Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
(For those who are not aware of this issue, please read #92810)

Since the doc-rfc packages have been moved to non-free, I have just cloned
the doc-rfc RC bug (#92810) and assigned it to some other packages which
provide RFCs (for a full list see the the bug report, but more might be
affected). I advise maintainers which include RFCs in their packages to
remove the RFC documentation from them.

Also, since ISOC has not been contacted (as far as the information on the
bug reports describes), it would be nice for someone to clarify the
copyright issue with ISOC (the maintainer does not want to do it himself,
as he states in the last upload's changelog). It seems that some RFCs might
be DFSG-free (probably the earliest), I encourage maintainers to clear this
up with the Internet Society and, if possible, create a package with
DFSG-free RFCs. This has been discussed several times at debian-legal [1]
and is now currently discussed there [2] too. 


Javier Fernandez-Sanguino

[1] Such as:


Description: PGP signature

NMU (was: )Re: po-debconf de configure-debian)

2003-07-03 Thread Christian Perrier
(désolé, j'aurais du changer le sujet plus tôt)

Quoting Mathieu Roy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 De toute façon, les docs à ce propos sont assez claires (pas de NMU
 pour des bugs mineurs, pas de NMU sans avoir contacté le mainteneur,
 pas de NMU sans respecter un délai).

Je cherche encore où les docs sont claires sur le fait qu'il ne faut
pas faire de mise à jour indépendante (NMU) pour des bogues mineurs.

La référence du développeur est muette à ce sujet. Elle donne un
protocole précis, mais pas de limite pour l'objectif des NMU.

En fait, comme beaucoup de documentations Debian, elle fait appel à
l'intelligence du lecteur plutôt que de chercher à mettre des règles
strictes. C'est évidemment très bien comme cela et c'est pour cela que
je continuerai à proposer des NMUs, voire à les faire, pour des bogues
de traduction.

En fait, je pense sincèrement qu'un mainteneur non réactif est, en
soi, un bogue plus important que les bogues qu'il laisse lui-même
trainer dans le BTS.

Quand, les uns et les autres, nous avons pris l'engagement de
maintenir un ou plusieurs paquets, nous nous sommes engagés à fournis
une certaine qualité de travail. Ceux qui lèvent des bogues sont nos
alliés principaux et c'est pour cela  que nous avons le devoir de tout
faire pour ne pas laisser trainer des bogues, surtout quand ils sont
triviaux à corriger.

Et, quand on voit les outils qu'on a dans Debian pour nous aider à
faire cela (BTS, PTS, etc.), on n'a guère d'excuse.. :)

Rappelons que, dans le cas du paquet configure-debian, il s'agissait
de :

-mv debian/po/pt_FR.po debian/po/fr.po
-debchange -i pour documenter

Si un mainteneur est trop occupé pour faire ne serait-ce que ça, j'ai
des doutes sur sa réelle qualité de mainteneur. Donc je le titille un
peu en proposant, voire en faisant, un NMU.

Re: po-debconf de configure-debian

2003-07-03 Thread Julien BLACHE
Christian Perrier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

La réponse vaut pour toi et Denis, je ne veux pas poster 2 fois ;)

 Surtout si c'est pour un truc aussi important que des fichiers mal
 nommés dans debian/po. Là je comprends que le mainteneur puisse avoir
 une furieuse envie d'étrangler l'auteur du NMU...

 Et pourquoi donc ?

Le premier mail parlant de NMU laissait plutôt présager une NMU un
poil sauvage, c'est surtout ça qui me dérangeait.

Je n'ai rien contre une NMU dans les règles ou avec l'accord du
mainteneur, pour ce qui est des bugs normaux. Pour ce qui est des RC,
là j'en suis au stade pas de quartier, NMU dans delayed-3 et puis
c'est tout (pour les bugs suffisament vieux).

 La correction est totalement triviale à faire. Comment expliquer
 autrement que par un manque de temps le fait qu'elle ne soit pas
 faite ?

C'est une question que je me suis longtemps posée, et puis un jour
j'ai réalisé qu'il y avait des gens qui, malgré leur bonne volonté,
n'avait pas le temps matériel de faire même de petites corrections. Ca

 Dans ce cas, le NMU est un aide au mainteneur : l'aider à ne pas
 s'embarrasser de bogues qui encombrent sa page de bogues.

Avec toujours ce risque de voir les bugs réapparaître dans la version
suivante du mainteneur, parce que patch oublié ou fix pas compris :/
Mais ça on n'y peut pas grand chose, tu me diras...

 Je veux bien qu'on ne veuille pas sortir une version à chaque fois
 qu'il y a un bogue à fixer...mais de là à laisser ouvert plusieurs
 dizaines de jours des bogues qui proposent un fr.po ou un pt_BR.po, il
 y a un monde.

Ca ne me choque pas plus que ça, mais je ne dois pas être assez porté
sur les traductions.

 Qui plus est, dans les bogues liées à la traduction, on doit pouvoir
 dire sans trop de forfanterie qu'on a souvent plus de compétences pour
 les fixer que pas mal de mainteneurs.

Je vous le laisse volontier :-)

 (surtout, imho, quand c'est de l'anglais de vache espagnole qui est
 dans les écrans debconf)

tetex-* ?


 Julien BLACHE - Debian  GNU/Linux Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Public key available on - KeyID: F5D6 5169 
 GPG Fingerprint : 935A 79F1 C8B3 3521 FD62 7CC7 CD61 4FD7 F5D6 5169 

Re: po-debconf de configure-debian

2003-07-03 Thread Benjamin Drieu
Christian Perrier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 La correction est totalement triviale à faire. Comment expliquer
 autrement que par un manque de temps le fait qu'elle ne soit pas
 faite ?

Il se trouve que le mainteneur en question est dans le processus NM et
que je m'occupe de son application.  Effectivement, il a souffert d'un
manque de temps chronique ces derniers temps.  Ceci-dit, sa réaction
face au NMU a été positive.

 Dans ce cas, le NMU est un aide au mainteneur : l'aider à ne pas
 s'embarrasser de bogues qui encombrent sa page de bogues.

Il y a des aides qui facilitent plus ou moins :-).  Un NMU a également
un coût car il peut désorganiser le travail du mainteneur (par
ex. s'il utilise un outil de gestion de versions).  En outre, il faut
quand même relativiser, des bugs RC restent ouverts très longtemps, ça
ne me choque pas qu'un bug minor ne soit pas corrigé dans la seconde
(surtout que le rapport de bug original ne précise pas quelles
fonctionnalités ne fonctionnent pas).

 Je veux bien qu'on ne veuille pas sortir une version à chaque fois
 qu'il y a un bogue à fixer...mais de là à laisser ouvert plusieurs
 dizaines de jours des bogues qui proposent un fr.po ou un pt_BR.po, il
 y a un monde.

Je ne comprends pas le problème: pt_BR me semble correct, puisqu'il
s'agit du Portugais parlé au Brésil.  Typo ?

 Qui plus est, dans les bogues liées à la traduction, on doit pouvoir
 dire sans trop de forfanterie qu'on a souvent plus de compétences pour
 les fixer que pas mal de mainteneurs.

C'est sûr.  La répartition de la responsabilité sur les traductions
manque peut-être également de recul.  Je suis convaincu que le
mainteneur ne devrait pas avoir à s'en occuper, car comme tu dis, ce
n'est pas son boulot.  Un exemple parmi d'autres: les templates de mes
paquets, que j'écris pourtant dans ma langue maternelle, ne respectent
pas les normes de vocabulaire de l'équipe de traduction.


 ; ;' ;  Debian GNU/Linux |   Benjamin Drieu
 `. `'  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: po-debconf de configure-debian

2003-07-03 Thread Pierre Machard
Salut à tous,
Le jeudi 03 juillet 2003 à 12:10 +0200, Benjamin Drieu a écrit :
 C'est sûr.  La répartition de la responsabilité sur les traductions
 manque peut-être également de recul.  Je suis convaincu que le
 mainteneur ne devrait pas avoir à s'en occuper, car comme tu dis, ce
 n'est pas son boulot.  

le point important c'est que tous les responsables de paquets
ne s'accordent pas sur ce point. (Voir la flame d'il y a quelques
semaines sur debian-devel)

Un autre point, et je pense que c'est le plus important, il faut trouver
une structure pour gérer les traductions en dehors des paquets et mettre
au point un système qui rende les traductions indépendantes du paquets
de base.

Avoir un paquet atomique et pouvoir lui ajouter des modules. Avec par
exemple un module pour la documentation, un module pour la traduction
française, un module pour la traduction italienne...

C'est peut-être une idée assez utopique, mais ça me semble intéressant et
c'est une piste de réflexion sur laquelle nous devrions nous pencher.

Pierre Machard
+33(0)668 178 365
GPG: 1024D/23706F87 : B906 A53F 84E0 49B6 6CF7 82C2 B3A0 2D66 2370 6F87

Description: PGP signature

Re: po-debconf de configure-debian

2003-07-03 Thread Nicolas Bertolissio
Le jeudi  3 juillet 2003, Benjamin Drieu écrit :
 Christian Perrier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Je veux bien qu'on ne veuille pas sortir une version à chaque fois
  qu'il y a un bogue à fixer...mais de là à laisser ouvert plusieurs
  dizaines de jours des bogues qui proposent un fr.po ou un pt_BR.po, il
  y a un monde.
 Je ne comprends pas le problème: pt_BR me semble correct, puisqu'il
 s'agit du Portugais parlé au Brésil.  Typo ?
bien sûr que c'est correct, mais quand quelqu'un a fait un travail (la
traduction ici) il n'est pas logique de laisser le bogue ouvert pendant
plus d'un mois à mon sens :
- soit le responsable travaille sur son paquet et de toute façon il fait
  une mise à jour pour autre chose et n'a donc qu'à ajouter la nouvelle
  traduction ;
- soit il ne travaille pas dessus et il fait la mise à jour avec
  seulement la nouvelle traduction parce que ce n'est pas difficile à
  faire et très rapide et que ça sert à plein de gens non anglophones.


Re: Info, pb de dépendances

2003-07-03 Thread Mathieu Roy
Maxime Chatelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] a tapoté :

 J'aurait souhaiter savoir comment je pouvais signaler un probleme de 
 dépendance ? (avec reportbug ?? ) (ou par mail au mainteneur ?? )
 il y a un mois environ, j'ai installer Sid sur une de mes machines et 
 j'avais remarquer un probleme de dépendance:
 ksysguardd dépend de libsensors1 (qui n'existe pas)
   j'ai donc modifié ma ba base /var/lib/apt/list/mirroir.debian 
 pour y 
 mettre libsensors-1debian1 à la place
 j'ai aussi dû reconstruire le packet.
 Et j'ai eu le même problème avec kuickshow qui dépend de imlib2 ( qui a 
 été renomé en libimlib2 )
 J'ai donc fait les même opérations que plus haut.
 J'avais envoyé un mail aux mainteneur respectif mais il ne m'avais pas 
 répondu, j'ai donc cru que le bug était résolut. Mais, il y a 2 jours, 
 j'installais la Sid sur mon portable et rebelotte je problème est 
 toujours là.
 Etait-ce la bonne solution que d'envoyer un mail aux mainteneurs ? Ou 
 doit-je utiliser reportbug ?

A priori, ça devrait être envoyé a reportbug. Le mainteneur recevra
l'info de toute façon et même si le bug n'est pas confirmé, ne peut
être résolu, il sera en tout cas archivé, permettant à d'autres
personnes confrontée au problème d'avoir une réponse directement.

Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker:

Re: Info, pb de dépendances

2003-07-03 Thread Frédéric Bothamy
* Maxime Chatelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-07-03 21:02] :
 J'aurait souhaiter savoir comment je pouvais signaler un probleme de 
 dépendance ? (avec reportbug ?? ) (ou par mail au mainteneur ?? )
 il y a un mois environ, j'ai installer Sid sur une de mes machines et 
 j'avais remarquer un probleme de dépendance:
 ksysguardd dépend de libsensors1 (qui n'existe pas)
   j'ai donc modifié ma ba base /var/lib/apt/list/mirroir.debian 
 pour y 
 mettre libsensors-1debian1 à la place
 j'ai aussi dû reconstruire le packet.
 Et j'ai eu le même problème avec kuickshow qui dépend de imlib2 ( qui a 
 été renomé en libimlib2 )
 J'ai donc fait les même opérations que plus haut.
 J'avais envoyé un mail aux mainteneur respectif mais il ne m'avais pas 
 répondu, j'ai donc cru que le bug était résolut. Mais, il y a 2 jours, 
 j'installais la Sid sur mon portable et rebelotte je problème est 
 toujours là.
 Etait-ce la bonne solution que d'envoyer un mail aux mainteneurs ? Ou 
 doit-je utiliser reportbug ?

Soit ça, soit créer un rapport de bogue dans le BTS (en utilisant
reportbug si tu apprécies cette interface, mais tu peux aussi le faire
manuellement ou autre). L'avantage du rapport de bogue est que d'autres
personnes qui auront remarqué le problème n'enverront pas un nouveau
courrier au responsable Debian car il verront que le problème a déjà été

Pour les problèmes que tu signales, il s'agit des bogues 196370 et
196009. Pas besoin donc d'envoyer un courrier au responsable Debian dans
ce cas.


Re: NMU (was : )Re: po-debconf de configure-debian)

2003-07-03 Thread Denis Barbier
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 09:14:34AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
 (désolé, j'aurais du changer le sujet plus tôt)
 Quoting Mathieu Roy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  De toute façon, les docs à ce propos sont assez claires (pas de NMU
  pour des bugs mineurs, pas de NMU sans avoir contacté le mainteneur,
  pas de NMU sans respecter un délai).
 Je cherche encore où les docs sont claires sur le fait qu'il ne faut
 pas faire de mise à jour indépendante (NMU) pour des bogues mineurs.

Voilà l'URL qu'il te faut ;)


Re: debootstrapping and sysvinit

2003-07-03 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Wed, 02 Jul 2003, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
 I accepted maintainership because I am the upstream author, and having
 In short, I am actively developing the Debian and non-debian parts
 of it. It's just that I happen to do this in bursts, and some people
 get upset when the bursts they develop in don't always overlap
 with mine.

That's actually why it is a good idea to either have a downstream maintainer
(as you used to, when you were not the Debian maintainer of something you're
also upstream), or co-maintainers that you can trust to pick up the pace
when you can't do it (but still do it in a way that won't upset you).

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Re: Status of Unofficial Sarge Release Issues (Updated for July)

2003-07-03 Thread Andreas Metzler
Drew Scott Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The last time I posted my unofficial release issues status I received
 several requests to change the formatting, and so I have. I plan to find a
 site to host this html document (preferably alioth), but I haven't ironed
 out the details yet. It should also be strongly noted that this is an
 unofficial document.

 I know text is preferred by many over html, but formatting is easier for
 me in html than in text. If anyone's interested in a text only version,
 let me know.

Please. lynx -dump or w3m -dump

Or change this
 [-- application/octet-stream, Encoding base64, 465 Zeilen, Name: usri.html --]
to sane values - for example  text/html with encoding 8-Bit.
   thanks for your work, cu andreas

Concurrent CLEAN Package

2003-07-03 Thread ZHAO Wei
Last I mentioned my intention to package CLEAN for Debian. Someone
(Sorry I lost your email.) replied me that there is already a CLEAN
package for Debian. But I can't find the package from apt-cache. I
thought it was still waiting in incoming queue so I waited for awhile,
but it's still not there.

Can you tell me the current status of CLEAN in Debian?


Linux  Free Software Consultant, Nanjing, China

Re: Debconf or not debconf

2003-07-03 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 08:53:57PM -0400, Joe Drew wrote:
 Joey Hess has mentioned, and I agree (see 199722), that debconf notes
 should really be named (and should always be interpreted as) warnings.

Huh.  I thought it was supposed to be even stricter than that; errors


Template: xserver-xfree86/config/device/bus_id_error
Type: note
_Description: Please enter a bus identifier in the proper format.
 The BusID should be a string in the following format:
 Where bustype is PCI for PCI and AGP video cards, and each of bus,
 device, and function is a decimal (not hexadecimal) value.  For example,
 PCI:0:16:0 is valid input (without the double-quotes).

I'm trying to get my debconf notes down to just input validation errors.

G. Branden Robinson|   The key to being a Southern
Debian GNU/Linux   |   Baptist: It ain't a sin if you
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   don't get caught. |   -- Anthony Davidson

Description: PGP signature

Package Moscow ML and HOL

2003-07-03 Thread ZHAO Wei
I intend to package Moscow ML and later HOL theorem prover for Debian.
This is not a fromal ITP because I'm not eager to prevent others from
doing the same. :) I won't compete with you too.

The purpose of this mail is that I want to know if there is already
these packages somewhere and why they're not yet in Debian main?


Linux  Free Software Consultant, Nanjing, China

Re: Gnome2 in sarge

2003-07-03 Thread Mark Howard
On Wed, 02 Jul 2003 13:21:26 -0300, Daniel Ruoso wrote:

 I didn't see any noise in debian-devel 

see debian-gtk-gnome

  .''`. Mark Howard
 : :' :
 `. `' 

Re: Bug#199642: xpilot: French translation of the debconf templates

2003-07-03 Thread Denis Barbier
On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 06:12:02PM -0300, Ben Armstrong wrote:
 Now I'm left at a loss as to what to do with the file.  I want the 
 half-finished work to remain in the package so that someone picking up the 
 package and customizing it (or in future, adopting it, should I decide to 
 ever give it up) can benefit from it.

Instead of shipping useless files, you could open a bugreport against
your package to track your changes down.


Re: Package Moscow ML and HOL

2003-07-03 Thread Ralf Treinen
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 02:02:26PM +0800, ZHAO Wei wrote:
 I intend to package Moscow ML and later HOL theorem prover for Debian.
 This is not a fromal ITP because I'm not eager to prevent others from
 doing the same. :) I won't compete with you too.

I remember vaguely that there used to be a licence problem with
Moscow ML. What is its exact licence now?


RE: debootstrapping and sysvinit

2003-07-03 Thread Julian Mehnle
Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
 Julian Mehnle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
   And you think an attitude like this is going to make me work
   harder? For *you* ?? Get real.
  Regardless of whether it was right to NMU sysvinit without you being
  notified:  I get the impression maybe you should think over why you have
  accepted maintainership of the package.  If you are maintaining it for
  your own sake only, then maybe you should give up maintainership and
  use a self-maintained, forked copy of the package.

 I accepted maintainership because I am the upstream author, and having
 the package in Debian/unstable is a great way to make sure it is
 stable. I can also try out new features, and Debian will have it first.

Please excuse my ignorance of not recognizing you as the upstream author.
Your statement above made me feel like you had no real interest in keeping
the package working for everyone else.  I'm sorry!


Re: [devel] Debconf or not debconf

2003-07-03 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: Re: [devel] Debconf or not debconf [Jim Penny [EMAIL PROTECTED], Wed, Jul 
02, 2003 at 10:50:29AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 It breaks 100% of stunnel installations.  The old stunnel was command
 line oriented, the current one is configuration file oriented.  It would
 be very difficult to write a converter.

Well, it broke my installation. I read the -devel thread over the last
days, and even then I thought It won't concern me as I'm using stunnel
from /etc/inetd.conf instead of a stand-alone service. In the end, I
could no longer fetch mail via imaps after upgrading to the current
Sarge version of stunnel.

I think the main point about Debian is to provide a smooth upgrade of
packages, and in this case, a debconf note about you will have to write
a stunnel configuration file would have been *much* nicer than just
breaking the program. One has to tune his system anyway after the
upgrade, so I would have been very glad had Debian told me what to do.
(Which is just one Enter press more for those who already know.)

On the other hand, not changing the interface is even nicer. But if
upstream decides to change it, there are probably good reasons to follow

And yes, I read the README.Debian, the manpage etc. But a debconf note
would have sped things up further.

Christoph Berg [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Wohnheim D, 2405, Universität des Saarlandes, 0681/9657944

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#199642: xpilot: French translation of the debconf templates

2003-07-03 Thread Martin Quinson
On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 06:12:02PM -0300, Ben Armstrong wrote:
 Now I'm left at a loss as to what to do with the file.  I want the 
 half-finished work to remain in the package so that someone picking up the 
 package and customizing it (or in future, adopting it, should I decide to 
 ever give it up) can benefit from it.  But to include the translation is 
 going to give the wrong signals to other translators, causing them, too, to 
 spend unnecessary time with translations for texts that aren't even in use 
 in the package.
 So, how do I include development only text in debian/foo.templates that 
 translators are not to waste their time translating until it actually goes 
 into production?  And do we need a standard for this?

You can put a README.trans in debian/ where you explain the situation, and
clearly state that those files should not be translated.

You can also add an header in the template stating it. Just add plain text
without special formating. It will break the template handling tools,
forcing translators to check the source to see why, and realize those facts.

Yet another way is to create a debian/underway directory, and pack
everything not done yet here. I guess the tools used by translators to check
what is still to do won't find them here.

Once this is done, you can add the translated stuff for archiving without

Bye, Mt.

Tout dormeur a en lui un lève tard qui sommeil.

Re: Debconf or not debconf

2003-07-03 Thread Herbert Xu
Joe Drew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 17:23, Herbert Xu wrote:
 I'd prefer no interaction at all during installation.  I'm perfectly
 able to read documenation thank you very much.
 Happily, the noninteractive debconf frontend exists.

And getting hundreds of emails after a mass upgrade? No thanks.
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:
PGP Key:

Re: Ein paar Fragen zu meinem Mailserver

2003-07-03 Thread Thomas Viehmann
Kai Timmer wrote:
 Stelle ich nun die Zeile mydomain = kaitimmer.local funktioniert das
Schon mal daran gedacht, das zu nennen?
Dann sollte es dem Relay egal sein.



Description: PGP signature

Re: inews path question

2003-07-03 Thread Michael Banck
On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 12:30:02AM +0100, Matthew Garrett wrote:
 Hopefully, Debian Policy (and FHS) will allow the use of libexec some
 Debian's not a BSD, regardless of the kernel that it's running on.

AFAIK, /libexec is used by the theoretical GNU system as well.


Re: Concurrent CLEAN Package

2003-07-03 Thread Vincent Zweije
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 01:57:54PM +0800, ZHAO Wei wrote:

||  Last I mentioned my intention to package CLEAN for Debian. Someone
||  (Sorry I lost your email.) replied me that there is already a CLEAN
||  package for Debian. But I can't find the package from apt-cache. I
||  thought it was still waiting in incoming queue so I waited for awhile,
||  but it's still not there.
||  Can you tell me the current status of CLEAN in Debian?

Are you on the Clean mailing list?  If not, go to  You can ask on the mailing list about
debianising Clean.

It will not go into main because of license restrictions (not for
commercial purposes), unless they've changed the license recently.

There was also the problem of having to bootstrap the compiler using
the old closed source compiler, because it's written in Clean itself,
but the new compiler can be used for it now.

I myself may have said something once about debianising Clean (used to
work there), but I don't remember really, and it is probably a little
too much for me now.

Ciao. Vincent.

Re: Concurrent CLEAN Package

2003-07-03 Thread ZHAO Wei
On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 14:51, Vincent Zweije wrote:
 Are you on the Clean mailing list?  If not, go to  You can ask on the mailing list about
 debianising Clean.

I'm subscribing right now. Thanks for the reminder.

 It will not go into main because of license restrictions (not for
 commercial purposes), unless they've changed the license recently.

I think they did change the license to LGPL a few months ago. I will
check it again. But since there is already a debian package for CLEAN by
bfulgham, I think all I need to do is to wait. :)

Thank you all who replied!

Linux  Free Software Consultant, Nanjing, China

[no subject]

2003-07-03 Thread sinoagent

this is test msg. pls ignore.


Re: Package Moscow ML and HOL

2003-07-03 Thread ZHAO Wei
On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 14:47, Ralf Treinen wrote:
 I remember vaguely that there used to be a licence problem with
 Moscow ML. What is its exact licence now?

Under the mosml/copyright directory, there are three license files:

1. gpl2 - which is exactly a copy of GPL v2
2. copyright.att - which covers part of the library come from SML/NJ,
and as I read it, it's mostly BSDish
3. - covers code come from CAML Light, which looks a little
bit strange, but to my unexperienced eyes, looks like a homebrew GPL

Anyway, I think it's generally acceptable to put it in Debian main.
What's you opinion?

Linux  Free Software Consultant, Nanjing, China

Re: Package Moscow ML and HOL

2003-07-03 Thread Micha Politowski
On Thu,  3 Jul 2003 17:36:30 +0800, ZHAO Wei wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 14:47, Ralf Treinen wrote:
  I remember vaguely that there used to be a licence problem with
  Moscow ML. What is its exact licence now?
 Under the mosml/copyright directory, there are three license files:
 1. gpl2 - which is exactly a copy of GPL v2
 2. copyright.att - which covers part of the library come from SML/NJ,
 and as I read it, it's mostly BSDish
 3. - covers code come from CAML Light, which looks a little
 bit strange, but to my unexperienced eyes, looks like a homebrew GPL
 Anyway, I think it's generally acceptable to put it in Debian main.
 What's you opinion?

I'll quote parts of 3:

 a- Extent of the rights granted by the INRIA to the user of the software:

 INRIA freely grants the right to use, modify and integrate the
 software in another software, provided that all derivative works are
 distributed under the same conditions as the software.
 b- Reproduction of the software:

 INRIA grants any user of the software the right to reproduce it so as
 to circulate it in accordance with the same purposes and conditions as
 those defined at point a- above.  Any copy of the software and/or relevant
 documentation must comprise reference to the ownership of INRIA and
 the present file.

 The user undertakes not to carry out any paying distribution of the
 software. However, he is authorized to bill any person or body for the
 cost of reproduction of said software. As regards any other type of
 distribution, the user undertakes to apply to obtain the express
 approval of INRIA.

It looks like
a) possible GPL incompatibility - so no distribution would be possible at all,
b) even if not, no paying distribution means non-free IMHO.

Micha Politowski -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Warning: this is a memetically modified message

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debconf or not debconf

2003-07-03 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 01:24:54AM +0100, Andrew Suffield wrote:

 Somehow, you managed to miss the point entirely in your first line,
 *even though* you restated it later.

I don't miss the point at all.

 You have assumed that it is ok to break the user system and warn
 people about it.

 It is not. Do not break the user system. Then no warnings are

Yes, that's what we should be aiming for.  Sadly things like upstream
changes may make this unreasonably difficult - for example,
configuration formats may change substantially in a way that is not
ameinable to automated translation or a bug fix may require incompatible
changes.  If we're left in this unfortunate suituation where we're going
to break the user system then we ought to warn them about it.

You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream - or a fever.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Package Moscow ML and HOL

2003-07-03 Thread ZHAO Wei
On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 17:53, Micha Politowski wrote:
 It looks like
 a) possible GPL incompatibility - so no distribution would be possible at all,
 b) even if not, no paying distribution means non-free IMHO.

I see your point. But I think it should be resolvable.

Since that part of the clause covers part of the code from CAML Light.
And we all know the CAML Light descendents O'CAML is perfect Free
Software. And since Moscow ML authors put their own work, major part of
Moscow ML in GPL itself, so I dare to say both parts are good supporters
of Free Software. :)

I think it's resolvable. If nobody will contact them, I'll contact them
after awhile about the license issue. But since I'm not a native English
speaker nor .dk nor .fr speaker, I'd rather hope someone else could
approach the authors of Moscow ML representing Debian. Anyone? :)

Linux  Free Software Consultant, Nanjing, China

Why doesn't libsidplay enter testing?

2003-07-03 Thread Gerfried Fuchs

 Yes, I've read the testing page with the FAQ and both the
testing_excuses and testing_output, but I can't see the reason why
libsidplay doesn't enter testing.

 The following packages depend on it: xmms-sid, mp3blaster, xsidplay,
sidplay-base (from the same source) and gst-plugins.  Only the latest
isn't a valid candidate but that must not hold it back because it has
never been in testing anyway.

 From the update_output it seems that alpha seems to have problems with
the package -- but shouldn't then at least one of the packages depending
on it be outdated for alpha and thus being no valid candidate?

 It would be nice if someone can unpuzzle me here  Thanks.
   keep your backbone tidy

Bug#199837: ITP: clustalw-mpi -- MPI-distributed global sequence alignment with ClustalW

2003-07-03 Thread Steffen Moeller
Package: wnpp
Version: N/A; reported 2003-07-03
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: clustalw-mpi
  Version : 0.13
  Upstream Author : Kuo-Bin Li [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : non-free
  Description : MPI-distributed global sequence alignment with ClustalW

-- System Information
Debian Release: 3.0
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux pzr6 2.4.20-pzr5 #1 Don Mär 13 20:41:05 CET 2003 i686
Locale: LANG=de_DE, LC_CTYPE=de_DE

Re: Why doesn't libsidplay enter testing?

2003-07-03 Thread Björn Stenberg
Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
  Yes, I've read the testing page with the FAQ and both the
 testing_excuses and testing_output, but I can't see the reason why
 libsidplay doesn't enter testing.

I've written a little script that tries to answer precisely this type of
question. You can run it here:

For libsidplay, it says:

- Updating libsidplay makes 3 packages uninstallable on alpha: sidplay-base, 
xmms-sid, xsidplay
  - sidplay-base is waiting for libsidplay
  - Updating sidplay-base makes 1 packages uninstallable on alpha: sidplay-base
  - xmms-sid is waiting for libsidplay
  - Updating xmms-sid makes 1 packages uninstallable on alpha: xmms-sid
  - xsidplay is waiting for libsidplay
  - Updating xsidplay makes 1 packages uninstallable on alpha: xsidplay

The packages are waiting for each other, so none of them can go in. It looks
like a nudge by a maintainer is required.

 From the update_output it seems that alpha seems to have problems with
 the package 

Platforms are tested in alphabetical order, and only the first that breaks is 
displayed. That's why many packages are reported as uninstallable on alpha. 
Actually they are most likely uninstallable on many other platforms too, but 
only the result for alpha is displayed. 


Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Petter Reinholdtsen

[Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña]
 (For those who are not aware of this issue, please read #92810)

There seem to be someone believing that standard documents should be
treated as software.  Standards are not software.  Standards do not
improve if everyone is allowed to modify them and publish the modified
version as an updated version of the standard.  Standards get their
value from having a rigid procedure for updates and modifications.
Software do not.

I believe this whole case of RFC standards are not confirming to The
Debian Free Software Guidelines display a complete lack of
understanding of the value of standards, and should be rejected.
Standards are not software, nor software manuals, and should not be
treated as such.

I haven't been following this case, and understand it might be late to
speak up against it, but believe it is about time the whole case is

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread David B Harris
On 03 Jul 2003 13:00:47 +0200
Petter Reinholdtsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña]
  (For those who are not aware of this issue, please read #92810)
 There seem to be someone believing that standard documents should be
 treated as software.  Standards are not software.  Standards do not
 improve if everyone is allowed to modify them and publish the modified
 version as an updated version of the standard.  Standards get their
 value from having a rigid procedure for updates and modifications.
 Software do not.
 I believe this whole case of RFC standards are not confirming to The
 Debian Free Software Guidelines display a complete lack of
 understanding of the value of standards, and should be rejected.
 Standards are not software, nor software manuals, and should not be
 treated as such.
 I haven't been following this case, and understand it might be late to
 speak up against it, but believe it is about time the whole case is

#92810 specifically deals with whether the RFCs should be in main or
non-free. They are not freely modifiable, so they should not be in main
- end of story, regardless of whether it's a good thing or a bad thing.

I happen to agree with your thoughts (if not the phrasing and tone), and
agree that standards by their nature can't be both Free and effective.
But they're no less effective in non-free, so just relax :)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
(Please don't CC: me, I'm in the list)

On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 01:00:47PM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
 [Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña]
  (For those who are not aware of this issue, please read #92810)
 There seem to be someone believing that standard documents should be
 treated as software.  Standards are not software.  Standards do not
 improve if everyone is allowed to modify them and publish the modified
 version as an updated version of the standard.  Standards get their
 value from having a rigid procedure for updates and modifications.
 Software do not.

I'm sure that's true. Unfortunately, we only have guidelines to accept
software into Debian, and those are the DFSG. There is no such thing (yet)
as a Debian Free Documentation Guidelines, so we have to treat them with
the only guidelines we have at the moment. I encourage you to read the
Debian Documentation Draft Policy, available at, which discusses some of the issues
related to documentation, improve it and make it evolve into a proper
policy for Debian.

 I believe this whole case of RFC standards are not confirming to The
 Debian Free Software Guidelines display a complete lack of
 understanding of the value of standards, and should be rejected.
 Standards are not software, nor software manuals, and should not be
 treated as such.

Unfortunately you are misjudging here. Please read the bug reports.

 I haven't been following this case, and understand it might be late to
 speak up against it, but believe it is about time the whole case is

The only way to stop this case is to produce a proper set of guidelines 
for documentation in Debian that would cover this (an other) cases, have a 
vote on it and get it approved as part of our own guidelines. If you want 
to help, you are welcome.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Debconf or not debconf

2003-07-03 Thread Joe Drew
On Thursday, July 3, 2003, at 02:05  AM, Branden Robinson wrote:
On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 08:53:57PM -0400, Joe Drew wrote:
Joey Hess has mentioned, and I agree (see 199722), that debconf notes
should really be named (and should always be interpreted as) warnings.
Huh.  I thought it was supposed to be even stricter than that; errors
[...] input validation errors.
IMO, when a debconf warning is shown, the administrator should need to 
do something. Regardless of whether that something is dumping and 
re-loading databases, reconfiguring a radically changed package, or 
re-entering the PCI BusID in a valid format, the warning (or error) 
informs the administrator that action is required on their part.

Anything else should be placed in NEWS.Debian.

Re: Debconf or not debconf

2003-07-03 Thread Andreas Metzler
 On Tuesday 01 July 2003 22:51, Andreas Metzler wrote:
 I received a bug report on stunnel package from an user [1] that
 complained about the fact that I didn't warning about the new
 /etc/default/stunnel file introduced in package (thereis a note in
 README.Debian and in changelog).

 Since debconf is not really appreciated for this use, what is the
 best solution ? Inform users with debconf or give them informations
 only in changelog and README.Debian ?

 Is this just the usual default file for modifying the init-script's
 behaviour, i.e. will the package just continue to work as it did if
 the user does not know about it?

 Not exactly, there is a variable ENABLED which is set to 0 at
 installation. So the service will not start while variable is not
 set to 1.

I see. I cannot do much more than AOL!! other posters in this thread:
Steve Langasek
| If so, I would recommend looking for a way to provide a more
| graceful upgrade -- this is worth much more than a note telling
| users that you've just broken their systems...

*If* this is not possible, because it would require you to maintain a big
patch differing from upstream and you can't change their minds with 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] *then* a debconf note with priority
high is needed.
 cu andreas
Hey, da ist ein Ballonautomat auf der Toilette!
Unofficial _Debian-packages_ of latest unstable _tin_

No crc32 package in Debian?

2003-07-03 Thread Xavier Roche
I was looking for the very simple crc32 binary to compute checksums for 
files, and couldn't find it. There is a crc32 perl lib, but no crc32 package. I 
know that md5 (or even sha-160) hash fingerprints are better, but in many cases 
(like tar archives on tapes, or ftp files) you have only CRC-32.

This one is looking good, and was co-written by Mark Adler (who also co-wrote 

If it was not packaged by anyone (couldn't find any reference, but it might 
have been packaged with another one), and if everybody is okay, I will ITP it.

Re: No crc32 package in Debian?

2003-07-03 Thread Benjamin Drieu
Xavier Roche [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I was looking for the very simple crc32 binary to compute
 checksums for files, and couldn't find it. There is a crc32 perl
 lib, but no crc32 package. I know that md5 (or even sha-160) hash
 fingerprints are better, but in many cases (like tar archives on
 tapes, or ftp files) you have only CRC-32.

Doesn't cksfv does the job ?

 If it was not packaged by anyone (couldn't find any reference, but
 it might have been packaged with another one), and if everybody is
 okay, I will ITP it.

Please perform according to section 5.1 of the Developer's Reference
and fill an ITP.


 ; ;' ;  Debian GNU/Linux |   Benjamin Drieu
 `. `'  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Bug#199864: ITP: kahakai -- a highly customisable and scriptable window manager

2003-07-03 Thread Rob Weir
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-07-03
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: kahakai
  Version : 0.2.1
  Upstream Author : The Kahakai Team
* URL :
* License : GPL, v2 or later
  Description : a highly customisable and scriptable window manager

 Kahakai is a fork of the Waimea window manager, adding a number of
 new features, most notably scripting support.  It uses Swig, so a
 number of backend scripting languages are possible, though only the
 Python bindings are currently working.
 It still supports the features that made Waimea so neat:
  * Xft-based font rendering, for very nice-looking text.
  * Support for both viewports and virtual desktops.
  * A very flexible `style' system, including support for Blackbox themes.
  * Pseudo-transparent window decorations.

It currently only builds with libswig1.3 and swig1.3 1.3.17, unfortunately,
neither of which are in sid anymore.  See
for more information.  Test packages are available with this sources.list line: ./
Source is available from the same place.

Description: PGP signature

Re: but I want the GNU versions of packages

2003-07-03 Thread Marc Haber
On Mon, 30 Jun 2003 00:36:10 +0200, Michael Banck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Sat, Jun 28, 2003 at 07:57:55AM +0800, Dan Jacobson wrote:
 So what is the single command to apt-get install all the GNU versions
 of everything?

Just create and maintain a meta-package that Conflicts/Depends on the
stuff you want.

Given the current state of affairs, I am pretty sure that such a
package will be rejected by ftpmaster. They pretty sure reject almost
everything I upload.

Marc, currently seriously pissed

-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: Debconf or not debconf

2003-07-03 Thread Marc Haber
On Wed, 02 Jul 2003 19:52:10 +1000, Herbert Xu
I for one am sick and tired of useless Debconf messages popping up
during installation or being sent to me via email when I'm upgrading
hundreds of machines automatically.

Just go ahead and pre-seed your debconf database appropriately before


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29 installer in Debian, and pre-upload interface to ftpmaster

2003-07-03 Thread Marc Haber

In the past years, I have done quite a bit of work with virus scanners
on Linux. The company I used to work for has funded most of amavis-ng
development before being borged. In the past years, I have found it
annoying that the eicar anti-virus testfile is not available as
aptable Debian package.

Since has no license and eicar doesn't seem to be interested
in clarifying its license, inclusion of the eicar test string in
Debian proper is out of the question, even for non-free.

But it is possible to have an eicar-installer package in contrib which
is itself dfsg-free and downloads the non-free eicar test string from
the Web on installation.

After having that installer package rejected by ftpmaster (doesn't
make sense to have a 3 KB installer package to install a hundred bytes
of code) and been encouraged to take that issue to -devel, I would
like to hear other people's opinions.

It is my opinion that it would be a good idea to have that installer
package in Debian. Heck, if I wouldn't have that opinion, I wouldn't
have spent some of my time to build that package.

Additionally, I would like to seriously propose establishing a
pre-upload interface to ftpmaster so that a developer could learn that
he is writing a package pending rejection after upload _before_
spending time on building that package. I find it disturbingly
impolite to say sorry, we don't want your volunteer work _after_ the
work has been done. Especially if it is done in Mr. Troup's usual why
did you bother me in the first place, mere mortal style.

Marc, somewhat mad at the moment

-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: Why doesn't libsidplay enter testing?

2003-07-03 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 11:37:06AM +0200, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
  Yes, I've read the testing page with the FAQ and both the
 testing_excuses and testing_output, but I can't see the reason why
 libsidplay doesn't enter testing.

It can (or at least it could a few days ago), it just needs a manual
hint in I mentioned this to aj on 23 June.


Re: No crc32 package in Debian?

2003-07-03 Thread Xavier Roche
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 04:25:25PM +0200, Benjamin Drieu wrote:
 Doesn't cksfv does the job ?

Absolutely - I did not find it in the first time, as the primary goal was to 
generate sfv files (but you can get the CRC inside it)

Re: but I want the GNU versions of packages

2003-07-03 Thread James Troup
Marc Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Mon, 30 Jun 2003 00:36:10 +0200, Michael Banck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Sat, Jun 28, 2003 at 07:57:55AM +0800, Dan Jacobson wrote:
 So what is the single command to apt-get install all the GNU versions
 of everything?

Just create and maintain a meta-package that Conflicts/Depends on the
stuff you want.

 Given the current state of affairs, I am pretty sure that such a
 package will be rejected by ftpmaster. They pretty sure reject almost
 everything I upload.

Since you didn't bother with specifics, I can only guess you're
referring to clamav-data and eicar-testfile.  I encourage anyone to
check out


and judge this troll for themselves...


Re: Kernel build dependencies for prepackaged modules

2003-07-03 Thread Herbert Xu
David Z Maze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My kernel module packages (lm-sensors and i2c) both build-depend on
 kernel-build-2.4.20-1, which provides enough bits to build packages
 (as far as I can tell, successfully).  Problem is, evidence suggests
 that kernel-build-2.4.20-1 is i386-only.  I'm looking at moving to
 2.4.21, but kernel-build-2.4.21-1 also appears to just be an i386
 thing.  It looked like kernel-tree-2.4.21 might be useful for this,
 but it doesn't obviously appear to depend on architecture-specific
 patches and doesn't give any clue as to what flavors exist and has *no
 documentation at all*.

How many Debian users are there that will use lm-sensors and i2c
modules for a prepackaged kernel on a non-i386 architecture?
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:
PGP Key:

Re: Why doesn't libsidplay enter testing?

2003-07-03 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 12:50:50PM +0200, Björn Stenberg wrote:
 Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
  Yes, I've read the testing page with the FAQ and both the
 testing_excuses and testing_output, but I can't see the reason why
 libsidplay doesn't enter testing.
 I've written a little script that tries to answer precisely this type of
 question. You can run it here:

 Thanks for the great script.  It shows me that the testing script seems
 to be buggy, because:

   - Updating sidplay-base makes 1 packages uninstallable on alpha: 

 Uhm, that is somehow nonsense. How can an update of a package make
itself uninstallable? What's the reasoning behind it?

   - Updating xmms-sid makes 1 packages uninstallable on alpha: xmms-sid
   - Updating xsidplay makes 1 packages uninstallable on alpha: xsidplay
 The packages are waiting for each other, so none of them can go in. It looks
 like a nudge by a maintainer is required.

 From the texting I would interpret this as they are waiting for
_themselfes_, not for the others.

 What nudge by a maintainer are you talking about? Especially, which
maintainer (testing-maintainer?)

 Platforms are tested in alphabetical order, and only the first that
 breaks is displayed.

 Thanks, that explains a lot.  But it still doesn't explain why the
package holds back itself...  Is this a bug in the testing script? From
what I understand the testing script should be able to see such circular
dependencies -- but a dependency that breaks itself seems to be weird.

 Have fun,
   keep your backbone tidy

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Herbert Xu
Petter Reinholdtsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There seem to be someone believing that standard documents should be
 treated as software.  Standards are not software.  Standards do not
 improve if everyone is allowed to modify them and publish the modified
 version as an updated version of the standard.  Standards get their
 value from having a rigid procedure for updates and modifications.
 Software do not.

Do you know that you will be fighting the infamous GFD?  Good luck!
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:
PGP Key:

Re: installer in Debian, and pre-upload interface to ftpmaster

2003-07-03 Thread Thomas Wana
Am Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2003 16:51 schrieb Marc Haber:
 Additionally, I would like to seriously propose establishing a
 pre-upload interface to ftpmaster so that a developer could learn that
 he is writing a package pending rejection after upload _before_
 spending time on building that package. I find it disturbingly
 impolite to say sorry, we don't want your volunteer work _after_ the
 work has been done. 

Well that's the purpose of ITP-bugs against wnpp I think, because
they are CC'd to debian-devel for public review.

And since ftpmaster sent you to -devel he would obey the opinion
of the list.


1024D/8FC03128: 01FA 29EF 7F56 66A8 6596 C501 4322 5D69 8FC0 3128
postfix/src/util/msg.c: msg_panic()
202:abort();/* Die! */
203:exit(1);/* DIE!! */

Re: Debconf or not debconf

2003-07-03 Thread David Weinehall
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 12:27:24PM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:
 Joe Drew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 17:23, Herbert Xu wrote:
  I'd prefer no interaction at all during installation.  I'm perfectly
  able to read documenation thank you very much.
  Happily, the noninteractive debconf frontend exists.
 And getting hundreds of emails after a mass upgrade? No thanks.

man 5 procmailrc

Regards: David Weinehall
 /) David Weinehall [EMAIL PROTECTED] /) Northern lights wander  (\
//  Maintainer of the v2.0 kernel   //  Dance across the winter sky //
\)   Full colour fire   (/

Bug#199874: ITP: molmol -- Display and analyze structures of biological macromolecules

2003-07-03 Thread Frank Küster
Package: wnpp
Version: N/A; reported 2003-07-03
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: molmol
  Version : 2k.2.0
  Upstream Author : Reto Koradi [EMAIL PROTECTED] et al.
* URL :
* License : non-free (academic type use me, but cite men in 
  Description : Display and analyze structures of biological macromolecules

I'm not a Debian Developer - thus would need a sponsor.

In fact the package is quite ready, but the license and distribution
permission have to be clarified with the authors.

Bye, Frank

-- System Information
Debian Release: 3.0-bunk-1
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux alhambra 2.4.19 #1 Sam Apr 26 21:34:01 CEST 2003 i686

Re: Debconf or not debconf

2003-07-03 Thread Jim Penny
On Wed, 02 Jul 2003 22:25:26 +0200
Thomas Viehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jim Penny wrote:
  Now, this breakage happens to be somewhat benign, in that without
  configuration, it does not function at all. But it is also somewhat 
  difficult to test for many uses.  Further,  when the unconfigured
  system fails to start, the failure is completely silent. This adds 
  to the problems.
 What is difficult to test in ssl connections fail? I routinely test
 mine with telnet-ssl or python scripts (though I remember something
 about python and IMAP SSL not too long ago)...

Well, you have to have a place to launch the scripts from.  It the
tunnel is at the edge, and listening only to the outward-facing
interface, or it is listening only to localhost, and you don't want
to have the testing tools on your firewall, or ...

 Also, the silentness would IMHO be better fixed by adding a big fat
 NOT to the init script (although anything more than a NOT will be
 controversial as well...). Reminds me of something I should fix for my

This is a completely different complaint, more of an aside that should
never have been raised here. It has nothing to do with the change in
format of configuration information, debconf-ing or not debconf-ing. It
has to do with the experience of making repeated changes to the
configuration file, while feeling under some time pressure, 
running/etc/init.d/stunnel restart, 
seeing no output, and thinking silence is golden.  You know, the usual
Unix tradition.

Jim Penny

Re: Package Moscow ML and HOL

2003-07-03 Thread Branden Robinson
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 05:36:30PM +0800, ZHAO Wei wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 14:47, Ralf Treinen wrote:
  I remember vaguely that there used to be a licence problem with
  Moscow ML. What is its exact licence now?
 Under the mosml/copyright directory, there are three license files:
 1. gpl2 - which is exactly a copy of GPL v2
 2. copyright.att - which covers part of the library come from SML/NJ,
 and as I read it, it's mostly BSDish
 3. - covers code come from CAML Light, which looks a little
 bit strange, but to my unexperienced eyes, looks like a homebrew GPL
 Anyway, I think it's generally acceptable to put it in Debian main.
 What's you opinion?

Please send license text that is unfamiliar to the Project to the
debian-legal list for vetting.  In your list above that would be both
items 2) and 3).  BSDish is not a guarantee of DFSG-freeness, and
furthermore, a license can be DFSG-free but not GPL-compatible, and if
a work contains material under the GPL and under a non-GPL-compatible
license, the result may not be distributable by the Debian Project at
all (or so much may have to be stripped out that there's no point
shipping the package).

G. Branden Robinson| There's nothing an agnostic can't
Debian GNU/Linux   | do if he doesn't know whether he
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | believes in it or not. | -- Graham Chapman

Description: PGP signature

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Branden Robinson
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 01:00:47PM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
 There seem to be someone believing that standard documents should be
 treated as software.

That would be clause #1 of the Debian Social Contract.

G. Branden Robinson| Organized religion is a sham and a
Debian GNU/Linux   | crutch for weak-minded people who
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | need strength in numbers. | -- Jesse Ventura

Description: PGP signature

Re: installer in Debian, and pre-upload interface to ftpmaster

2003-07-03 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Thu, 03 Jul 2003, Marc Haber wrote:
 Since has no license and eicar doesn't seem to be interested
 in clarifying its license, inclusion of the eicar test string in
 Debian proper is out of the question, even for non-free.

Ick.  They are included in the amavisd-new _source_ packages.  We don't
package them in the binary packages, but...

From, I get that while they do
not display a license, they explicitly allow us to distribute it.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Bug#199881: ITP: rhyme -- console based rhyming dictionary

2003-07-03 Thread Stephen Stafford
Package: wnpp
Version: N/A; reported 2003-07-03
Severity: wishlist

  Package name: rhyme
  Version : 0.9
  Upstream Author : Brian (tuffy) Langenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  URL :
  License : GPL
  Description : console based rhyming dictionary

-- System Information
Debian Release: 3.0
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux bitech88 2.4.18-k7 #1 Sun Apr 14 13:19:11 EST 2002 i686

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jul 03, Petter Reinholdtsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I believe this whole case of RFC standards are not confirming to The
 Debian Free Software Guidelines display a complete lack of
 understanding of the value of standards, and should be rejected.
 Standards are not software, nor software manuals, and should not be
 treated as such.
I fully agree. Banning RFCs from debian is just silly.

ciao, |
Marco | [654 deHrl.v0T54n6]

Re: Why doesn't libsidplay enter testing?

2003-07-03 Thread Björn Stenberg
Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
  Thanks for the great script.  It shows me that the testing script seems
  to be buggy, because:
- Updating sidplay-base makes 1 packages uninstallable on alpha: 
  Uhm, that is somehow nonsense. How can an update of a package make
 itself uninstallable? What's the reasoning behind it?

Because it breaks testing rule #5: The operation of installing the package 
into testing must not break any packages currently in testing.

Updating sidplay-base alone breaks the current versions of xmms-sid and 
xsidplay. This is not allowed, and thus sidplay-base is uninstallable.

The solution is to update all of the packages at once, which requires manual 
intervention. As Colin Watson said, this has already been mentioned to the 
maintainer so the packages should be going in soon.


Re: Bug#199874: ITP: molmol -- Display and analyze structures of biological macromolecules

2003-07-03 Thread Andreas Tille
On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Frank Küster wrote:

 * License : non-free (academic type use me, but cite men in 
The license has a statement:

   This package may only be bundled in other software packages with the
   explicit permission of the copyright holders.

Please make sure that the copyright holders allow inclusion into Debian
and add this statement to the debian/copyright file.

Kind regards


Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 10:51:15AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:

  That would be clause #1 of the Debian Social Contract.

 Where do you draw the line between software, data and documentation?  I
 get the impression that you are reading Debian Will Remain 100% Free
 Software to mean everything in Debian will be Free Software instead
 of all the software in Debian will be Free Software.  There's a good
 deal of packages in Debian that can't be classified as software no
 matter how you twist the definition.  WordNet provides a lax

From WordNet (r) 1.7 [wn]:

   n : (computer science) written programs or procedures or
   rules and associated documentation pertaining to the
   operation of a computer system and that are stored in
   read/write memory [...]

 foldoc has this comment on the subject:

 Some claim that {documentation} (both paper and electronic) is
 also software.  Others go further and define software to be
 programs plus documentation though this does not correspond
 with common usage.

 To be fair, I'm not going to mention anarchism.  But what do you do
 with all the LG packages?  And several kinds of theme packages?  And
 the fortune packages?  And the dictionaries?  Think about your answer,
 we can't package random data just because it can be consumed by some
 program in the distribution.


Re: Debconf or not debconf

2003-07-03 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Herbert Xu [Thu, Jul 03 2003, 12:27:24PM]:
  I'd prefer no interaction at all during installation.  I'm perfectly
  able to read documenation thank you very much.
  Happily, the noninteractive debconf frontend exists.
 And getting hundreds of emails after a mass upgrade? No thanks.

We need a mail collector in debconf to send them all in one digest mail.

claim morgen!
weasel was ist morgen?
claim aehm, mittwoch!

Debconf or not debconf : Conclusion

2003-07-03 Thread Julien LEMOINE

First of all, I present my excuses for having started a new debate
about debconf in debian-devel.

Secondly, to reply to every person who thinks I should have created a 
more user friendly migration who did not break backwards compatibility. 
My answer is that I have no time to implement command line support for 
stunnel 4.x.

Finally, since there is not really a policy about when to use debconf, 
I will respect the DFSG [1] and add a debconf warning [2] in the 
stunnel package.

Thanks for all your comments.
Best Regards.

[1] 4. Our Priorities are Our Users and Free Software 
[2] Description: general notes about stunnel
 * stunnel 4.x does not support any more command line arguments, so you need
   to edit /etc/stunnel.conf by hand if you are upgrading from stunnel 3.x
 * For stunnel versions = 4.04-4, the file /etc/default/stunnel 
   is provided and you need to set ENABLED=1 to allow stunnel to be 
   started from init.d
 * To set up stunnel for server use, read the 
   /usr/share/doc/stunnel/README.Debian file.

Julien LEMOINE / SpeedBlue

Re: No crc32 package in Debian?

2003-07-03 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Xavier Roche [Thu, Jul 03 2003, 04:15:22PM]:
 I was looking for the very simple crc32 binary to compute checksums for 
 files, and couldn't find it. There is a crc32 perl lib, but no crc32 package. 
 I know that md5 (or even sha-160) hash fingerprints are better, but in many 
 cases (like tar archives on tapes, or ftp files) you have only CRC-32.

apt-cache search crc check
apt-cache show cfv cksfv

Aquarioph Lieber Kinder zuhause, bitte nicht poppen, da ist am ende 
alles kleiner als am Anfang :)

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Sebastian Rittau
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 01:00:47PM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:

 There seem to be someone believing that standard documents should be
 treated as software.  Standards are not software.  Standards do not
 improve if everyone is allowed to modify them and publish the modified
 version as an updated version of the standard.

There's no need to. But I want to have the right to change a standard
slightly, and hand it around, telling people that this is how I would
have liked the standard. I also want to have the right to enhance or
even change a standard, and use it e.g. for some internal project. I
want to quote parts of the standard in other documents or my software
(maybe even outside the fair use constraints). I might not be allowed
to do that. There might be other restrictions as well.

I don't want to have the right to call these modified documents RFCs
or standards, though. Please don't confuse these two issues. This is
something that we already allow - see some software licenses that we
consider free that require derived versions of the software to change
the name of the software.

 - Sebastian

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Adam Heath
On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

n : (computer science) written programs or procedures or
rules and associated documentation pertaining to the
operation of a computer system and that are stored in
read/write memory [...]

So if you print out a program, it is no longer considered software?  Or if you
burn it to cd or dvd?

Re: Debconf or not debconf : Conclusion

2003-07-03 Thread Sebastian Rittau
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 04:17:50PM +0200, Julien LEMOINE wrote:
   Finally, since there is not really a policy about when to use debconf, 
 I will respect the DFSG [1] and add a debconf warning [2] in the 
 stunnel package.


 [1] 4. Our Priorities are Our Users and Free Software 

As a user: You are doing me a disservice. That's one more useless
debconf warning, especially, since an automatic update is easy to

 - Sebastian

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Philippe Troin
Marco d'Itri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Jul 03, Petter Reinholdtsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I believe this whole case of RFC standards are not confirming to The
  Debian Free Software Guidelines display a complete lack of
  understanding of the value of standards, and should be rejected.
  Standards are not software, nor software manuals, and should not be
  treated as such.
 I fully agree. Banning RFCs from debian is just silly.

Wait, we're thinking about banning most of the GNU documentation too,
since it's GFDL'ed (the libc, emacs, and gdb manuals for example), or
putting it under non-free.

I like this DFDG idea (Debian Free Documentation Guidelines) :-)...


Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Anthony DeRobertis
On Thursday, Jul 3, 2003, at 07:00 US/Eastern, Petter Reinholdtsen 

[Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña]
(For those who are not aware of this issue, please read #92810)
There seem to be someone believing that standard documents should be
treated as software.  Standards are not software.
If they are not software, then under clause one of the Social Contract, 
they don't belong in debian.

This has been debated several thousand times on -legal...

Bug#199894: ITP: libtododb -- library that provides access to a to-do list database

2003-07-03 Thread Moray Allan
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-07-03
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: libtododb
  Version : 0.02
  Upstream Authors: Philip Blundell  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Luis Oliveira  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : LGPL
  Description : library that provides access to a to-do list database

libtododb provides an interface for programs to access and modify a list
of tasks which the user needs to carry out.


libtododb is a dependency of more recent versions of gpe-todo. It is also
used by other GPE applications not yet in Debian, such as the 'Today'
display, to access the to-do database.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux ascendit 2.4.21 #4 Sun Jun 22 18:42:14 BST 2003 i686
Locale: LANG=en_GB.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_GB.UTF-8

Re: Debconf or not debconf

2003-07-03 Thread Thomas Viehmann
Marc Haber wrote:
 On Wed, 02 Jul 2003 19:52:10 +1000, Herbert Xu
I for one am sick and tired of useless Debconf messages popping up
during installation or being sent to me via email when I'm upgrading
hundreds of machines automatically.
 Just go ahead and pre-seed your debconf database appropriately before

Funnily, Russel Coker explained something about this while explaining why he
turned away from Micro$oft in the Interview mentioned on debian-planet today...

Excessive usage of debconf notices is a bug which should be avoided/fixed, not
worked around.



Description: PGP signature


2003-07-03 Thread Thomas Viehmann
Sorry, I will try to learn to reply to the correct list.
(Incidentally, on my first attempt, I claimed that I will learn but wrote only
to myself...)


Description: PGP signature

Re: installer in Debian, and pre-upload interface to ftpmaster

2003-07-03 Thread Josip Rodin
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 04:51:49PM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
 In the past years, I have found it annoying that the eicar anti-virus
 testfile is not available as aptable Debian package.

Why is this annoying? The virus cannot be detected without it?

 I find it disturbingly impolite to say sorry, we don't want your
 volunteer work _after_ the work has been done. Especially if it is done
 in Mr. Troup's usual why did you bother me in the first place, mere
 mortal style.

Frankly, with this particular one, I entirely fail to see why you ignore
several perfectly valid reasons laid out in the reasonably polite (if a bit
dazzled) rejection notice and go off ranting instead.

(I don't want to quote them without permission.)

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Bug#199896: ITP: libdm -- display migration support for GTK

2003-07-03 Thread Moray Allan
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-07-03
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: libdm
  Version : 0.25
  Upstream Author : Philip Blundell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Description : display migration support for GTK

libdm provides support for moving running GTK applications between
different X displays. X properties are used to advertise that windows are
capable of migration, and to request windows to migrate to a specified

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux ascendit 2.4.21 #4 Sun Jun 22 18:42:14 BST 2003 i686
Locale: LANG=en_GB.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_GB.UTF-8

Debian XML Catalogs (was Re: OASIS Membership: was ...)

2003-07-03 Thread mark
Quoting Jochen Voss [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 05:13:18PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Also, the Debian implementation of XML 
  catalogs will very likely be included as one example in the OASIS
  implementation guide for XML Catalogs. So we _are_ making a difference. 
 This is interesting.  But is there actually such a thing like a
 Debian implementation of XML catalogs.  I was under the impression
 that packages like docbook-xml[1] and scrollkeeper[2] prefer to not
 register their xml files at the moment and that there are currently
 no working xml catalogs on Debian systems. 

You're quite right. Ardo  I (with helpful input from Adam DiCarlo) have been 
working on the policy and the infrastructure packages for the last few months. 

I have the first policy draft complete, but due to the fact that I'm in the 
process of relocating and job-hunting (and am using someone else's floppy-free 
Mac to do webmail) I don't presently have the time or the means to check-in or 
upload any files.

Early next week Ardo  I should have both of our relative stuff ready and 
uploaded. At that time I'll post an announcement to debian-devel.


Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Branden Robinson
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 03:38:18PM +0200, Marco d'Itri wrote:
 On Jul 03, Petter Reinholdtsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I believe this whole case of RFC standards are not confirming to The
  Debian Free Software Guidelines display a complete lack of
  understanding of the value of standards, and should be rejected.
  Standards are not software, nor software manuals, and should not be
  treated as such.
 I fully agree. Banning RFCs from debian is just silly.

So, what other non-DFSG-free stuff is it silly to ban?  Netscape
Navigator?  Adobe Acrobat Reader?

G. Branden Robinson|  Never underestimate the power of
Debian GNU/Linux   |  human stupidity.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |  -- Robert Heinlein |

Description: PGP signature

NEW packages policy.

2003-07-03 Thread Thomas Viehmann

(My apologies if -devel is the wrong place to put this - hints for better
locations are appreciated.)

While I understand that new packages need to be checked, I wondered whether this
rule could be relaxed somewhat for soversion-changing of libraries (i.e. the
advance from lib(.*)\d+ to lib\1\d+. Is the current policy of treating advances
of the soversion as new package a question of principle or implementation?

TIA for your answers.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Why doesn't libsidplay enter testing?

2003-07-03 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 01:21:53PM +0200, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 12:50:50PM +0200, Bj?rn Stenberg wrote:
  Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
   Yes, I've read the testing page with the FAQ and both the
  testing_excuses and testing_output, but I can't see the reason why
  libsidplay doesn't enter testing.
  I've written a little script that tries to answer precisely this type of
  question. You can run it here:
  Thanks for the great script.  It shows me that the testing script seems
  to be buggy, because:

Not really. See my earlier mail.

- Updating sidplay-base makes 1 packages uninstallable on alpha: 
  Uhm, that is somehow nonsense. How can an update of a package make
 itself uninstallable? What's the reasoning behind it?

That should be obvious: if sidplay-base is upgraded *by itself* in
testing, then it will itself be uninstallable in testing. (libsidplay
needs to go in at the same time, and doing such simultaneous source
package upgrades generally requires action by the RM or somebody else
who can mess with directly. This sort of thing happens
when library package names change.)



Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 12:35:06PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:

| So, what other non-DFSG-free stuff is it silly to ban?  Netscape
| Navigator?  Adobe Acrobat Reader?

Of course not.  They're software.

RFCs aren't software, and so applying the Debian Free /Software/
Guidelines to them seems a little odd.


Bug#199897: ITP: gpe-filemanager -- file manager for GPE

2003-07-03 Thread Moray Allan
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-07-03
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: gpe-filemanager
  Version : 0.09
  Upstream Author : Damien Tanner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : GPL (version 2 or later)
  Description : file manager for GPE

The GPE Filemanager provides a simple graphical interface for accessing and
manipulating files.

This package is part of the GPE Palmtop Environment, a free environment
intended to be used on palmtop computers.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux ascendit 2.4.21 #4 Sun Jun 22 18:42:14 BST 2003 i686
Locale: LANG=en_GB.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_GB.UTF-8

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Josselin Mouette
Le jeu 03/07/2003 à 13:00, Petter Reinholdtsen a écrit :

 There seem to be someone believing that standard documents should be
 treated as software.  Standards are not software.  Standards do not
 improve if everyone is allowed to modify them and publish the modified
 version as an updated version of the standard.  Standards get their
 value from having a rigid procedure for updates and modifications.
 Software do not.

There are specific licenses for dealing with this kind of stuff. You can
e.g. require modified versions to be clearly marked as such.

Or else, if the standards are not free, let them in non-free. We're not
going to let non-free documents enter main just because they are called
RFC's or W3C recommendations.
 .''`.   Josselin Mouette/\./\
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	=?ISO-8859-1?Q?num=E9riquement?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?_sign=E9e?=

Bug#199899: ITP: gpe-taskmanager -- lists windows and kills errant programs

2003-07-03 Thread Moray Allan
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-07-03
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: gpe-taskmanager
  Version : 0.13
  Upstream Author : Philip Blundell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : GPL (version 2 or later)
  Description : lists windows and kills errant programs

gpe-taskmanager is part of the GPE Palmtop Environment. It displays a list of
windows on the current display, and allows the user to kill the task which
owns a particular window. This can be helpful if a program has hung and is no
longer responding to direct user actions.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux ascendit 2.4.21 #4 Sun Jun 22 18:42:14 BST 2003 i686
Locale: LANG=en_GB.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_GB.UTF-8

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 06:01:08PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:

  Or else, if the standards are not free, let them in non-free. We're not
  going to let non-free documents enter main just because they are called
  RFC's or W3C recommendations.

 Yet we let them in because they are called licenses.  And no, I'm not
 asking to be able to change the _contract_ between the copyright owner
 and the licensee.  I'm talking about the file.  I'm talking about this:

 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of
 this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

 It doesn't get any more non-free than that, does it?


Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Jul 04, 2003 at 01:46:11AM +0800, Cameron Patrick wrote:

 RFCs aren't software, and so applying the Debian Free /Software/
 Guidelines to them seems a little odd.

But...but...what if you want to make your own RFC 2661 by embracing and
extending the existing one, and redistribute it to all your friends calling
it RFC 2661?  It's taking away your freedom!

 - mdz

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 10:54:00AM -0400, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:

 If they are not software, then under clause one of the Social Contract, 
 they don't belong in debian.
 This has been debated several thousand times on -legal...

I don't recall a consensus that software documentation does not belong in

 - mdz

Re: Kernel build dependencies for prepackaged modules

2003-07-03 Thread David Z Maze
Herbert Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How many Debian users are there that will use lm-sensors and i2c
 modules for a prepackaged kernel on a non-i386 architecture?

I've had at least one user ask me about support for powerpc, which is
the big thing that's driving me to ask.  If it makes you happier,
pretend I'm asking about something hardware-independent like openafs.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: Debconf or not debconf

2003-07-03 Thread Joey Hess
Herbert Xu wrote:
 And getting hundreds of emails after a mass upgrade? No thanks.

 The  email  address  Debconf  should  send mail to if it
 needs to make sure that the admin has seen an  important
 note.  Defaults  to  root, but can be set to any valid
 email address to send the mail there. If you  prefer  to
 never  have  debconf  send  you  mail,  specify  a blank
 address. This can be overridden on the fly with the DEB-
 CONF_ADMIN_EMAIL environment variable.

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Neil McGovern
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 12:14:49PM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:
 On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 n : (computer science) written programs or procedures or
 rules and associated documentation pertaining to the
 operation of a computer system and that are stored in
 read/write memory [...]
 So if you print out a program, it is no longer considered software? 

I'd say not, it's a written document of a program. You can't very well
run a piece of paper, can you?  :P

 Or if you burn it to cd or dvd?

When the program is run, it gets put in read/write memory.

A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q. Why is top posting bad?
gpg key - ; 8DEC67C5

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Andrew Suffield
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 06:23:14PM +0200, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
   That would be clause #1 of the Debian Social Contract.
  Where do you draw the line between software, data and documentation?  I
  get the impression that you are reading Debian Will Remain 100% Free
  Software to mean everything in Debian will be Free Software instead
  of all the software in Debian will be Free Software.

Well, of *course* we do. It would be idiotic and hypocritical to
interpret it as The software in Debian will be free, but the
documentation doesn't have to be.

We have historically allowed some free non-software things into the
archive, since it doesn't matter very much. Why does anybody think
that allowing non-free non-software things into the archive is

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
 : :' : | Dept. of Computing,
 `. `'  | Imperial College,
   `- --  | London, UK

Description: PGP signature

Re: Application

2003-07-03 Thread nordmann
Herzlichen Dank für Ihr eMail. Meine eMailadresse hat geändert und ich bitte 
Sie deshalb, eMails künftig an folgende Adresse zu senden: 
Herzlichen Dank! 
Denis Nordmann

Re: Debconf or not debconf : Conclusion

2003-07-03 Thread Thomas Viehmann

Julien LEMOINE wrote:
   First of all, I present my excuses for having started a new debate
 about debconf in debian-devel.

But then, the last one didn't favor your opinion.

   Secondly, to reply to every person who thinks I should have created a 
 more user friendly migration who did not break backwards compatibility. 
 My answer is that I have no time to implement command line support for 
 stunnel 4.x.

Yes. But you still have the options of:
- Publically asking if someone else has time and skill to do it.
- Putting off the update and/or packaging the interface incompatible stunnel
  under a new name.

   Finally, since there is not really a policy about when to use debconf, 
 I will respect the DFSG [1] and add a debconf warning [2] in the 
 stunnel package.
There is a difference between the social contract and the DFSG.

As a user of stunnel: Your warning will not help me as it does not keep stunnel
from breaking. *Not* installing a totally incompatible program where the stunnel
I wanted when I said apt-get install stunnel would.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Debconf or not debconf : Conclusion

2003-07-03 Thread Bas Zoetekouw
Hi Sebastian!

You wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 04:17:50PM +0200, Julien LEMOINE wrote:
  Finally, since there is not really a policy about when to use debconf, 
  I will respect the DFSG [1] and add a debconf warning [2] in the 
  stunnel package.
  [1] 4. Our Priorities are Our Users and Free Software 
 As a user: You are doing me a disservice. That's one more useless
 debconf warning, especially, since an automatic update is easy to

Indeed.  Please don't display those annoying messages.  

Kind regards,
| Bas Zoetekouw  | GPG key: 0644fab7 |
|| Fingerprint: c1f5 f24c d514 3fec 8bf6 |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  a2b1 2bae e41f 0644 fab7 |

Re: Why doesn't libsidplay enter testing?

2003-07-03 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 06:03:38PM +0200, Björn Stenberg wrote:
 Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
  Uhm, that is somehow nonsense. How can an update of a package make
 itself uninstallable? What's the reasoning behind it?
 Because it breaks testing rule #5: The operation of installing the
 package into testing must not break any packages currently in

 Please read the output again. It claims that the install of
sidplay-base would render sidplay-base (e.g. _itself_) broken -- that is
what I call nonsense for the broken rendered sidplay-base would be
replaced, that's what it's all about.  A package should never be able to
render _itself_ broken.

 Updating sidplay-base alone breaks the current versions of xmms-sid
 and xsidplay. This is not allowed, and thus sidplay-base is

 Please read the documentation for the testing script again -- that
should already be triggered by the script. Read the part in the FAQ
about the real, non-trivial example. This is exactly that the example
describes and what it claims to be able to do already.

 The solution is to update all of the packages at once, which requires
 manual intervention.

 I don't see why it would need manual intervention. Either the
documentation is ahead of the script or it is wrong. It is claimed in
the documentation for quite some time that this is handled automagically
already and this is the whole purpose for why the packages are
repeatedly mentioned in the update_output.

 So simply put: You don't know neither why they don't move to testing
automatically like they should (and I'm quite sure that it already
worked that way...). I still think that there must be a different
problem here, or rather someone b0rked the script. I don't want to
accuse anyone to have done it, I don't need anyone responsible for the
brokeness, but I'm not sure if it's really b0rked or if there is
something that I misunderstood

 So long,
   keep your backbone tidy

Processed: reassign general

2003-07-03 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 reassign 199197 general
Bug#199197: bsdgames debian X menu entries depend on gnome-terminal, not in 
testing (Sarge)
Bug reassigned from package `bsdgames' to `general'.

Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Re: Why doesn't libsidplay enter testing?

2003-07-03 Thread Anthony DeRobertis
On Thursday, Jul 3, 2003, at 07:21 US/Eastern, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
 Uhm, that is somehow nonsense. How can an update of a package make
itself uninstallable? What's the reasoning behind it?
Easily. Example:
Package: foo
Version: 1.0.6-4
Depends: libc6 = 2.2.0
Package: foo
Version: 1.0.7-1
Depends: libc6 = 2.4.0
Replacing foo-1.0.6-4 with 1.0.7-1 would make foo uninstallable 
(becasue there is no glibc-2.4.0 in testing)

 What nudge by a maintainer are you talking about? Especially, which
maintainer (testing-maintainer?)
ftp master would be a better term. Probably Anthony Towns.
 Thanks, that explains a lot.  But it still doesn't explain why the
package holds back itself...  Is this a bug in the testing script?
what I understand the testing script should be able to see such 
dependencies -- but a dependency that breaks itself seems to be weird.
Circular dependencies are not handled well. I suppose the feel free to 
submit patches thing applies here.

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 06:20:02PM +0100, Neil McGovern wrote:
| When the program is run, it gets put in read/write memory.

So embedded firmware running from an EPROM doesn't count as a program


Re: Why doesn't libsidplay enter testing?

2003-07-03 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 01:49:28PM -0400, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
 On Thursday, Jul 3, 2003, at 07:21 US/Eastern, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
 Uhm, that is somehow nonsense. How can an update of a package make
itself uninstallable? What's the reasoning behind it?
 Easily. Example:
   Package: foo
   Version: 1.0.6-4
   Depends: libc6 = 2.2.0
   Package: foo
   Version: 1.0.7-1
   Depends: libc6 = 2.4.0
 Replacing foo-1.0.6-4 with 1.0.7-1 would make foo uninstallable 
 (becasue there is no glibc-2.4.0 in testing)

 Please check the update_excuses, it would make package foo _not_ a
valid candidate, if that happens.

 Thanks, that explains a lot.  But it still doesn't explain why the
package holds back itself...  Is this a bug in the testing script?

 What makes you so sure? If it is just a circular dependency problem
like Björn said it should be caught already, like documented (and worked
before). I never noticed before that a package seems to hold back
itself though.

 So long,
   keep your backbone tidy

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Joshua Haberman
* Branden Robinson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 03:38:18PM +0200, Marco d'Itri wrote:
  On Jul 03, Petter Reinholdtsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I believe this whole case of RFC standards are not confirming to The
   Debian Free Software Guidelines display a complete lack of
   understanding of the value of standards, and should be rejected.
   Standards are not software, nor software manuals, and should not be
   treated as such.
  I fully agree. Banning RFCs from debian is just silly.
 So, what other non-DFSG-free stuff is it silly to ban?  Netscape
 Navigator?  Adobe Acrobat Reader?

Keep in mind that this hard-line stance of applying the DFSG to
everything in the archive will probably make it more difficult to gain
support for the non-free removal resolution.  I think most people
perceive RFCs as being free enough for their purpose, even though they
are not DFSG-free.  Of course you can come up with scenerios where
someone could have a completely legitimate desire to use an RFC in a
derivative work, but in comparison to situations where one wants to
modify software this is extremely infrequent.  I think non-free removal
will seem more radical if it means that Debian will no longer distribute
RFCs on the basis that their licensing is not permissive enough.  RFCs
are the end product of a community process that represents everything
Debian stands for.

(Yes, I know that non-free is not part of Debian.  All I claim above is
that in the status quo Debian distributes non-free.)

Josh Haberman
Debian GNU/Linux developer

Re: Debconf or not debconf

2003-07-03 Thread Gunnar Wolf
Jim Penny dijo [Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 06:34:53PM -0400]:
  My original argument stands:  we should not be telling our users that
  we broke their system, because we shouldn't be breaking it in the
  first place.  In this instance, it sounds to me like a bout of
  upstream bogosity has resulted in a rather grave regression in the
  quality of the software.  Why would it ever be a good idea to *not*
  give users the ability to control the program using commandline
 Because of security considerations.  The configuration file is read on
 startup, and then stunnel chroots away, so that it is no longer visible.
 The command line interface leaked information, internal IP
 structure, internal ports, etc. that a really paranoid person might
 prefer not be visible.
 While it is indeed preferable to not break things, there are times when
 avoiding breakage is quite difficult.  This appears, to me, to be
 one of those times.

Many times this cases are handled by creating a transitional package:
Keep stunnel as a stub package depending on either stunnel3 or stunnel4,
change the description of stunnel3 explaining the situation and urging
users to upgrade if possible. 

Even more, stunnel3 and stunnel4 can coexist - and some users will find
it very valuable to have both the newest stunnel features and the ease
of keeping their old configurations, or not having to be root to start a
temporary or permanent new tunnel.


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973  F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF

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