RE: Testez l'installateur Debian....

2003-11-17 Thread Mickael Vera
 sans trop m'avancer, je pense qu'il n'y a pas assez de mémoire ( d'où
 l'erreur no space left du cp ). Comme l'a indiqué Christian, il serait
 bien que vous fassiez un rapport d'installation.

J'ai aussi testé l'installateur de Sarge et j'ai identifié quelques soucis.
Je ne suis ni developpeur ni traducteur, je ne sais pas comment faire un
de bug, quelqun pourrait il m'indiquer la marche à suivre, une adresse mail
un lien ?


licence libre?

2003-11-17 Thread Alexandre Pineau

Suite à un problème de licence sur le jeux de role Le règne des justes 
(ire-rotj), je suis 
amené avec l'auteur amont à modifier le chapitre copyright d'un fichier readme.

Ci-dessous la nouvelle formulation pour être conforme aux DFSG: 

 Copyright and License

Reign of the Just is copyright (C) 2003 J. P. Morris, IT-HE Software.

It is freeware under the terms of the BSD license.  You can copy and use it as 
much as you want, but please, please try to keep the thing intact.  If you want
to re-distribute it in a  modified form, e.g. for a Linux distribution, I'd 
appreciate being asked first (it may even make the job easier :-)

Reign of the Just uses the IRE engine from IT-HE Software.  If you want
to try recompiling the game, get the source code from
You'll need version 0.90 or above.  The IRE engine is under the BSD

I'm not too keen on people ripping the artwork or music.  Please ask me first.

Some of the artwork is based on tiles done by Lost Dragon. You can find more
about his artwork on  

Le jeux est sous licence BSD,et le fichier readme exprime les réticences de 
en cas d'une réexploitation sauvage de son travail. Il n'interdit rien, mais 
juste être prévenu. 
ça me semble bon, non?

Une autre question concerne le respect du droit moral.
L'inclusion dans le logiciel d'autres images libres de droit (oeuvres tombées 
le domaine public ou libérées par l'auteur) dans le programme mais soumises au 
moral (c'est à dire qu'il est nécessaire de citer l'auteur et la source) 
peut-elle être 
considérée contraire aux DSFG?  

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.


Il vente, c'est le vent de la mer qui nous tourmente. - Pierre Mac Orlan

Re: licence libre?

2003-11-17 Thread Patrice Karatchentzeff
Alexandre Pineau écrivait :


  I'm not too keen on people ripping the artwork or music.  Please
  ask me first.

Cela semble bien une restriction...

  Some of the artwork is based on tiles done by Lost Dragon. You can find more
  about his artwork on  
  Le jeux est sous licence BSD,et le fichier readme exprime les
  réticences de l'auteur en cas d'une réexploitation sauvage de son
  travail. Il n'interdit rien, mais souhaite juste être prévenu. ça
  me semble bon, non?

Non, ce n'est pas ce qu'il dit : il veut être informé avant de faire
quelque chose... c'est bien une restriction. Une bonne formulation
serait :

   I will be enjoy of being asked if you want...

Ici, on émet vraiment le souhait. Avant, il y a un impératif.

  Une autre question concerne le respect du droit moral.  L'inclusion
  dans le logiciel d'autres images libres de droit (oeuvres tombées
  dans le domaine public ou libérées par l'auteur) dans le programme
  mais soumises au droit moral (c'est à dire qu'il est nécessaire de
  citer l'auteur et la source) peut-elle être considérée contraire
  aux DSFG?

Non : c'est le respect du copyright que de renseigner ces
informations. Elles sont d'ailleurs aussi importantes que les images
elles-mêmes puisqu'elles donnent et le droit et le nom des auteurs.

C'est tout  fait conforme aux DSFG.


  |\  _,,,---,,_   Patrice KARATCHENTZEFF
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_)   

INVESTORS: Blue-Chip, Stock-Trading System---77% Return---Automated...keb

2003-11-17 Thread Octavio Coker
Investors: Come see Wall Streets only scale-trading system for blue-chip stocks 
- MainScale

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In less than 15 minutes a day, you can manage a profitable portfolio that will 
make you money in any type of market.

No more advertisements, go here:

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Re: Bug#220199: ITP: mecab -- a Japanese Morphological Analysis System

2003-11-17 Thread Joe Drew
On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 06:45, TSUCHIYA Masatoshi wrote:
 * Package name: mecab
   Description : a Japanese Morphological Analysis System

Drop the leading 'a' and de-capitalise all words but Japanese.

 Mecab is a morphological analysys system. It can segment and tokenize
 Japanese text string, and can output with many additional informations
 (pronunciation, semantic information, and others).  It will print the
 result of such an operation to the standard output, so that it can
 either written to a file or further processed.

The first two sentences (with some editing) belong in the description.
The last sentence belongs in the man page.

Here's how I'd start the description:

Mecab is a morphological analysis system. It can segment and tokenize
Japanese text strings and can output many additional pieces of
information (pronunciation, semantic information, etc).

More information that this should be added to the description, for
example mentioning what the strengths of Mecab are vs. the other
(potential?) morphological analysis systems.

By the way, the descriptions of ChaSen and JUMAN look *very* similar to
the proposed description of mecab. Should this be the case? All of my
comments apply to the descriptions of those packages too. More
information which differentiates the packages should be added.


My weblog doesn't detail my personal life:

Re: MIPS port backlog, autobuilder machines and some arrogance

2003-11-17 Thread Nathanael Nerode
Josip Robin wrote:
It's been proven plenty of times that whenever we have task depend on a
single person doing it, the lack of redundancy comes back and bites us in
the ass whenever there's the slightest bit of a problem.
Anthony Towns then wrote:
Why do you think that contributes _anything_ to the discussion? It's not
remotely insightful, rather it's trivially obvious. What that means is
that Martin already knows it and understands it, and doesn't need to
be told. It also means that, if it were easy to add some redundancy,
it would already have happened. Which in turn means that it's hard.
No.  You're saying Because nobody has done it, it must be hard, which 
just isn't the way the world works; it makes so many wrong assumptions 
it's not even worth enumerating them.

The specific case at hand is actually a counterexample to your 
argument.  Let me list the facts I've heard on
this list:
1) There is a single MIPS buildd admin.
2) He is the point of failure, for whatever reason.
3) Other architectures successfully have multiple buildd admins.
4) People are volunteering to administer MIPS buildds.
5) Yet, there is still a single MIPS buildd admin.

Don't overlook the degree to which people can overlook the trivially 

Debian Enterprise?

2003-11-17 Thread Andres Salomon
Over the past week, my boss and I have had discussions about the niche
left by RedHat, and the possibility of working on a
distribution/sub-project aimed at enterprise folks.  The plan is to target
those RedHat users and companies who are unwilling (or unable) to pay for
RedHat Enterprise Linux, but need HA features.  Our company falls into
this category, but made the RedHat-Debian switch earlier on.

Currently, we're forced to maintain our own kernels, compile apache/php
from source, and use a few backports to woody.  What we really need is:

* a kernel that supports things like IPVS (Linux Virtual Server), UML (the
skas host patch), 64-bit smbfs support, and various other things. 
RedHat's kernel had a slew of 2.6 backports, as well as HA stuff thrown in
there. We need something like that (only less extreme; RH liked their
experimental kernel features a bit too much).
* Updated server-related packages; for example, we definitely need a php4
package newer than 4.1.2, and preferably built against apache2.

I can think of a few ways to offer the above.  The first is a standalone
distribution, based on debian but with various enhancements (not a novel
idea, by any means).  We could either base this on testing, doing snapshot
releases every 3-6 months, and offering security fixes, or
on stable w/ various backports.  We would probably
have a stripped-down installer based on d-i, w/ the stock kernel being
similar to redhat's kernel.  

Another way would be to have a debian sub-project; this would have a
kernel that includes extra (enterprise) features
(kernel-image-2.4.22-enterprise-1-686smp), amongst other things.  I'd also
like to see enhancements to d-i, work done to ease things like php into
testing, and (if based around testing) security updates for testing.

If folks are at all interested in this sort of thing, please let me know. 
Our long-term goals for this are to hire a developer or two (part or
full time) to help maintain this project, as long as it's something we
(and our clients) can use and support.

Suggestions are most welcome.

Re: MIPS port backlog, autobuilder machines and some arrogance

2003-11-17 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 02:46:07PM +1100, Martin Michlmayr - Debian Project 
Leader wrote:

  Actually, Linux has been ported to all of the CPUs and systems I had
  in mind; in fact, ported by the vendor since there's demand for Linux.
  The 1 GHz dual-cores I mentioned are one from Broadcom (which drow
  also mentioned) and another one developed by PMC-Sierra.

 Ah... I suspected that :-)  _very_ powerful is a matter of
 perspective.  While the newer MIPS processors are indeed very fine
 pieces of hardware, these machines are targeted towards very specific
 markets where requirements are slightly different from those in the HPC
 community.  Sure, noone will stop you from getting decent connectivity
 on these things and putting a bunch of them in a cluster configuration
 (and considering the historical record of the MIPS architecture in the
 floating point arena, this is probably an attractive proposition... if
 the price tag was a bit lower)

 _I_ was thinking of something with a somewhat larger power
 consumption.  One can only hope SGI will survive long enough...

 Thanks for the info to both of you guys,

 wondering what do the MIPS folk do with Debian in the real world...

Re: Is vrms really still a Virtual Richard M. Stallman?

2003-11-17 Thread Andrew Lau
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 02:14:53PM +1100, Andrew Lau wrote:
 against his packages which uses a license his real self would approve. 
against packages which use a license his real self would approve. 

  Andrew Netsnipe LauComputer Sci. UNSW  Debian GNU/Linux
 GnuPG 1024D/2E8B68BD:  0B77 73D0 4F3B F286 63F1  9F4A 9B24 C07D 2E8B 68BD
  Nobody expects the Debian Inquisition!
 Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency!

Description: Digital signature

Re: Programming first steps.

2003-11-17 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 03:36:05AM +, Scott James Remnant wrote:
 I learnt C++ first, then switched to C later.  Am I The Only One?(tm)

No, that was the way it was taught at the University I've just managed to
escape from.  Still managed to produce a really crap crop of programmers,

From what I've heard from people whose opinions I trust, Python is a pretty
good language to bring yourself into the world.  Just don't stick on
thinking that programming has to be done that way.  Take Lisp as an example
of how to program in a totally different way (or Smalltalk, for that

- Matt

Re: Is vrms really still a Virtual Richard M. Stallman?

2003-11-17 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 02:14:53PM +1100, Andrew Lau wrote:
 So is vrms now up for a name change before the real RMS decides to sue
 us for misrepresenting him! = ) 

I like this one.  Guardian of the Debian Freedoms.  g

- Matt

Re: Debian Enterprise?

2003-11-17 Thread Joerg Wendland
Hi Andres, *,

Andres Salomon, on 2003-11-17, 01:45, you wrote:
 If folks are at all interested in this sort of thing, please let me know. 

I am.  We (the company I am employed with) are running Debian
installations in Enterprise environments with focus on HA (failover,
replication und such).

 Our long-term goals for this are to hire a developer or two (part or
 full time) to help maintain this project, as long as it's something we
 (and our clients) can use and support.

I would like to participate in a sub-project.  And if you like you are
free to buy development services from us, of course ;-)


Joerg joergland Wendland
GPG: 51CF8417 FP: 79C0 7671 AFC7 315E 657A  F318 57A3 7FBD 51CF 8417

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Enterprise?

2003-11-17 Thread Andreas Tille
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003, Andres Salomon wrote:

 Another way would be to have a debian sub-project; this would have a
 kernel that includes extra (enterprise) features
I would strongly recommend this.  The keyword ist Customized Debian
Distribution.  Recently I gave a talk at LinuxDays Luxemburg (a slight
update from my talk at DebConf Oslo).  I wished I would find the time
to write a complete article about the slides which are available at:

 Suggestions are most welcome.
Feel free to ask about details if something is not clear about the slides
or any other things are missing.  IMHO a debian-enterprise is very much
missing and would be a great enhancement.

Kind regards


Re: RFA: A lot of packages

2003-11-17 Thread Andreas Tille
On Fri, 14 Nov 2003, Simon Richter wrote:

  - pingus
If I followed the discussion this one remains.  I definitely have no time for
this but I hope some people grab the hat for this very nice game ...

Kind regards


Re: RFA: A lot of packages

2003-11-17 Thread Sam Hocevar
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003, Andreas Tille wrote:

   - pingus
 If I followed the discussion this one remains.  I definitely have no time for
 this but I hope some people grab the hat for this very nice game ...

   If no one else wants it, I'm willing to take care of it. I know the
codebase a bit because I (unsuccessfully yet) tracked #145424 and other
endianness bugs.


Re: Some observations regardig the progress towards Debian 3.1

2003-11-17 Thread Norbert Tretkowski
* Brian Nelson wrote:
 Norbert Tretkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  * Adrian Bunk wrote:
  - testing, unstable or Debian 3.0 with backports aren't suitable
  for production systems
  Of course it is, Debian 3.0 with a few _selected_ backports works
  nice, also on production systems.
 Err, do you realize you're telling that to the person that maintains
 the largest collection of woody backports, including probably the
 few selected ones you're using?

There is at least one bigger backports repository. And I'm not using
Adrians backports. But that's both not the point.

 If he's saying they aren't suitable for production systems, you
 should take his word for it.

Unfortunately Adrian didn't wrote why he thinks backports aren't
usable for production systems. The only real problem with backports I
see is that there are no guaranted security updates.

This could be a reason for someone to not using backports. For me it's
not, I'm using my own backports.

 - nobse

Re: Example of really nasty DD behavior

2003-11-17 Thread Duck
Hash: SHA1

Filip Van Raemdonck [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 May I remember you it's retitling an RFP into ITP you responded to?
 Which was meant to avoid anyone else going through useless effort while
 the packages are waiting for ftp-master intervenience.

When i started composing my ITP it was not retitled and you had not yet replied.
I was interrupted many times so it took me 15-20 to finish it.
I am not lying.

 Uh-huh. So where was yours to avoid others' duplicate work?

My ITP came on time, before any packaging.

 I think it's wise to see if one is capable of building packages, then ITP.
 As you state, there are too many ITPs which are never fullfilled.
 Since in this case it was an old RFP, I immediately uploaded the packages
 as well.

Yes, too many people not really serious.
Your quick upload without any upstream/old-packager contact made me think
your were not.

 Pity. One of these weeks I was about to contact you to see if you were in
 need of a sponsor of arkhart, following up to
 Which is a message you sent to debian-mentors 3 months ago, while you only
 sent ITPs for arkhart 10 days ago. Seems you are a little late yourself?

I thought findind a aponsor was first required, i was wrong.
As you said i looked for a sponsor for many months, and i had no reply, so
i found unnecessary to reserve packages in advance.
When i got a sponsor, i did correct this quickly.

Arkhart is uploaded and waiting for approval, so u'd be able to have fun with
it soon :-). In the meantime, you can try slune.

 Well, the offer stands. I'm currently working out things with someone else
 to sponsor an RFAd package, but when that's worked out I'll sponsor you,
 if you wish.

I've already found a sponsor.
Thx for your proposal.

Please understand this was not a personnal attack.
There's so many people doing nasty things (like a so famous video player
packager) that i found really important to give a word on the situation.
When you find several ITPs filled more than 6 years ago and an official DD
seems not to mind about using the BTS properly, you may wonder about the
future of your prefered distribution.

Thx for your explanation and proposal.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8


Re: Is vrms really still a Virtual Richard M. Stallman?

2003-11-17 Thread Roland Stigge
Andrew Lau wrote:
 So is vrms now up for a name change before the real RMS decides to sue
 us for misrepresenting him! = ) 


 Nominations are now open.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: MIPS port backlog, autobuilder machines and some arrogance

2003-11-17 Thread Anthony Towns
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 01:17:36AM -0500, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 4) People are volunteering to administer MIPS buildds.

From what I've seen people are volunteering to *provide* MIPS buildds,
as long as someone else administers them. Running a buildd for Debian
requires more knowledge than just booting a machine, doing an install,
pointing wanna-build at auric and crossing your fingers.


I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

Australian DMCA (the Digital Agenda Amendments) Under Review!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Some observations regardig the progress towards Debian 3.1

2003-11-17 Thread Andreas Metzler
Norbert Tretkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Unfortunately Adrian didn't wrote why he thinks backports aren't
 usable for production systems. The only real problem with backports I
 see is that there are no guaranted security updates.

Imho the real potential for problems with backports is mixing
different ones. E.g. backports A, B and C require a backported
libfoo2c102 (woody only has the the API incompatible libfoo1) and each
of them uses a different solution:
* A has undone the c102 transition properly and ships a libfoo2.
* B uses a backport of gcc 3.2 and has simply done a normal backport
  by decreasing the version-number and compiling with the g++-3.2 (The
  resulting library of course depends on the backported gcc-3.2 libstc++)
* C has produced a broken backport, he has compiled libfoo2c102 with

Mixing any two of A, B and C will fail because of Conflicts/Replaces.

I have not tested it, but AFAIK it is e.g. not possible to use
Gnome-2.2 and KDE-3 backports at the same time.
 cu andreas
Hey, da ist ein Ballonautomat auf der Toilette!
Unofficial _Debian-packages_ of latest unstable _tin_

Re: Programming first steps.

2003-11-17 Thread Wouter Verhelst
Op zo 16-11-2003, om 16:44 schreef Chad Walstrom:
 On Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 08:45:51PM +0800, David Palmer wrote:
  I thought that I might make a beginning at learning.  I've searched
  the web, found information that goes beyond the definition of
  plethora, so I thought that I'd ask here.
 C is useful, stable, has a huge following.  C++ is useful, changing, and
 has a huge following.  You will most likely find people who know C than
 C++, and you will often find C++ programmers who write mostly C style
 code within C++.
 Perl and Python have different histories.  Perl was an evolutionary
 language whose origin was to replace sed and awk.  Python was written as
 a full-fledged programming language and benefits from this consistency.
 (Can you tell which one I prefer?)  Perl has its usefulness, but I often
 hear of complaints over maintability when it is use in large projects.
 You won't find that in Python.

I have one grudge against python, though: its mandated indentation looks
very ugly and unstructured to me. Kinda reminds me of COBOL (and boy, do
I have nightmares of having to write COBOL code at school)

wrt a good beginner's language, I wouldn't start with C or C++. They're
both great languages, but if you've never done any programming before,
they might be, uh, confusing. I'd suggest finding some programming
language with at least some decent string handling, bounds checking, and
an intended audience of beginners. FreePascal is, I think, a good

Wouter Verhelst
Debian GNU/Linux --
Nederlandstalige Linux-documentatie --
If you're running Microsoft Windows, either scan your computer on
viruses, or stop wasting my bandwith and remove me from your
addressbook. *now*.

Description: Dit berichtdeel is digitaal ondertekend

Re: MIPS port backlog, autobuilder machines and some arrogance

2003-11-17 Thread Wouter Verhelst
Op ma 17-11-2003, om 09:58 schreef Anthony Towns:
 On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 01:17:36AM -0500, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
  4) People are volunteering to administer MIPS buildds.
 From what I've seen people are volunteering to *provide* MIPS buildds,
 as long as someone else administers them.

Not quite. Ingo is volunteering to provide a MIPS buildd, but since he's
not a Debian Developer, he can't handle its logs. Thus, he's asked me,
the person currently handling the logs of 'arrakis', his m68k Amiga
which has been running as a buildd since early 2001, whether I would be
willing to handle his MIPS buildd. I have no problem doing so; indeed,
I'd love to expand my work outside of m68k. Since I've been handling
buildd logs since halfway 2001, I'd say I'm qualified.

However, In reply to a mail I sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], requesting
access to the mips wanna-build database and to add the machine to the
incoming.d.o ACL, Ryan said he'd prefer to remain the only person in
charge of the mips buildd.

  Running a buildd for Debian
 requires more knowledge than just booting a machine, doing an install,
 pointing wanna-build at auric and crossing your fingers.

Sure; that's why nobody's suggesting that.

Wouter Verhelst
Debian GNU/Linux --
Nederlandstalige Linux-documentatie --
If you're running Microsoft Windows, either scan your computer on
viruses, or stop wasting my bandwith and remove me from your
addressbook. *now*.

Description: Dit berichtdeel is digitaal ondertekend

Re: Programming first steps.

2003-11-17 Thread Tom
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 12:15:45PM +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
 Op zo 16-11-2003, om 16:44 schreef Chad Walstrom:
  On Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 08:45:51PM +0800, David Palmer wrote:
   I thought that I might make a beginning at learning.  I've searched
   the web, found information that goes beyond the definition of
   plethora, so I thought that I'd ask here.
  C is useful, stable, has a huge following.  C++ is useful, changing, and
  has a huge following.  You will most likely find people who know C than
  C++, and you will often find C++ programmers who write mostly C style
  code within C++.
  Perl and Python have different histories.  Perl was an evolutionary
  language whose origin was to replace sed and awk.  Python was written as
  a full-fledged programming language and benefits from this consistency.
  (Can you tell which one I prefer?)  Perl has its usefulness, but I often
  hear of complaints over maintability when it is use in large projects.
  You won't find that in Python.
 I have one grudge against python, though: its mandated indentation looks
 very ugly and unstructured to me. Kinda reminds me of COBOL (and boy, do
 I have nightmares of having to write COBOL code at school)
 wrt a good beginner's language, I wouldn't start with C or C++. They're
 both great languages, but if you've never done any programming before,
 they might be, uh, confusing. I'd suggest finding some programming
 language with at least some decent string handling, bounds checking, and
 an intended audience of beginners. FreePascal is, I think, a good

I think the hardest thing about learning a new language is the 
Libraries.  Variables, method calls, operators, scope are somewhat dicey 
to learn but you can pick it up in just about any language, once you 
learn the syntax.

But to get a good education you need system libraries that do 
sophisticated things with strings and files and other nice things.  
That's why when I was learning I enjoyed Visual Basic so much: the 
system libraries were relatively easier (and also less powerful) than 
other languages.  Microsoft's .NET class libaries are pretty easy to 
learn; they're slightly less idiomatic than Java even though they pretty 
much imitate them.

In Linux, I like GTK/GLIB programming in C.  The libs are pretty 
straightforward and complete.

RE: debian-installer beta 1

2003-11-17 Thread Julian Mehnle
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
 On Sun, 16 Nov 2003, Julian Mehnle wrote:
  That would be great!  At least if it means ATARAID-style
  software RAID.  No opinion about LVM-style RAID.
 Yuck (if by ATARAID you mean those PoS controllers from, e.g., Promise
 -- these are slow as a snail compared to md software RAID), and Yuck
 for LVM RAID too (slow, limited, cubersome).
 Good software RAID is md raid :)  with LVM on top of it, of course. 
 LVM is a good thing, if you do it right and never bother with
 'striping' on the LVM layer. Do it in the md RAID layer (or hardware
 layer, for that matter). 

Is md RAID (I don't know this one) compatible with ATARAID in regard of the 
partition/storage layout on disks, i.e. can I use ATARAID drivers to access md 
RAID disks and vice versa?  I need this kind of compatibility since I 
dual-boot Windows 2000 on the systems in question.

PS: Please don't CC me when answering to the list.  The Reply-To header is 
just there for private replies.

Re: MIPS port backlog, autobuilder machines and some arrogance

2003-11-17 Thread Josip Rodin
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 12:48:00PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
  Since you're posting that as the DPL you're asking for the following
  reply. Sorry :)
  It's been proven plenty of times that whenever we have task depend on a
  single person doing it, the lack of redundancy comes back and bites us in
  the ass whenever there's the slightest bit of a problem.
 Why do you think that contributes _anything_ to the discussion? It's not
 remotely insightful, rather it's trivially obvious. What that means is
 that Martin already knows it and understands it, and doesn't need to
 be told. It also means that, if it were easy to add some redundancy,
 it would already have happened. Which in turn means that it's hard.

This NIH attitude is really laughable. I see how you might have a vested
interest in trying to defend the acts of the DPL, given that there've been
cases where lack of redundancy among the release managers caused some
difficulties. I didn't, however, expect that you'll actually try to sell
this kind of bullshit as an actual argument that we need to trust the DPL
who is supposedly asserting that things simply had to be done the wrong way.
Even in jokes, the Debian leader isn't ever supposed to be herding sheep...

I like to believe that in the naming of a donations delegate, the DPL
intended the team to evolve as the first delegate gradually got help from
others. Would have been nice to have been done right from the start, but
oh well.

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.


2003-11-17 Thread freecards




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Re: bug #213450

2003-11-17 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 There is a bug (actually a number of bugs now) against heimdal
 that causes it to segfault under certain conditions.
 The bug has been reassigned to libcomerr2.
 It also has a simple one word patch.
 However, I have not got any response from the debian maintainer.
 I volunteered to do an NMU, but still no response.
 I went to do the NMU, but instead get a unrelated (and unreported)
 FTBS error.
 (SCSI_DISK_MAJOR undeclared in misc/util.c:116).
 What are my options now?

I guess that bug got introduced by the new linux-kernel-header

You can see when SCSI_DISK_MAJOR disapeared to in the glibc/l-k-h
includes or copy the defines from the kernel includes.

If you think glibc headers should define SCSI_DISK_MAJOR file a bug
against the respective package.


Re: Some observations regardig the progress towards Debian 3.1

2003-11-17 Thread Florent Rougon
Norbert Tretkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Unfortunately Adrian didn't wrote why he thinks backports aren't
 usable for production systems. The only real problem with backports I
 see is that there are no guaranted security updates.

Er, you missed another big one, then: trust. Trusting the work of Debian
developers by no means implies trusting each and every backport found on
the net (not to mention other obvious problems outlined by Andreas).

 This could be a reason for someone to not using backports. For me it's
 not, I'm using my own backports.

Good for you, but that does not solve the problem for Joe Random User.


Re: MIPS port backlog, autobuilder machines and some arrogance

2003-11-17 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Wouter Verhelst [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Op ma 17-11-2003, om 09:58 schreef Anthony Towns:
  On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 01:17:36AM -0500, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
   4) People are volunteering to administer MIPS buildds.
  From what I've seen people are volunteering to *provide* MIPS buildds,
  as long as someone else administers them.
 Not quite. Ingo is volunteering to provide a MIPS buildd, but since he's
 not a Debian Developer, he can't handle its logs. Thus, he's asked me,

Its intresting to note that Debian trusts several NMs and normal users
to host and maintain their buildds (giving them access to silently
backdoor every deb thats build there) but not enough to make them DDs.


Re: Example of really nasty DD behavior

2003-11-17 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 01:27:33AM +0100, Henning Makholm wrote:
 Scripsit Josip Rodin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  He could have posted his ITP sooner, too (unless in the unlikely event
  he actually made the package in a few minutes), but it's not such a big 
 Another possibility is that one only actually decides that one is
 willing to maintain the package in Debian after having *done* a
 workable first approximation to packaging and found no monsters
 lurking in the makefiles.

One could always file an ITP and chance it to an RFP if the package
turned out to be lemon. If locking the package is really the intent
then it seems logical to file the ITP as soon as possible.


Re: debian-installer beta 1

2003-11-17 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Julian Mehnle [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
  On Sun, 16 Nov 2003, Julian Mehnle wrote:
   That would be great!  At least if it means ATARAID-style
   software RAID.  No opinion about LVM-style RAID.
  Yuck (if by ATARAID you mean those PoS controllers from, e.g., Promise
  -- these are slow as a snail compared to md software RAID), and Yuck
  for LVM RAID too (slow, limited, cubersome).
  Good software RAID is md raid :)  with LVM on top of it, of course. 
  LVM is a good thing, if you do it right and never bother with
  'striping' on the LVM layer. Do it in the md RAID layer (or hardware
  layer, for that matter). 
 Is md RAID (I don't know this one) compatible with ATARAID in
 regard of the partition/storage layout on disks, i.e. can I use
 ATARAID drivers to access md RAID disks and vice versa?  I need
 this kind of compatibility since I dual-boot Windows 2000 on the
 systems in question.
 PS: Please don't CC me when answering to the list.  The Reply-To
 header is just there for private replies.

Of cause not. You need the host adapter specific ATARAID support
(which is often far worse than the linux software raid).

One could probably hack some lvm2 stuff together to access the drives
but that would need the layout knowledge from the specific ATARAID


Re: Debian communication and attitude

2003-11-17 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 05:12:38PM +0100, Marc Haber wrote:
 And even if the ITP is filed in time, you can work for the waste
 basked since final ftpmaster approval can only be applied for after
 all work is done.
 And there are many cases where Debian has said no, we don't want your

Well Marc I have to say that I have received some good advice from James
as ftpmaster in the past. The ftpmasters are in a better position to
judge what's best for the archive as a whole than I am (and than many of
us). Did you consider heeding his advice?


Unidentified subject!

2003-11-17 Thread sellosdecaucho
Subject: corner_selection_bottomleft
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Re: Example of really nasty DD behavior

2003-11-17 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 02:41:24PM +0100, Duck wrote:
 Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I did contact him, but you didn't.
  ... but none of this is essential.
 I fully disagree.
 A good cooperation with upstream is really important to relay bugs, improve 
 software (build sys, compliance to the FHS, ...),  ...
 When the program is GPL then u don't need upstream permission to package it
 but i find it more respectful to contact the author. Or that would be like not
 saying thanks because something is gratis.

Sometimes it is necessary to work with upstream on the build system,
bugs etc. Sometimes everything just works though and you can build the
whole package without any discussion at all. There's no hard and fast


Could you please post with your real name? I'm having a hard time
taking you seriously.


Re: Example of really nasty DD behavior

2003-11-17 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 11:32:27AM +0100, Duck wrote:
 When you find several ITPs filled more than 6 years ago and an official DD
 seems not to mind about using the BTS properly, you may wonder about the
 future of your prefered distribution.


I think you are placing too much emphasis on the ITP and the WNPP
system. I think it has a useful place in avoiding (some) duplicate work,
searching for new owners for packagers etc, but don't expect every
transaction to go through that system.

I have created and uploaded several new packages without sending ITPs.
Usually these packages are discussed on a relevant mailing list (eg 
debian-hams) where the target audience is listening, but I never put in
a formal WNPP entry. We co-ordinate without that.

Similarly I just gave away a couple of my packages to someone else. No O
or RFA bugs needed. I suppose if there were other people keen for those
packages they missed out :-| but they'd never contacted me.


Re: Bug#220930: ITP: unace -- De-archiver for .ace files

2003-11-17 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 01:28:31PM -0500, Joe Drew wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-11-16 at 09:33, Cameron Patrick wrote:
  I'm a native English speaker and I don't believe I've ever heard the
  term de-archiver; its meaning is clear, but it sounds 'wrong'.  The
  hyphen, especially, looks out of place.   Unarchiver is what I'd use
  if I had to coin a word for it, but I don't believe that's a common
  English word either.
 There are almost always better words than un$NOUN (or un$VERB). (Your
 description below is a good example of how to avoid un*.)
 I was once asked Do you un-close a door? Then why should you uninstall
 a program? Unarchive is just as bad a word as uninstall.

We have an opposite of close: open. We're seeking an opposite for
archive. Unarchive might be bad, but as Cameron and I said, dearchive is
clumsy (even more so when hyphenated).

Windows talks about Remove rather than uninstall. dselect talks
about deleting and removing.

  I'd suggest something along the lines of tool for extracting ACE
  archives instead.
 This is a good short description.

I agree. Better than making up new words, certainly!


Re: Programming first steps.

2003-11-17 Thread Florent Rougon
Wouter Verhelst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have one grudge against python, though: its mandated indentation looks
 very ugly and unstructured to me. Kinda reminds me of COBOL (and boy, do
 I have nightmares of having to write COBOL code at school)

Well, I often heared about this argument, but in my experience, it
always boiled down to whether the person asserting it had already tried
Python (as opposed to only heared about the usual rumours).

If you think that programs are to be written by humans, the indentation
feature seems to me to be the *obvious choice*, as long you have access
to a decent text editor. Proper indentation with spaces is not at all
sloppy, ambiguous, or whatever you may come with. It just gives
immediate visual, reliable feedback about what the code *means*, in the
case where it defines syntactic blocks.

Sorry, but the more I program in Python, the clearer the impression I
get that all those block delimeters are only intended for people who
don't bother using a real text editor or for programs that generate code
and don't want to go the the hassle of indenting it.


Re: MIPS port backlog, autobuilder machines and some arrogance

2003-11-17 Thread Anthony Towns
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 12:37:23PM +0100, Josip Rodin wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 12:48:00PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
   It's been proven plenty of times that whenever we have task depend on a
   single person doing it, the lack of redundancy comes back and bites us in
   the ass whenever there's the slightest bit of a problem.
  Why do you think that contributes _anything_ to the discussion? It's not
  remotely insightful, rather it's trivially obvious. 
 This NIH attitude is really laughable. 

NIH usually stands for Not Invented Here, meaning someone presuming
other people are wrong, and that only ones own ideas are right. You'll
note, though, that what I said was that your claim was *trivially
obvious*, which is quite a distance from wrong.

 I see how you might have a vested
 interest in trying to defend the acts of the DPL, given that there've been
 cases where lack of redundancy among the release managers caused some

You might like to try reading what I write, rather than assuming that
I'm disagreeing out of some sort of paranoid fear for my job.

You might also like to note the difference between observing a lack of
redundancy, and doing something about it.

 I didn't, however, expect that you'll actually try to sell
 this kind of bullshit as an actual argument that we need to trust the DPL
 who is supposedly asserting that things simply had to be done the wrong way.

No, I'm asserting that people who don't understand what's going on
well enough to contribute anything other than trite cliches shouldn't
contribute anything. If you can contribute something more valuable than
trite cliches, please do; but so far, in this thread, you simply haven't.


I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

Australian DMCA (the Digital Agenda Amendments) Under Review!

Description: PGP signature

Re: MIPS port backlog, autobuilder machines and some arrogance

2003-11-17 Thread ij
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
 Not quite. Ingo is volunteering to provide a MIPS buildd, but since he's
 not a Debian Developer, he can't handle its logs. Thus, he's asked me,
 Its intresting to note that Debian trusts several NMs and normal users
 to host and maintain their buildds (giving them access to silently
 backdoor every deb thats build there) but not enough to make them DDs.

Hmmm, well, to become a DD I would have to apply as a DD, right? And that´s
what I´m trying to avoid for some certain reasons. 
Regarding the backdoor issue... you have not the guarantee that even
certified DDs don´t do this, as well as I don´t have a guarantee that the
developers that have an account on that machine don´t do something harmfull
with that... ;))

Ciao...  // 
  Ingo \X/

Re: Programming first steps.

2003-11-17 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 03:27:29AM +0200, David Starner wrote:
 Pascal is traditional, but is seriously a toy language with at least a dozen
 different groups of compiler-specific extensions. Ada is my personal favorite,

Sure but if you pick one compiler you can get some work done. It's quite
a good language to learn with. I still do some code in Borland's Object
Pascal (aka Delphi) and enjoy it. Safer than C++ and with a decent
syntax too!

 but doesn't do garbage collection (which may be okay, considering you'll have 
 learn it sometime, and unlike bounds checking, GC can encourage laxness in
 memory handling.) It also has a nice Free compiler with superior error 

Ada is a good choice. Not very fashionable but the compiler can find
things at compile time that would be hard to find at runtime, which is
very helpful when you're just learning.

(Does GNAT still have the switch to enforce source code style checks? Fun!)

 (GNAT). Java is a current favorite, but it's a little weak on the Free side 

Java is just a fad :-| Somebody will find an application for it any
decade now.

My university CS department stopped teaching Ada and started teaching Java 
to the first years a few years ago. Very tragic.


RE: debian-installer beta 1

2003-11-17 Thread Julian Mehnle
Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
 Julian Mehnle [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Is md RAID (I don't know this one) compatible with ATARAID in
  regard of the partition/storage layout on disks, i.e. can I use
  ATARAID drivers to access md RAID disks and vice versa?  I need
  this kind of compatibility since I dual-boot Windows 2000 on the
  systems in question. 
 Of cause not. [...]

Thought so.  So, I'll reiterate my original statement:

Brian May wrote:
 I have tried debian-installer, and found it to be great!
 I just have three feature requests, if they aren't already supported:
 3. Software raid support?

That would be great!  At least if it means ATARAID-style software RAID.  No 
opinion about LVM-style RAID.


Re: Some observations regardig the progress towards Debian 3.1

2003-11-17 Thread Norbert Tretkowski
* Andreas Metzler wrote:
 Norbert Tretkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Unfortunately Adrian didn't wrote why he thinks backports aren't
 usable for production systems. The only real problem with backports
 I see is that there are no guaranted security updates.
 Imho the real potential for problems with backports is mixing
 different ones.

I know that mixing backports from different repositories can cause
problems, but I was talking about using _selected_ backports, not
about using all backports from every repository available on the net.

 - nobse

Re: MIPS port backlog, autobuilder machines and some arrogance

2003-11-17 Thread Josip Rodin
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 11:10:53PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
It's been proven plenty of times that whenever we have task depend
on a single person doing it, the lack of redundancy comes back and
bites us in the ass whenever there's the slightest bit of a problem.
   Why do you think that contributes _anything_ to the discussion? It's not
   remotely insightful, rather it's trivially obvious. 
  This NIH attitude is really laughable. 
 NIH usually stands for Not Invented Here, meaning someone presuming
 other people are wrong, and that only ones own ideas are right. You'll
 note, though, that what I said was that your claim was *trivially
 obvious*, which is quite a distance from wrong.

I was responding to your saying that it was too hard, but you conveniently
removed that part of the quote.

I don't believe in such a defeatist attitude because the relevant people
(delegate and/or the leader) haven't provided any evidence to support that
claim, and my past experience with similar tasks and with task management
in general in Debian makes me think quite the contrary.

  I didn't, however, expect that you'll actually try to sell this kind of
  bullshit as an actual argument that we need to trust the DPL who is
  supposedly asserting that things simply had to be done the wrong way.
 No, I'm asserting that people who don't understand what's going on
 well enough to contribute anything other than trite cliches shouldn't
 contribute anything. If you can contribute something more valuable than
 trite cliches, please do; but so far, in this thread, you simply haven't.

Whereas all you've provided is an assertion that nobody knows anything about
the topic except the people that happen to be directly involved in it right
now, which is patently unsupported. (That and an ad hominem attack as an
added bonus.)

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: Programming first steps.

2003-11-17 Thread Steve Greenland
On 17-Nov-03, 05:15 (CST), Wouter Verhelst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 I have one grudge against python, though: its mandated indentation looks
 very ugly and unstructured to me. Kinda reminds me of COBOL (and boy, do
 I have nightmares of having to write COBOL code at school)

As a long-time C coder, I agreed with you. But after doing a small
python project, I was surprised at how quickly it became natural. It
does help to have an editor that ensures you don't mix spaces and tabs.

Steve, who would not object to the removal of character 9 from the ASCII
set, even without the existence of Python.

Steve Greenland
The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the
world.   -- seen on the net

Re: Programming first steps.

2003-11-17 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 08:49:03AM -0600, Steve Greenland wrote:
| On 17-Nov-03, 05:15 (CST), Wouter Verhelst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
|  I have one grudge against python, though: its mandated indentation looks
|  very ugly and unstructured to me. Kinda reminds me of COBOL (and boy, do
|  I have nightmares of having to write COBOL code at school)
| As a long-time C coder, I agreed with you. But after doing a small
| python project, I was surprised at how quickly it became natural. It
| does help to have an editor that ensures you don't mix spaces and tabs.

I believe that tabs aren't a problem with Python so long as they really
do indent to a multiple of 8 spaces.  Editors which interpret tabs
differently are broken^W^W can cause problems when editing Python code
with tabs and spaces mixed though.

Vim, Kate and Emacs all work admirably for editing Python code.

| Steve, who would not object to the removal of character 9 from the ASCII
| set, even without the existence of Python.



longer Debian confession

2003-11-17 Thread martin f krafft
Dear all,

A company has asked me whether they [sc]hould write a longer
confession about their use of Debian, why they chose it, and how
their impressions are. I asked them to submit a short text to
www.d.o/users, but they would prefer to write an official statement,
two pages or so.

They will not publish this text on their own webpage, so the only
way in which we can profit off this is if there is a place on
www.d.o to publish it. Is there? Or should I tell them that they
better spend their time doing other stuff (for Debian) and to stick
with a 10 line confession in regular www.d.o/users style.


Please do not CC me when replying to lists; I read them!
 .''`. martin f. krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: :'  :proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
Invalid/expired PGP subkeys? Use as keyserver!

Description: PGP signature


2003-11-17 Thread vijay


2003-11-17 Thread vijay

Re: ftpmaster accepts packages that have been rejected a few days ago

2003-11-17 Thread Richard Braakman
On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 10:43:51AM -0600, Adam Heath wrote:
 (for reference, I have commit access to dpkg, apt, and debbugs.  this can
 arguably be more important than accepting new packages into debian, as doing
 something wrong with the above is very visible; ftpmaster is more of a hidden

Spoken like a man who has never accidentally deleted an architecture :-)

Richard Braakman

Re: MIPS port backlog, autobuilder machines and some arrogance

2003-11-17 Thread Anthony Towns
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 12:48:00PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
 It also means that, if it were easy to add some redundancy,
 it would already have happened. Which in turn means that it's hard.

On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 03:00:44PM +0100, Josip Rodin wrote:
   This NIH attitude is really laughable. 
  NIH usually stands for Not Invented Here, meaning someone presuming
  other people are wrong, and that only ones own ideas are right. You'll
  note, though, that what I said was that your claim was *trivially
  obvious*, which is quite a distance from wrong.
 I was responding to your saying that it was too hard, but you conveniently
 removed that part of the quote.

Again, read what I wrote, not what you imagine I wrote. Difficult isn't
the same as impossible, and hard isn't the same as too hard.

 I don't believe in such a defeatist attitude because the relevant people

Good for you. What makes you think anyone else does? Obviously you do --
your so inclined towards that belief that you're reading things into
what people write that just aren't there.

 (That and an ad hominem attack as an added bonus.)

You know, people love claiming they've had an ad hominem attack as
though it makes them some sort of martyr to the cause. It doesn't. An
ad hominem fallacy is when you say you're an idiot, therefore you're
wrong. Saying you're wrong, therefore you're an idiot is just a
regular insult.

BTW, I can't see where I did anything of the sort. I said your post
contributed nothing to the discussion, was unhelpful and distracting and
wrong, and, as such, said that you hadn't contributed anything other
than trite cliches. As opposed to saying things like I see how you
might have a vested interest in trying to defend the acts of the DPL,
given that there've been cases where lack of redundancy among the release
managers caused some difficulties. And hey, you even swore!

So please excuse me if I think you're acting like a pompous idiot, and
wasting everyone's time pontificating on things that you don't have the
competence to actually work on.



I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

Australian DMCA (the Digital Agenda Amendments) Under Review!

Description: PGP signature

Re: longer Debian confession

2003-11-17 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 04:15:50PM +0100, martin f krafft ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Dear all,
 A company has asked me whether they [sc]hould write a longer
 confession about their use of Debian, why they chose it, and how
 their impressions are. I asked them to submit a short text to
 www.d.o/users, but they would prefer to write an official statement,
 two pages or so.
 They will not publish this text on their own webpage, so the only
 way in which we can profit off this is if there is a place on
 www.d.o to publish it. Is there? Or should I tell them that they
 better spend their time doing other stuff (for Debian) and to stick
 with a 10 line confession in regular www.d.o/users style.

One suggestion is to turn this into an article for publication on a
GNU/Linux news site -- LWN, NewsForge, LinuxToday, IBM's DeveloperWorks,
or others.

If you're looking for a collaborator on such a project, talk to me


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What Part of Gestalt don't you understand?
Bush/Cheney '04: The last vote you'll ever have to cast.

Description: PGP signature

Re: longer Debian confession

2003-11-17 Thread Anthony Towns
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 04:15:50PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
 A company has asked me whether they [sc]hould write a longer
 confession about their use of Debian, why they chose it, and how
 their impressions are. 

testimonial is the usual term -- confessions are usually about things
you're ashamed of, which hopefully they're not.

Having some longer testimonials available sure sounds like a good idea.


I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

Australian DMCA (the Digital Agenda Amendments) Under Review!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Enterprise?

2003-11-17 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 01:45:05AM -0500, Andres Salomon wrote:

 I can think of a few ways to offer the above.  The first is a standalone
 distribution, based on debian but with various enhancements (not a novel
 idea, by any means).  We could either base this on testing, doing snapshot
 releases every 3-6 months, and offering security fixes, or
 on stable w/ various backports.  We would probably
 have a stripped-down installer based on d-i, w/ the stock kernel being
 similar to redhat's kernel.  
 Another way would be to have a debian sub-project; this would have a
 kernel that includes extra (enterprise) features
 (kernel-image-2.4.22-enterprise-1-686smp), amongst other things.  I'd also
 like to see enhancements to d-i, work done to ease things like php into
 testing, and (if based around testing) security updates for testing.

If the sub-project approach would mean that the new packages and
enhancements would be folded into Debian, then I think that is definitely
preferable.  I do not think that basing it on testing is the best approach;
in my experience, enterprises prefer a longer (stable) release cycle than
testing's daily churn.

 - mdz

Re: Programming first steps.

2003-11-17 Thread Steve Greenland
On 17-Nov-03, 09:13 (CST), Cameron Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 08:49:03AM -0600, Steve Greenland wrote:
 | As a long-time C coder, I agreed with you. But after doing a small
 | python project, I was surprised at how quickly it became natural. It
 | does help to have an editor that ensures you don't mix spaces and tabs.
 I believe that tabs aren't a problem with Python so long as they really
 do indent to a multiple of 8 spaces.  Editors which interpret tabs
 differently are broken^W^W can cause problems when editing Python code
 with tabs and spaces mixed though.

To clarify: AFAICT, Python is perfectly happy with any sort of
indentation you choose, so long as it's consistent in any given block.
You want to use 'spacespacetab', fine. Just don't try to mix it
with 'spacetab' in the same block.

As a practical matter, since the above are likely to be visually
indistinguishable, you need an editor that always produces exactly the
same character combination for a given number of columns of indent. For
me, since I sometimes adjust indentation with the TAB key, and sometimes
with the SPACE key, having the editor convert everything to space
Works For Me(tm).

I would expect any editor that claims to have a Python mode to DTRT.

Steve Greenland
The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the
world.   -- seen on the net

Re: Preparation of Debian GNU/Linux 3.0r2 (II)

2003-11-17 Thread Milan Zamazal
 GM == GOTO Masanori [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

GM At Mon, 17 Nov 2003 09:22:37 +0900,
GM Kenshi Muto wrote:
 And this package is must be removed from only Woody (already
 fixed in Sarge/Sid):
 xfonts-intl-japanese-big (Bug#215371)

GM I think it's good idea to update this package to the latest,
GM instead of removing from woody.  Milan, do you think about this?

If only japanese-big is to be removed, then intlfonts must be removed as
whole, since .orig.tar.gz contains the offending fonts.  For this reason
I've uploaded a woody update of the package (intlfonts_1.2.1-0.woody.1)
several days ago, that can replace the current woody version.


Milan Zamazal

And why?

Re: MIPS port backlog, autobuilder machines and some arrogance

2003-11-17 Thread Josip Rodin
On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 02:10:54AM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
  It also means that, if it were easy to add some redundancy,
  it would already have happened. Which in turn means that it's hard.
 Again, read what I wrote, not what you imagine I wrote. Difficult isn't
 the same as impossible, and hard isn't the same as too hard.

So, basically what you're saying that it's hard, and that nobody should be
allowed to comment on it because the already delegated people are, what?
Perfect? Self-sufficient? Incapable of changing their ways?

 BTW, I can't see where I did anything of the sort. I said your post
 contributed nothing to the discussion, was unhelpful and distracting and
 wrong, and, as such, said that you hadn't contributed anything other
 than trite cliches.

I don't know about you, but I take it as an insult when someone accuses me
of not knowing anything about something[1] and tells me to shut up.

 you don't have the competence to actually work on.

And there you again. You seem rather inclined to judge other people's
competence based on, well, I've no idea on what do you base these claims on.
Plain old arrogance?

[1] which is false in the case of organizing delegated positions. I have
been doing work on various de jure delegated positions for years now. We can
very well discuss my involvement, performance and any other issue related to
any of them, but it surprises me to no end that someone would try to
entirely nullify the experience I have with this.

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: longer Debian confession

2003-11-17 Thread Joerg Wendland
martin f krafft, on 2003-11-17, 16:15, you wrote:
 They will not publish this text on their own webpage, so the only
 way in which we can profit off this is if there is a place on
 www.d.o to publish it. Is there? Or should I tell them that they
 better spend their time doing other stuff (for Debian) and to stick
 with a 10 line confession in regular www.d.o/users style. ;-)


Joerg joergland Wendland
GPG: 51CF8417 FP: 79C0 7671 AFC7 315E 657A  F318 57A3 7FBD 51CF 8417

Description: PGP signature

Bug#221294: ITP: python-rrd -- Python bindings for RRD

2003-11-17 Thread Matthias Urlichs
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: python-rrd
  Version : 0.2.1+cvs
  Upstream Author : Hye-Shik Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : LGPL
  Description : Python bindings for RRD

RRD is the acronym for Round Robin Database. RRD is a system to store and
display time-series data (i.e. network bandwidth, machine-room
temperature, server load average). It stores the data in a very compact
way that will not expand over time, and it presents useful graphs by
processing the data to enforce a certain data density. It can be used
either via simple wrapper scripts (from shell or Perl) or via frontends
that poll network devices and put friendly user interface on it.

This package contains the RRD bindings for Python.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux 2.4.19-586tsc #1 Sun Oct 6 18:00:21 EST 2002 
Locale: LANG=en_US.utf8, LC_CTYPE=de_DE.utf8

Matthias Urlichs   |   {M:U} IT Design @   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. |
 - -
Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones,
as the wind blows out candles and fans fires.
-- La Rochefoucauld

Tabs v.s. spaces (was Re: Programming first steps.)

2003-11-17 Thread Chad Walstrom
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 11:13:59PM +0800, Cameron Patrick wrote:
 I believe that tabs aren't a problem with Python so long as they
 really do indent to a multiple of 8 spaces.  Editors which interpret
 tabs differently are broken^W^W can cause problems when editing Python
 code with tabs and spaces mixed though.

This seems to be Python's greatest Achille's Heel as well as one of its
greatest assets.  Working code in Python has a consistent look and feel.
Improper indenting will give a descriptive error that is easy to track
down.  New programmers feel right at home with it, because it isn't all
that significant of a change from psuedo-code outlines.

  1. step 1
1.1 substep 1
1.2 substep 2...

In addition, you're not forced to use a program like indent(1) or
astyle(1) to enforce coding style; it's built into the Python

I have a love-hate relationship with the significant whitespace.  I have
always disliked 8 spaces per tab, because it takes up too much screen
real estate on an 80 column display.  Whenever I coded in C, I set my vi
editor to interpret the tabs as 4 spaces.  My mistake in using this was
displayed when I tried to print with a2ps or enscript, when they were
once again interpreted as 8 spaces.  Arg!

I then switched back to using only spaces for indentation, and this
seems to be a consistent approach, but because personal opinion in
coding style seems to be a right of passage amongst C coders, I could
never get anyone to agree with me. ;-)  Even the venerable linux kernel
only accepts tabs, IIRC[1].

Another problem.  Try cut-n-paste in X between code that uses tabs[2].
Sometimes the tabs are not preserved.  Very odd and annoying.

In any case, the documentation about how tabs and spaces are interpreted
in Python are in the Language Reference[3].  Here's the relavent

First, tabs are replaced (from left to right) by one to eight
spaces such that the total number of characters up to and
including the replacement is a multiple of eight (this is
intended to be the same rule as used by Unix). The total number
of spaces preceding the first non-blank character then
determines the line's indentation.

If you continue reading this passage, you will understand why the
authors of Python (namely GvR) choose this.  It's simple to implement
scope via significant whitespace.

So, tabs v.s. spaces isn't really a concern except when mixing the two.
If you use eight spaces for all indentation, it won't matter.  If you
use some other number, it's best to use spaces exclusively.  If you use
tabs exclusively, changing the appearance in your editor may simply be a
configuration option away.  What will I use?  I still haven't decided;
probably tabs/8 spaces. ;-p


   assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Enterprise?

2003-11-17 Thread Andres Salomon
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 11:51:43 -0500, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

 On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 01:45:05AM -0500, Andres Salomon wrote:
 I can think of a few ways to offer the above.  The first is a standalone
 distribution, based on debian but with various enhancements (not a novel
 idea, by any means).  We could either base this on testing, doing snapshot
 releases every 3-6 months, and offering security fixes, or
 on stable w/ various backports.  We would probably
 have a stripped-down installer based on d-i, w/ the stock kernel being
 similar to redhat's kernel.  
 Another way would be to have a debian sub-project; this would have a
 kernel that includes extra (enterprise) features
 (kernel-image-2.4.22-enterprise-1-686smp), amongst other things.  I'd also
 like to see enhancements to d-i, work done to ease things like php into
 testing, and (if based around testing) security updates for testing.
 If the sub-project approach would mean that the new packages and
 enhancements would be folded into Debian, then I think that is definitely
 preferable.  I do not think that basing it on testing is the best approach;
 in my experience, enterprises prefer a longer (stable) release cycle than
 testing's daily churn.

Normally I'd agree; however, one of the issues I'm trying to resolve is
the need for numerous backports.  However, I do believe the
subproject/kernel is a good start.  I would prefer to see it based around
testing snapshots, not necessarily testing itself.

Re: Is vrms really still a Virtual Richard M. Stallman?

2003-11-17 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 12:04:00PM +0100, Roland Stigge wrote:
 Andrew Lau wrote:
  So is vrms now up for a name change before the real RMS decides to sue
  us for misrepresenting him! = ) 
  Nominations are now open.


I think this one, or a variation, has good prospects..

Jon Dowland

Re: Programming first steps.

2003-11-17 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 08:45:51PM +0800, David Palmer wrote:
 I thought that I might make a beginning at learning.
 I've searched the web, found information that goes beyond the definition
 of plethora, so I thought that I'd ask here.
 (1) What is the best language to start with?

Learn more than one (breadth first search rather than depth first) :)
Pick a procedural, pick an object-oriented, pick a functional, pick a
'glue' language. I'd recommend C, Perl, Java, Haskell. I would possibly
recommend Python over Java if I had any experience with it.

I think learning vi(m) is a good idea but grab emacs, kate and (insert
someone else's recommendation here) and give them at least a cursory

Diversity is the key - as a user and a developer.

Jon Dowland

Re: RFA: A lot of packages

2003-11-17 Thread Christian Perrier
Quoting Daniel Gubser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Am Sam, 2003-11-15 um 16.52 schrieb Andrés Roldán:
  I will make an upload today then.
 sorry to be so late but Christian Perrier made an upload for uptimed

YesAnd I want to point out that I  really wonder why Daniel is not
yet appointed as official DD. The work done on uptimed is really
good. On the other hand his NM application only seems to be waiting
for DAM approval for a few months now.

Who should I bother with this in order to unlock Daniel Gubser NM
application ?

Bug#221303: ITP: kanjipad -- Handwriting recognition tool for Kanji

2003-11-17 Thread Dafydd Harries
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: kanjipad
  Version : 2.0.0
  Upstream Author : Owen Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : GPL)
  Description : Handwriting recognition tool for Kanji

Kanjipad translates drawings by the user into Kanji characters.
Translated characters can be copied and pasted into other applications.

A package of Kanjipad I have created is available at

Re: Bug#213450: bug #213450

2003-11-17 Thread Theodore Ts'o
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 03:14:49PM +1100, Brian May wrote:
 There is a bug (actually a number of bugs now) against heimdal
 that causes it to segfault under certain conditions.
 The bug has been reassigned to libcomerr2.
 It also has a simple one word patch.
 However, I have not got any response from the debian maintainer.

Sorry, for some reason this is the first e-mail message I've received
on this bug.  I'm not sure why the earlier messages (when it was
reassigned, and the other messages filed after that point on this bug
didn't actually get to me).

Looking at the code, I believe it's probably better to fix the code in
com_right.c (which is also in libcomerr2) than to change the type of
n_msgs, but let me do some more detailed analysis.  I'll get back to
you fairly quickly with an answer.

Again, my apologies for the delay.  I'm not sure why I didn't get the
earlier messages, including the one which was directly addressed to me
on October 17th, but for some reason it completely disappeared.  The
only thing I can think of is that for some reason the spam
filters ate your message for some reason.  Very curious.  

- Ted

Re: Programming first steps.

2003-11-17 Thread Lars Wirzenius
ma, 2003-11-17 kello 18:49, Steve Greenland kirjoitti:
 To clarify: AFAICT, Python is perfectly happy with any sort of
 indentation you choose, so long as it's consistent in any given block.
 You want to use 'spacespacetab', fine. Just don't try to mix it
 with 'spacetab' in the same block.

This topic is rather off-topic for -devel, I guess, but I'd like to
point out that the above is not how Python deals with tabs and spaces.
What it does, is expand the tabs and compare the indentations after that
- this is, of course, the only sensible solution and takes care of any
mix of spaces and tabs. Tab stops are every eight spaces (though I guess
there may be a way to change that, if you're perverse), and the Python
interpreter has the -t option to make it warn if tabs are being used
inconsistently, i.e., if both spaces and tabs are used for indentation,
if you're worried about that.

 I would expect any editor that claims to have a Python mode to DTRT.

I've written Python code for a decade, with an assortment of editors.
Almost none have had a Python mode, and never have I had any trouble
with indentations. For example, I did not have any problem using /bin/ed
for editing Python code (over a 1200 bit/s modem line, for which even vi
was rather slow).


Re: Programming first steps.

2003-11-17 Thread Gunnar Wolf
Andrew M.A. Cater dijo [Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 11:00:14PM +]:
  (2) Perl or Python. This seems to be another divided camp.
  What are the capabilities of each? What are the applications of each?
 Perl - wherever you used to use a shell script, consider Perl.  Perl
 also has concepts from sed and awk.  Wherever you have to pattern match
 which means more than a relatively straightforward grep, consider Perl.
 Perl is essentially sysadmin glue and text chunking - but a whole lot
 besides.  The reason I say consider perl is because there are times
 when a four line shell script will do it well. There's More Than One
 Way To Do It :)

I strongly reccomend Perl. Why? Well, that's how I learnt (or more
properly, how I picked up after years of inactivity) programming (I
had only BASIC experience before that). Perl is a language meant to be
easy to write - Yes, your first code will probably not be very
maintainable until you reach enough skills, but it will let you
concentrate on how to program, how to deal with programming concepts -
Don't care about what goes on behind scenes, there will be plenty of
time in the future to learn about memory management and stuff. I think
a newbie will really appreciate Larry Wall's vision of a
pseudo-natural programming language.

 Python is a proper programming language but I know nothing much
 more about it to comment.

I found Python to be a very nice, elegant language. I have not yet
used it for any real project, but I am looking forward to give it a

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973  F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces (was Re: Programming first steps.)

2003-11-17 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 11:47:34AM -0600, Chad Walstrom wrote:
 I have a love-hate relationship with the significant whitespace.

I have a hate-hate relationship with it. I much prefer free-style syntax
where the programmer is allowed to use his best judgment on how to indent
the code. Of course, in less-than-ideal projects, or projects with
less-then-ideal programmers, this could result in a mess, but I'm speaking
of personal preference here.

 I have always disliked 8 spaces per tab, because it takes up too much
 screen real estate on an 80 column display.  Whenever I coded in C, I
 set my vi editor to interpret the tabs as 4 spaces.  My mistake in using
 this was displayed when I tried to print with a2ps or enscript, when
 they were once again interpreted as 8 spaces.  Arg! 

I personally insist on 8 spaces per tab, because way too many things break

 I then switched back to using only spaces for indentation, and this
 seems to be a consistent approach, but because personal opinion in
 coding style seems to be a right of passage amongst C coders, I could
 never get anyone to agree with me. ;-)  Even the venerable linux kernel
 only accepts tabs, IIRC[1].

Actually, I do agree with you. I only use tabs for comments, or for
overly-long lines which needs to be broken, but which does not represent
syntactical nesting, eg:

void some_function_with_a_very_long_name(some_data_type *a,
some_other_data_type *b, ...) { ... }

For syntactical nesting, I use spaces alone, even if it means I have to
expend extra effort to hit the space bar. The reason I insist on this in
my own coding style is because tabs mixed with spaces in a single stretch
of whitespace are just Pure Evil(tm). They show up all wrong in a viewer
that has a different tab size, and do not behave consistently when you are
re-indenting lines (eg., if a line starts with tabtabspacecode,
and you insert spaces in front of it to indent it, the spaces just get
eaten by the tab; and if you are outdenting it, the deleted tab causes
it to outdent too far, but inserting more spaces doesn't compensate for it
because the second tab eats the spaces).

I use tabs for comments only for my own sanity's sake, since otherwise I'd
have to count 40 columns every time I want to comment a line of code.

 Another problem.  Try cut-n-paste in X between code that uses tabs[2].
 Sometimes the tabs are not preserved.  Very odd and annoying.

That's because the terminal settings are b0rked. I personally delete all
programs that cannot cut-n-paste without messing up tabs and spaces.
Unfortunately, this happens a lot on the Winbloxe desktop at work.

 So, tabs v.s. spaces isn't really a concern except when mixing the two.
 If you use eight spaces for all indentation, it won't matter.  If you
 use some other number, it's best to use spaces exclusively.  If you use
 tabs exclusively, changing the appearance in your editor may simply be a
 configuration option away.  What will I use?  I still haven't decided;
 probably tabs/8 spaces. ;-p

For personal pet projects, I use 2 spaces per nesting level. Some people
think that's Pure Evil(tm), although I fully agree with you about wasting
screen real estate in 80 columns (yes, I am one of those freaks who insist
that all code must not have lines longer than 79 characters). 
Nevertheless, for their sake I use 4 spaces per nesting level in group

Also, as an off-topic note, blank lines that contain tabs or spaces are
Pure Evil(tm), especially in code. One of these days I should write a sed
script to eliminate all incarnations of this Pure Evil(tm) from /usr/src.


There are four kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.

Re: debian-installer beta 1

2003-11-17 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003, Julian Mehnle wrote:

 Is md RAID (I don't know this one) compatible with ATARAID in regard of
 the partition/storage layout on disks, i.e. can I use ATARAID drivers to
 access md RAID disks and vice versa?  I need this kind of compatibility
 since I dual-boot Windows 2000 on the systems in question.

No. It won't get you in a vendor lockin, and it is MUCH better
performance-wise to boot.

Just ditch the ataraid crap, the only use for it is to share raid arrays
with MS Windows.   You'll be much better off using the ataraid controllers
as simple ata controllers, and using linux software raid (md raid).

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Re: Debian Enterprise?

2003-11-17 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 01:45:05AM -0500, Andres Salomon wrote:
 Over the past week, my boss and I have had discussions about the niche
 left by RedHat, and the possibility of working on a
 distribution/sub-project aimed at enterprise folks.  The plan is to target
 those RedHat users and companies who are unwilling (or unable) to pay for
 RedHat Enterprise Linux, but need HA features.  Our company falls into
 this category, but made the RedHat-Debian switch earlier on.
Check out the Beowulf list archives @ for 
October/November where just these sorts of discussions have
been happening. I've been trying to advocate a switch to Debian
from RH for a lot of the high powered folk who run major clusters.

I'm not sure that a separate distribution would fly - Progeny would
have carried on otherwise.  Bruce Perens' proposed ??UserLinux??
would possibly be a candidate here.  Nor am I sure that a sub-project
is ideal.  A customised kernel or two and potentially a meta-package
might be enough.

It doesn't make sense to fork unless you _really_ need to fork.  A 
distribution based on woody + backports would be OK now, with a 
distribution based on the new stable once we release :)  Pace Knoppix
and Lindows, basing a distribution on testing may be more than a little
difficult.  Talking to Libranet and merging your Enterprise stuff 
there might be another option.  In the longer term, I'm slightly 
sceptical about how many Debian-based distributions can survive outside 
Debian - but then I've had 9 1/2 years of 20/20 hindsight :)

Just my 0.02 Euro / 0.03 US$


RE: debian-installer beta 1

2003-11-17 Thread Julian Mehnle
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
 Just ditch the ataraid crap, the only use for it is to share raid arrays
 with MS Windows.

That was my point.  So I can't ditch the ATARAID crap.  Sorry.

Howto reconfigure alsa-modules-2.4.22-1-k6

2003-11-17 Thread Otto Wyss
I've installed alsa-modules-2.4.22-1-k6 but made a mistake when
selecting the driver. So I tried 

  dpkg-reconfigure alsa-modules-2.4.22-1-k6

but this doesn't show the driver list again! Okay getting dselect out,
purge the package and install it again. But now the list isn't shown
either. How do I get the driver list from this package?

O. Wyss

See; for ideas how to design your app.

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces (was Re: Programming first steps.)

2003-11-17 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 02:19:02PM -0500, H. S. Teoh wrote:
 For personal pet projects, I use 2 spaces per nesting level. Some people
 think that's Pure Evil(tm), 

Most noteably perhaps, Linus Torvalds, although...

although I fully agree with you about wasting
 screen real estate in 80 columns (yes, I am one of those freaks who insist
 that all code must not have lines longer than 79 characters). 

...he agrees with you on that point!

Torvalds' position is that code that cannot be expressed using
8-spaces-per-indent and wrap at 79 characters needs to be rewritten.

Jon Dowland

Re: Debian Enterprise?

2003-11-17 Thread Andres Salomon
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 19:55:36 +, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

 On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 01:45:05AM -0500, Andres Salomon wrote:
 Over the past week, my boss and I have had discussions about the niche
 left by RedHat, and the possibility of working on a
 distribution/sub-project aimed at enterprise folks.  The plan is to target
 those RedHat users and companies who are unwilling (or unable) to pay for
 RedHat Enterprise Linux, but need HA features.  Our company falls into
 this category, but made the RedHat-Debian switch earlier on.
 Check out the Beowulf list archives @ for 
 October/November where just these sorts of discussions have
 been happening. I've been trying to advocate a switch to Debian
 from RH for a lot of the high powered folk who run major clusters.
 I'm not sure that a separate distribution would fly - Progeny would
 have carried on otherwise.  Bruce Perens' proposed ??UserLinux??
 would possibly be a candidate here.  Nor am I sure that a sub-project
 is ideal.  A customised kernel or two and potentially a meta-package
 might be enough.

After reading Andreas Tille's link on sub-projects, I'm leaning more
towards that.  I have little doubt that a separate distribution (done
correctly) would fly; look at the success of Knoppix, for example. 
However, my goals are more in line w/ the goals of a sub-project.

 It doesn't make sense to fork unless you _really_ need to fork.  A 
 distribution based on woody + backports would be OK now, with a 
 distribution based on the new stable once we release :)  Pace Knoppix
 and Lindows, basing a distribution on testing may be more than a little
 difficult.  Talking to Libranet and merging your Enterprise stuff 
 there might be another option.  In the longer term, I'm slightly 
 sceptical about how many Debian-based distributions can survive outside 
 Debian - but then I've had 9 1/2 years of 20/20 hindsight :)

Most Debian-based distributions are aimed at desktop users; this market is
fairly crowded, especially when you take into account the distributions
outside of Debian that focus on the same thing.  On the enterprise level,
however, there are few distributions that focus on just that segment. 
There are even fewer that offer their distribution for free (as in beer).
RedHat was one of the few, and with their exit from that market, a large
opportunity opens up.

I do agree that there's little need to fork, so long as the sub-project
structure is flexible enough.  I need to do more research on that.

 Just my 0.02 Euro / 0.03 US$

Re: Example of really nasty DD behavior

2003-11-17 Thread Henning Makholm
Scripsit Hamish Moffatt
 On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 01:27:33AM +0100, Henning Makholm wrote:

  Another possibility is that one only actually decides that one is
  willing to maintain the package in Debian after having *done* a
  workable first approximation to packaging and found no monsters
  lurking in the makefiles.

 One could always file an ITP and chance it to an RFP if the package
 turned out to be lemon. If locking the package is really the intent
 then it seems logical to file the ITP as soon as possible.

Yes, but must locking be the intent? I fail to see anything wrong
with doing one's personal deliberations *without* preventing others
from doing so in parallel.

If other people don't want *their* work to go to waste, by all means
let them file an ITP before doing wasteable work, and change it to RFP
if it turns out to be naught. But if I'm okay with being beaten to the
finish line and willing to consider my efforts a learning experience,
I can see no reason to acquire a lock on the package before I'm
prepared to defend the package on debian-legal and/or to the

Henning Makholm The practical reason for continuing our
  system is the same as the practical reason
  for continuing anything: It works satisfactorily.

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces (was Re: Programming first steps.)

2003-11-17 Thread Chad Walstrom
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 02:19:02PM -0500, H. S. Teoh wrote:
 Also, as an off-topic note, blank lines that contain tabs or spaces
 are Pure Evil(tm), especially in code. One of these days I should
 write a sed script to eliminate all incarnations of this Pure Evil(tm)
 from /usr/src.

Python did away with that requirement for scope in 2.x.  If you want to
use blank lines for code logic separation in python  2.0, you must nest
the line as far as the current block.  For that reason, I don't use
blank lines within class or method definitions when writing for Python

   assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */

Description: PGP signature

Bug#53121: yoelA The lowest price Afe in the world

2003-11-17 Thread alexander_vie54
Did you know nfv That the normal
cost for [EMAIL PROTECTED] htv is $20, per dose? 
We are running skbylsa a hot special !
TODAY Its only ptqbvxa an amazing $1.66
Shipped world wide !

Re: Re: Bug#209116: exim daemon does not restart after last two securityupgrades

2003-11-17 Thread MillerJFK

You have me completely confused, I am considered a "computer Wiz", but I learned how to use the machine by trial and error. I can not read and interpret computerese.
could you please explain to me what the terms you used mean, talking to a below average student(at best). ie.exim, daemon mode, debian-devil.
thank you, J.F.Kearns-@ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces (was Re: Programming first steps.)

2003-11-17 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 08:07:35PM +, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 02:19:02PM -0500, H. S. Teoh wrote:
  For personal pet projects, I use 2 spaces per nesting level. Some people
  think that's Pure Evil(tm), 
 Most noteably perhaps, Linus Torvalds, although...
 although I fully agree with you about wasting
  screen real estate in 80 columns (yes, I am one of those freaks who insist
  that all code must not have lines longer than 79 characters). 
 ...he agrees with you on that point!
 Torvalds' position is that code that cannot be expressed using
 8-spaces-per-indent and wrap at 79 characters needs to be rewritten.

That would mean 95% of non-trivial XSLT stylesheets would need to be

(Sorry, I'm just bitter after having to deal with non-trivial
text-processing in XSLT.  Don't try this at home without life insurance.) 


Curiosity kills the cat. Moral: don't be the cat.

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces (was Re: Programming first steps.)

2003-11-17 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 02:29:52PM -0600, Chad Walstrom wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 02:19:02PM -0500, H. S. Teoh wrote:
  Also, as an off-topic note, blank lines that contain tabs or spaces
  are Pure Evil(tm), especially in code. One of these days I should
  write a sed script to eliminate all incarnations of this Pure Evil(tm)
  from /usr/src.
 Python did away with that requirement for scope in 2.x.  If you want to
 use blank lines for code logic separation in python  2.0, you must nest
 the line as far as the current block.  For that reason, I don't use
 blank lines within class or method definitions when writing for Python

Hmm, I did not know this before.

*chalks up one more reason to avoid Python like the plague...*


Leather is waterproof. Ever see a cow with an umbrella?

Re: longer Debian confession

2003-11-17 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Anthony Towns [2003.11.17.1726 +0100]:
 testimonial is the usual term -- confessions are usually about
 things you're ashamed of, which hopefully they're not.

yeah, i actually knew that. bloody associative memory. thanks.
 Having some longer testimonials available sure sounds like a good

where would it go?

Please do not CC me when replying to lists; I read them!
 .''`. martin f. krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: :'  :proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
Invalid/expired PGP subkeys? Use as keyserver!

Description: PGP signature

Re: longer Debian confession

2003-11-17 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Joerg Wendland [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003.11.17.1815 +0100]: ;-)

cool shit.

The requested URL /success-stories was not found on this server.

question: could we make it be found? similar to /users, just longer?

wishlist bug against www?

Please do not CC me when replying to lists; I read them!
 .''`. martin f. krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: :'  :proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
Invalid/expired PGP subkeys? Use as keyserver!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Some observations regardig the progress towards Debian 3.1

2003-11-17 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, 2003-11-16 at 23:02, Andreas Barth wrote:
  Actually, Adrian Bunk _was_ a Debian maintainer, but he retired; see He actively chose to
  make these posts instead of trying to make things better from the inside.
 Actually, this article is from January 2002, almost two years ago. So,
 to me as someone who is reading d-d since about April 03, it seems that
 Adrian is starting to help again Debian. I've seen a lot of usefull
 suggestions and bug reports, and I do welcome this as a usefull
 contribution to Debian. (I also share most of his conclusions. Why do
 we make a release plan if a lot of important packages ignore the

Is it possible to automate _enforcing_ any parts of the release plan
(eg. rejecting library so-name changes or such)?


Bug#221386: general: addresses for section coordinators

2003-11-17 Thread Dan Jacobson
Package: general
Severity: wishlist

We know that [EMAIL PROTECTED] will get one in touch with a
package maintainer.  But what if one wants to ask a question about a
whole Section?

Maybe there should be a person assigned for each Section [but what
about free/nonfree]

E.g. I want to ask the coordinator of debian's hamradio section if
there are any programs that can tell one what country a given call
sign is from, offline.

Re: MIPS port backlog, autobuilder machines and some arrogance

2003-11-17 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 12:26:31PM +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
 Op ma 17-11-2003, om 09:58 schreef Anthony Towns:
  On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 01:17:36AM -0500, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
   4) People are volunteering to administer MIPS buildds.
  From what I've seen people are volunteering to *provide* MIPS buildds,
  as long as someone else administers them.
 However, In reply to a mail I sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], requesting
 access to the mips wanna-build database and to add the machine to the
 incoming.d.o ACL, Ryan said he'd prefer to remain the only person in
 charge of the mips buildd.

Please.  We can't have actual facts getting in the way of efforts to
close ranks and circle the wagons.

G. Branden Robinson|Lowery's Law:
Debian GNU/Linux   |If it jams -- force it.  If it
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |breaks, it needed replacing anyway. |

Description: Digital signature

How to find all reverse depends of a package?

2003-11-17 Thread Nathanael Nerode
Without, that is, installing every package in Debian.

I'm curious, for instance, as to why emacs20 hasn't managed to be removed
yet.  Presumably something depends on it.  But I can't figure out what.

Nathanael Nerode  neroden at

Re: How to find all reverse depends of a package?

2003-11-17 Thread Tom
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 06:33:52PM -0500, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 Without, that is, installing every package in Debian.
 I'm curious, for instance, as to why emacs20 hasn't managed to be removed
 yet.  Presumably something depends on it.  But I can't figure out what.

aptitude or deborphan

SANE compiling with patch for HP 4470c

2003-11-17 Thread Thomas Luft
I tried to compile the libsane package I downloaded via apt-get source 
to add support to my HP 4470c scanner (sources by Johannes Hub, Unfortunately I don't know much 
about compiling and C programming but it seemed quite easy until I got 
the following error:

make[2]: *** [v4l.lo] Fehler 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/cpblu01/src/sane-backends-1.0.12/backend'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/cpblu01/src/sane-backends-1.0.12'
make: *** [build-stamp] Fehler 2
debuild: fatal error at line 554:
dpkg-buildpackage failed!
I tried to compile the sources without the patch from Johannes but the 
error is still the same.

Can somebody tell me what goes wrong? Is there a library or a -dev-file 

Sorry, for this stupid question, but I have no idea which line 554 is 
meant and what is wrong!?


RE: How to find all reverse depends of a package?

2003-11-17 Thread Julian Mehnle
Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 Without, that is, installing every package in Debian.
 I'm curious, for instance, as to why emacs20 hasn't managed to be
 removed yet.  Presumably something depends on it.  But I can't figure
 out what. 

`apt-cache showpkg emacs20`

Re: How to find all reverse depends of a package?

2003-11-17 Thread Russ Allbery
Nathanael Nerode [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Without, that is, installing every package in Debian.

 I'm curious, for instance, as to why emacs20 hasn't managed to be
 removed yet.  Presumably something depends on it.  But I can't figure
 out what.

apt-cache rdepends package

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: How to find all reverse depends of a package?

2003-11-17 Thread Carlos Sousa
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 18:33:52 -0500 Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 Without, that is, installing every package in Debian.
 I'm curious, for instance, as to why emacs20 hasn't managed to be removed
 yet.  Presumably something depends on it.  But I can't figure out what.

apt-get remove --purge package

If any other package depends on it, apt-get will tell you.

Carlos Sousa

Re: How to find all reverse depends of a package?

2003-11-17 Thread Steve McIntyre
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
Without, that is, installing every package in Debian.

I'm curious, for instance, as to why emacs20 hasn't managed to be removed
yet.  Presumably something depends on it.  But I can't figure out what.

sledge:~$ apt-cache showpkg emacs20
Package: emacs20

Reverse Depends: 
  jde,emacs20 20.5a
  jde,emacs20 20.7
  w3-el-e20,emacs20 20.7-100
  w3-el-e20,emacs20 20.7-0.1
  mule-ucs,emacs20 20.7
  mew-beta,emacs20 20.7
  mew,emacs20 20.7
  iiimecf,emacs20 20.6
  gnus,emacs20 20.3
  emacs20-el,emacs20 20.7-13.1
20.7-13.1 - emacsen-common (2 1.4.10) dpkg (2 1.9.0) libc6 (2 2.2.4-4) 
liblockfile1 (2 1.0) libncurses5 (2 5.2.20020112a-1) libxaw7 (4 4.1.0) xlibs (4 
4.1.0) emacs20-el (0 (null)) emacs20-el (3 20.7-13) w3-el (0 (null)) 
20.7-13.1 - www-browser news-reader mail-reader info-browser emacsen 
Reverse Provides: 

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.

Re: Howto reconfigure alsa-modules-2.4.22-1-k6

2003-11-17 Thread Jose M. Fdez
Otto Wyss dijo:
 I've installed alsa-modules-2.4.22-1-k6 but made a mistake when
 selecting the driver. So I tried 
   dpkg-reconfigure alsa-modules-2.4.22-1-k6
 but this doesn't show the driver list again! Okay getting dselect out,
 purge the package and install it again. But now the list isn't shown
 either. How do I get the driver list from this package?
dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base

Anyway, this message would have fitted better in debian-user

Jose M.

Jose M. Fernández Navarro | Debian GNU/Linux User #197079
Benetússer - València, Spain  |

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces (was Re: Programming first steps.)

2003-11-17 Thread Steve Lamb
H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 02:29:52PM -0600, Chad Walstrom wrote:

On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 02:19:02PM -0500, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Also, as an off-topic note, blank lines that contain tabs or spaces
are Pure Evil(tm), especially in code. One of these days I should
write a sed script to eliminate all incarnations of this Pure Evil(tm)
from /usr/src.

Python did away with that requirement for scope in 2.x.  If you want to
use blank lines for code logic separation in python  2.0, you must nest
the line as far as the current block.  For that reason, I don't use
blank lines within class or method definitions when writing for Python


Hmm, I did not know this before.

*chalks up one more reason to avoid Python like the plague...*
Uh, care to rewrite that since Python is now on 2.3 and 1.5.2 is several 
years old?

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
   PGP Key: 8B6E99C5   | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Programming first steps.

2003-11-17 Thread Steve Kowalik
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 01:17:10PM -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
 I found Python to be a very nice, elegant language. I have not yet
 used it for any real project, but I am looking forward to give it a
Agreed. I used Linda as an excuse to learn Python, and it helped me _really_
understand OO concepts. FWIW, The New World Order of Linda (the rewrite I'm
doing for 0.3.0) now stands at nearly 4,000 lines.

I've lost my sig!

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces (was Re: Programming first steps.)

2003-11-17 Thread Steve Lamb
H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 11:47:34AM -0600, Chad Walstrom wrote:

I have a love-hate relationship with the significant whitespace.

I have a hate-hate relationship with it. I much prefer free-style syntax
where the programmer is allowed to use his best judgment on how to indent
the code. Of course, in less-than-ideal projects, or projects with
less-then-ideal programmers, this could result in a mess, but I'm speaking
of personal preference here.
Problem is that in languages which allow free-style syntax you're not 
allowed free-style syntax at all.  You're required to match }'s with {'s (or 
the local language equivolents) and end all lines with ; (except for some 
cases when you don't have to).  This is still a restriction of the same order, 
just with different characters and rules.

Oddly enough ever since picking up Python a few years back I've never 
once felt constrained by its significant whitespace.  I felt a profound 
relief, however, when dealing with other people's code becuase it looked and 
behaved just like mine.  There is enough freedom in the rules that a 
programmer doesn't have to worry about the end of the screen yet there is 
enough sensible structure to make the code readable.  I mean, let's get down 
to it

if foo {
} else {
if foo
if foo {
else {
if you remove the points of contention between those three you're left 
if foo
...which is a colon away from legal Python syntax.  :P
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
   PGP Key: 8B6E99C5   | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces

2003-11-17 Thread Isaac To
 H == H S Teoh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

H That would mean 95% of non-trivial XSLT stylesheets would need to be
H rewritten...

Or perhaps the XSLT language itself needs to be rewritten.


Re: Some observations regardig the progress towards Debian 3.1

2003-11-17 Thread Adrian Bunk
On Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 11:53:36PM -0500, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 05:42:20PM +0100, Adrian Bunk wrote:
  Today, it's only 17 days until the officially announced aggressive goal
  for the release of Debian 3.1 [1]. That's a date many users know about,
  but I don't see any real progress towards Debian 3.1 during the last
 I suppose you don't subscribe to debian-boot or debian-devel-announce, then?

OK, I admit my mail was a bit too general.

There are serious improvements in the installer, but Debian is still 
_far_ away from a new release that was announced as aggressive goal 
for December 1st (and see my note on debian-installer below).

  Yes, there's the common argument Don't talk, fix bugs.. Unfortunately
  this doesn't work: Debian is too big. I might e.g. be able to fix 50
  easy to fix RC bugs in unstable, but this would be lost in the noise,
  and wouldn't result in real progress.
 So instead, we have a system where people take individual (or small group)
 responsibility for a particular piece of software, to take care of it and
 fix its bugs.  This way, we distribute the effort over a large number of

The problem is, this often chaotic development system doesn't scale to 
over 1200 developers (including many MIA developers).

  Debian 3.0 contains 7 CDs with binaries and Debian 3.1 might contain 10
  or more CDs. How do you explain to a user why there are 10 CDs, but this
  popular package is not included, and that package he needs is not
 One of the nice things about not having customers and contracts is that we
 don't need to answer these questions.  If a package is missing, either there
 were unavoidable problems preventing its inclusion, or no one cared enough
 about it.  I would very much rather have a package omitted than have to
 support software that no one else cares about.
  Saying The maintainer didn't care enough about the package you need.
  only sounds like a good reason to switch to RedHat...  :-(
 If Red Hat ships more of the software the user needs, maybe it is a better
 choice.  Choice is one of the great advantages of free software, after all.

The question is perhaps a different one:
  What is the goal of Debian?

This is not about free software or such goals, it's about what
audiences and niches does Debian target at.

Debian is usable for hackers [1] and as a base for projects like Knoppix
and commercial distributions like Xandros and Lindows.

Debian is usable as a server distribution and for desktops if you don't
need the latest software.

Noone forces you to support the latter uses, but if you don't support 
them, the only way for normal users to use Debian will be to buy Xandros 
or Lindows.

I'm not saying this would be immoral or something like that, but e.g. a
major release without Evolution [2] (currently ages away from reentering
testing) might make Debian stable unusable for many users - and you
should be aware of such consequences.

  Currently, many new upstream versions flood into unstable every day.
  Trying to get this or that package into testing is a Sysyphos task, since
  once this or that problem with moving packages into testing is solved, the
  next one pups up. For testing to work good, it's required to have unstable
  in a good state. Often new so-versions of libraries enter unstable, and
  e.g. KDE 3.2 might soon go into unstable. If testing should be frozen,
  it's needed to _freeze unstable_ (IOW: require RM approval for every
  upload to unstable). This doesn't need to be under a no new upstream
  code policy at the beginning, but at least beta versions, new so-names
  and major upstream releases (e.g. avoid KDE 3.2, but 3.1.5 is OK) should
  be avoided.
 I think this is more or less what was proposed in the last release timeline,
 where major changes in certain packages were frozen at various dates.

There are some problems with the release timeline:

Debian stable is too outdated, it doesn't even reasonable support most
available new hardware. At least one release [3] every year would be

Releases are not predictable for the average user. For one year after
the release of Debian 3.0 there was no statement when Debian 3.1 will be
released, and the latest announcement that Debian 3.1 will be released
on December 1st (spread via Debian developers to many users and the
press) seems to be quite unrealistic - it seems even unrealistic to miss
this date by only one or two months.

  Another problem for the release is the Debian installer. The vast
  majority of Debian installations is i386. If the new installer isn't
  ready on all architectures it might be an option to ship some
  architectures without installer in 3.1r0, and add the installer for
  these architectures in 3.1r1 or 3.1r2. This way Debian 3.1 might be
  released more early, and even for the affected architectures it's
  better, since additionally to the status quo (installing and using
  Debian 3.0), they can 

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces (was Re: Programming first steps.)

2003-11-17 Thread Tom
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 05:21:23PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
 H. S. Teoh wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 11:47:34AM -0600, Chad Walstrom wrote:
 I have a love-hate relationship with the significant whitespace.
 I have a hate-hate relationship with it. I much prefer free-style syntax
 where the programmer is allowed to use his best judgment on how to indent
 the code. Of course, in less-than-ideal projects, or projects with
 less-then-ideal programmers, this could result in a mess, but I'm speaking
 of personal preference here.
 Problem is that in languages which allow free-style syntax you're not 
 allowed free-style syntax at all.  You're required to match }'s with {'s 
 (or the local language equivolents) and end all lines with ; (except for 
 some cases when you don't have to).  This is still a restriction of the 
 same order, just with different characters and rules.
 Oddly enough ever since picking up Python a few years back I've never 
 once felt constrained by its significant whitespace.  I felt a profound 

Significant whitespace?  Shudder, that brings back crusty old memories 
of Fortran.  I have great fondness for fortran because of the wonderful 
mathematical algorithms in LinPack, but I have no fondness for 
significant whitespace.

 relief, however, when dealing with other people's code becuase it looked 
 and behaved just like mine.  There is enough freedom in the rules that a 
 programmer doesn't have to worry about the end of the screen yet there is 
 enough sensible structure to make the code readable.  I mean, let's get 
 down to it
 if foo {
 } else {
 if foo
 if foo {
 else {
 if you remove the points of contention between those three you're left 
 if foo
 ...which is a colon away from legal Python syntax.  :P
  Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
PGP Key: 8B6E99C5   | main connection to the switchboard of 

Re: Programming first steps.

2003-11-17 Thread Steve Lamb
Gunnar Wolf wrote:
I strongly reccomend Perl. Why? Well, that's how I learnt (or more
properly, how I picked up after years of inactivity) programming (I
had only BASIC experience before that). Perl is a language meant to be
easy to write - Yes, your first code will probably not be very
maintainable until you reach enough skills, but it will let you
concentrate on how to program, how to deal with programming concepts -
Don't care about what goes on behind scenes, there will be plenty of
time in the future to learn about memory management and stuff. I think
a newbie will really appreciate Larry Wall's vision of a
pseudo-natural programming language.
All of this applies equally to Python (and most other scripting languages 
out there, to be honest) and I'd send a newbie to Python long before 
inflicting Perl upon them.  Don't get me wrong I started in Turbo Pascal and 
really didn't get my grounding in programming until Perl but I sure wish 
Python were around in the day.

Perl's TIMTOWTDI is a nightmare for beginners.  Sure it's nice to know 
you can do something different ways until you start reading examples which 
actually start doing things multiple ways.  A lot of programming isn't they 
syntax it is the concepts the syntax is supposed to convey.  Thinking in the 
concepts is the hard part.  Finding how to express those concepts is just 
looking things up in a book.  But in the beginning the two are the same.  One 
is learning both the concept and the syntax.  Throwing a language at them with 
multiple syntax for the same context is cruel and unusual punishment.

Python's diametrically opposed philosophy is much better.  There should 
ideally be only one obvious way to do something.  With that in mind the 
language itself is much smaller.  Concepts are tied to one, maybe two syntax. 
 So in learning both at once, especially by reading examples, it is much easier.

Finally there is the simple fact that Python is interactive.  There have 
been many cases where I have a window on the left with my code and a window on 
the right sitting in Python where I hash out my ideas because I'm not quite 
sure how things are going to flow yet or exactly how the syntax works.  I can 
play with the syntax, keep my data fairly static, work out each step in detail 
and as I do put that in the script on the left.  IE, nothing quite compares to 
learning how slices work across all kinds of sequences other thank just 
playing with them like this:

Python 2.3+ (#2, Aug 10 2003, 11:33:47)
[GCC 3.3.1 (Debian)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 foo = '12345'
 bar = '1 2 3 4 5'.split()
['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
['2', '3']
 baz = tuple(bar)
['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
('1', '2', '3', '4', '5')
('2', '3')

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
   PGP Key: 8B6E99C5   | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Description: PGP signature

  1   2   3   >