Bug#921202: ITP: votca-xtp -- Exciton transport simulation for VOTCA

2019-02-02 Thread Nicholas Breen
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debichem Team 

* Package name: votca-xtp
  Version : 1.5.0
  Upstream Author : Christoph Junghans  and others
* URL : http://www.votca.org/
* License : Apache 2.0
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description : Exciton transport simulation for VOTCA

VOTCA is a software package which focuses on the analysis of molecular
dynamics data, the development of systematic coarse-graining techniques as
well as methods used for simulating microscopic charge transport in
disordered semiconductors.
xtp is Votca's exciton transport simulation engine.

This extends the existing src:votca-tools and src:votca-csg, and will be
maintained by the Debichem team.

Bug#921182: ITP: braker -- guides from NGS to whole genome annotation

2019-02-02 Thread Steffen Moeller
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Steffen Moeller 

* Package name: braker
  Version : 2.1.2
  Upstream Author : K.J. Hoff
* URL : https://github.com/Gaius-Augustus/BRAKER
* License : Artistic
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description : guides from NGS to whole genome annotation

The package is team-maintained on https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/braker

Bug#921171: ITP: liblogger-simple-perl -- Simran-Log-Log and Simran-Error-Error modules

2019-02-02 Thread Steffen Moeller
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Steffen Moeller 

* Package name: liblogger-simple-perl
  Version : 2.0
  Upstream Author : Thomas Stanley 
* URL : 
* License : GPL or Artistic
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description : Simran-Log-Log and Simran-Error-Error modules

This module provides an easier interface for functionality known from
the Simran::Log::Log and Simran::Error::Error modules.

Bug#921158: ITP: plyara -- Parse YARA rules into a dictionary representation.

2019-02-02 Thread Robert Haist
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Robert Haist 

* Package name: plyara
  Version : 2.0.0
  Upstream Author : plyara Maintainers
* URL : https://github.com/plyara/plyara
* License : Apache License 2.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : Parse YARA rules into a dictionary representation.

Plyara is a script and library that lexes and parses a file consisting
of one more YARA rules into a python dictionary representation.
The goal of this tool is to make it easier to perform bulk operations
or transformations of large sets of YARA rules, such as extracting
indicators, updating attributes, and analyzing a corpus.
Other applications include linters and dependency checkers.

Plyara leverages the Python module PLY for lexing YARA rules.

The package will be introduced to the pkg-security-team repos

Bug#921150: ITP: golang-github-arduino-go-paths-helper

2019-02-02 Thread Rock Storm
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Rock Storm 

* Package name: golang-github-arduino-go-paths-helper
  Version : 0.0~git20180911.751652d-1
  Upstream Author : Arduino
* URL : https://github.com/arduino/go-paths-helper
* License : GPL-2.0
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description : Library to simplify handling of paths

This library aims to simplify handling of the most common operations
with paths. Most operations that usually require a bit of convoluted
system calls are now simplified, for example to check if a path is a

buildPath := "/path/to/somewhere"
srcPath := filepath.Join(buildPath, "src")
if info, err := os.Stat(srcPath); err == nil && !info.IsDir() {

Using this library can be done this way:

buildPath := paths.New("/path/to/somewhere")
srcPath := buildPath.Join("src")
if !srcPath.IsDir() {

The package 'arduino-builder' [1] has been split into several smaller
Go libraries like this one (at least two more to come). Even
though 'arduino-builder' is maintained by the electronics team, I
believe this libraries should be maintained by the Go team.

If you agree, then let this mail serve also as a formal request for the
Go team to accept this package, and also to accept me in the team.

@Geert, I'm CCing you so you are aware of this matter and in case
you want to argue against.

[1]: https://salsa.debian.org/electronics-team/arduino/arduino-builder


Rock Storm
GPG KeyID: 4096R/C96832FD
GPG Fingerprint:
 C304 34B3 632C 464C 2FAF  C741 0439 CF52 C968 32FD

Description: PGP signature

Bug#921147: ITP: eye -- semantic web reasoning engine

2019-02-02 Thread Jonas Smedegaard
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Jonas Smedegaard 

Hash: SHA512

* Package name: eye
  Version : 19.0116.1239
  Upstream Author : Jos De Roo
* URL : https://github.com/josd/eye
* License : Expat
  Programming Lang: Prolog
  Description : semantic web reasoning engine

 Euler Yet another proof Engine (EYE) is a reasoning engine
 supporting the Semantic Web layers.
 It performs semibackward chaining and it supports Euler paths.
 Via N3 it is interoperable with Cwm.
 Semibackward chaining
 is backward chaining for rules using <= in N3
 and forward chaining for rules using => in N3.
 This can be seen in EYE Reasoning.
 Euler paths are roughly "don't step in your own steps"
 which is inspired by what Leonhard Euler discovered in 1736
 for the Königsberg Bridge Problem.
 EYE sees the rule P => C as P & NOT(C) => C.
 Notation3 (N3) is a shorthand non-XML serialization
 of Resource Description Framework (RDF) models,
 designed with human-readability in mind:
 N3 is much more compact and readable than XML RDF notation.
 Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model
 for data interchange on the Web.



Bug#921143: ITP: python-tesserocr -- Python wrapper for the tesseract-ocr API

2019-02-02 Thread Michael Fladischer
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Michael Fladischer 

Hash: SHA512

* Package name: python-tesserocr
  Version : 2.4.0
  Upstream Author : Fayez Zouheiry 
* URL : https://github.com/sirfz/tesserocr/
* License : Expat
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : Python wrapper for the tesseract-ocr API

 A simple, Pillow-friendly, wrapper around the tesseract-ocr API for Optical
 Character Recognition (OCR).
 tesserocr integrates directly with Tesseract's C++ API using Cython which
 allows for a simple Pythonic and easy-to-read source code. It enables real
 concurrent execution when used with Python's threading module by releasing the
 GIL while processing an image in tesseract.
 tesserocr is designed to be Pillow-friendly but can also be used with image
 files instead.

I intend to maintain this pacakge as part of the DPMT.

