on
debian-devel. I will hear argument and set Debian's position on the
standard. At the very worst, we would make a partial acceptance and
produce a compliance statement that details any areas in which we
depart from the standard.

Thanks for working on this. I'm sorry, I didn't know you had such a
depth of emotional involvement in it.

Bruce Perens
Debian Project Leader

Re: Documentation formats

1996-08-12 Thread Bruce Perens
From: Ian Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The thing is that I think we need to be able to distribute other
 [documentation] end-products [than HTML].
 HTML is bad for printing, for example, and not ideal
 if you have a slow machine. Choice is a good thing.

Do you have a proposal? I'm not trying to exclude other formats,
but I'm trying to arrive at a common denominator, even if it
has its detriments.

I'm not sure I agree with the slow machine part. That seems to be



Re: New package standards - LAST CALL

1996-08-12 Thread Bruce Perens
 If they don't react [to the request to convert to the new source package]
 in say 2 weeks, someone else can do it (I'll take some) like David did
 during the transition from a.out to ELF.

Thanks for volunteering! Please make sure to merge the multi-architecture
patches while you do that.

 would it be possible to look for an additional architecture
 dependant patch? For example, if you have

I strongly prefer only one patch per package. I'd prefer the
architecture-specific stuff to be in the one main patch, with ifdefs, etc.
if necessary. One reason is that there is rarely a patch to user code
that is necessary for only _one_ architecture. Either it's word-size,
or endian-ness, or something else that is going to be necessary for
ultra-sparc as well as alpha, etc.

A second reason is that it's nice for the packager to be able to see all
of the Debian changes at once. Otherwise, it would be too easy to make
incompatible changes that are only caught when we go to build on the
architecture that has its own patches.



Re: New package standards - LAST CALL

1996-08-12 Thread Bruce Perens
Ian Jackson:
 Therefore I propose that unless someone raises a serious problem or
 issue within the next week or two the new packaging guidelines as
 described in the draft dpkg programmers' manual, the draft Debian
 policy manual and as implemented by dpkg 1.3.x, will become official.

I delegate fiat power to you for the issue of the source package format.
Make it final when you feel it's ready.



Bug#4118: xosview doesn't use XUSERFILESEARCHPATH

1996-08-12 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: xosview
Version: 1.3.2-6

The program doesn't access the directories listed in
XUSERFILESEARCHPATH but it does read the default file
in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults.

Re: Debian, Linux, the FSSTND, the FHS and BSD

1996-08-12 Thread Michael Meskes
Ian Jackson writes:
 The latest draft FHS, which they may well publish as it stands, makes
 the following changes with which I have very strong disagreements:
  * The mail spool, /var/spool/mail, is moved to /var/mail.
  * /var/lib is renamed to /var/state (yes, all of it).
  * /var/lib/games is moved to /var/games.

I don't like either of these and IMO we shouldn't change. At least not in
the near future.

  * A new directory /usr/libexec is created to hold command binaries
   used only internally by programs - these are to be moved from
   /usr/lib and in some cases /usr/sbin.  Oddly there is no
   corresponding /libexec directory.

Sounds like a good idea for me. Since you once lobbied for this dir, why
don't you like it now?

 The two good changes that I see are (and they are not minor):
  * /usr/share exists and is defined.
  * /opt exists and is defined.

Sounds okay, too. 

Couldn't we make only the changes we like?


Michael Meskes   |_  __  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   / ___// / // / / __ \___  __
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   \__ \/ /_  / // /_/ /_/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|  ___/ / __/ /__  __/\__, /  __/ /  (__  )
Use Debian Linux!| //_/  /_/  //\___/_/  //

Bug#3961: 14 character file name limit in zoo

1996-08-12 Thread Martin Schulze
Good morning Carl!

}Package: zoo
}Version: 2.10-1
}Zoo seems to have some 14 character filename limits, even though the ext2
}filesystem doesn't have such a limit.  I can store long filenames, but
}an extract seems to truncate the name at 14 characters.  I have an a.out
}version that doesn't seem to have the same problem, but I am not sure
}if I had compiled it, or had gotten it from a very old slackware install.

As zoo comes from DOS I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to
support long filenames.



  / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
/  Never trust an operating system you don't have source for!  /

Bug#4118: xosview doesn't use XUSERFILESEARCHPATH

1996-08-12 Thread joost witteveen
 Package: xosview
 Version: 1.3.2-6
 The program doesn't access the directories listed in
 XUSERFILESEARCHPATH but it does read the default file
 in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults.

I know, it's a horrible programme, isn't it.

Any suggestions about what I can do about this -- it's really
not just what paths it searches, it's also how it parses the
appdefauls files (all manually).

So if you've got any better ideas, I'd like to close this bug.

But thanks for the bug-report anyway, it's nice to know
people use xosview.

joost witteveen
Use Debian/GNU Linux!

Bug#3185: NCR SCSI 810 support lacking in bootdisks

1996-08-12 Thread Martin Schulze
Good morning pieterb!

}I came to the same conclusion while upgrading my Linux system to
}Debian 1.1.2. I also must say that the special-kernel directory in the 
}directory is a mess in most ftp directories (even in 
}Can you send me info if NCR SCSI 810 support is ready in a Debian

Both aha 2940 and NCR 810 are not supported by Debian bootdisks.  I
was in the same situation and created a special bootdisk, you might
want to use it, too.  You'll find it in

There are only modules missing, just skip that section.



  / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
/  Never trust an operating system you don't have source for!  /

Bug#4049: access permissions for sysklogd

1996-08-12 Thread Martin Schulze
Good morning Daniel!

}/sbin/klogd and /sbin/syslogd should be 755.

Why? I don't see any reason they should be executable by everyone.  I
have copied those permissions from my predecessor and I agree to them.

}/usr/doc/sysklogd should be 644.

Oups, sure. Will be fixed.



  / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
/  Never trust an operating system you don't have source for!  /

Re: Releases other than by the package maintainert

1996-08-12 Thread branderh
  (b) that the non-usual-maintainer releases should use a particular
  revision format: eg, hello-1.3-8 would become hello-1.3-8.1.

Seems very right to me.  But I would like to add the following to it.

When mainstream is updated, hello-1.3 - hello-1.4
Non-usual-maintainer updates, hello-1.3-8 - hello-1.4-0.1
Usual-maintainer updates, hello-1.3-8 - hello-1.4-1

Usual-maintainer should never use -0 for revisions.
And if we agree on this, it should be mandated in the manual.


sorry for cc

Re: sysv `news' package is unclear

1996-08-12 Thread Dominik Kubla

No, i mean sysnews. For two reasons:

a) it is not sysv specific (you will find it on *bsd as well)

b) thats how the package used to be called before i renamed it to news


Re: New package standards - LAST CALL

1996-08-12 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
You (Bruce Perens) wrote:
  If they don't react [to the request to convert to the new source package]
  in say 2 weeks, someone else can do it (I'll take some) like David did
  during the transition from a.out to ELF.
 Thanks for volunteering! Please make sure to merge the multi-architecture
 patches while you do that.

Why do you think I'm volunteering :) I have ported all the base packages
to Debian/Alpha and there are a lot of diffs to merge in anyway. It's
probably easier for me to repackage everything and upload it then to
get all the maintainers to accept my patches. Well faster anyway.
As an added bonus all these packages then have GNU libc support so when
libc6 comes out for the i386 it will be just a matter of recompiling.

Expect the first Debian/Alpha machine on the net later today or tomorrow !

  Miquel van| Cistron Internet Services   --Alphen aan den Rijn.
  Smoorenburg,  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Tel: +31-172-419445 (Voice) 430979 (Fax) 442580 (Data)

Bug#3961: 14 character file name limit in zoo

1996-08-12 Thread branderh
 As zoo comes from DOS I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to
 support long filenames.

If this is a valid argument for you you might restrict to 8.3 .


Re: Debian, Linux, the FSSTND, the FHS and BSD

1996-08-12 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
You (Michael Meskes) wrote:
 Ian Jackson writes:
  The latest draft FHS, which they may well publish as it stands, makes
  the following changes with which I have very strong disagreements:
   * The mail spool, /var/spool/mail, is moved to /var/mail.
   * /var/lib is renamed to /var/state (yes, all of it).
   * /var/lib/games is moved to /var/games.
 I don't like either of these and IMO we shouldn't change. At least not in
 the near future.

We could ofcourse put in some symlinks (/var/state - /var/lib, etc). Just
three of 'em and we'd be compliant :). One problem I see, one way or the other,
is how is dpkg going to deal with this? I understand it has some trouble
with files in symlinked directories or is that solved now?

BTW. I'd prefer going along with the FSSTND at the moment that other
distributions do it too. Can't we just wait and see what RedHat and others
do? Even better, can't we discuss this with them (hmm Eric Troan isn't
on this list is he :)).

  Miquel van| Cistron Internet Services   --Alphen aan den Rijn.
  Smoorenburg,  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Tel: +31-172-419445 (Voice) 430979 (Fax) 442580 (Data)


1996-08-12 Thread Michael Meskes

Date: 12 Aug 96 10:47 UT
Format: 1.6
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: Low
Maintainer: Michael Meskes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Source: modules
Version: 2.0.0-8
Binary:  modules
Architecture:  i386 source
 modules: Linux module utilities.
 modules (2.0.0-8) base; urgency=HIGH
* Make depmod work again (Bug#4095)
 61cf69e4e8d118d137ba7bf3f4327916  111725  base  -  modules_2.0.0-8.tar.gz
 4bf9c38f7090d806cdfd7c5420fd7a3e  9590  base  -  modules_2.0.0-8.diff.gz
 40efc460401ca8e8f2460b6f47e2288e  77514  base  required  

Version: 2.6.2i


Michael Meskes   |_  __  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   / ___// / // / / __ \___  __
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   \__ \/ /_  / // /_/ /_/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|  ___/ / __/ /__  __/\__, /  __/ /  (__  )
Use Debian Linux!| //_/  /_/  //\___/_/  //

Shared library dependencies revisited

1996-08-12 Thread Ian Jackson
Please read the proposal below and comment on it.  If noone says
anything I'll probably implement and mandate something very like it in
the next week or two, in time for the new source package format (we
only want to change this once).  Now is the time to have your say.

I've been thinking about shared library dependencies some more and
have come to the conclusion that the current scheme is not good
enough.  As the new source format spec stands every package which
depends on a shared library must have hardcoded into the
debian/control which shared libraries are involved - the names and
version numbers of the packages must be entered manually into the
Depends or Recommends fields.

This will mean, amongst other things, that when we move to libc6 we
won't just be able to recompile the packages - we'll have to edit the
control files too.  This is already causing the alpha people problems
because their libcs are different.

I propose the following arrangement (if you don't understand things
you should read dpkg-source(1) and the relevant parts of the new
programmers' manual):

Every package which contains compiled binaries invokes, in its
debian/rules, a program which automatically determines what the
dependencies are.  Eg,
  dpkg-shlibdeps -fPre-Depends main/dpkg dselect/dselect
This produces on stdout something like
  shlib-Pre-Depends=libc5 (= 5.2.18-2), ncurses3.0 (= 1.9.9e-1)
(The -fpre-depends option can be -fDepends, -fRecommends or even
-fSuggests to specify a particular level of dependency, and
-f... options can be mixed with binary arguments).

The debian/rules puts the output in debian/substvars.  Then when it
runs dpkg-gencontrol the main source control file can say:
  Source: dpkg

  Package: dpkg
  Pre-Depends: ${shlib-Pre-Depends}

The dpkg-shlibdeps program works as follows: it runs ldd on the binary
in question, finding out which libraries are being loaded.  It uses
dpkg --search to find which packages they are in.  It then looks in a
file provided by that package to find out what the dependency name
ought to be (for example, is in xlib but the dependency
name should be elf-x11r6lib) and what version is required to make not complain.  The file has lines looking like dependency
eg   elf-x11r6lib libc5 (= 5.2.18-2)

I'm not sure where to put the package-provided file.  Three
possibilities come to mind:
 * /etc/dpkg/shlibs/package
 * /usr/lib/dpkg/shlibs/package
 * /var/lib/dpkg/info/package.shlibs (came from DEBIAN/shlibs)

/etc has the feature that it can be a conffile, though it's not clear
to me whether this is necessary.  The second and third options seem
much of a muchness to me, but I'm inclined towards the /var/lib/dpkg
location as this will effectively hide the real location from anyone
but dpkg (the package maintainer puts the file in DEBIAN/shlibs and
dpkg-shlibdeps is the only thing that needs to find it).

There ought to be a conffile /etc/dpkg/shlibs.default which contains
overriding entries (and can be used to avoid problems when the shared
library in question didn't come from a Debian package, for example
when bootstrapping).


Bug#4119: chgrp not detecting error, causing unpredictable results

1996-08-12 Thread J.H.M.Dassen
Package: fileutils
Version: 3.13-1

When running chgrp as root, no errors or warnings are given when the
group doesn't exist (e.g. when accidently using chown's
syntax), but the group is changed to a nearly unpredictable value.

Script started on Sat Aug 10 15:36:27 1996
zensunni root 15:36:28 ~/tmp # id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
zensunni root 15:36:32 ~/tmp # touch demo
zensunni root 15:36:37 ~/tmp # ls -l demo
-rw-r--r--   1 root root0 Aug 10 15:36 demo
zensunni root 15:36:41 ~/tmp # chgrp an.error demo
zensunni root 15:36:54 ~/tmp # ls -l demo
-rw-r--r--   1 root sys 0 Aug 10 15:36 demo
zensunni root 15:36:58 ~/tmp # chgrp --help
Usage: chgrp [OPTION]... GROUP FILE...
Change the group membership of each FILE to GROUP.

  -c, --changes   like verbose but report only when a change is made
  -h, --no-dereferenceaffect symbolic links instead of any referenced file
  (available only on systems with lchown system call)
  -f, --silent, --quiet   suppress most error messages
  -v, --verbose   output a diagnostic for every file processed
  -R, --recursive change files and directories recursively
  --help  display this help and exit
  --version   output version information and exit
zensunni root 15:37:06 ~/tmp # chgrp -c an.error demo
group of demo changed to an.error
zensunni root 15:37:26 ~/tmp # ls -l demo
-rw-r--r--   1 root adm 0 Aug 10 15:36 demo
zensunni root 15:37:30 ~/tmp # chgrp -c -v an.error demo
group of demo changed to an.error
zensunni root 15:37:39 ~/tmp # ls -l demo
-rw-r--r--   1 root tty 0 Aug 10 15:36 demo
zensunni root 15:37:42 ~/tmp # exit

Script done on Sat Aug 10 15:37:47 1996

Additional information:
- when running chgrp as an ordinary user and specifying a non-existant
  group, an error message is likely to be given, e.g.
zensunni ray 15:41 /tmp touch blech
zensunni ray 15:41 /tmp chgrp blub blech
chgrp: you are not a member of group `blub': Operation not permitted
Exit 1
zensunni ray 15:41 /tmp grep blub /etc/group
Exit 1
  A better message would be: `blub': no such group, but at least an error
  is given.

Educated guess of cause:
This is an upstream bug. chgrp's parse_group (chgrp.c:123) is designed
to handle numeric gids too. For this purpose, xstrtoul is called
(line 138) which returns 0 for OK, or an error value (defined in
lib/xstrol.h). Only one of the possible error values (LONGINT_OVERFLOW)
causes chgrp to exit with a fatal error.

This explains why the problem doesn't often manifest itself when
chgrp is run as an ordinary user: ordinary users are members of only
a few groups, and are not allowed to chgrp to a group that they are
not a member of, including numerical gids not in /etc/group. The
interpretation of the group argument as a numerical gid is unlikely to
be that of a group of which the user is a member.

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
where no data has gone before. 

Bug#4076: shadow-package (not a deb-format-archive)

1996-08-12 Thread Michael Gaertner
On Sat, 10 Aug 1996, Ian Jackson wrote:

 Michael Gaertner writes (Bug#4076: shadow-package (not a 
  Package: shadow
  Version: 960530-1
  with dpkg 1.2.13elf:
  dpkg-deb: 'shadow...' is not a debian format archive
 Did you download it in binary mode ?  It looks OK on the mirror here.
 If your file is corrupted could you send it to me, uuencoded, and I'll
 try to make dpkg-deb spot this rather common mistake.
Sorry, I rm'd it.


The maintainer can close this bugreport. I got a fresh one from and this time all works well.

Michael Gaertner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel/Fax +49-761-32684


1996-08-12 Thread Michael Meskes

Date: 12 Aug 96 10:49 UT
Format: 1.6
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: Low
Maintainer: Michael Meskes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Source: metamail
Version: 2.7-5
Binary:  metamail
Architecture:  i386 source
 metamail: An implementation of MIME.
 metamail (2.7-5) mail; urgency=LOW
* Made postinst and prerm scripts use the --quiet option
 5b4c8b616cc20d34832c3ddb00fc5786  172275  mail  -  metamail_2.7-5.tar.gz
 0172f5607c12b3e2f6c97016243b1a17  50310  mail  -  metamail_2.7-5.diff.gz
 cce1ec09117c4c77b728733285ddbc8e  147820  mail  optional  

Version: 2.6.2i


Michael Meskes   |_  __  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   / ___// / // / / __ \___  __
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   \__ \/ /_  / // /_/ /_/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|  ___/ / __/ /__  __/\__, /  __/ /  (__  )
Use Debian Linux!| //_/  /_/  //\___/_/  //

New Ical Package

1996-08-12 Thread David Engel
Date: 12 Aug 96 15:25 UT
Format: 1.6
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: Low
Maintainer: David Engel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Source: ical
Version: 2.0p2-2
Binary:  ical
Architecture:  i386 source
 ical: An X11/Tk Calendar application
 -  Some of Ical's important features are ---
 - * Items can be created edited and deleted easily.
 - * Items can be made to repeat in various ways.
 - * Ical will post reminders for upcoming appointments.
 - * Ical can print and list item occurrences.
 - * Ical calendars can be shared by different users.
 Converted to use the shared libg++.
 Added support for multiple architectures and new packaging standards
 87e29ce1ed6a3590f505d71b45cf5b7c  268731  misc  -  ical_2.0p2-2.tar.gz
 ce3edae7bfde638bb66a7b7185c40dd0  2314  misc  -  ical_2.0p2-2.diff.gz
 6a5576c4bbb5c32775a665b3b30234ce  152140  misc  extra  ical_2.0p2-2_i386.deb

David EngelOptical Data Systems, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  1101 E. Arapaho Road
(214) 234-6400 Richardson, TX  75081

Bug#4120: rdist ssh

1996-08-12 Thread Patrick Weemeeuw
Package: netstd
Version: 2.06-1

Currently the netstd package contains rdist version 6.1.
Could this please be upgraded to version 6.1.1 or 6.1.2,
so that it works with ssh?



From the ssh FAQ:

4.4 Can I use rdist with ssh?

Stock rdist 6.1.0 does not work together with ssh, due to bugs in it. The 
6.1.1 versions of rdist and
later versions are believed to work.

If you use rdist, don't forget to compile the path to ssh into it. 
Alternatively, you may specify the -P
option so rdist uses ssh, and not rsh.

If you use password authentication with rdist 6.1.2, you will need to apply 
the following patch to
rdist to make it work: 

--- src/rshrcmd.c.orig  Tue Jun 11 16:51:21 1996
+++ src/rshrcmd.c   Tue Jun 11 16:52:05 1996
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
/* child. we use sp[1] to be stdin/stdout, and close
   sp[0]. */
(void) close(sp[0]);
-   if (dup2(sp[1], 0)  0 || dup2(0,1)  0 || dup2(0, 2)  0) {
+   if (dup2(sp[1], 0)  0 || dup2(0,1)  0) {
error(dup2 failed: %s., SYSERR);

Re: Debian, Linux, the FSSTND, the FHS and BSD

1996-08-12 Thread Dan Stromberg
Ian Jackson wrote:
 The latest draft FHS, which they may well publish as it stands, makes
 the following changes with which I have very strong disagreements:
  * The mail spool, /var/spool/mail, is moved to /var/mail.

This is a positive thing.  Both SVR4 and BSD 4.4 put it here.  I think
any contemporary unix should.

  * /var/lib is renamed to /var/state (yes, all of it).
  * /var/lib/games is moved to /var/games.
  * A new directory /usr/libexec is created to hold command binaries
   used only internally by programs - these are to be moved from
   /usr/lib and in some cases /usr/sbin.  Oddly there is no
   corresponding /libexec directory.

I don't really care about these.  They're the sort of thing that dances
around from one unix to the next anyway.

 The two good changes that I see are (and they are not minor):
  * /usr/share exists and is defined.
  * /opt exists and is defined.

These are nice.

 [1] When the original FSSTND was created I argued in favour of
 /libexec and /usr/libexec, but lost that debate.  I'm less convinced
 now than I was then, but my main reason for opposing it now is that it
 is too late to change.

Nah - we've always got to be careful about it's too late now syndrome.
To think otherwise, is to plot a path to obsolescence.  They oughta add
/libexec, tho.

Symlinks help, especially if you keep developers informed that usage Of
those symlinks is deprecated.

Re: Caldera's lawsuit against Microsoft

1996-08-12 Thread Brian C. White
 The terms of the suit require MS to give _Caldera_ details of APIs. Not
 the general public, just Caldera. MS can still keep them under non-disclosure,
 and Caldera would have to honor the terms of an NDA approved by the court.

I noticed this too.  It could just be necessary to make the lawsuit
plausible, but I'm not so sure.


In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

Re: Shared library dependencies revisited

1996-08-12 Thread Maarten Boekhold
 I propose the following arrangement (if you don't understand things
 you should read dpkg-source(1) and the relevant parts of the new
 programmers' manual):
 Every package which contains compiled binaries invokes, in its
 debian/rules, a program which automatically determines what the
 dependencies are.  Eg,
   dpkg-shlibdeps -fPre-Depends main/dpkg dselect/dselect
 This produces on stdout something like
   shlib-Pre-Depends=libc5 (= 5.2.18-2), ncurses3.0 (= 1.9.9e-1)
 (The -fpre-depends option can be -fDepends, -fRecommends or even
 -fSuggests to specify a particular level of dependency, and
 -f... options can be mixed with binary arguments).

And what about packages that depend on *one* particular version of a
library? I know of one library which will cause trouble, namely libslang.
This library changes every minor version update so that programs compiled
with earlier versions will not work (I'm not into shared libs, but I think
I'm correct if I say that the ABI changes not only with .so-name changes).


| Maarten Boekhold, Faculty of Electrical Engineering TU Delft,   NL  |

Re: search engines

1996-08-12 Thread Brian C. White
  I've been thinking about what you said regarding search engines for
  debiandoc.  As I understand it, this is to be a debian package, is it
 At least Debian. I won't get upset if someone ports it to Red Hat, Slackware,
 *BSD*, or a Cray... :-)

Cray Linux.  I've heard somebody is actually working on that!

  What do you think of this idea?
 Thanks for the offer, but alas, it's not workable -- the index needs to be
 rebuilt for each system separately, since the set of documents is different
 on each system, and Debiandoc is supposed to support locally installed
 documentation as well.
 I will, however, make debiandoc and ferret work together, if it isn't
 too much work. From my experiments with glimpse a long time ago, it
 can index arbitrary directories or files, and outputs a list of filenames
 as the result of the search. If ferret can do that, then I'll add support
 for it in debiandoc.

It shouldn't be hard.  Ferret indexes an arbitrary list of words against
an arbitrary text string.  (The text string is usually a URL or a path
name, but it isn't limited to such.)

If you could add ferret to the suggests field, I'd appreciate it.


P.S.  I was joking about the Cray Linux thing.  :-)

In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.